base,tests: Create unit tests for Stats::Stor

Create unit tests for the stats storage types. As a side effect
storage-related classes have been moved to separate files.

HistStor's grow_up, grow_out, and grow_convert have been made
private and renamed to comply with gem5's naming convention
and make grow_convert match its grow_up counterpart (growDown)
which is more suitable for its expected behavior.

The params declarations have been moved to be close to their
storage class' constructor.

HistStor has a explicit condition stating that there must be
at least 2 buckets.

Added documentation!

Fixed grow_convert so that it yields consistent histograms.
Previously buckets could not fully intersect, so doubling their
bucket size would make them steal contents innaproprietly. For
example, the neighbors [-6,-2[, [-2,2[, [2,6[, when doubled,
become [-12,-4[, [-4,4[, [4,12[; however, since the individual
values are not stored, it is impossible to know how to populate
the middle bucket with its neighbor's partial contents.
This fix forces the middle bucket of a storage to have its lower
bound at 0, solving the partial intersection issue.

Change-Id: Idb063e3dbda3cce3a8969e347660143162146eb9
Signed-off-by: Daniel R. Carvalho <>
Reviewed-by: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Maintainer: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
diff --git a/src/base/ b/src/base/
index 80c71ab..122f54b 100644
--- a/src/base/
+++ b/src/base/
@@ -131,114 +131,6 @@
-    int size = cvec.size();
-    int zero = size / 2; // round down!
-    int top_half = zero + (size - zero + 1) / 2; // round up!
-    int bottom_half = (size - zero) / 2; // round down!
-    // grow down
-    int low_pair = zero - 1;
-    for (int i = zero - 1; i >= bottom_half; i--) {
-        cvec[i] = cvec[low_pair];
-        if (low_pair - 1 >= 0)
-            cvec[i] += cvec[low_pair - 1];
-        low_pair -= 2;
-    }
-    assert(low_pair == 0 || low_pair == -1 || low_pair == -2);
-    for (int i = bottom_half - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-        cvec[i] = Counter();
-    // grow up
-    int high_pair = zero;
-    for (int i = zero; i < top_half; i++) {
-        cvec[i] = cvec[high_pair];
-        if (high_pair + 1 < size)
-            cvec[i] += cvec[high_pair + 1];
-        high_pair += 2;
-    }
-    assert(high_pair == size || high_pair == size + 1);
-    for (int i = top_half; i < size; i++)
-        cvec[i] = Counter();
-    max_bucket *= 2;
-    min_bucket *= 2;
-    bucket_size *= 2;
-    int size = cvec.size();
-    int half = (size + 1) / 2; // round up!
-    //bool even = (size & 1) == 0;
-    int pair = size - 1;
-    for (int i = size - 1; i >= half; --i) {
-        cvec[i] = cvec[pair];
-        if (pair - 1 >= 0)
-            cvec[i] += cvec[pair - 1];
-        pair -= 2;
-    }
-    for (int i = half - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-        cvec[i] = Counter();
-    min_bucket = -max_bucket;// - (even ? bucket_size : 0);
-    bucket_size *= 2;
-    int size = cvec.size();
-    int half = (size + 1) / 2; // round up!
-    int pair = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < half; i++) {
-        cvec[i] = cvec[pair];
-        if (pair + 1 < size)
-            cvec[i] += cvec[pair + 1];
-        pair += 2;
-    }
-    assert(pair == size || pair == size + 1);
-    for (int i = half; i < size; i++)
-        cvec[i] = Counter();
-    max_bucket *= 2;
-    bucket_size *= 2;
-HistStor::add(HistStor *hs)
-    int b_size = hs->size();
-    assert(size() == b_size);
-    assert(min_bucket == hs->min_bucket);
-    sum += hs->sum;
-    logs += hs->logs;
-    squares += hs->squares;
-    samples += hs->samples;
-    while (bucket_size > hs->bucket_size)
-        hs->grow_up();
-    while (bucket_size < hs->bucket_size)
-        grow_up();
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < b_size; i++)
-        cvec[i] += hs->cvec[i];
 Formula::Formula(Group *parent, const char *name, const char *desc)
     : DataWrapVec<Formula, FormulaInfoProxy>(parent, name, desc)
diff --git a/src/base/statistics.hh b/src/base/statistics.hh
index 20544c2..1c3d53d 100644
--- a/src/base/statistics.hh
+++ b/src/base/statistics.hh
@@ -75,14 +75,13 @@
 #include "base/stats/group.hh"
 #include "base/stats/info.hh"
 #include "base/stats/output.hh"
+#include "base/stats/storage.hh"
 #include "base/stats/types.hh"
 #include "base/cast.hh"
 #include "base/cprintf.hh"
 #include "base/intmath.hh"
 #include "base/str.hh"
 #include "base/types.hh"
-// For curTick().
-#include "sim/core.hh"
 /* A namespace for all of the Statistics */
 namespace Stats {
@@ -172,11 +171,6 @@
     Result total() const { return this->; }
-struct StorageParams
-    virtual ~StorageParams();
 class InfoAccess
@@ -483,167 +477,6 @@
- * Templatized storage and interface for a simple scalar stat.
- */
-class StatStor
-  private:
-    /** The statistic value. */
-    Counter data;
-  public:
-    struct Params : public StorageParams {};
-  public:
-    /**
-     * Builds this storage element and calls the base constructor of the
-     * datatype.
-     */
-    StatStor(Info *info)
-        : data(Counter())
-    { }
-    /**
-     * The the stat to the given value.
-     * @param val The new value.
-     */
-    void set(Counter val) { data = val; }
-    /**
-     * Increment the stat by the given value.
-     * @param val The new value.
-     */
-    void inc(Counter val) { data += val; }
-    /**
-     * Decrement the stat by the given value.
-     * @param val The new value.
-     */
-    void dec(Counter val) { data -= val; }
-    /**
-     * Return the value of this stat as its base type.
-     * @return The value of this stat.
-     */
-    Counter value() const { return data; }
-    /**
-     * Return the value of this stat as a result type.
-     * @return The value of this stat.
-     */
-    Result result() const { return (Result)data; }
-    /**
-     * Prepare stat data for dumping or serialization
-     */
-    void prepare(Info *info) { }
-    /**
