Major clean up of alpha system files.

    moved header files to /h so updated make file for that
    upadated to use osf file that the palcode uses, one less file
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/Makefile b/system/alpha/console/Makefile
index 5185960..1020bfb 100644
--- a/system/alpha/console/Makefile
+++ b/system/alpha/console/Makefile
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
 	$(CC)  -g3 $(INCLUDES) -nostdinc++ -o $*.o -c $*.c
 paljtokern.s.o: paljtokern.s
-	g++ -I ../palcode -E -P -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++ paljtokern.s | \
+	g++ -I ../h -E -P -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++ paljtokern.s | \
 	$(AS) -m 21164 -o paljtokern.s.o
 paljtoslave.s.o: paljtoslave.s
-	g++ -I ../palcode -E -P -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++ paljtoslave.s | \
+	g++ -I ../h -E -P -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++ paljtoslave.s | \
 	$(AS) -m 21164 -o paljtoslave.s.o
 console: console.o dbmentry.o printf.o paljtokern.s.o paljtoslave.s.o 
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/dbmentry.s b/system/alpha/console/dbmentry.s
index 754fee2..d8741e6 100644
--- a/system/alpha/console/dbmentry.s
+++ b/system/alpha/console/dbmentry.s
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include "ev5_impure.h"
 #include "cserve.h"
-#include "osf.h"
+#include "fromHudsonOsf.h"
 //#include "paldefs.h"
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/paljtokern.s b/system/alpha/console/paljtokern.s
index 979d719..66b5934 100644
--- a/system/alpha/console/paljtokern.s
+++ b/system/alpha/console/paljtokern.s
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-#include "dc21164.h"	// DECchip 21164 specific definitions
-#include "osf.h"	// OSF/1 specific definitions
-#include "macros.h"	// Global macro definitions
+#include "dc21164FromGasSources.h"	// DECchip 21164 specific definitions
+#include "ev5_defs.h" 
+#include "fromHudsonOsf.h"	// OSF/1 specific definitions
+#include "fromHudsonMacros.h"	// Global macro definitions
 #include "ev5_impure.h"	// Scratch & logout area data structures
 #include "platform.h"	// Platform specific definitions
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.s b/system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.s
index c1809af..3c3abd0 100644
--- a/system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.s
+++ b/system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.s
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-#include	"dc21164.h"	// DECchip 21164 specific definitions
-#include	"osf.h"		// OSF/1 specific definitions
-#include	"macros.h"	// Global macro definitions
+#include	"dc21164FromGasSources.h"	// DECchip 21164 specific definitions
+#include    "ev5_defs.h"
+#include	"fromHudsonOsf.h"		// OSF/1 specific definitions
+#include	"fromHudsonMacros.h"	// Global macro definitions
 #include	"ev5_impure.h"	// Scratch & logout area data structures
 #include	"platform.h"	// Platform specific definitions
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/cserve.h b/system/alpha/h/cserve.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/cserve.h
rename to system/alpha/h/cserve.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/dc21164FromGasSources.h b/system/alpha/h/dc21164FromGasSources.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/dc21164FromGasSources.h
rename to system/alpha/h/dc21164FromGasSources.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/ev5_alpha_defs.h b/system/alpha/h/ev5_alpha_defs.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/ev5_alpha_defs.h
rename to system/alpha/h/ev5_alpha_defs.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/ev5_defs.h b/system/alpha/h/ev5_defs.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/ev5_defs.h
rename to system/alpha/h/ev5_defs.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/ev5_impure.h b/system/alpha/h/ev5_impure.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/ev5_impure.h
rename to system/alpha/h/ev5_impure.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/ev5_osfalpha_defs.h b/system/alpha/h/ev5_osfalpha_defs.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/ev5_osfalpha_defs.h
rename to system/alpha/h/ev5_osfalpha_defs.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/ev5_paldef.h b/system/alpha/h/ev5_paldef.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/ev5_paldef.h
rename to system/alpha/h/ev5_paldef.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/fromHudsonMacros.h b/system/alpha/h/fromHudsonMacros.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/fromHudsonMacros.h
rename to system/alpha/h/fromHudsonMacros.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/fromHudsonOsf.h b/system/alpha/h/fromHudsonOsf.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/fromHudsonOsf.h
rename to system/alpha/h/fromHudsonOsf.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/platform.h b/system/alpha/h/platform.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/platform.h
rename to system/alpha/h/platform.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/simos.h b/system/alpha/h/simos.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/simos.h
rename to system/alpha/h/simos.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/tlaserreg.h b/system/alpha/h/tlaserreg.h
similarity index 100%
rename from system/alpha/palcode/tlaserreg.h
rename to system/alpha/h/tlaserreg.h
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/Makefile b/system/alpha/palcode/Makefile
index 14a700c..4f0cc96 100644
--- a/system/alpha/palcode/Makefile
+++ b/system/alpha/palcode/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 CC = alpha-elf-g++
 LD = alpha-elf-ld
 #CFLAGS=-I ../h -E -P -D SIMOS -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++
-CFLAGS=-I . -E -P -D SIMOS -D BUILD_PALCODE -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++
+CFLAGS=-I . -I ../h -E -P -D SIMOS -D BUILD_PALCODE -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++
 LDFLAGS=-Ttext 0x4000
@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@
 	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o ts_osfpal $(TSOBJS) 
-	rm -f *.o *.i osfpal
+	rm -f *.o *.i osfpal ts_osfpal tl_osfpal
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/dc21164.h b/system/alpha/palcode/dc21164.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bdb118..0000000
--- a/system/alpha/palcode/dc21164.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,961 +0,0 @@
- *      VID: [T1.2] PT: [Fri Apr 21 16:47:11 1995] SF: [dc21164.h]
- *       TI: [/sae_users/cruz/bin/vice -iplatform.s -l// -p# -DEB164 -h -m -aeb164 ]
- */
-#define	__DC21164_LOADED	1
-**                                                                          *
-**  Copyright © 1993, 1994						    *
-**  by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.		    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  All Rights Reserved							    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  Permission  is  hereby  granted  to  use, copy, modify and distribute   *
-**  this  software  and  its  documentation,  in  both  source  code  and   *
-**  object  code  form,  and without fee, for the purpose of distribution   *
-**  of this software  or  modifications  of this software within products   *
-**  incorporating  an  integrated   circuit  implementing  Digital's  AXP   *
-**  architecture,  regardless  of the  source of such integrated circuit,   *
-**  provided that the  above copyright  notice and this permission notice   *
-**  appear  in  all copies,  and  that  the  name  of  Digital  Equipment   *
-**  Corporation  not  be  used  in advertising or publicity pertaining to   *
-**  distribution of the  document  or  software without specific, written   *
-**  prior permission.							    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  Digital  Equipment  Corporation   disclaims  all   warranties  and/or   *
-**  guarantees  with  regard  to  this  software,  including  all implied   *
-**  warranties of fitness for  a  particular purpose and merchantability,   *
-**  and makes  no  representations  regarding  the use of, or the results   *
-**  of the use of, the software and documentation in terms of correctness,  *
-**  accuracy,  reliability,  currentness  or  otherwise;  and you rely on   *
-**  the software, documentation and results solely at your own risk.	    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  AXP is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.		    *
-**                                                                          *
-**      DECchip 21164 PALcode
-**  MODULE:
-**      dc21164.h
-**      DECchip 21164 specific definitions
-**  CREATION DATE:  24-Nov-1993
-**  $Id: dc21164.h,v 1997/10/30 23:27:18 verghese Exp $
-**  $Log: dc21164.h,v $
-**  Revision  1997/10/30 23:27:18  verghese
-**  current 10/29/97
-**  Revision 1.15  1995/04/21  02:06:30  fdh
-**  Replaced C++ style comments with Standard C style comments.
-**  Revision 1.14  1995/03/20  14:55:23  samberg
-**  Add flushIc to make Roger Cruz's life easier.
-**  Revision 1.13  1994/12/14  15:52:48  samberg
-**  Add slXmit and slRcv bit definitions
-**  Revision 1.12  1994/09/07  15:43:49  samberg
-**  Changes for Makefile.vpp, take out OSF definition
-**  Revision 1.11  1994/07/26  17:38:35  samberg
-**  Changes for SD164.
