configs: changed CHI --noc-config format

Changed format from yaml to plain python. The new py configuration
file, when provided, must specialize the CHI node types defined in
configs/ruby/ (moved from configs/ruby/ This
is required in order to setup the node->router bindings when the
CustomMesh topology is used.

See configs/example/noc_config/ (replaces
configs/example/noc_config/2x4.yaml) for an example.

--noc-config was also renamed to --chi-config, since the CHI node types
can be fully specialized in the configuration file.

Change-Id: Ic0c5407dba3d2483d5c30634c115b5410a5228fd
Signed-off-by: Tiago Mück <>
Reviewed-by: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Maintainer: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
diff --git a/configs/example/noc_config/2x4.yaml b/configs/example/noc_config/
similarity index 63%
rename from configs/example/noc_config/2x4.yaml
rename to configs/example/noc_config/
index 84ec476..fe2522b 100644
--- a/configs/example/noc_config/2x4.yaml
+++ b/configs/example/noc_config/
@@ -33,38 +33,45 @@
-# 2x4 mesh definition
+from ruby import CHI_config
+# CustomMesh parameters for a 2x4 mesh. Routers will have the following layout:
 # 0 --- 1 --- 2 --- 3
 # |     |     |     |
 # 4 --- 5 --- 6 --- 7
-    num_rows : 2
-    num_cols : 4
-    router_latency : 1
-    link_latency : 1
+# Default parameter are configs/ruby/
+class NoC_Params(CHI_config.NoC_Params):
+    num_rows = 2
+    num_cols = 4
-# Bindings for each CHI node type.
+# Specialization of nodes to define bindings for each CHI node type
+# needed by CustomMesh.
+# The default types are defined in CHI_Node and their derivatives in
+# configs/ruby/
-    # Uncomment to map num_nodes_per_router RNFs in each provided router,
-    # assuming num. created CHI_RNFs == len(router_list)*num_nodes_per_router
-    # num_nodes_per_router: 1
-    router_list: [1, 2, 5, 6]
+class CHI_RNF(CHI_config.CHI_RNF):
+    class NoC_Params(CHI_config.CHI_RNF.NoC_Params):
+        router_list = [1, 2, 5, 6]
-    # num_nodes_per_router: 1
-    router_list: [1, 2, 5, 6]
+class CHI_HNF(CHI_config.CHI_HNF):
+    class NoC_Params(CHI_config.CHI_HNF.NoC_Params):
+        router_list = [1, 2, 5, 6]
-    # num_nodes_per_router: 1
-    router_list: [0, 4]
+class CHI_SNF_MainMem(CHI_config.CHI_SNF_MainMem):
+    class NoC_Params(CHI_config.CHI_SNF_MainMem.NoC_Params):
+        router_list = [0, 4]
-# Applies to CHI_SNF_BootMem and possibly other non-main memories
-    router_list: [3]
+class CHI_SNF_BootMem(CHI_config.CHI_SNF_BootMem):
+    class NoC_Params(CHI_config.CHI_SNF_BootMem.NoC_Params):
+        router_list = [3]
-# Applies to CHI_RNI_DMA and CHI_RNI_IO
-    router_list: [7]
+class CHI_RNI_DMA(CHI_config.CHI_RNI_DMA):
+    class NoC_Params(CHI_config.CHI_RNI_DMA.NoC_Params):
+        router_list = [7]
+class CHI_RNI_IO(CHI_config.CHI_RNI_IO):
+    class NoC_Params(CHI_config.CHI_RNI_IO.NoC_Params):
+        router_list = [7]
diff --git a/configs/ruby/ b/configs/ruby/
index 0a49371..61f0e18 100644
--- a/configs/ruby/
+++ b/configs/ruby/
@@ -33,617 +33,25 @@
-import math
-import yaml
 import m5
 from m5.objects import *
 from m5.defines import buildEnv
-from .Ruby import create_topology, setup_memory_controllers
+from .Ruby import create_topology
 def define_options(parser):
-    parser.add_option("--noc-config", action="store", type="string",
+    parser.add_option("--chi-config", action="store", type="string",
-                      help="YAML NoC config. parameters and bindings. "
-                           "required for CustomMesh topology")
+                      help="NoC config. parameters and bindings. "
+                           "Required for CustomMesh topology")
-class Versions:
-    '''
-    Helper class to obtain unique ids for a given controller class.
-    These are passed as the 'version' parameter when creating the controller.
-    '''
-    _seqs = 0
-    @classmethod
-    def getSeqId(cls):
-        val = cls._seqs
-        cls._seqs += 1
-        return val
-    _version = {}
-    @classmethod
-    def getVersion(cls, tp):
-        if tp not in cls._version:
-            cls._version[tp] = 0
-        val = cls._version[tp]
-        cls._version[tp] = val + 1
-        return val
-class CHI_Node(SubSystem):
-    '''
-    Base class with common functions for setting up Cache or Memory
-    controllers that are part of a CHI RNF, RNFI, HNF, or SNF nodes.
-    Notice getNetworkSideControllers and getAllControllers must be implemented
-    in the derived classes.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system):
-        super(CHI_Node, self).__init__()
-        self._ruby_system = ruby_system
-        self._network =
-    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
-        '''
-        Returns all ruby controllers that need to be connected to the
-        network
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def getAllControllers(self):
-        '''
-        Returns all ruby controllers associated with this node
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def setDownstream(self, cntrls):
-        '''
-        Sets cntrls as the downstream list of all controllers in this node
-        '''
-        for c in self.getNetworkSideControllers():
-            c.downstream_destinations = cntrls
-    def connectController(self, cntrl):
-        '''
-        Creates and configures the messages buffers for the CHI input/output
-        ports that connect to the network
-        '''
-        cntrl.reqOut = MessageBuffer()
-        cntrl.rspOut = MessageBuffer()
-        cntrl.snpOut = MessageBuffer()
-        cntrl.datOut = MessageBuffer()
-        cntrl.reqIn = MessageBuffer()
-        cntrl.rspIn = MessageBuffer()
-        cntrl.snpIn = MessageBuffer()
-        cntrl.datIn = MessageBuffer()
-        # All CHI ports are always connected to the network.
-        # Controllers that are not part of the getNetworkSideControllers list
-        # still communicate using internal routers, thus we need to wire-up the
-        # ports
-        cntrl.reqOut.out_port = self._network.in_port
-        cntrl.rspOut.out_port = self._network.in_port
-        cntrl.snpOut.out_port = self._network.in_port
-        cntrl.datOut.out_port = self._network.in_port
-        cntrl.reqIn.in_port = self._network.out_port
-        cntrl.rspIn.in_port = self._network.out_port
-        cntrl.snpIn.in_port = self._network.out_port
-        cntrl.datIn.in_port = self._network.out_port
-class TriggerMessageBuffer(MessageBuffer):
-    '''
-    MessageBuffer for triggering internal controller events.
