base: Fix `AddrRange::addIntlvBits(Addr)` and new test.

The methods `AddrRange::removeIntlvBits(Addr)` and
`AddrRange::addIntlvBits(Addr)` should be the inverse of one another,
but the latter did not insert the blanks for filling the removed bits in
the correct positions.  Since the masks are ordered increasingly by the
position of the least significant bit of each mask, the lowest bit that
has to be inserted at each iteration is always `intlv_bit`, not needing
to be shifted to the left or right.  The bits that need to be copied
from the input address are `intlv_bit-1..0` at each iteration.

The test `AddrRangeTest.AddRemoveInterleavBitsAcrossRange` has been
updated have masks below bit 12, making the old code not pass the test.
A new `AddrRangeTest.AddRemoveInterleavBitsAcrossContiguousRange` test
has been added to include a case in which the previous code fails.  The
corrected code passes both tests.

This function is not used anywhere other than the tests and the class
`ChannelAddr`.  However, it is needed to efficiently implement
interleaved caches in the classic mode.

Change-Id: I7d626a1f6ecf09a230fc18810d2dad2104d1a865
Signed-off-by: Isaac Sánchez Barrera <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Nikos Nikoleris <>
Reviewed-by: Bobby R. Bruce <>
Maintainer: Nikos Nikoleris <>
Maintainer: Bobby R. Bruce <>
2 files changed