-**  Revision 1.10  1994/07/08  17:02:12  samberg
-**  Changes to support platform specific additions
-**  Revision 1.8  1994/05/31  15:49:21  ericr
-**  Moved ptKdebug from pt10 to pt13; pt10 is used in MCHK flows
-**  Revision 1.7  1994/05/26  19:29:51  ericr
-**  Added BC_CONFIG definitions
-**  Revision 1.6  1994/05/25  14:27:25  ericr
-**  Added physical bit to ldq_lp and stq_cp macros
-**  Revision 1.5  1994/05/20  18:07:50  ericr
-**  Changed line comments to C++ style comment character
-**  Revision 1.4  1994/01/17  21:46:54  ericr
-**  Added floating point register definitions
-**  Revision 1.3  1994/01/03  19:31:49  ericr
-**  Added cache parity error status register definitions
-**  Revision 1.2  1993/12/22  20:42:35  eric
-**  Added ptTrap, ptMisc and flag definitions
-**  Added PAL shadow regsiter definitions
-**  Revision 1.1  1993/12/16  21:55:05  eric
-**  Initial revision
-**  The internal processor register definitions below are annotated
-**  with one of the following symbols:
-**	RW - The register may be read and written
-**	RO - The register may only be read
-**	WO - The register may only be written
-**  For RO and WO registers, all bits and fields within the register are
-**  also read-only or write-only.  For RW registers, each bit or field
-**  within the register is annotated with one of the following:
-**	RW  - The bit/field may be read and written
-** 	RO  - The bit/field may be read; writes are ignored
-**	WO  - The bit/field may be written; reads return UNPREDICTABLE
-**	WZ  - The bit/field may be written; reads return a zero value
-**	W0C - The bit/field may be read; write-zero-to-clear
-**	W1C - The bit/field may be read; write-one-to-clear
-**	WA  - The bit/field may be read; write-anything-to-clear
-**	RC  - The bit/field may be read, causing state to clear;
-**	      writes are ignored
-**  Ibox IPR Definitions:
-#define isr		0x100	/* RO - Interrupt Summary */
-#define itbTag		0x101	/* WO - ITB Tag */
-#define	itbPte		0x102	/* RW - ITB Page Table Entry */
-#define itbAsn		0x103	/* RW - ITB Address Space Number */
-#define itbPteTemp	0x104	/* RO - ITB Page Table Entry Temporary */
-#define	itbIa		0x105	/* WO - ITB Invalidate All */
-#define itbIap		0x106	/* WO - ITB Invalidate All Process */
-#define itbIs		0x107	/* WO - ITB Invalidate Single */
-#define sirr		0x108	/* RW - Software Interrupt Request */
-#define astrr		0x109	/* RW - Async. System Trap Request */
-#define aster		0x10A	/* RW - Async. System Trap Enable */
-#define excAddr		0x10B	/* RW - Exception Address */
-#define excSum		0x10C	/* RW - Exception Summary */
-#define excMask		0x10D	/* RO - Exception Mask */
-#define palBase		0x10E	/* RW - PAL Base */
-#define ips		0x10F	/* RW - Processor Status */
-#define ipl		0x110	/* RW - Interrupt Priority Level */
-#define intId		0x111	/* RO - Interrupt ID */
-#define iFaultVaForm	0x112	/* RO - Formatted Faulting VA */
-#define iVptBr		0x113	/* RW - I-Stream Virtual Page Table Base */
-#define hwIntClr	0x115	/* WO - Hardware Interrupt Clear */
-#define slXmit		0x116	/* WO - Serial Line Transmit */
-#define slRcv		0x117	/* RO - Serial Line Receive */
-#define icsr		0x118	/* RW - Ibox Control/Status */
-#define icFlush		0x119	/* WO - I-Cache Flush Control */
-#define flushIc         0x119   /* WO - I-Cache Flush Control (DC21064 Symbol) */
-#define icPerr		0x11A	/* RW - I-Cache Parity Error Status */
-#define PmCtr		0x11C	/* RW - Performance Counter */
-**  Ibox Control/Status Register (ICSR) Bit Summary
-**	Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	------	----	----	----	------------------------------------
-**	 <39>	 1	TST	RW,0	Assert Test Status
-**	 <38>	 1	ISTA	RO	I-Cache BIST Status
-**	 <37>	 1	DBS	RW,1	Debug Port Select
-**	 <36>	 1	FBD	RW,0	Force Bad I-Cache Data Parity
-**	 <35>	 1	FBT	RW,0	Force Bad I-Cache Tag Parity
-**	 <34>	 1	FMS	RW,0	Force I-Cache Miss
-**	 <33>	 1	SLE	RW,0	Enable Serial Line Interrupts
-**	 <32>	 1	CRDE	RW,0	Enable Correctable Error Interrupts
-**	 <30>	 1	SDE	RW,0	Enable PAL Shadow Registers
-**	<29:28>	 2	SPE	RW,0	Enable I-Stream Super Page Mode
-**	 <27>	 1	HWE	RW,0	Enable PALRES Instrs in Kernel Mode
-**	 <26>	 1	FPE	RW,0	Enable Floating Point Instructions
-**	 <25>	 1	TMD	RW,0	Disable Ibox Timeout Counter
-**	 <24>	 1	TMM	RW,0	Timeout Counter Mode
-#define ICSR_V_TST	39
-#define ICSR_M_TST	(1<<ICSR_V_TST)
-#define ICSR_V_ISTA	38
-#define ICSR_M_ISTA	(1<<ICSR_V_ISTA)
-#define ICSR_V_DBS	37
-#define ICSR_M_DBS	(1<<ICSR_V_DBS)
-#define ICSR_V_FBD	36
-#define ICSR_M_FBD	(1<<ICSR_V_FBD)
-#define ICSR_V_FBT	35
-#define	ICSR_M_FBT	(1<<ICSR_V_FBT)
-#define ICSR_V_FMS	34
-#define ICSR_M_FMS	(1<<ICSR_V_FMS)
-#define	ICSR_V_SLE	33
-#define ICSR_M_SLE	(1<<ICSR_V_SLE)
-#define ICSR_V_CRDE	32
-#define ICSR_M_CRDE	(1<<ICSR_V_CRDE)
-#define ICSR_V_SDE	30
-#define ICSR_M_SDE	(1<<ICSR_V_SDE)
-#define ICSR_V_SPE	28
-#define ICSR_M_SPE	(3<<ICSR_V_SPE)
-#define ICSR_V_HWE	27
-#define ICSR_M_HWE	(1<<ICSR_V_HWE)
-#define ICSR_V_FPE	26
-#define ICSR_M_FPE	(1<<ICSR_V_FPE)
-#define ICSR_V_TMD	25
-#define ICSR_M_TMD	(1<<ICSR_V_TMD)
-#define ICSR_V_TMM	24
-#define ICSR_M_TMM	(1<<ICSR_V_TMM)
-**  Serial Line Tranmit Register (SL_XMIT)
-**	Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	------	----	----	----	------------------------------------
-**	 <7>	 1	TMT	WO,1	Serial line transmit data
-#define	SLXMIT_V_TMT   	7
-**  Serial Line Receive Register (SL_RCV)
-**	Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	------	----	----	----	------------------------------------
-**	 <6>	 1	RCV	RO	Serial line receive data
-#define	SLRCV_V_RCV   	6
-#define SLRCV_M_RCV	(1<<SLRCV_V_RCV)
-**  Icache Parity Error Status Register (ICPERR) Bit Summary
-**	Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	------	----	----	----	------------------------------------
-**	 <13>	 1	TMR	W1C	Timeout reset error
-**	 <12>	 1	TPE	W1C	Tag parity error