-    These buffers should not be affected by the Ruby tester randomization
-    and allow poping messages enqueued in the same cycle.
-    '''
-    randomization = 'disabled'
-    allow_zero_latency = True
-class OrderedTriggerMessageBuffer(TriggerMessageBuffer):
-    ordered = True
-class CHI_Cache_Controller(Cache_Controller):
-    '''
-    Default parameters for a Cache controller
-    The Cache_Controller can also be used as a DMA requester or as
-    a pure directory if all cache allocation policies are disabled.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system):
-        super(CHI_Cache_Controller, self).__init__(
-            version = Versions.getVersion(Cache_Controller),
-            ruby_system = ruby_system,
-            mandatoryQueue = MessageBuffer(),
-            prefetchQueue = MessageBuffer(),
-            triggerQueue = TriggerMessageBuffer(),
-            retryTriggerQueue = OrderedTriggerMessageBuffer(),
-            replTriggerQueue = OrderedTriggerMessageBuffer(),
-            reqRdy = TriggerMessageBuffer(),
-            snpRdy = TriggerMessageBuffer())
-        # Set somewhat large number since we really a lot on internal
-        # triggers. To limit the controller performance, tweak other
-        # params such as: input port buffer size, cache banks, and output
-        # port latency
-        self.transitions_per_cycle = 128
-        # This should be set to true in the data cache controller to enable
-        # timeouts on unique lines when a store conditional fails
-        self.sc_lock_enabled = False
-class CHI_L1Controller(CHI_Cache_Controller):
-    '''
-    Default parameters for a L1 Cache controller
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, sequencer, cache, prefetcher):
-        super(CHI_L1Controller, self).__init__(ruby_system)
-        self.sequencer = sequencer
-        self.cache = cache
-        self.use_prefetcher = False
-        self.send_evictions = True
-        self.is_HN = False
-        self.enable_DMT = False
-        self.enable_DCT = False
-        # Strict inclusive MOESI
-        self.allow_SD = True
-        self.alloc_on_seq_acc = True
-        self.alloc_on_seq_line_write = False
-        self.alloc_on_readshared = True
-        self.alloc_on_readunique = True
-        self.alloc_on_readonce = True
-        self.alloc_on_writeback = True
-        self.dealloc_on_unique = False
-        self.dealloc_on_shared = False
-        self.dealloc_backinv_unique = True
-        self.dealloc_backinv_shared = True
-        # Some reasonable default TBE params
-        self.number_of_TBEs = 16
-        self.number_of_repl_TBEs = 16
-        self.number_of_snoop_TBEs = 4
-        self.unify_repl_TBEs = False
-class CHI_L2Controller(CHI_Cache_Controller):
-    '''
-    Default parameters for a L2 Cache controller
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, cache, prefetcher):
-        super(CHI_L2Controller, self).__init__(ruby_system)
-        self.sequencer = NULL
-        self.cache = cache
-        self.use_prefetcher = False
-        self.allow_SD = True
-        self.is_HN = False
-        self.enable_DMT = False
-        self.enable_DCT = False
-        self.send_evictions = False
-        # Strict inclusive MOESI
-        self.alloc_on_seq_acc = False
-        self.alloc_on_seq_line_write = False
-        self.alloc_on_readshared = True
-        self.alloc_on_readunique = True
-        self.alloc_on_readonce = True
-        self.alloc_on_writeback = True
-        self.dealloc_on_unique = False
-        self.dealloc_on_shared = False
-        self.dealloc_backinv_unique = True
-        self.dealloc_backinv_shared = True
-        # Some reasonable default TBE params
-        self.number_of_TBEs = 32
-        self.number_of_repl_TBEs = 32
-        self.number_of_snoop_TBEs = 16
-        self.unify_repl_TBEs = False
-class CHI_HNFController(CHI_Cache_Controller):
-    '''
-    Default parameters for a coherent home node (HNF) cache controller
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, cache, prefetcher, addr_ranges):
-        super(CHI_HNFController, self).__init__(ruby_system)
-        self.sequencer = NULL
-        self.cache = cache
-        self.use_prefetcher = False
-        self.addr_ranges = addr_ranges
-        self.allow_SD = True
-        self.is_HN = True
-        self.enable_DMT = True
-        self.enable_DCT = True
-        self.send_evictions = False
-        # MOESI / Mostly inclusive for shared / Exclusive for unique
-        self.alloc_on_seq_acc = False
-        self.alloc_on_seq_line_write = False
-        self.alloc_on_readshared = True
-        self.alloc_on_readunique = False
-        self.alloc_on_readonce = True
-        self.alloc_on_writeback = True
-        self.dealloc_on_unique = True
-        self.dealloc_on_shared = False
-        self.dealloc_backinv_unique = False
-        self.dealloc_backinv_shared = False
-        # Some reasonable default TBE params
-        self.number_of_TBEs = 32
-        self.number_of_repl_TBEs = 32
-        self.number_of_snoop_TBEs = 1 # should not receive any snoop
-        self.unify_repl_TBEs = False
-class CHI_DMAController(CHI_Cache_Controller):
-    '''
-    Default parameters for a DMA controller
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, sequencer):
-        super(CHI_DMAController, self).__init__(ruby_system)
-        self.sequencer = sequencer
-        class DummyCache(RubyCache):
-            dataAccessLatency = 0
-            tagAccessLatency = 1
-            size = "128"
-            assoc = 1
-        self.use_prefetcher = False
-        self.cache = DummyCache()
-        self.sequencer.dcache = NULL
-        # All allocations are false
-        # Deallocations are true (don't really matter)
-        self.allow_SD = False
-        self.is_HN = False
-        self.enable_DMT = False
-        self.enable_DCT = False
-        self.alloc_on_seq_acc = False
-        self.alloc_on_seq_line_write = False
-        self.alloc_on_readshared = False
-        self.alloc_on_readunique = False
-        self.alloc_on_readonce = False
-        self.alloc_on_writeback = False
-        self.dealloc_on_unique = False
-        self.dealloc_on_shared = False
-        self.dealloc_backinv_unique = False
-        self.dealloc_backinv_shared = False
-        self.send_evictions = False
-        self.number_of_TBEs = 16
-        self.number_of_repl_TBEs = 1
-        self.number_of_snoop_TBEs = 1 # should not receive any snoop
-        self.unify_repl_TBEs = False
-class CPUSequencerWrapper:
-    '''
-    Other generic configuration scripts assume a matching number of sequencers
-    and cpus. This wraps the instruction and data sequencer so they are
-    compatible with the other scripts. This assumes all scripts are using
-    connectCpuPorts/connectIOPorts to bind ports
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, iseq, dseq):
-        # use this style due to __setattr__ override below
-        self.__dict__['inst_seq'] = iseq
-        self.__dict__['data_seq'] = dseq
-        self.__dict__['support_data_reqs'] = True
-        self.__dict__['support_inst_reqs'] = True
-        # Compatibility with certain scripts that wire up ports
-        # without connectCpuPorts
-        self.__dict__['slave'] = dseq.in_ports
-        self.__dict__['in_ports'] = dseq.in_ports
-    def connectCpuPorts(self, cpu):
-        assert(isinstance(cpu, BaseCPU))
-        cpu.icache_port = self.inst_seq.in_ports
-        for p in cpu._cached_ports:
-            if str(p) != 'icache_port':
-                exec('cpu.%s = self.data_seq.in_ports' % p)
-        cpu.connectUncachedPorts(self.data_seq)
-    def connectIOPorts(self, piobus):
-        self.data_seq.connectIOPorts(piobus)
-    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-        setattr(self.inst_seq, name, value)
-        setattr(self.data_seq, name, value)
-class CHI_RNF(CHI_Node):
-    '''
-    Defines a CHI request node.
