blob: c4ff50854aa33215c0db92ae2f2b435a3ac27844 [file] [log] [blame]
# This upgrader moves memory pools from the system object to the SE workload
# object.
def upgrader(cpt):
systems = {}
# Find sections with 'num_mem_pools' options, and assume those are system
# objects which host MemPools.
for sec in cpt.sections():
num_mem_pools = cpt.get(sec, 'num_mem_pools', fallback=None)
if num_mem_pools is not None:
systems[sec] = num_mem_pools
for sec, num_mem_pools in systems.items():
# Transfer num_mem_pools to the new location.
cpt.remove_option(sec, 'num_mem_pools')
cpt.set(f'{sec}.workload', 'num_mem_pools', num_mem_pools)
for idx in range(int(num_mem_pools)):
old_name = f'{sec}.memPool{idx}'
new_name = f'{sec}.workload.memPool{idx}'
# Create the new section.
# Copy items from the old section into it.
for item in cpt.items(old_name):
cpt.set(new_name, *item)
# Delete the old section.
depends = 'mempool-sections'