-**	 <11>	 1	DPE	W1C	Data parity error
-#define	ICPERR_V_TMR   	13
-#define ICPERR_V_TPE	12
-#define ICPERR_V_DPE	11
-**  Exception Summary Register (EXC_SUM) Bit Summary
-**	Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	------	----	----	----	------------------------------------
-**	 <16>	 1	IOV	 WA	Integer overflow
-**	 <15>	 1	INE	 WA	Inexact result
-**	 <14>	 1	UNF	 WA	Underflow
-**	 <13>	 1	FOV	 WA	Overflow
-**	 <12>	 1	DZE	 WA	Division by zero
-**	 <11>	 1	INV	 WA	Invalid operation
-**	 <10>	 1	SWC	 WA	Software completion
-#define EXC_V_IOV	16
-#define EXC_M_IOV	(1<<EXC_V_IOV)
-#define EXC_V_INE	15
-#define EXC_M_INE	(1<<EXC_V_INE)
-#define EXC_V_UNF	14
-#define EXC_M_UNF	(1<<EXC_V_UNF)
-#define EXC_V_FOV	13
-#define EXC_M_FOV	(1<<EXC_V_FOV)
-#define EXC_V_DZE	12
-#define	EXC_M_DZE	(1<<EXC_V_DZE)
-#define EXC_V_INV	11
-#define EXC_M_INV	(1<<EXC_V_INV)
-#define	EXC_V_SWC	10
-#define EXC_M_SWC	(1<<EXC_V_SWC)
-**  Hardware Interrupt Clear Register (HWINT_CLR) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	----	---------------------------------
-**	  <33>	  1	SLC	W1C	Clear Serial Line interrupt
-**	  <32>	  1	CRDC	W1C	Clear Correctable Read Data interrupt
-**	  <29>	  1	PC2C	W1C	Clear Performance Counter 2 interrupt
-**	  <28>	  1	PC1C	W1C	Clear Performance Counter 1 interrupt
-**	  <27>	  1	PC0C    W1C	Clear Performance Counter 0 interrupt
-#define HWINT_V_SLC	33
-#define HWINT_M_SLC	(1<<HWINT_V_SLC)
-#define HWINT_V_CRDC	32
-#define HWINT_V_PC2C	29
-#define HWINT_M_PC2C	(1<<HWINT_V_PC2C)
-#define HWINT_V_PC1C	28
-#define HWINT_M_PC1C	(1<<HWINT_V_PC1C)
-#define HWINT_V_PC0C	27
-#define HWINT_M_PC0C	(1<<HWINT_V_PC0C)
-**  Interrupt Summary Register (ISR) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	----	---------------------------------
-**	  <34>	  1	HLT    	RO	External Halt interrupt
-**	  <33>	  1	SLI	RO	Serial Line interrupt
-**	  <32>	  1	CRD	RO	Correctable ECC errors
-**	  <31>	  1	MCK	RO	System Machine Check
-**	  <30>	  1	PFL	RO	Power Fail
-**	  <29>	  1	PC2	RO	Performance Counter 2 interrupt
-**	  <28>	  1	PC1	RO	Performance Counter 1 interrupt
-**	  <27>	  1	PC0	RO	Performance Counter 0 interrupt
-**	  <23>	  1	I23	RO	External Hardware interrupt
-**	  <22>	  1	I22	RO	External Hardware interrupt
-**	  <21>	  1	I21	RO	External Hardware interrupt
-**	  <20>	  1	I20	RO	External Hardware interrupt
-**	  <19>	  1	ATR	RO	Async. System Trap request
-**	 <18:4>	 15	SIRR	RO,0	Software Interrupt request
-**	  <3:0>	  4	ASTRR	RO	Async. System Trap request (USEK)
-#define ISR_V_HLT	34
-#define ISR_M_HLT	(1<<ISR_V_HLT)
-#define ISR_V_SLI	33
-#define ISR_M_SLI	(1<<ISR_V_SLI)
-#define ISR_V_CRD	32
-#define ISR_M_CRD	(1<<ISR_V_CRD)
-#define ISR_V_MCK	31
-#define ISR_M_MCK	(1<<ISR_V_MCK)
-#define ISR_V_PFL	30
-#define ISR_M_PFL	(1<<ISR_V_PFL)
-#define ISR_V_PC2	29
-#define ISR_M_PC2	(1<<ISR_V_PC2)
-#define ISR_V_PC1	28
-#define ISR_M_PC1	(1<<ISR_V_PC1)
-#define ISR_V_PC0	27
-#define ISR_M_PC0	(1<<ISR_V_PC0)
-#define ISR_V_I23	23
-#define ISR_M_I23	(1<<ISR_V_I23)
-#define ISR_V_I22	22
-#define ISR_M_I22	(1<<ISR_V_I22)
-#define ISR_V_I21	21
-#define ISR_M_I21	(1<<ISR_V_I21)
-#define ISR_V_I20	20
-#define ISR_M_I20	(1<<ISR_V_I20)
-#define ISR_V_ATR	19
-#define ISR_M_ATR	(1<<ISR_V_ATR)
-#define ISR_V_SIRR	4
-#define ISR_M_SIRR	(0x7FFF<<ISR_V_SIRR)
-#define ISR_V_ASTRR	0
-#define ISR_M_ASTRR	(0xF<<ISR_V_ASTRR)
-**  Mbox and D-Cache IPR Definitions:
-#define dtbAsn		0x200	/* WO - DTB Address Space Number */
-#define dtbCm		0x201	/* WO - DTB Current Mode */
-#define dtbTag		0x202	/* WO - DTB Tag */
-#define dtbPte		0x203	/* RW - DTB Page Table Entry */
-#define dtbPteTemp	0x204	/* RO - DTB Page Table Entry Temporary */
-#define mmStat		0x205	/* RO - D-Stream MM Fault Status */
-#define va		0x206	/* RO - Faulting Virtual Address */
-#define vaForm		0x207	/* RO - Formatted Virtual Address */
-#define mVptBr		0x208	/* WO - Mbox Virtual Page Table Base */
-#define dtbIap		0x209	/* WO - DTB Invalidate All Process */
-#define dtbIa		0x20A	/* WO - DTB Invalidate All */
-#define dtbIs		0x20B	/* WO - DTB Invalidate Single */
-#define altMode		0x20C	/* WO - Alternate Mode */
-#define cc		0x20D	/* WO - Cycle Counter */
-#define ccCtl		0x20E	/* WO - Cycle Counter Control */
-#define mcsr		0x20F	/* RW - Mbox Control Register */
-#define dcFlush		0x210	/* WO - Dcache Flush */
-#define dcPerr	        0x212	/* RW - Dcache Parity Error Status */
-#define dcTestCtl	0x213	/* RW - Dcache Test Tag Control */
-#define dcTestTag	0x214	/* RW - Dcache Test Tag */
-#define dcTestTagTemp	0x215	/* RW - Dcache Test Tag Temporary */
-#define dcMode		0x216	/* RW - Dcache Mode */
-#define mafMode		0x217	/* RW - Miss Address File Mode */
-**  D-Stream MM Fault Status Register (MM_STAT) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	  Type	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	  ----	---------------------------------
-**	<16:11>	  6	OPCODE 	  RO	Opcode of faulting instruction
-**	<10:06>	  5	RA	  RO	Ra field of faulting instruction
-**          <5>	  1	BAD_VA	  RO	Bad virtual address
-**	    <4>	  1	DTB_MISS  RO	Reference resulted in DTB miss
-**	    <3>	  1	FOW	  RO	Fault on write
-**	    <2>	  1	FOR	  RO	Fault on read
-**	    <1>   1     ACV	  RO	Access violation
-**          <0>	  1	WR	  RO	Reference type
-#define	MMSTAT_V_OPC		11
-#define MMSTAT_M_OPC		(0x3F<<MMSTAT_V_OPC)
-#define MMSTAT_V_RA		6
-#define MMSTAT_M_RA		(0x1F<<MMSTAT_V_RA)
-#define MMSTAT_V_BAD_VA		5
-#define MMSTAT_V_DTB_MISS	4
-#define MMSTAT_V_FOW		3
-#define MMSTAT_M_FOW		(1<<MMSTAT_V_FOW)
-#define MMSTAT_V_FOR		2
-#define MMSTAT_M_FOR		(1<<MMSTAT_V_FOR)
-#define MMSTAT_V_ACV		1
-#define MMSTAT_M_ACV		(1<<MMSTAT_V_ACV)
-#define MMSTAT_V_WR		0
-#define MMSTAT_M_WR		(1<<MMSTAT_V_WR)
-** Mbox Control Register (MCSR) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	----	---------------------------------