-    Notice all contollers and sequencers are set as children of the cpus, so
-    this object acts more like a proxy for seting things up and has no topology
-    significance unless the cpus are set as its children at the top level
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, cpus, ruby_system,
-                 l1Icache_type, l1Dcache_type,
-                 cache_line_size,
-                 l1Iprefetcher_type=None, l1Dprefetcher_type=None):
-        super(CHI_RNF, self).__init__(ruby_system)
-        self._block_size_bits = int(math.log(cache_line_size, 2))
-        # All sequencers and controllers
-        self._seqs = []
-        self._cntrls = []
-        # Last level controllers in this node, i.e., the ones that will send
-        # requests to the home nodes
-        self._ll_cntrls = []
-        self._cpus = cpus
-        # First creates L1 caches and sequencers
-        for cpu in self._cpus:
-            cpu.inst_sequencer = RubySequencer(version = Versions.getSeqId(),
-                                         ruby_system = ruby_system)
-            cpu.data_sequencer = RubySequencer(version = Versions.getSeqId(),
-                                         ruby_system = ruby_system)
-            self._seqs.append(CPUSequencerWrapper(cpu.inst_sequencer,
-                                                  cpu.data_sequencer))
-            # caches
-            l1i_cache = l1Icache_type(start_index_bit = self._block_size_bits,
-                                      is_icache = True)
-            l1d_cache = l1Dcache_type(start_index_bit = self._block_size_bits,
-                                      is_icache = False)
-            # Placeholders for future prefetcher support
-            if l1Iprefetcher_type != None or l1Dprefetcher_type != None:
-                m5.fatal('Prefetching not supported yet')
-            l1i_pf = NULL
-            l1d_pf = NULL
-            # cache controllers
-            cpu.l1i = CHI_L1Controller(ruby_system, cpu.inst_sequencer,
-                                       l1i_cache, l1i_pf)
-            cpu.l1d = CHI_L1Controller(ruby_system, cpu.data_sequencer,
-                                       l1d_cache, l1d_pf)
-            cpu.inst_sequencer.dcache = NULL
-            cpu.data_sequencer.dcache = cpu.l1d.cache
-            cpu.l1d.sc_lock_enabled = True
-            cpu._ll_cntrls = [cpu.l1i, cpu.l1d]
-            for c in cpu._ll_cntrls:
-                self._cntrls.append(c)
-                self.connectController(c)
-                self._ll_cntrls.append(c)
-    def getSequencers(self):
-        return self._seqs
-    def getAllControllers(self):
-        return self._cntrls
-    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
-        return self._cntrls
-    def setDownstream(self, cntrls):
-        for c in self._ll_cntrls:
-            c.downstream_destinations = cntrls
-    def getCpus(self):
-        return self._cpus
-    # Adds a private L2 for each cpu
-    def addPrivL2Cache(self, cache_type, pf_type=None):
-        self._ll_cntrls = []
-        for cpu in self._cpus:
-            l2_cache = cache_type(start_index_bit = self._block_size_bits,
-                                  is_icache = False)
-            if pf_type != None:
-                m5.fatal('Prefetching not supported yet')
-            l2_pf = NULL
-            cpu.l2 = CHI_L2Controller(self._ruby_system, l2_cache, l2_pf)
-            self._cntrls.append(cpu.l2)
-            self.connectController(cpu.l2)
-            self._ll_cntrls.append(cpu.l2)
-            for c in cpu._ll_cntrls:
-                c.downstream_destinations = [cpu.l2]
-            cpu._ll_cntrls = [cpu.l2]
-class CHI_HNF(CHI_Node):
-    '''
-    Encapsulates an HNF cache/directory controller.
-    Before the first controller is created, the class method
-    CHI_HNF.createAddrRanges must be called before creating any CHI_HNF object
-    to set-up the interleaved address ranges used by the HNFs
-    '''
-    _addr_ranges = []
-    @classmethod
-    def createAddrRanges(cls, sys_mem_ranges, cache_line_size, num_hnfs):
-        # Create the HNFs interleaved addr ranges
-        block_size_bits = int(math.log(cache_line_size, 2))
-        cls._addr_ranges = []
-        llc_bits = int(math.log(num_hnfs, 2))
-        numa_bit = block_size_bits + llc_bits - 1
-        for i in range(num_hnfs):
-            ranges = []
-            for r in sys_mem_ranges:
-                addr_range = AddrRange(r.start, size = r.size(),
-                                        intlvHighBit = numa_bit,
-                                        intlvBits = llc_bits,
-                                        intlvMatch = i)
-                ranges.append(addr_range)
-            cls._addr_ranges.append((ranges, numa_bit, i))
-    @classmethod
-    def getAddrRanges(cls, hnf_idx):
-        assert(len(cls._addr_ranges) != 0)
-        return cls._addr_ranges[hnf_idx]
-    # The CHI controller can be a child of this object or another if
-    # 'parent' if specified
-    def __init__(self, hnf_idx, ruby_system, llcache_type, parent):
-        super(CHI_HNF, self).__init__(ruby_system)
-        addr_ranges,intlvHighBit,intlvMatch = CHI_HNF.getAddrRanges(hnf_idx)
-        # All ranges should have the same interleaving
-        assert(len(addr_ranges) >= 1)
-        assert(intlvMatch == hnf_idx)
-        ll_cache = llcache_type(start_index_bit = intlvHighBit + 1)
-        self._cntrl = CHI_HNFController(ruby_system, ll_cache, NULL,
-                                        addr_ranges)
-        if parent == None:
-            self.cntrl = self._cntrl
-        else:
-            parent.cntrl = self._cntrl
-        self.connectController(self._cntrl)
-    def getAllControllers(self):
-        return [self._cntrl]
-    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
-        return [self._cntrl]
-class CHI_SNF_Base(CHI_Node):
-    '''
-    Creates CHI node controllers for the memory controllers
-    '''
-    # The CHI controller can be a child of this object or another if
-    # 'parent' if specified
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent):
-        super(CHI_SNF_Base, self).__init__(ruby_system)
-        self._cntrl = Memory_Controller(
-                          version = Versions.getVersion(Memory_Controller),
-                          ruby_system = ruby_system,
-                          triggerQueue = TriggerMessageBuffer(),
-                          responseFromMemory = MessageBuffer(),
-                          requestToMemory = MessageBuffer(ordered = True),
-                          reqRdy = TriggerMessageBuffer())
-        self.connectController(self._cntrl)
-        if parent:
-            parent.cntrl = self._cntrl
-        else:
-            self.cntrl = self._cntrl
-    def getAllControllers(self):
-        return [self._cntrl]
-    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
-        return [self._cntrl]
-    def getMemRange(self, mem_ctrl):
-        # TODO need some kind of transparent API for
-        # MemCtrl+DRAM vs SimpleMemory
-        if hasattr(mem_ctrl, 'range'):
-            return mem_ctrl.range
