mem-ruby: Fix replacement policy updates with stores in MI_example

The current MI_example protocol's L1 caches updates the MRU information twice per store requests that miss -- once when the request reaches Ruby and once when the store miss is returned from another level of the memory hierarchy.

Although this approach does not cause any correctness bugs for replacement policies like LRU since this request is the LRU in both cases, it does not work correctly for other policies like SecondChance and LFU, where updating the information twice (for misses) causes them to devolve to LRU.

Note that this was not directly a problem with Ruby previously, because it only supported LRU-based policies that were unaffected by this.  However, with the integration of 20879 Ruby now uses the same replacement policies as Classic (which has additional, non-LRU based replacement policies).

This patch resolves this problem by not updating the MRU information a second time for the misses. It has been tested and validated with the replacement policy tests in 20880, and it modifies the store instead of the load in 62232.

Change-Id: I8436e3e537da0ee5841c59a94fa5e5c30105529f
Maintainer: Matt Sinclair <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Sinclair <>
1 file changed