-**	   <5>	  1	DBG1	RW,0   	Mbox Debug Packet Select
-**	   <4>	  1	E_BE	RW,0	Ebox Big Endian mode enable
-**	   <3>	  1	DBG0	RW,0	Debug Test Select
-**	  <2:1>	  2	SP	RW,0   	Superpage mode enable
-**	   <0>	  1	M_BE	RW,0    Mbox Big Endian mode enable
-#define MCSR_V_DBG1	5
-#define MCSR_M_DBG1	(1<<MCSR_V_DBG1)
-#define MCSR_V_E_BE	4
-#define MCSR_M_E_BE	(1<<MCSR_V_E_BE)
-#define MCSR_V_DBG0	3
-#define MCSR_M_DBG0	(1<<MCSR_V_DBG0)
-#define MCSR_V_SP	1
-#define MCSR_M_SP	(3<<MCSR_V_SP)
-#define MCSR_V_M_BE	0
-#define MCSR_M_M_BE	(1<<MCSR_V_M_BE)
-**  Dcache Parity Error Status Register (DCPERR) Bit Summary
-**	Extent	Size	Name	Type	Function
-**	------	----	----	----	------------------------------------
-**	 <5>	 1	TP1	RO	Dcache bank 1 tag parity error
-**	 <4>	 1	TP0	RO	Dcache bank 0 tag parity error
-**	 <3>	 1	DP1	RO	Dcache bank 1 data parity error
-**	 <2>	 1	DP0	RO	Dcache bank 0 data parity error
-**	 <1>	 1	LOCK	W1C	Locks/clears bits <5:2>
-**	 <0>	 1	SEO	W1C	Second Dcache parity error occurred
-#define DCPERR_V_TP1	5
-#define DCPERR_M_TP1	(1<<DCPERR_V_TP1)
-#define	DCPERR_V_TP0   	4
-#define DCPERR_M_TP0	(1<<DCPERR_V_TP0)
-#define DCPERR_V_DP1	3
-#define DCPERR_M_DP1	(1<<DCPERR_V_DP1)
-#define DCPERR_V_DP0    2
-#define DCPERR_M_DP0	(1<<DCPERR_V_DP0)
-#define DCPERR_V_LOCK	1
-#define DCPERR_V_SEO	0
-**  Dcache Mode Register (DC_MODE) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	  Type	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	  ----	---------------------------------
-**	   <4>	  1	DOA	  RO    Hardware Dcache Disable
-**	   <3>	  1	PERR_DIS  RW,0	Disable Dcache Parity Error reporting
-**	   <2>	  1	BAD_DP	  RW,0	Force Dcache data bad parity
-**	   <1>	  1	FHIT	  RW,0	Force Dcache hit
-**	   <0>	  1	ENA 	  RW,0	Software Dcache Enable
-#define	DC_V_DOA	4
-#define DC_M_DOA        (1<<DC_V_DOA)
-#define DC_V_PERR_DIS	3
-#define DC_M_PERR_DIS	(1<<DC_V_PERR_DIS)
-#define DC_V_BAD_DP	2
-#define DC_M_BAD_DP	(1<<DC_V_BAD_DP)
-#define DC_V_FHIT	1
-#define DC_M_FHIT	(1<<DC_V_FHIT)
-#define DC_V_ENA	0
-#define DC_M_ENA	(1<<DC_V_ENA)
-**  Miss Address File Mode Register (MAF_MODE) Bit Summay
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	  Type	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	  ----	---------------------------------
-**         <7>    1     WB        RO,0  If set, pending WB request
-**	   <6>	  1	DREAD	  RO,0  If set, pending D-read request
-#define MAF_V_WB_PENDING        7
-#define MAF_M_WB_PENDING        (1<<MAF_V_WB_PENDING)
-#define MAF_V_DREAD_PENDING     6
-**  Cbox IPR Definitions:
-#define scCtl		0x0A8	/* RW - Scache Control */
-#define scStat		0x0E8	/* RO - Scache Error Status */
-#define scAddr		0x188	/* RO - Scache Error Address */
-#define	bcCtl		0x128	/* WO - Bcache/System Interface Control */
-#define bcCfg		0x1C8	/* WO - Bcache Configuration Parameters */
-#define bcTagAddr	0x108	/* RO - Bcache Tag */
-#define eiStat		0x168	/* RO - Bcache/System Error Status */
-#define eiAddr		0x148	/* RO - Bcache/System Error Address */
-#define fillSyn		0x068	/* RO - Fill Syndrome */
-#define ldLock		0x1E8	/* RO - LDx_L Address */
-**  Scache Control Register (SC_CTL) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	  Type	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	  ----	---------------------------------
-**	 <15:13>  3	SET_EN	  RW,1  Set enable
-**	    <12>  1	BLK_SIZE  RW,1	Scache/Bcache block size select
-**	 <11:08>  4	FB_DP	  RW,0	Force bad data parity
-**	 <07:02>  6	TAG_STAT  RW	Tag status and parity
-**	     <1>  1	FLUSH	  RW,0	If set, clear all tag valid bits
-**	     <0>  1     FHIT	  RW,0  Force hits
-#define	SC_V_SET_EN	13
-#define SC_M_SET_EN	(7<<SC_V_SET_EN)
-#define SC_V_BLK_SIZE	12
-#define SC_M_BLK_SIZE	(1<<SC_V_BLK_SIZE)
-#define SC_V_FB_DP	8
-#define SC_M_FB_DP	(0xF<<SC_V_FB_DP)
-#define SC_V_TAG_STAT	2
-#define SC_M_TAG_STAT	(0x3F<<SC_V_TAG_STAT)
-#define SC_V_FLUSH	1
-#define SC_M_FLUSH	(1<<SC_V_FLUSH)
-#define SC_V_FHIT	0
-#define SC_M_FHIT	(1<<SC_V_FHIT)
-**  Bcache Control Register (BC_CTL) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size  Name	    Type  Function
-**	 ------	----  ----	    ----  ---------------------------------
-**	    <27>  1   DIS_VIC_BUF   WO,0  Disable Scache victim buffer
-**	    <26>  1   DIS_BAF_BYP   WO,0  Disable speculative Bcache reads
-**	    <25>  1   DBG_MUX_SEL   WO,0  Debug MUX select
-**	 <24:19>  6   PM_MUX_SEL    WO,0  Performance counter MUX select
-**       <18:17>  2   BC_WAVE       WO,0  Number of cycles of wave pipelining
-**	    <16>  1   TL_PIPE_LATCH WO,0  Pipe system control pins
-**	    <15>  1   EI_DIS_ERR    WO,1  Disable ECC (parity) error
-**       <14:13>  2   BC_BAD_DAT    WO,0  Force bad data
-**       <12:08>  5   BC_TAG_STAT   WO    Bcache tag status and parity
-**           <7>  1   BC_FHIT       WO,0  Bcache force hit
-**           <6>  1   EI_ECC        WO,1  ECC or byte parity mode
-**           <5>  1   VTM_FIRST     WO,1  Drive out victim block address first
-**           <4>  1   CORR_FILL_DAT WO,1  Correct fill data
-**           <3>  1   EI_CMD_GRP3   WO,0  Drive MB command to external pins
-**           <2>  1   EI_CMD_GRP2   WO,0  Drive LOCK & SET_DIRTY to ext. pins
-**           <1>  1   ALLOC_CYC     WO,0  Allocate cycle for non-cached LDs.
-**           <0>  1   BC_ENA        W0,0  Bcache enable
-#define BC_V_DIS_SC_VIC_BUF	27
-#define BC_V_DIS_BAF_BYP	26
-#define BC_V_DBG_MUX_SEL	25
-#define BC_V_PM_MUX_SEL		19
-#define BC_M_PM_MUX_SEL		(0x3F<<BC_V_PM_MUX_SEL)
-#define BC_V_BC_WAVE		17
-#define BC_M_BC_WAVE		(3<<BC_V_BC_WAVE)
-#define BC_V_TL_PIPE_LATCH	16
-#define BC_V_EI_DIS_ERR		15
-#define BC_M_EI_DIS_ERR		(1<<BC_V_EI_DIS_ERR)
-#define BC_V_BC_BAD_DAT		13
-#define BC_M_BC_BAD_DAT		(3<<BC_V_BC_BAD_DAT)
-#define BC_V_BC_TAG_STAT	8
-#define BC_M_BC_TAG_STAT	(0x1F<<BC_V_BC_TAG_STAT)
-#define BC_V_BC_FHIT		7
-#define BC_M_BC_FHIT		(1<<BC_V_BC_FHIT)