-        else:
-            return mem_ctrl.dram.range
-class CHI_SNF_BootMem(CHI_SNF_Base):
-    '''
-    Create the SNF for the boot memory
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent, bootmem):
-        super(CHI_SNF_BootMem, self).__init__(ruby_system, parent)
-        self._cntrl.memory_out_port = bootmem.port
-        self._cntrl.addr_ranges = self.getMemRange(bootmem)
-class CHI_SNF_MainMem(CHI_SNF_Base):
-    '''
-    Create the SNF for a list main memory controllers
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent, mem_ctrl = None):
-        super(CHI_SNF_MainMem, self).__init__(ruby_system, parent)
-        if mem_ctrl:
-            self._cntrl.memory_out_port = mem_ctrl.port
-            self._cntrl.addr_ranges = self.getMemRange(mem_ctrl)
-        # else bind ports and range later
-class CHI_RNI_Base(CHI_Node):
-    '''
-    Request node without cache / DMA
-    '''
-    # The CHI controller can be a child of this object or another if
-    # 'parent' if specified
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent):
-        super(CHI_RNI_Base, self).__init__(ruby_system)
-        self._sequencer = RubySequencer(version = Versions.getSeqId(),
-                                         ruby_system = ruby_system,
-                                         clk_domain = ruby_system.clk_domain)
-        self._cntrl = CHI_DMAController(ruby_system, self._sequencer)
-        if parent:
-            parent.cntrl = self._cntrl
-        else:
-            self.cntrl = self._cntrl
-        self.connectController(self._cntrl)
-    def getAllControllers(self):
-        return [self._cntrl]
-    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
-        return [self._cntrl]
-class CHI_RNI_DMA(CHI_RNI_Base):
-    '''
-    DMA controller wiredup to a given dma port
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, dma_port, parent):
-        super(CHI_RNI_DMA, self).__init__(ruby_system, parent)
-        assert(dma_port != None)
-        self._sequencer.in_ports = dma_port
-class CHI_RNI_IO(CHI_RNI_Base):
-    '''
-    DMA controller wiredup to ruby_system IO port
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent):
-        super(CHI_RNI_IO, self).__init__(ruby_system, parent)
-        ruby_system._io_port = self._sequencer
-def noc_params_from_config(config, noc_params):
-    # mesh options
-    noc_params.num_rows = config['mesh']['num_rows']
-    noc_params.num_cols = config['mesh']['num_cols']
-    if 'router_latency' in config['mesh']:
-        noc_params.router_latency = config['mesh']['router_latency']
-    if 'link_latency' in config['mesh']:
-        noc_params.router_link_latency = config['mesh']['link_latency']
-        noc_params.node_link_latency = config['mesh']['link_latency']
-    if 'router_link_latency' in config['mesh']:
-        noc_params.router_link_latency = config['mesh']['router_link_latency']
-    if 'node_link_latency' in config['mesh']:
-        noc_params.node_link_latency = config['mesh']['node_link_latency']
-    if 'cross_links' in config['mesh']:
-        noc_params.cross_link_latency = \
-                                config['mesh']['cross_link_latency']
-        noc_params.cross_links = []
-        for x, y in config['mesh']['cross_links']:
-            noc_params.cross_links.append((x, y))
-            noc_params.cross_links.append((y, x))
-    else:
-        noc_params.cross_links = []
-        noc_params.cross_link_latency = 0
-    # CHI_RNF options
-    noc_params.CHI_RNF = config['CHI_RNF']
-    # CHI_RNI_IO
-    noc_params.CHI_RNI_IO = config['CHI_RNI_IO']
-    # CHI_HNF options
-    noc_params.CHI_HNF = config['CHI_HNF']
-    if 'pairing' in config['CHI_HNF']:
-        noc_params.pairing = config['CHI_HNF']['pairing']
-    # CHI_SNF_MainMem
-    noc_params.CHI_SNF_MainMem = config['CHI_SNF_MainMem']
-    # CHI_SNF_IO (applies to CHI_SNF_Bootmem)
-    noc_params.CHI_SNF_IO = config['CHI_SNF_IO']
+def read_config_file(file):
+    ''' Read file as a module and return it '''
+    import types
+    import importlib.machinery
+    loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('chi_configs', file)
+    chi_configs = types.ModuleType(
+    loader.exec_module(chi_configs)
+    return chi_configs
 def create_system(options, full_system, system, dma_ports, bootmem,
@@ -657,25 +65,25 @@
     if options.num_l3caches < 1:
         m5.fatal('--num-l3caches must be at least 1')
-    # Default parameters for the network
-    class NoC_Params(object):
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.topology = options.topology
-   =
-            self.router_link_latency = 1
-            self.node_link_latency = 1
-            self.router_latency = 1
-            self.router_buffer_size = 4
-            self.cntrl_msg_size = 8
-            self.data_width = 32
-    params = NoC_Params()
-    # read additional configurations from yaml file if provided
-    if options.noc_config:
-        with open(options.noc_config, 'r') as file:
-            noc_params_from_config(yaml.load(file), params)
-    elif params.topology == 'CustomMesh':
+    # read specialized classes from config file if provided
+    if options.chi_config:
+        chi_defs = read_config_file(options.chi_config)
+    elif options.topology == 'CustomMesh':
         m5.fatal('--noc-config must be provided if topology is CustomMesh')
+    else:
+        # Use the defaults from CHI_config
+        from . import CHI_config as chi_defs
+    # NoC params
+    params = chi_defs.NoC_Params
+    # Node types
+    CHI_RNF = chi_defs.CHI_RNF
+    CHI_HNF = chi_defs.CHI_HNF
+    CHI_SNF_MainMem = chi_defs.CHI_SNF_MainMem
+    CHI_SNF_BootMem = chi_defs.CHI_SNF_BootMem
+    CHI_RNI_DMA = chi_defs.CHI_RNI_DMA
+    CHI_RNI_IO = chi_defs.CHI_RNI_IO
     # Declare caches and controller types used by the protocol
     # Notice tag and data accesses are not concurrent, so the a cache hit
@@ -824,17 +232,17 @@ = params.data_width = params.router_buffer_size
-    if params.topology == 'CustomMesh':
-        topology = create_topology(network_nodes, params)
-    elif params.topology in ['Crossbar', 'Pt2Pt']:
-        topology = create_topology(network_cntrls, params)
-    else:
-        m5.fatal("%s not supported!" % params.topology)
     # Incorporate the params into options so it's propagated to
-    # makeTopology by the parent script
+    # makeTopology and create_topology the parent scripts
     for k in dir(params):
         if not k.startswith('__'):
             setattr(options, k, getattr(params, k))
+    if options.topology == 'CustomMesh':
+        topology = create_topology(network_nodes, options)
+    elif options.topology in ['Crossbar', 'Pt2Pt']:
+        topology = create_topology(network_cntrls, options)
+    else:
+        m5.fatal("%s not supported!" % options.topology)
     return (cpu_sequencers, mem_cntrls, topology)
diff --git a/configs/ruby/ b/configs/ruby/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca3c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/ruby/
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 ARM Limited
+# All rights reserved.
+# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+# licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
+# terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+# unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+# modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+Definitions for CHI nodes and controller types. These are used by
+create_system in configs/ruby/ or may be used in custom configuration
+scripts. When used with create_system, the user may provide an additional
+configuration file as the --chi-config parameter to specialize the classes
+defined here.
+When using the CustomMesh topology, --chi-config must be provided with
+specialization of the NoC_Param classes defining the NoC dimensions and
+node to router binding. See configs/example/noc_config/ for an example.
+import math
+import m5
+from m5.objects import *
+class Versions:
+    '''
+    Helper class to obtain unique ids for a given controller class.
+    These are passed as the 'version' parameter when creating the controller.
+    '''
+    _seqs = 0
+    @classmethod
+    def getSeqId(cls):
+        val = cls._seqs
+        cls._seqs += 1
+        return val
+    _version = {}
+    @classmethod
+    def getVersion(cls, tp):
+        if tp not in cls._version:
+            cls._version[tp] = 0
+        val = cls._version[tp]
+        cls._version[tp] = val + 1
+        return val
+class NoC_Params:
+    '''
+    Default parameters for the interconnect. The value of data_width is
+    also used to set the data_channel_size for all CHI controllers.
+    (see configs/ruby/
+    '''
+    router_link_latency = 1
+    node_link_latency = 1
+    router_latency = 1
+    router_buffer_size = 4
+    cntrl_msg_size = 8
+    data_width = 32
+    cross_links = []
+    cross_link_latency = 0
+class CHI_Node(SubSystem):
+    '''
+    Base class with common functions for setting up Cache or Memory
+    controllers that are part of a CHI RNF, RNFI, HNF, or SNF nodes.
+    Notice getNetworkSideControllers and getAllControllers must be implemented
+    in the derived classes.
+    '''
+    class NoC_Params:
+        '''
+        NoC config. parameters and bindings required for CustomMesh topology.
+        Maps 'num_nodes_per_router' CHI nodes to each router provided in
+        'router_list'. This assumes len(router_list)*num_nodes_per_router
+        equals the number of nodes
+        If 'num_nodes_per_router' is left undefined, we circulate around
+        'router_list' until all nodes are mapped.
+        See 'distributeNodes' in configs/topologies/
+        '''
+        num_nodes_per_router = None
+        router_list = None
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system):
+        super(CHI_Node, self).__init__()
+        self._ruby_system = ruby_system
+        self._network =
+    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
+        '''
+        Returns all ruby controllers that need to be connected to the
+        network
+        '''
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def getAllControllers(self):
+        '''
+        Returns all ruby controllers associated with this node
+        '''
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def setDownstream(self, cntrls):
+        '''
+        Sets cntrls as the downstream list of all controllers in this node
+        '''
+        for c in self.getNetworkSideControllers():
+            c.downstream_destinations = cntrls
+    def connectController(self, cntrl):
+        '''
+        Creates and configures the messages buffers for the CHI input/output
+        ports that connect to the network
+        '''
+        cntrl.reqOut = MessageBuffer()
+        cntrl.rspOut = MessageBuffer()
+        cntrl.snpOut = MessageBuffer()
+        cntrl.datOut = MessageBuffer()
+        cntrl.reqIn = MessageBuffer()
+        cntrl.rspIn = MessageBuffer()
+        cntrl.snpIn = MessageBuffer()
+        cntrl.datIn = MessageBuffer()
+        # All CHI ports are always connected to the network.
+        # Controllers that are not part of the getNetworkSideControllers list
+        # still communicate using internal routers, thus we need to wire-up the
+        # ports
+        cntrl.reqOut.out_port = self._network.in_port
+        cntrl.rspOut.out_port = self._network.in_port
+        cntrl.snpOut.out_port = self._network.in_port
+        cntrl.datOut.out_port = self._network.in_port
+        cntrl.reqIn.in_port = self._network.out_port
+        cntrl.rspIn.in_port = self._network.out_port
+        cntrl.snpIn.in_port = self._network.out_port
+        cntrl.datIn.in_port = self._network.out_port
+class TriggerMessageBuffer(MessageBuffer):
+    '''
+    MessageBuffer for triggering internal controller events.
+    These buffers should not be affected by the Ruby tester randomization
+    and allow poping messages enqueued in the same cycle.
