mem-ruby: dequeue rate limit for message buffers

The 'max_dequeue_rate' parameter limits the rate at which messages can
be dequeued in a single cycle. When set, 'isReady' returns false if
after max_dequeue_rate is reached.

This can be used to fine tune the performance of cache controllers.

For the record, other ways of achieving a similar effect could be:
1) Modifying the SLICC compiler to limit message consumption in the
   generated wakeup() function
2) Set the buffer size to max_dequeue_rate. This can potentially cut the
   the expected throughput in half. For instance if a producer can
   enqueue every cycle, and a consumer can dequeue every cycle, a
   message can only be actually enqueued every two (assuming
   buffer_size=1) since the buffer entries available after dequeue
   are only visible in the next cycle (even if the consumer executes
   before the producer).


Change-Id: I3a446c7276b80a0e3f409b4fbab0ab65ff5c1f81
Signed-off-by: Tiago Mück <>
Reviewed-by: Meatboy 106 <>
Maintainer: Bobby Bruce <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
3 files changed