-#define BC_V_EI_ECC_OR_PARITY	6
-#define BC_V_VTM_FIRST		5
-#define BC_M_VTM_FIRST		(1<<BC_V_VTM_FIRST)
-#define BC_V_CORR_FILL_DAT	4
-#define BC_V_EI_CMD_GRP3	3
-#define BC_M_EI_CMD_GRP3	(1<<BC_V_EI_CMD_GRP3)
-#define BC_V_EI_CMD_GRP2	2
-#define BC_M_EI_CMD_GRP2	(1<<BC_V_EI_CMD_GRP2)
-#define BC_V_ALLOC_CYC		1
-#define BC_M_ALLOC_CYC		(1<<BC_V_ALLOC_CYC)
-#define BC_V_BC_ENA		0
-#define BC_M_BC_ENA		(1<<BC_V_BC_ENA)
-#define BC_K_DFAULT \
-        (((BC_M_EI_DIS_ERR)       | \
-          (BC_M_EI_ECC_OR_PARITY) | \
-          (BC_M_VTM_FIRST)        | \
-          (BC_M_CORR_FILL_DAT))>>1)
-**  Bcache Configuration Register (BC_CONFIG) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size  Name	    Type  Function
-**	 ------	----  ----	    ----  ---------------------------------
-**	<35:29>   7   RSVD	    WO    Reserved - Must Be Zero
-**	<28:20>   9   WE_CTL        WO,0  Bcache write enable control
-**	<19:19>   1   RSVD	    WO,0  Reserved - Must Be Zero
-**	<18:16>   3   WE_OFF        WO,1  Bcache fill write enable pulse offset
-**	<15:15>   1   RSVD          WO,0  Reserved - Must Be Zero
-**	<14:12>   3   RD_WR_SPC     WO,7  Bcache private read/write spacing
-**	<11:08>   4   WR_SPD        WO,4  Bcache write speed in CPU cycles
-**	<07:04>   4   RD_SPD	    WO,4  Bcache read speed in CPU cycles
-**	<03:03>   1   RSVD	    WO,0  Reserved - Must Be Zero
-**	<02:00>   3   SIZE	    WO,1  Bcache size
-#define	BC_V_WE_CTL	20
-#define BC_M_WE_CTL	(0x1FF<<BC_V_WE_CTL)
-#define BC_V_WE_OFF	16
-#define BC_M_WE_OFF	(0x7<<BC_V_WE_OFF)
-#define BC_V_RD_WR_SPC	12
-#define BC_M_RD_WR_SPC	(0x7<<BC_V_RD_WR_SPC)
-#define BC_V_WR_SPD	8
-#define BC_M_WR_SPD	(0xF<<BC_V_WR_SPD)
-#define BC_V_RD_SPD	4
-#define BC_M_RD_SPD	(0xF<<BC_V_RD_SPD)
-#define BC_V_SIZE	0
-#define BC_M_SIZE	(0x7<<BC_V_SIZE)
-#define BC_K_CONFIG \
-        ((0x1<<BC_V_WE_OFF)    | \
-         (0x7<<BC_V_RD_WR_SPC) | \
-         (0x4<<BC_V_WR_SPD)    | \
-         (0x4<<BC_V_RD_SPD)    | \
-         (0x1<<BC_V_SIZE))
-**  DECchip 21164 Privileged Architecture Library Entry Offsets:
-**	Entry Name	    Offset (Hex)
-**	RESET			0000
-**	IACCVIO			0080
-**	INTERRUPT	       	0100
-**	ITB_MISS		0180
-**	DTB_MISS (Single)       0200
-**	DTB_MISS (Double)       0280
-**	UNALIGN			0300
-**	D_FAULT			0380
-**	MCHK			0400
-**	OPCDEC			0480
-**	ARITH			0500
-**	FEN			0580
-**	CALL_PAL (Privileged)	2000
-**	CALL_PAL (Unprivileged)	3000
-#define PAL_RESET_ENTRY		    0x0000
-#define PAL_IACCVIO_ENTRY	    0x0080
-#define PAL_INTERRUPT_ENTRY	    0x0100
-#define PAL_ITB_MISS_ENTRY	    0x0180
-#define PAL_DTB_MISS_ENTRY	    0x0200
-#define PAL_DOUBLE_MISS_ENTRY	    0x0280
-#define PAL_UNALIGN_ENTRY	    0x0300
-#define PAL_D_FAULT_ENTRY	    0x0380
-#define PAL_MCHK_ENTRY		    0x0400
-#define PAL_OPCDEC_ENTRY	    0x0480
-#define PAL_ARITH_ENTRY	    	    0x0500
-#define PAL_FEN_ENTRY		    0x0580
-#define PAL_CALL_PAL_PRIV_ENTRY	    0x2000
-#define PAL_CALL_PAL_UNPRIV_ENTRY   0x3000
-** Architecturally Reserved Opcode (PALRES) Definitions:
-#define	mtpr	    hw_mtpr
-#define	mfpr	    hw_mfpr
-#define	ldl_a	    hw_ldl/a
-#define ldq_a	    hw_ldq/a
-#define stq_a	    hw_stq/a
-#define stl_a	    hw_stl/a
-#define ldl_p	    hw_ldl/p
-#define ldq_p	    hw_ldq/p
-#define stl_p	    hw_stl/p
-#define stq_p	    hw_stq/p
-** Virtual PTE fetch variants of HW_LD.
-#define ld_vpte     hw_ldq/v
-** Physical mode load-lock and store-conditional variants of
-** HW_LD and HW_ST.
-#define ldq_lp	    hw_ldq/pl
-#define stq_cp	    hw_stq/pc
-**  General Purpose Register Definitions:
-#define	r0		$0
-#define r1		$1
-#define r2		$2
-#define r3		$3
-#define r4		$4
-#define r5		$5
-#define r6		$6
-#define r7		$7
-#define r8		$8
-#define r9		$9
-#define r10		$10
-#define r11		$11
-#define r12		$12
-#define r13		$13
-#define r14		$14
-#define	r15		$15
-#define	r16		$16
-#define	r17		$17
-#define	r18		$18
-#define	r19		$19
-#define	r20		$20
-#define	r21		$21
-#define r22		$22
-#define r23		$23
-#define r24		$24
-#define r25		$25
-#define r26		$26
-#define r27		$27
-#define r28		$28
-#define r29		$29
-#define r30		$30
-#define r31		$31
-** Floating Point Register Definitions:
-#define	f0		$f0
-#define f1		$f1
-#define f2		$f2
-#define f3		$f3
-#define f4		$f4
-#define f5		$f5
-#define f6		$f6
-#define f7		$f7
-#define f8		$f8
-#define f9		$f9
-#define f10		$f10
-#define f11		$f11
-#define f12		$f12
-#define f13		$f13
-#define f14		$f14
-#define	f15		$f15
-#define	f16		$f16
-#define	f17		$f17
-#define	f18		$f18
-#define	f19		$f19
-#define	f20		$f20
-#define	f21		$f21
-#define f22		$f22
-#define f23		$f23
-#define f24		$f24
-#define f25		$f25
-#define f26		$f26
-#define f27		$f27
-#define f28		$f28
-#define f29		$f29
-#define f30		$f30
-#define f31		$f31
-**  PAL Temporary Register Definitions:
-#define	pt0		0x140
-#define	pt1		0x141
-#define	pt2		0x142
-#define	pt3		0x143
-#define	pt4		0x144
-#define	pt5		0x145
-#define	pt6		0x146
-#define	pt7		0x147
-#define	pt8		0x148
-#define	pt9		0x149
-#define	pt10		0x14A
-#define	pt11		0x14B
-#define	pt12		0x14C
-#define	pt13		0x14D
-#define	pt14		0x14E
-#define	pt15		0x14F
-#define	pt16		0x150
-#define	pt17		0x151
-#define	pt18		0x152
-#define	pt19		0x153
-#define	pt20		0x154
-#define	pt21		0x155
-#define	pt22		0x156
-#define	pt23		0x157
-**  PAL Shadow Registers:
-**  The DECchip 21164 shadows r8-r14 and r25 when in PALmode and
-**  ICSR<SDE> = 1.
-#define	p0		r8	/* ITB/DTB Miss Scratch */
-#define p1		r9	/* ITB/DTB Miss Scratch */
-#define p2		r10	/* ITB/DTB Miss Scratch */
-#define p3		r11
-#define ps		r11	/* Processor Status */
-#define p4		r12	/* Local Scratch */
-#define p5		r13	/* Local Scratch */
-#define p6		r14	/* Local Scratch */
-#define p7		r25	/* Local Scratch */
-** SRM Defined State Definitions:
-**  This table is an accounting of the DECchip 21164 storage used to
-**  implement the SRM defined state for OSF/1.
