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// method_suspends_itself.cpp -- test for
// Original Author: John Aynsley, Doulos, Inc.
// MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
// $Log: method_suspends_itself.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.3 2011/05/08 19:18:46 acg
// Andy Goodrich: remove extraneous + prefixes from git diff.
// Method process uses suspends, resumes, disables, and enables itself
#include <systemc>
using namespace sc_core;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
struct Top: sc_module
Top(sc_module_name _name)
sensitive << ev;
t = sc_get_current_process_handle();
suspend_target = false;
resume_target = false;
disable_target = false;
enable_target = false;
dynamic_sensitivity = false;
f0 = f1 = f2 = f3 = f4 = f5 = f6 = f7 = f8 = f9 = 0;
f10 = f11 = f12 = f13 = f14 = f15 = f16 = f17 = f18 = f19 = 0;
f20 = f21 = f22 = f23 = f24 = f25 = f26 = f27 = f28 = f29 = 0;
sc_process_handle t;
sc_event ev, ev2;
bool suspend_target;
bool resume_target;
bool disable_target;
bool enable_target;
bool dynamic_sensitivity;
int count;
int f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9;
int f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f19;
int f20, f21, f22, f23, f24, f25, f26, f27, f28, f29;
void ticker()
for (;;)
wait(10, SC_NS);
void calling()
count = 1;
wait(15, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 10 NS
count = 2;
suspend_target = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 20 NS and suspends itself
count = 3;
suspend_target = false;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target does not run at 30 NS
count = 4;
// Target runs at 35 NS
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 40 NS
count = 6;
suspend_target = true;
resume_target = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 50 NS
count = 7;
resume_target = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Double resume at 60 NS
count = 8;
suspend_target = true;
resume_target = false;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 70 NS
count = 9;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Double suspend
// Target does not run at 80 NS
count = 10;
suspend_target = false;
resume_target = false;
// Target runs at 85 NS
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 90 NS
sc_assert( count == 11 );
count = 12;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target does not run at 100 NS
count = 13;
// Target runs at 105 NS
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 110 NS
sc_assert( count == 14 );
count = 15;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target does not run at 120 NS
count = 16;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target does not run at 130 NS
count = 17;
// Double disable
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target does not run at 140 NS
count = 18;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 150 NS
count = 19;
// Double enable
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 160 NS
count = 20;
disable_target = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 170 and disables itself
count = 21;
disable_target = false;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target does not run at 180
count = 22;
enable_target = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target does not run at 190
count = 23;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Failed to enable it itself, so still does not run at 200
count = 24;
enable_target = false;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 210
count = 25;
disable_target = true;
enable_target = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 220 and calls disable -> enable
count = 26;
disable_target = false;
enable_target = false;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target runs at 230
count = 27;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Target does not run at 240
count = 28;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Has no effect - still suspended at 250
count = 29;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Both disabled and suspended at 260
count = 30;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Enabled but still suspended
count = 31;
// Target resumed at 275 NS
count = 311;
wait(10, SC_NS);
count = 32;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Disabled at 290 NS
count = 33;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Still disabled at 300 NS
count = 34;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Both disabled and suspended at 310
count = 35;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Remains suspended at 320
count = 36;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Resumed at 325 NS and runs at 330
sc_assert( count == 37 );
count = 38;
suspend_target = true;
resume_target = true;
disable_target = true;
enable_target = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Runs at 340
count = 39;
suspend_target = true;
resume_target = false;
disable_target = true;
enable_target = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Runs at 350, when it suspends
count = 40;
suspend_target = false;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Suspended at 360
count = 41;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Runs at 365 and 370
sc_assert( count == 42 );
sc_assert( t.valid() );
sc_assert( t.terminated() == false );
sc_assert( t.dynamic() == false );
sc_assert( t.get_parent_object() == this );
sc_assert( t.get_process_object() != 0 );
count = 43;
count = 44;
dynamic_sensitivity = true;
wait(10, SC_NS);
// Runs at 380
count = 45;
wait(1, SC_NS);
count = 46;
wait(sc_time(400, SC_NS) - sc_time_stamp());
count = 47;
dynamic_sensitivity = false;
t.sync_reset_on(); // Still dynamically sensitive to ev2
ev2.notify(); // Clears dynamic sensitivity, restores static sensitivity
count = 48;
wait(10, SC_NS);
count = 49;
if (t.valid())
sc_assert( t.terminated() );
void target()
//cout << "Target called at " << sc_time_stamp() << " count = " << count << endl;
switch (count)
case 1: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(10, SC_NS) ); f0=1; break;
case 2: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(20, SC_NS) ); f1=1; break;
case 4: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(35, SC_NS) ); count = 5; f2=1; break;
case 5: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(40, SC_NS) ); f3=1; break;
case 6: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(50, SC_NS) ); f4=1; break;
case 7: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(60, SC_NS) ); f5=1; break;
case 8: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(70, SC_NS) ); f6=1; break;
case 10: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(85, SC_NS) ); count = 11; f7=1; break;
case 11: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(90, SC_NS) ); f8=1; break;
case 13: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(105, SC_NS) ); count = 14; f9=1; break;
case 14: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(110, SC_NS) ); f10=1; break;
case 18: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(150, SC_NS) ); f11=1; break;
case 19: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(160, SC_NS) ); f12=1; break;
case 20: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(170, SC_NS) ); f13=1; break;
case 24: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(210, SC_NS) ); f14=1; break;
case 25: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(220, SC_NS) ); f15=1; break;
case 26: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(230, SC_NS) ); f16=1; break;
case 31: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(275, SC_NS) ); f17=1; break;
case 311:sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(280, SC_NS) ); f18=1; break;
case 36: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(325, SC_NS) ); count = 37; f19=1; break;
case 37: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(330, SC_NS) ); f20=1; break;
case 38: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(340, SC_NS) ); f21=1; break;
case 39: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(350, SC_NS) ); f22=1; break;
case 41: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(365, SC_NS) ); count = 42; f23=1; break;
case 42: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(370, SC_NS) ); f24=1; break;
case 43: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(375, SC_NS) ); f29=1; break; ////////
case 44: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(380, SC_NS) ); f25=1; break;
case 45: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(385, SC_NS) ); f26=1; break;
case 46: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(386, SC_NS) ); f27=1; break;
case 48: sc_assert( sc_time_stamp() == sc_time(400, SC_NS) ); f28=1; break;
default: sc_assert( false ); break;
if (suspend_target)
if (resume_target)
if (disable_target)
if (enable_target)
if (dynamic_sensitivity)
int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[])
Top top("top");
sc_assert( top.f0 );
sc_assert( top.f1 );
sc_assert( top.f2 );
sc_assert( top.f3 );
sc_assert( top.f4 );
sc_assert( top.f5 );
sc_assert( top.f6 );
sc_assert( top.f7 );
sc_assert( top.f8 );
sc_assert( top.f9 );
sc_assert( top.f10 );
sc_assert( top.f11 );
sc_assert( top.f12 );
sc_assert( top.f13 );
sc_assert( top.f14 );
sc_assert( top.f15 );
sc_assert( top.f16 );
sc_assert( top.f17 );
sc_assert( top.f18 );
sc_assert( top.f19 );
sc_assert( top.f20 );
sc_assert( top.f21 );
sc_assert( top.f22 );
sc_assert( top.f23 );
sc_assert( top.f24 );
sc_assert( top.f25 );
sc_assert( top.f26 );
sc_assert( top.f27 );
sc_assert( top.f28 );
sc_assert( top.f29 );
cout << endl << "Success" << endl;
return 0;