arch-riscv: Added the Zba and Zbb bitmanip instructions

Zba instructions added:
add.uw, sh1add, sh1add.uw, sh2add, sh2add.uw, sh3add, sh3add.uw, slli.uw

Zbb instructions added:
andn, orn, xnor, clz, clzw, ctz, ctzw, cpop, cpopw, max, maxu, min,
minu, sext.b, sext.h, zext.h, rol, rolw, ror, rori, roriw, rorw, orc.b, rev8

Changes based on spec:

Change-Id: I056719f62eee89e0f085d1bf1fa182f9dfe614d8
Signed-off-by: Jerin Joy <>
Reviewed-by: Luming Wang <>
Maintainer: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
3 files changed