-** 	IPR Name			Internal Storage
-**      --------                        ----------------
-**	Processor Status		ps, dtbCm, ipl, r11
-**	Program Counter			Ibox
-**	Interrupt Entry			ptEntInt
-**	Arith Trap Entry		ptEntArith
-**	MM Fault Entry			ptEntMM
-**	Unaligned Access Entry		ptEntUna
-**	Instruction Fault Entry		ptEntIF
-**	Call System Entry		ptEntSys
-**	User Stack Pointer		ptUsp
-**	Kernel Stack Pointer		ptKsp
-**	Kernel Global Pointer		ptKgp
-**	System Value			ptSysVal
-**	Page Table Base Register	ptPtbr
-**	Virtual Page Table Base		iVptBr, mVptBr
-**	Process Control Block Base	ptPcbb
-**	Address Space Number		itbAsn, dtbAsn
-**	Cycle Counter			cc, ccCtl
-**	Float Point Enable		icsr
-**	Lock Flag			Cbox/System
-**	Unique				PCB
-**	Who-Am-I			ptWhami
-#define ptEntUna	pt2	/* Unaligned Access Dispatch Entry */
-#define ptImpure	pt3	/* Pointer To PAL Scratch Area */
-#define ptEntIF		pt7	/* Instruction Fault Dispatch Entry */
-#define ptIntMask	pt8	/* Interrupt Enable Mask */
-#define ptEntSys	pt9	/* Call System Dispatch Entry */
-#define ptTrap          pt11
-#define ptEntInt	pt11	/* Hardware Interrupt Dispatch Entry */
-#define ptEntArith	pt12	/* Arithmetic Trap Dispatch Entry */
-#if defined(KDEBUG)
-#define ptEntDbg	pt13	/* Kernel Debugger Dispatch Entry */
-#endif /* KDEBUG */
-#define ptMisc          pt16    /* Miscellaneous Flags */
-#define ptWhami		pt16	/* Who-Am-I Register Pt16<15:8> */
-#define ptMces		pt16	/* Machine Check Error Summary Pt16<4:0> */
-#define ptSysVal	pt17	/* Per-Processor System Value */
-#define ptUsp		pt18	/* User Stack Pointer */
-#define ptKsp		pt19	/* Kernel Stack Pointer */
-#define ptPtbr		pt20	/* Page Table Base Register */
-#define ptEntMM		pt21	/* MM Fault Dispatch Entry */
-#define ptKgp		pt22	/* Kernel Global Pointer */
-#define ptPcbb		pt23	/* Process Control Block Base */
-**   Miscellaneous PAL State Flags (ptMisc) Bit Summary
-**	 Extent	Size  Name	Function
-**	 ------	----  ----	---------------------------------
-**	 <55:48>  8   SWAP      Swap PALcode flag -- character 'S'
-**	 <47:32> 16   MCHK      Machine Check Error code
-**	 <31:16> 16   SCB       System Control Block vector
-**	 <15:08>  8   WHAMI     Who-Am-I identifier
-**       <04:00>  5   MCES      Machine Check Error Summary bits
-#define PT16_V_MCES	0
-#define PT16_V_WHAMI	8
-#define PT16_V_SCB	16
-#define PT16_V_MCHK	32
-#define PT16_V_SWAP	48
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/macros.h b/system/alpha/palcode/macros.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab902c0..0000000
--- a/system/alpha/palcode/macros.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
- *      VID: [T1.2] PT: [Fri Apr 21 16:47:16 1995] SF: [macros.h]
- *       TI: [/sae_users/cruz/bin/vice -iplatform.s -l// -p# -DEB164 -h -m -aeb164 ]
- */
-#define	__MACROS_LOADED	    1
-**                                                                          *
-**  Copyright © 1993, 1994						    *
-**  by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.		    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  All Rights Reserved							    *
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-**  Permission  is  hereby  granted  to  use, copy, modify and distribute   *
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-**  of this software  or  modifications  of this software within products   *
-**  incorporating  an  integrated   circuit  implementing  Digital's  AXP   *
-**  architecture,  regardless  of the  source of such integrated circuit,   *
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-**  Digital  Equipment  Corporation   disclaims  all   warranties  and/or   *
-**  guarantees  with  regard  to  this  software,  including  all implied   *
-**  warranties of fitness for  a  particular purpose and merchantability,   *
-**  and makes  no  representations  regarding  the use of, or the results   *
-**  of the use of, the software and documentation in terms of correctness,  *
-**  accuracy,  reliability,  currentness  or  otherwise;  and you rely on   *
-**  the software, documentation and results solely at your own risk.	    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  AXP is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.		    *
-**                                                                          *
-**	DECchip 21164 PALcode
-**  MODULE:
-**	macros.h
-**      DECchip 21164 PALcode macro definitions
-**  CREATION DATE:  29-Nov-1993
-**  $Id: macros.h,v 1997/10/30 23:27:19 verghese Exp $
-**  $Log: macros.h,v $
-**  Revision  1997/10/30 23:27:19  verghese
-**  current 10/29/97
-**  Revision 1.5  1994/07/08  17:03:12  samberg
-**  Changes to support platform specific additions
-**  Revision 1.4  1994/05/20  19:24:19  ericr
-**  Moved STALL macro from osfpal.s to here
-**  Added LDLI macro
-**  Revision 1.3  1994/05/20  18:08:14  ericr
-**  Changed line comments to C++ style comment character
-**  Revision 1.2  1994/02/28  18:45:51  ericr
-**  Fixed EGORE related bugs
-**  Revision 1.1  1993/12/16  21:55:05  eric
-**  Initial revision
-#define	STALL \
-    mfpr    r31, pt0
-#define	NOP \
-    bis	    $31, $31, $31
-** Align code on an 8K byte page boundary.
-#define	ALIGN_PAGE \
-    .align  13
-** Align code on a 32 byte block boundary.
-#define	ALIGN_BLOCK \
-    .align  5
-** Align code on a quadword boundary.
-#define ALIGN_BRANCH \
-    .align  3
-** Hardware vectors go in .text 0 sub-segment.
-#define	HDW_VECTOR(offset) \
-    . = offset
-** Privileged CALL_PAL functions are in .text 1 sub-segment.
-#define	CALL_PAL_PRIV(vector) \
-    . = (PAL_CALL_PAL_PRIV_ENTRY+(vector<<6))
-** Unprivileged CALL_PAL functions are in .text 1 sub-segment,
-** the privileged bit is removed from these vectors.
-#define CALL_PAL_UNPRIV(vector) \
-    . = (PAL_CALL_PAL_UNPRIV_ENTRY+((vector&0x3F)<<6))
-** Implements a load "immediate" longword function
-#define LDLI(reg,val) \
-        ldah	reg, ((val+0x8000) >> 16)(zero); \
-        lda	reg, (val&0xffff)(reg)
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/osf.h b/system/alpha/palcode/osf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 316d83c..0000000
--- a/system/alpha/palcode/osf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
- *      VID: [T1.2] PT: [Fri Apr 21 16:47:14 1995] SF: [osf.h]
- *       TI: [/sae_users/cruz/bin/vice -iplatform.s -l// -p# -DEB164 -h -m -aeb164 ]
- */
-#define	__OSF_LOADED	1
-**                                                                          *
-**  Copyright © 1993, 1994						    *
-**  by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.		    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  All Rights Reserved							    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  Permission  is  hereby  granted  to  use, copy, modify and distribute   *
-**  this  software  and  its  documentation,  in  both  source  code  and   *
-**  object  code  form,  and without fee, for the purpose of distribution   *
-**  of this software  or  modifications  of this software within products   *
-**  incorporating  an  integrated   circuit  implementing  Digital's  AXP   *
-**  architecture,  regardless  of the  source of such integrated circuit,   *
-**  provided that the  above copyright  notice and this permission notice   *
-**  appear  in  all copies,  and  that  the  name  of  Digital  Equipment   *
-**  Corporation  not  be  used  in advertising or publicity pertaining to   *
-**  distribution of the  document  or  software without specific, written   *
-**  prior permission.							    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  Digital  Equipment  Corporation   disclaims  all   warranties  and/or   *
-**  guarantees  with  regard  to  this  software,  including  all implied   *
-**  warranties of fitness for  a  particular purpose and merchantability,   *
-**  and makes  no  representations  regarding  the use of, or the results   *
-**  of the use of, the software and documentation in terms of correctness,  *
-**  accuracy,  reliability,  currentness  or  otherwise;  and you rely on   *
-**  the software, documentation and results solely at your own risk.	    *
-**                                                                          *
-**  AXP is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.		    *
-**                                                                          *
-**	DECchip 21164 PALcode
-**  MODULE:
-**	osf.h
-**      OSF/1 specific definitions
-**  CREATION DATE:  24-Nov-1993
-**  $Id: osf.h,v 1997/10/30 23:27:19 verghese Exp $
-**  $Log: osf.h,v $
-**  Revision  1997/10/30 23:27:19  verghese
-**  current 10/29/97
-**  Revision 1.11  1995/04/21  02:06:30  fdh
-**  Replaced C++ style comments with Standard C style comments.
-**  Revision 1.10  1994/09/26  14:17:47  samberg
-**  Complete VICE work and EB164/SD164 breakout.
-**  Revision 1.9  1994/07/26  17:39:10  samberg
-**  Changes for SD164.