+    '''
+    randomization = 'disabled'
+    allow_zero_latency = True
+class OrderedTriggerMessageBuffer(TriggerMessageBuffer):
+    ordered = True
+class CHI_Cache_Controller(Cache_Controller):
+    '''
+    Default parameters for a Cache controller
+    The Cache_Controller can also be used as a DMA requester or as
+    a pure directory if all cache allocation policies are disabled.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system):
+        super(CHI_Cache_Controller, self).__init__(
+            version = Versions.getVersion(Cache_Controller),
+            ruby_system = ruby_system,
+            mandatoryQueue = MessageBuffer(),
+            prefetchQueue = MessageBuffer(),
+            triggerQueue = TriggerMessageBuffer(),
+            retryTriggerQueue = OrderedTriggerMessageBuffer(),
+            replTriggerQueue = OrderedTriggerMessageBuffer(),
+            reqRdy = TriggerMessageBuffer(),
+            snpRdy = TriggerMessageBuffer())
+        # Set somewhat large number since we really a lot on internal
+        # triggers. To limit the controller performance, tweak other
+        # params such as: input port buffer size, cache banks, and output
+        # port latency
+        self.transitions_per_cycle = 128
+        # This should be set to true in the data cache controller to enable
+        # timeouts on unique lines when a store conditional fails
+        self.sc_lock_enabled = False
+class CHI_L1Controller(CHI_Cache_Controller):
+    '''
+    Default parameters for a L1 Cache controller
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, sequencer, cache, prefetcher):
+        super(CHI_L1Controller, self).__init__(ruby_system)
+        self.sequencer = sequencer
+        self.cache = cache
+        self.use_prefetcher = False
+        self.send_evictions = True
+        self.is_HN = False
+        self.enable_DMT = False
+        self.enable_DCT = False
+        # Strict inclusive MOESI
+        self.allow_SD = True
+        self.alloc_on_seq_acc = True
+        self.alloc_on_seq_line_write = False
+        self.alloc_on_readshared = True
+        self.alloc_on_readunique = True
+        self.alloc_on_readonce = True
+        self.alloc_on_writeback = True
+        self.dealloc_on_unique = False
+        self.dealloc_on_shared = False
+        self.dealloc_backinv_unique = True
+        self.dealloc_backinv_shared = True
+        # Some reasonable default TBE params
+        self.number_of_TBEs = 16
+        self.number_of_repl_TBEs = 16
+        self.number_of_snoop_TBEs = 4
+        self.unify_repl_TBEs = False
+class CHI_L2Controller(CHI_Cache_Controller):
+    '''
+    Default parameters for a L2 Cache controller
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, cache, prefetcher):
+        super(CHI_L2Controller, self).__init__(ruby_system)
+        self.sequencer = NULL
+        self.cache = cache
+        self.use_prefetcher = False
+        self.allow_SD = True
+        self.is_HN = False
+        self.enable_DMT = False
+        self.enable_DCT = False
+        self.send_evictions = False
+        # Strict inclusive MOESI
+        self.alloc_on_seq_acc = False
+        self.alloc_on_seq_line_write = False
+        self.alloc_on_readshared = True
+        self.alloc_on_readunique = True
+        self.alloc_on_readonce = True
+        self.alloc_on_writeback = True
+        self.dealloc_on_unique = False
+        self.dealloc_on_shared = False
+        self.dealloc_backinv_unique = True
+        self.dealloc_backinv_shared = True
+        # Some reasonable default TBE params
+        self.number_of_TBEs = 32
+        self.number_of_repl_TBEs = 32
+        self.number_of_snoop_TBEs = 16
+        self.unify_repl_TBEs = False
+class CHI_HNFController(CHI_Cache_Controller):
+    '''
+    Default parameters for a coherent home node (HNF) cache controller
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, cache, prefetcher, addr_ranges):
+        super(CHI_HNFController, self).__init__(ruby_system)
+        self.sequencer = NULL
+        self.cache = cache
+        self.use_prefetcher = False
+        self.addr_ranges = addr_ranges
+        self.allow_SD = True
+        self.is_HN = True
+        self.enable_DMT = True
+        self.enable_DCT = True
+        self.send_evictions = False
+        # MOESI / Mostly inclusive for shared / Exclusive for unique
+        self.alloc_on_seq_acc = False
+        self.alloc_on_seq_line_write = False
+        self.alloc_on_readshared = True
+        self.alloc_on_readunique = False
+        self.alloc_on_readonce = True
+        self.alloc_on_writeback = True
+        self.dealloc_on_unique = True
+        self.dealloc_on_shared = False
+        self.dealloc_backinv_unique = False
+        self.dealloc_backinv_shared = False
+        # Some reasonable default TBE params
+        self.number_of_TBEs = 32
+        self.number_of_repl_TBEs = 32
+        self.number_of_snoop_TBEs = 1 # should not receive any snoop
+        self.unify_repl_TBEs = False
+class CHI_DMAController(CHI_Cache_Controller):
+    '''
+    Default parameters for a DMA controller
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, sequencer):
+        super(CHI_DMAController, self).__init__(ruby_system)
+        self.sequencer = sequencer
+        class DummyCache(RubyCache):
+            dataAccessLatency = 0
+            tagAccessLatency = 1
+            size = "128"
+            assoc = 1
+        self.use_prefetcher = False
+        self.cache = DummyCache()
+        self.sequencer.dcache = NULL
+        # All allocations are false
+        # Deallocations are true (don't really matter)
+        self.allow_SD = False
+        self.is_HN = False
+        self.enable_DMT = False
+        self.enable_DCT = False
+        self.alloc_on_seq_acc = False
+        self.alloc_on_seq_line_write = False
+        self.alloc_on_readshared = False
+        self.alloc_on_readunique = False
+        self.alloc_on_readonce = False
+        self.alloc_on_writeback = False
+        self.dealloc_on_unique = False
+        self.dealloc_on_shared = False
+        self.dealloc_backinv_unique = False
+        self.dealloc_backinv_shared = False
+        self.send_evictions = False
+        self.number_of_TBEs = 16
+        self.number_of_repl_TBEs = 1
+        self.number_of_snoop_TBEs = 1 # should not receive any snoop
+        self.unify_repl_TBEs = False
+class CPUSequencerWrapper:
+    '''
+    Other generic configuration scripts assume a matching number of sequencers
+    and cpus. This wraps the instruction and data sequencer so they are
+    compatible with the other scripts. This assumes all scripts are using
+    connectCpuPorts/connectIOPorts to bind ports
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, iseq, dseq):
+        # use this style due to __setattr__ override below
+        self.__dict__['inst_seq'] = iseq
+        self.__dict__['data_seq'] = dseq
+        self.__dict__['support_data_reqs'] = True
+        self.__dict__['support_inst_reqs'] = True
+        # Compatibility with certain scripts that wire up ports
+        # without connectCpuPorts
+        self.__dict__['slave'] = dseq.in_ports
+        self.__dict__['in_ports'] = dseq.in_ports
+    def connectCpuPorts(self, cpu):
+        assert(isinstance(cpu, BaseCPU))
+        cpu.icache_port = self.inst_seq.in_ports
+        for p in cpu._cached_ports:
+            if str(p) != 'icache_port':
+                exec('cpu.%s = self.data_seq.in_ports' % p)
+        cpu.connectUncachedPorts(self.data_seq)
+    def connectIOPorts(self, piobus):
+        self.data_seq.connectIOPorts(piobus)
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        setattr(self.inst_seq, name, value)
+        setattr(self.data_seq, name, value)
+class CHI_RNF(CHI_Node):
+    '''
+    Defines a CHI request node.
