Gerrit Bot

Getting Username and Password

Gerrit REST API uses the account username and password for the authentication purpose. They are necessary to make a request.

The following are steps to obtain the username and password from .gitcookies files,

  • Follow this link and copy the authenticating script to a new file.

  • After that, run the to extract the username and password from the authenticating script. For example, the following command extracts the username and password from gerrit_auth_script and writes them to .data/auth,

python3 gerrit_auth_script .data/auth

The .data/auth will have two lines: the first line contains the username and the second line is the corresponding password. Notes:

  • The above link,, generates a new pair of username and password per visit.
  • The file is also able to read from .gitcookies file. For example, python3 ~/.gitcookies output will write all pairs of username and password in two lines per pair to output.
  • The gerrit-bot only reads the pair of username and password appearing in the first and the second line in the .data/auth file.

Gerrit Bot

The structure of the Gerrit bot is as follows:

  • The GerritBotConfig class should contain all constants that are configurable prior to running.

Gerrit API


The Gerrit bot is intended to be run as a cron job. Each run of the Gerrit bot will query new changes made to the Gerrit server within a certain period of time, perform actions on each change, and exit.

The following are steps to deploy the Gerrit bot:

  • Create .data folder in the same folder as,
mkdir .data
  • Follow the steps here to get the Gerrit bot account username and password.

  • To run the Gerrit bot once,

  • To edit the cron table,
crontab -e

To run the Gerrit bot every 30 minutes, add the following line to the crontable,

*/1 * * * * cd /path/to/gerrit/bot/directory && ./