-**  Revision 1.8  1994/07/08  17:03:48  samberg
-**  Changes to support platform specific additions
-**  Revision 1.7  1994/05/20  19:23:51  ericr
-**  Moved STACK_FRAME macro from osfpal.s to here
-**  Revision 1.6  1994/05/20  18:08:19  ericr
-**  Changed line comments to C++ style comment character
-**  Revision 1.5  1994/01/11  18:43:33  ericr
-**  Removed PAL version/revision and size constants
-**  Revision 1.4  1994/01/05  16:22:32  ericr
-**  Added more SCB vector offsets and MCHK error code
-**  Revision 1.3  1994/01/03  19:35:40  ericr
-**  Derive mask definitions from field constants
-**  Revision 1.2  1993/12/22  20:43:01  eric
-**  Added mask definitions for MCES bits
-**  Revision 1.1  1993/12/16  21:55:05  eric
-**  Initial revision
-**  Seg0 and Seg1 Virtual Address (VA) Format
-**	  Loc	Size	Name	Function
-**	 -----	----	----	---------------------------------
-**	<42:33>  10	SEG1	First level page table offset
-**	<32:23>  10	SEG2	Second level page table offset
-**	<22:13>  10	SEG3	Third level page table offset
-**	<12:00>  13	OFFSET	Byte within page offset
-#define VA_V_SEG1	33
-#define	VA_M_SEG1	(0x3FF<<VA_V_SEG1)
-#define VA_V_SEG2	23
-#define VA_M_SEG2	(0x3FF<<VA_V_SEG2)
-#define VA_V_SEG3	13
-#define VA_M_SEG3	(0x3FF<<VA_V_SEG3)
-#define VA_V_OFFSET	0
-#define VA_M_OFFSET	0x1FFF
-**  Virtual Address Options: 8K byte page size
-#define	VA_S_SIZE	43
-#define	VA_S_OFF	13
-#define VA_S_SEG	10
-#define VA_S_PAGE_SIZE	8192
-**  Page Table Entry (PTE) Format
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	---------------------------------
-**	<63:32>	  32	PFN	Page Frame Number
-**	<31:16>	  16	SW	Reserved for software
-**	<15:14>	   2	RSV0	Reserved for hardware SBZ
-**	   <13>	   1	UWE	User Write Enable
-**	   <12>	   1	KWE	Kernel Write Enable
-**	<11:10>	   2	RSV1	Reserved for hardware SBZ
-**	    <9>	   1	URE	User Read Enable
-**	    <8>	   1	KRE	Kernel Read Enable
-**	    <7>	   1	RSV2	Reserved for hardware SBZ
-**	  <6:5>	   2	GH	Granularity Hint
-**	    <4>	   1	ASM	Address Space Match
-**	    <3>	   1	FOE	Fault On Execute
-**	    <2>	   1	FOW	Fault On Write
-**	    <1>	   1	FOR	Fault On Read
-**	    <0>	   1	V	Valid
-#define	PTE_V_PFN	32
-#define PTE_M_PFN	0xFFFFFFFF00000000
-#define PTE_V_SW	16
-#define PTE_M_SW	0x00000000FFFF0000
-#define PTE_V_UWE	13
-#define PTE_M_UWE	(1<<PTE_V_UWE)
-#define PTE_V_KWE	12
-#define PTE_M_KWE	(1<<PTE_V_KWE)
-#define PTE_V_URE	9
-#define PTE_M_URE	(1<<PTE_V_URE)
-#define PTE_V_KRE	8
-#define PTE_M_KRE	(1<<PTE_V_KRE)
-#define PTE_V_GH	5
-#define PTE_M_GH	(3<<PTE_V_GH)
-#define PTE_V_ASM	4
-#define PTE_M_ASM	(1<<PTE_V_ASM)
-#define PTE_V_FOE	3
-#define PTE_M_FOE	(1<<PTE_V_FOE)
-#define PTE_V_FOW	2
-#define PTE_M_FOW	(1<<PTE_V_FOW)
-#define PTE_V_FOR	1
-#define PTE_M_FOR	(1<<PTE_V_FOR)
-#define PTE_V_VALID	0
-#define PTE_M_VALID	(1<<PTE_V_VALID)
-#define PTE_M_KSEG	0x1111
-#define PTE_M_PROT	0x3300
-**  System Entry Instruction Fault (entIF) Constants:
-#define IF_K_BPT        0x0
-#define IF_K_BUGCHK     0x1
-#define IF_K_GENTRAP    0x2
-#define IF_K_FEN        0x3
-#define IF_K_OPCDEC     0x4
-**  System Entry Hardware Interrupt (entInt) Constants:
-#define INT_K_IP	0x0
-#define INT_K_CLK	0x1
-#define INT_K_MCHK	0x2
-#define INT_K_DEV	0x3
-#define INT_K_PERF	0x4
-**  System Entry MM Fault (entMM) Constants:
-#define	MM_K_TNV	0x0
-#define MM_K_ACV	0x1
-#define MM_K_FOR	0x2
-#define MM_K_FOE	0x3
-#define MM_K_FOW	0x4
-**  Process Control Block (PCB) Offsets:
-#define PCB_Q_KSP	0x0000
-#define PCB_Q_USP	0x0008
-#define PCB_Q_PTBR	0x0010
-#define PCB_L_PCC	0x0018
-#define PCB_L_ASN	0x001C
-#define PCB_Q_UNIQUE	0x0020
-#define PCB_Q_FEN	0x0028
-#define PCB_Q_RSV0	0x0030
-#define PCB_Q_RSV1	0x0038
-**  Processor Status Register (PS) Bit Summary
-**	Extent	Size	Name	Function
-**	------	----	----	---------------------------------
-**	  <3>	 1	CM	Current Mode
-**	<2:0>	 3	IPL	Interrupt Priority Level
-#define	PS_V_CM		3
-#define PS_M_CM		(1<<PS_V_CM)
-#define	PS_V_IPL	0
-#define	PS_M_IPL	(7<<PS_V_IPL)
-#define	PS_K_KERN	(0<<PS_V_CM)
-#define PS_K_USER	(1<<PS_V_CM)
-#define	IPL_K_ZERO	0x0
-#define IPL_K_SW0	0x1
-#define IPL_K_SW1	0x2
-#define IPL_K_DEV0	0x3
-#define IPL_K_DEV1	0x4
-#define IPL_K_CLK	0x5
-#define IPL_K_RT	0x6
-#define IPL_K_PERF      0x6
-#define IPL_K_PFAIL     0x6
-#define IPL_K_MCHK	0x7
-#define IPL_K_LOW	0x0
-#define IPL_K_HIGH	0x7
-**  SCB Offset Definitions:
-#define SCB_Q_FEN	    	0x0010
-#define SCB_Q_ACV		0x0080
-#define SCB_Q_TNV		0x0090
-#define SCB_Q_FOR		0x00A0
-#define SCB_Q_FOW		0x00B0
-#define SCB_Q_FOE		0x00C0
-#define SCB_Q_ARITH		0x0200
-#define SCB_Q_KAST		0x0240
-#define SCB_Q_EAST		0x0250
-#define SCB_Q_SAST		0x0260
-#define SCB_Q_UAST		0x0270
-#define SCB_Q_UNALIGN		0x0280
-#define SCB_Q_BPT		0x0400
-#define SCB_Q_BUGCHK		0x0410
-#define SCB_Q_OPCDEC		0x0420
-#define SCB_Q_ILLPAL		0x0430
-#define SCB_Q_TRAP		0x0440
-#define SCB_Q_CHMK		0x0480
-#define SCB_Q_CHME		0x0490
-#define SCB_Q_CHMS		0x04A0
-#define SCB_Q_CHMU		0x04B0
-#define SCB_Q_SW0		0x0500
-#define SCB_Q_SW1		0x0510
-#define SCB_Q_SW2		0x0520
-#define SCB_Q_SW3		0x0530
-#define	SCB_Q_SW4		0x0540
-#define SCB_Q_SW5		0x0550
-#define SCB_Q_SW6		0x0560
-#define SCB_Q_SW7		0x0570
-#define SCB_Q_SW8		0x0580
-#define SCB_Q_SW9		0x0590
-#define SCB_Q_SW10		0x05A0
-#define SCB_Q_SW11		0x05B0
-#define SCB_Q_SW12		0x05C0
-#define SCB_Q_SW13		0x05D0
-#define SCB_Q_SW14		0x05E0
-#define SCB_Q_SW15		0x05F0
-#define SCB_Q_CLOCK		0x0600
-#define SCB_Q_INTER		0x0610
-#define SCB_Q_SYSERR        	0x0620
-#define SCB_Q_PROCERR		0x0630
-#define SCB_Q_PWRFAIL		0x0640
-#define SCB_Q_PERFMON		0x0650
-#define SCB_Q_SYSMCHK		0x0660
-#define SCB_Q_PROCMCHK      	0x0670
-#define SCB_Q_PASSREL		0x0680
-**  Stack Frame (FRM) Offsets:
-**  There are two types of system entries for OSF/1 - those for the
-**  callsys CALL_PAL function and those for exceptions and interrupts.
-**  Both entry types use the same stack frame layout.  The stack frame
-**  contains space for the PC, the PS, the saved GP, and the saved
-**  argument registers a0, a1, and a2.  On entry, SP points to the
-**  saved PS.