+    Notice all contollers and sequencers are set as children of the cpus, so
+    this object acts more like a proxy for seting things up and has no topology
+    significance unless the cpus are set as its children at the top level
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, cpus, ruby_system,
+                 l1Icache_type, l1Dcache_type,
+                 cache_line_size,
+                 l1Iprefetcher_type=None, l1Dprefetcher_type=None):
+        super(CHI_RNF, self).__init__(ruby_system)
+        self._block_size_bits = int(math.log(cache_line_size, 2))
+        # All sequencers and controllers
+        self._seqs = []
+        self._cntrls = []
+        # Last level controllers in this node, i.e., the ones that will send
+        # requests to the home nodes
+        self._ll_cntrls = []
+        self._cpus = cpus
+        # First creates L1 caches and sequencers
+        for cpu in self._cpus:
+            cpu.inst_sequencer = RubySequencer(version = Versions.getSeqId(),
+                                         ruby_system = ruby_system)
+            cpu.data_sequencer = RubySequencer(version = Versions.getSeqId(),
+                                         ruby_system = ruby_system)
+            self._seqs.append(CPUSequencerWrapper(cpu.inst_sequencer,
+                                                  cpu.data_sequencer))
+            # caches
+            l1i_cache = l1Icache_type(start_index_bit = self._block_size_bits,
+                                      is_icache = True)
+            l1d_cache = l1Dcache_type(start_index_bit = self._block_size_bits,
+                                      is_icache = False)
+            # Placeholders for future prefetcher support
+            if l1Iprefetcher_type != None or l1Dprefetcher_type != None:
+                m5.fatal('Prefetching not supported yet')
+            l1i_pf = NULL
+            l1d_pf = NULL
+            # cache controllers
+            cpu.l1i = CHI_L1Controller(ruby_system, cpu.inst_sequencer,
+                                       l1i_cache, l1i_pf)
+            cpu.l1d = CHI_L1Controller(ruby_system, cpu.data_sequencer,
+                                       l1d_cache, l1d_pf)
+            cpu.inst_sequencer.dcache = NULL
+            cpu.data_sequencer.dcache = cpu.l1d.cache
+            cpu.l1d.sc_lock_enabled = True
+            cpu._ll_cntrls = [cpu.l1i, cpu.l1d]
+            for c in cpu._ll_cntrls:
+                self._cntrls.append(c)
+                self.connectController(c)
+                self._ll_cntrls.append(c)
+    def getSequencers(self):
+        return self._seqs
+    def getAllControllers(self):
+        return self._cntrls
+    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
+        return self._cntrls
+    def setDownstream(self, cntrls):
+        for c in self._ll_cntrls:
+            c.downstream_destinations = cntrls
+    def getCpus(self):
+        return self._cpus
+    # Adds a private L2 for each cpu
+    def addPrivL2Cache(self, cache_type, pf_type=None):
+        self._ll_cntrls = []
+        for cpu in self._cpus:
+            l2_cache = cache_type(start_index_bit = self._block_size_bits,
+                                  is_icache = False)
+            if pf_type != None:
+                m5.fatal('Prefetching not supported yet')
+            l2_pf = NULL
+            cpu.l2 = CHI_L2Controller(self._ruby_system, l2_cache, l2_pf)
+            self._cntrls.append(cpu.l2)
+            self.connectController(cpu.l2)
+            self._ll_cntrls.append(cpu.l2)
+            for c in cpu._ll_cntrls:
+                c.downstream_destinations = [cpu.l2]
+            cpu._ll_cntrls = [cpu.l2]
+class CHI_HNF(CHI_Node):
+    '''
+    Encapsulates an HNF cache/directory controller.
+    Before the first controller is created, the class method
+    CHI_HNF.createAddrRanges must be called before creating any CHI_HNF object
+    to set-up the interleaved address ranges used by the HNFs
+    '''
+    class NoC_Params(CHI_Node.NoC_Params):
+        '''HNFs may also define the 'pairing' parameter to allow pairing'''
+        pairing = None
+    _addr_ranges = []
+    @classmethod
+    def createAddrRanges(cls, sys_mem_ranges, cache_line_size, num_hnfs):
+        # Create the HNFs interleaved addr ranges
+        block_size_bits = int(math.log(cache_line_size, 2))
+        cls._addr_ranges = []
+        llc_bits = int(math.log(num_hnfs, 2))
+        numa_bit = block_size_bits + llc_bits - 1
+        for i in range(num_hnfs):
+            ranges = []
+            for r in sys_mem_ranges:
+                addr_range = AddrRange(r.start, size = r.size(),
+                                        intlvHighBit = numa_bit,
+                                        intlvBits = llc_bits,
+                                        intlvMatch = i)
+                ranges.append(addr_range)
+            cls._addr_ranges.append((ranges, numa_bit, i))
+    @classmethod
+    def getAddrRanges(cls, hnf_idx):
+        assert(len(cls._addr_ranges) != 0)
+        return cls._addr_ranges[hnf_idx]
+    # The CHI controller can be a child of this object or another if
+    # 'parent' if specified
+    def __init__(self, hnf_idx, ruby_system, llcache_type, parent):
+        super(CHI_HNF, self).__init__(ruby_system)
+        addr_ranges,intlvHighBit,intlvMatch = self.getAddrRanges(hnf_idx)
+        # All ranges should have the same interleaving
+        assert(len(addr_ranges) >= 1)
+        assert(intlvMatch == hnf_idx)
+        ll_cache = llcache_type(start_index_bit = intlvHighBit + 1)
+        self._cntrl = CHI_HNFController(ruby_system, ll_cache, NULL,
+                                        addr_ranges)
+        if parent == None:
+            self.cntrl = self._cntrl
+        else:
+            parent.cntrl = self._cntrl
+        self.connectController(self._cntrl)
+    def getAllControllers(self):
+        return [self._cntrl]
+    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
+        return [self._cntrl]
+class CHI_SNF_Base(CHI_Node):
+    '''
+    Creates CHI node controllers for the memory controllers
+    '''
+    # The CHI controller can be a child of this object or another if
+    # 'parent' if specified
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent):
+        super(CHI_SNF_Base, self).__init__(ruby_system)
+        self._cntrl = Memory_Controller(
+                          version = Versions.getVersion(Memory_Controller),
+                          ruby_system = ruby_system,
+                          triggerQueue = TriggerMessageBuffer(),
+                          responseFromMemory = MessageBuffer(),
+                          requestToMemory = MessageBuffer(ordered = True),
+                          reqRdy = TriggerMessageBuffer())
+        self.connectController(self._cntrl)
+        if parent:
+            parent.cntrl = self._cntrl
+        else:
+            self.cntrl = self._cntrl
+    def getAllControllers(self):
+        return [self._cntrl]
+    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
+        return [self._cntrl]
+    def getMemRange(self, mem_ctrl):
+        # TODO need some kind of transparent API for
+        # MemCtrl+DRAM vs SimpleMemory
+        if hasattr(mem_ctrl, 'range'):
+            return mem_ctrl.range
+        else:
+            return mem_ctrl.dram.range
+class CHI_SNF_BootMem(CHI_SNF_Base):
+    '''
+    Create the SNF for the boot memory
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent, bootmem):
+        super(CHI_SNF_BootMem, self).__init__(ruby_system, parent)
+        self._cntrl.memory_out_port = bootmem.port
+        self._cntrl.addr_ranges = self.getMemRange(bootmem)
+class CHI_SNF_MainMem(CHI_SNF_Base):
+    '''
+    Create the SNF for a list main memory controllers
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent, mem_ctrl = None):
+        super(CHI_SNF_MainMem, self).__init__(ruby_system, parent)
+        if mem_ctrl:
+            self._cntrl.memory_out_port = mem_ctrl.port
+            self._cntrl.addr_ranges = self.getMemRange(mem_ctrl)
+        # else bind ports and range later
+class CHI_RNI_Base(CHI_Node):
+    '''
+    Request node without cache / DMA
+    '''
+    # The CHI controller can be a child of this object or another if
+    # 'parent' if specified
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent):
+        super(CHI_RNI_Base, self).__init__(ruby_system)
+        self._sequencer = RubySequencer(version = Versions.getSeqId(),
+                                         ruby_system = ruby_system,
+                                         clk_domain = ruby_system.clk_domain)
+        self._cntrl = CHI_DMAController(ruby_system, self._sequencer)
+        if parent:
+            parent.cntrl = self._cntrl
+        else:
+            self.cntrl = self._cntrl
+        self.connectController(self._cntrl)
+    def getAllControllers(self):
+        return [self._cntrl]
+    def getNetworkSideControllers(self):
+        return [self._cntrl]
+class CHI_RNI_DMA(CHI_RNI_Base):
+    '''
+    DMA controller wiredup to a given dma port
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, dma_port, parent):
+        super(CHI_RNI_DMA, self).__init__(ruby_system, parent)
+        assert(dma_port != None)
+        self._sequencer.in_ports = dma_port
+class CHI_RNI_IO(CHI_RNI_Base):
+    '''
+    DMA controller wiredup to ruby_system IO port
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, ruby_system, parent):
+        super(CHI_RNI_IO, self).__init__(ruby_system, parent)
+        ruby_system._io_port = self._sequencer
diff --git a/configs/topologies/ b/configs/topologies/
index 73793e4..70bf55d 100644
--- a/configs/topologies/
+++ b/configs/topologies/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 from m5.defines import buildEnv
 if buildEnv['PROTOCOL'] == 'CHI':
-    import ruby.CHI as CHI
+    import ruby.CHI_config as CHI
 from topologies.BaseTopology import SimpleTopology
@@ -163,8 +163,12 @@
         return node_router
-    def distributeNodes(self, num_nodes_per_router, router_idx_list,
-                        node_list):
+    def distributeNodes(self, node_placement_config, node_list):
+        if len(node_list) == 0:
+            return
+        num_nodes_per_router = node_placement_config.num_nodes_per_router
+        router_idx_list = node_placement_config.router_list
         if num_nodes_per_router:
             # evenly distribute nodes to all listed routers
@@ -233,25 +237,45 @@
             self._node_link_latency = options.link_latency
         # classify nodes into different types
-        rnf_list = []
-        hnf_list = []
-        mem_ctrls = []
-        io_mem_ctrls = []
-        io_rni_ctrls = []
+        rnf_nodes = []
+        hnf_nodes = []
+        mem_nodes = []
+        io_mem_nodes = []
+        rni_dma_nodes = []
+        rni_io_nodes = []
+        # Notice below that all the type must be the same for all nodes with
+        # the same base type.
+        rnf_params = None
+        hnf_params = None
+        mem_params = None
+        io_mem_params = None
+        rni_dma_params = None
+        rni_io_params = None
+        def check_same(val, curr):
+            assert(curr == None or curr == val)
+            return val
         for n in self.nodes:
             if isinstance(n, CHI.CHI_RNF):
-                rnf_list.append(n)
+                rnf_nodes.append(n)
+                rnf_params = check_same(type(n).NoC_Params, rnf_params)
             elif isinstance(n, CHI.CHI_HNF):
-                hnf_list.append(n)
+                hnf_nodes.append(n)
+                hnf_params = check_same(type(n).NoC_Params, hnf_params)
             elif isinstance(n, CHI.CHI_SNF_MainMem):
-                mem_ctrls.append(n)
+                mem_nodes.append(n)
+                mem_params = check_same(type(n).NoC_Params, mem_params)
             elif isinstance(n, CHI.CHI_SNF_BootMem):
-                io_mem_ctrls.append(n)
+                io_mem_nodes.append(n)
+                io_mem_params = check_same(type(n).NoC_Params, io_mem_params)
             elif isinstance(n, CHI.CHI_RNI_DMA):
-                io_rni_ctrls.append(n)
+                rni_dma_nodes.append(n)
+                rni_dma_params = check_same(type(n).NoC_Params, rni_dma_params)
             elif isinstance(n, CHI.CHI_RNI_IO):
-                io_rni_ctrls.append(n)
+                rni_io_nodes.append(n)
+                rni_io_params = check_same(type(n).NoC_Params, rni_io_params)
                 fatal('topologies.CustomMesh: {} not supported'
@@ -269,39 +293,20 @@
                        options.cross_links, options.cross_link_latency)
         # Place CHI_RNF on the mesh
-        num_nodes_per_router = options.CHI_RNF['num_nodes_per_router'] \
-                if 'num_nodes_per_router' in options.CHI_RNF else None
-        self.distributeNodes(num_nodes_per_router,
-                             options.CHI_RNF['router_list'],
-                             rnf_list)
+        self.distributeNodes(rnf_params, rnf_nodes)
         # Place CHI_HNF on the mesh
-        num_nodes_per_router = options.CHI_HNF['num_nodes_per_router'] \
-                if 'num_nodes_per_router' in options.CHI_HNF else None
-        self.distributeNodes(num_nodes_per_router,
-                             options.CHI_HNF['router_list'],
-                             hnf_list)
+        self.distributeNodes(hnf_params, hnf_nodes)
         # Place CHI_SNF_MainMem on the mesh
-        num_nodes_per_router = options.CHI_SNF_MainMem['num_nodes_per_router']\
-                if 'num_nodes_per_router' in options.CHI_SNF_MainMem else None
-        self.distributeNodes(num_nodes_per_router,
-                             options.CHI_SNF_MainMem['router_list'],
-                             mem_ctrls)
+        self.distributeNodes(mem_params, mem_nodes)
         # Place all IO mem nodes on the mesh
-        num_nodes_per_router = options.CHI_SNF_IO['num_nodes_per_router'] \
-                if 'num_nodes_per_router' in options.CHI_SNF_IO else None
-        self.distributeNodes(num_nodes_per_router,
-                             options.CHI_SNF_IO['router_list'],
-                             io_mem_ctrls)
+        self.distributeNodes(io_mem_params, io_mem_nodes)
         # Place all IO request nodes on the mesh
-        num_nodes_per_router = options.CHI_RNI_IO['num_nodes_per_router'] \
-                if 'num_nodes_per_router' in options.CHI_RNI_IO else None
-        self.distributeNodes(num_nodes_per_router,
-                             options.CHI_RNI_IO['router_list'],
-                             io_rni_ctrls)
+        self.distributeNodes(rni_dma_params, rni_dma_nodes)
+        self.distributeNodes(rni_io_params, rni_io_nodes)
         # Set up
         network.int_links = self._int_links