-#define	FRM_Q_PS	0x0000
-#define FRM_Q_PC	0x0008
-#define FRM_Q_GP	0x0010
-#define FRM_Q_A0	0x0018
-#define FRM_Q_A1	0x0020
-#define FRM_Q_A2	0x0028
-#define FRM_K_SIZE	48
-#define STACK_FRAME(tmp1,tmp2)	\
-        sll	ps, 63-PS_V_CM, p7;	\
-        bge	p7, 0f;			\
-        bis	zero, zero, ps;		\
-        mtpr	sp, ptUsp;		\
-        mfpr	sp, ptKsp;		\
-0:	lda	sp, 0-FRM_K_SIZE(sp);	\
-        stq	tmp1, FRM_Q_PS(sp);	\
-        stq	tmp2, FRM_Q_PC(sp);	\
-        stq	gp, FRM_Q_GP(sp);	\
-        stq	a0, FRM_Q_A0(sp);	\
-        stq	a1, FRM_Q_A1(sp);	\
-        stq	a2, FRM_Q_A2(sp)
-**  Halt Codes:
-#define HLT_K_RESET	    0x0000
-#define HLT_K_HW_HALT	    0x0001
-#define HLT_K_KSP_INVAL	    0x0002
-#define HLT_K_SCBB_INVAL    0x0003
-#define HLT_K_PTBR_INVAL    0x0004
-#define HLT_K_SW_HALT	    0x0005
-#define HLT_K_DBL_MCHK	    0x0006
-#define HLT_K_MCHK_FROM_PAL 0x0007
-**  Machine Check Codes:
-#define MCHK_K_TPERR	    0x0080
-#define MCHK_K_TCPERR	    0x0082
-#define MCHK_K_HERR	    0x0084
-#define MCHK_K_ECC_C	    0x0086
-#define MCHK_K_ECC_NC	    0x0088
-#define MCHK_K_UNKNOWN	    0x008A
-#define MCHK_K_CACKSOFT	    0x008C
-#define MCHK_K_BUGCHECK	    0x008E
-#define MCHK_K_OS_BUGCHECK  0x0090
-#define MCHK_K_DCPERR	    0x0092
-#define MCHK_K_ICPERR	    0x0094
-#define MCHK_K_RETRY_IRD    0x0096
-#define MCHK_K_PROC_HERR    0x0098
-** System Machine Check Codes:
-#define MCHK_K_READ_NXM     0x0200
-#define MCHK_K_SYS_HERR     0x0202
-**  Machine Check Error Status Summary (MCES) Register Format
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	---------------------------------
-**	  <0>	  1	MIP	Machine check in progress
-**	  <1>	  1	SCE	System correctable error in progress
-**	  <2>	  1	PCE	Processor correctable error in progress
-**	  <3>	  1	DPC	Disable PCE error reporting
-**	  <4>	  1	DSC	Disable SCE error reporting
-#define MCES_V_MIP	0
-#define MCES_M_MIP	(1<<MCES_V_MIP)
-#define MCES_V_SCE	1
-#define MCES_M_SCE	(1<<MCES_V_SCE)
-#define MCES_V_PCE	2
-#define MCES_M_PCE	(1<<MCES_V_PCE)
-#define MCES_V_DPC	3
-#define MCES_M_DPC	(1<<MCES_V_DPC)
-#define MCES_V_DSC	4
-#define MCES_M_DSC	(1<<MCES_V_DSC)
-                         | MCES_M_DSC)
-**  Who-Am-I (WHAMI) Register Format
-**	 Extent	Size	Name	Function
-**	 ------	----	----	---------------------------------
-**	  <7:0>	  8	ID	Who-Am-I identifier
-**	  <15:8>   1	SWAP	Swap PALcode flag - character 'S'
-#define WHAMI_V_SWAP	8
-#define WHAMI_V_ID	0
-#define WHAMI_M_ID	0xFF
-#define WHAMI_K_SWAP    0x53    /* Character 'S' */
-**  Conventional Register Usage Definitions
-**  Assembler temporary `at' is `AT' so it doesn't conflict with the
-**  `.set at' assembler directive.
-#define v0		$0	/* Function Return Value Register */
-#define t0		$1	/* Scratch (Temporary) Registers ... */
-#define t1		$2
-#define t2		$3
-#define t3		$4
-#define t4		$5
-#define t5		$6
-#define t6		$7
-#define t7		$8
-#define s0		$9	/* Saved (Non-Volatile) Registers ... */
-#define s1		$10
-#define s2		$11
-#define s3		$12
-#define s4		$13
-#define s5		$14
-#define fp		$15	/* Frame Pointer Register, Or S6 */
-#define s6		$15
-#define a0		$16	/* Argument Registers ... */
-#define a1		$17
-#define a2		$18
-#define a3		$19
-#define a4		$20
-#define a5		$21
-#define t8		$22	/* Scratch (Temporary) Registers ... */
-#define t9		$23
-#define t10		$24
-#define t11		$25
-#define ra		$26	/* Return Address Register */
-#define pv		$27	/* Procedure Value Register, Or T12 */
-#define t12		$27
-#define AT		$28	/* Assembler Temporary (Volatile) Register */
-#define gp		$29	/* Global Pointer Register */
-#define sp		$30	/* Stack Pointer Register */
-#define zero		$31	/* Zero Register */
-**  OSF/1 Unprivileged CALL_PAL Entry Offsets:
-**	Entry Name	    Offset (Hex)
-**	bpt		     0080
-**	bugchk		     0081
-**	callsys		     0083
-**	imb		     0086
-**	rdunique	     009E
-**	wrunique	     009F
-**	gentrap		     00AA
-**	dbgstop		     00AD
-#define UNPRIV			    0x80
-#define	PAL_BPT_ENTRY		    0x80
-#define PAL_BUGCHK_ENTRY	    0x81
-#define PAL_CALLSYS_ENTRY	    0x83
-#define PAL_IMB_ENTRY		    0x86
-#define PAL_RDUNIQUE_ENTRY	    0x9E
-#define PAL_WRUNIQUE_ENTRY	    0x9F
-#define PAL_GENTRAP_ENTRY	    0xAA
-#if defined(KDEBUG)
-#define	PAL_DBGSTOP_ENTRY	    0xAD
-/* #define NUM_UNPRIV_CALL_PALS	    10 */
-/* #define NUM_UNPRIV_CALL_PALS	    9  */
-#endif /* KDEBUG */
-**  OSF/1 Privileged CALL_PAL Entry Offsets:
-**	Entry Name	    Offset (Hex)
-**	halt		     0000
-**	cflush		     0001
-**	draina		     0002
-**	cserve		     0009
-**	swppal		     000A
-**	rdmces		     0010
-**	wrmces		     0011
-**	wrfen		     002B
-**	wrvptptr	     002D
-**	swpctx		     0030
-**	wrval		     0031
-**	rdval		     0032
-**	tbi		     0033
-**	wrent		     0034
-**	swpipl		     0035
-**	rdps		     0036
-**	wrkgp		     0037
-**	wrusp		     0038
-**	rdusp		     003A
-**	whami		     003C
-**	retsys		     003D
-**	rti		     003F
-#define PAL_HALT_ENTRY	    0x0000
-#define PAL_CFLUSH_ENTRY    0x0001
-#define PAL_DRAINA_ENTRY    0x0002
-#define PAL_CSERVE_ENTRY    0x0009
-#define PAL_SWPPAL_ENTRY    0x000A
-#define PAL_WRIPIR_ENTRY    0x000D
-#define PAL_RDMCES_ENTRY    0x0010
-#define PAL_WRMCES_ENTRY    0x0011
-#define PAL_WRFEN_ENTRY	    0x002B
-#define PAL_WRVPTPTR_ENTRY  0x002D
-#define PAL_SWPCTX_ENTRY    0x0030
-#define PAL_WRVAL_ENTRY	    0x0031
-#define PAL_RDVAL_ENTRY	    0x0032
-#define PAL_TBI_ENTRY	    0x0033
-#define PAL_WRENT_ENTRY	    0x0034
-#define PAL_SWPIPL_ENTRY    0x0035
-#define PAL_RDPS_ENTRY	    0x0036
-#define PAL_WRKGP_ENTRY	    0x0037
-#define PAL_WRUSP_ENTRY	    0x0038
-#define PAL_RDUSP_ENTRY	    0x003A
-#define PAL_WHAMI_ENTRY	    0x003C
-#define PAL_RETSYS_ENTRY    0x003D
-#define PAL_RTI_ENTRY	    0x003F
-#define NUM_PRIV_CALL_PALS  23
diff --git a/system/alpha/palcode/xxm.sed b/system/alpha/palcode/xxm.sed
deleted file mode 100644
index 24e9bf4..0000000
--- a/system/alpha/palcode/xxm.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-/^[ 	]*$/d
-s/^[ 	]*//
-s/	/ /g
-s/ [ ]*/ /g
-s/ ,/,/