-     * Reset stat value to default
-     */
-    void reset(Info *info) { data = Counter(); }
-    /**
-     * @return true if zero value
-     */
-    bool zero() const { return data == Counter(); }
- * Templatized storage and interface to a per-tick average stat. This keeps
- * a current count and updates a total (count * ticks) when this count
- * changes. This allows the quick calculation of a per tick count of the item
- * being watched. This is good for keeping track of residencies in structures
- * among other things.
- */
-class AvgStor
-  private:
-    /** The current count. */
-    Counter current;
-    /** The tick of the last reset */
-    Tick lastReset;
-    /** The total count for all tick. */
-    mutable Result total;
-    /** The tick that current last changed. */
-    mutable Tick last;
-  public:
-    struct Params : public StorageParams {};
-  public:
-    /**
-     * Build and initializes this stat storage.
-     */
-    AvgStor(Info *info)
-        : current(0), lastReset(0), total(0), last(0)
-    { }
-    /**
-     * Set the current count to the one provided, update the total and last
-     * set values.
-     * @param val The new count.
-     */
-    void
-    set(Counter val)
-    {
-        total += current * (curTick() - last);
-        last = curTick();
-        current = val;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Increment the current count by the provided value, calls set.
-     * @param val The amount to increment.
-     */
-    void inc(Counter val) { set(current + val); }
-    /**
-     * Deccrement the current count by the provided value, calls set.
-     * @param val The amount to decrement.
-     */
-    void dec(Counter val) { set(current - val); }
-    /**
-     * Return the current count.
-     * @return The current count.
-     */
-    Counter value() const { return current; }
-    /**
-     * Return the current average.
-     * @return The current average.
-     */
-    Result
-    result() const
-    {
-        assert(last == curTick());
-        return (Result)(total + current) / (Result)(curTick() - lastReset + 1);
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return true if zero value
-     */
-    bool zero() const { return total == 0.0; }
-    /**
-     * Prepare stat data for dumping or serialization
-     */
-    void
-    prepare(Info *info)
-    {
-        total += current * (curTick() - last);
-        last = curTick();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reset stat value to default
-     */
-    void
-    reset(Info *info)
-    {
-        total = 0.0;
-        last = curTick();
-        lastReset = curTick();
-    }
  * Implementation of a scalar stat. The type of stat is determined by the
  * Storage template.
@@ -1406,462 +1239,6 @@
 // Non formula statistics
-/** The parameters for a distribution stat. */
-struct DistParams : public StorageParams
-    const DistType type;
-    DistParams(DistType t) : type(t) {}
- * Templatized storage and interface for a distribution stat.
- */
-class DistStor
-  public:
-    /** The parameters for a distribution stat. */
-    struct Params : public DistParams
-    {
-        /** The minimum value to track. */
-        Counter min;
-        /** The maximum value to track. */
-        Counter max;
-        /** The number of entries in each bucket. */
-        Counter bucket_size;
-        /** The number of buckets. Equal to (max-min)/bucket_size. */
-        size_type buckets;
-        Params() : DistParams(Dist), min(0), max(0), bucket_size(0),
-                   buckets(0) {}
-    };
-  private:
-    /** The minimum value to track. */
-    Counter min_track;
-    /** The maximum value to track. */
-    Counter max_track;
-    /** The number of entries in each bucket. */
-    Counter bucket_size;
-    /** The smallest value sampled. */
-    Counter min_val;
-    /** The largest value sampled. */
-    Counter max_val;
-    /** The number of values sampled less than min. */
-    Counter underflow;
-    /** The number of values sampled more than max. */
-    Counter overflow;
-    /** The current sum. */
-    Counter sum;
-    /** The sum of squares. */
-    Counter squares;
-    /** The number of samples. */
-    Counter samples;
-    /** Counter for each bucket. */
-    VCounter cvec;
-  public:
-    DistStor(Info *info)
-        : cvec(safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams)->buckets)
-    {
-        reset(info);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add a value to the distribution for the given number of times.
-     * @param val The value to add.
-     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
-     */
-    void
-    sample(Counter val, int number)
-    {
-        if (val < min_track)
-            underflow += number;
-        else if (val > max_track)
-            overflow += number;
-        else {
-            size_type index =
-                (size_type)std::floor((val - min_track) / bucket_size);
-            assert(index < size());
-            cvec[index] += number;
-        }
-        if (val < min_val)
-            min_val = val;
-        if (val > max_val)
-            max_val = val;
-        sum += val * number;
-        squares += val * val * number;
-        samples += number;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the number of buckets in this distribution.
-     * @return the number of buckets.
-     */
-    size_type size() const { return cvec.size(); }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if any calls to sample have been made.
-     * @return True if any values have been sampled.
-     */
-    bool
-    zero() const
-    {
-        return samples == Counter();
-    }
-    void
-    prepare(Info *info, DistData &data)
-    {
-        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
-        assert(params->type == Dist);
-        data.type = params->type;
-        data.min = params->min;
-        data.max = params->max;
-        data.bucket_size = params->bucket_size;
-        data.min_val = (min_val == CounterLimits::max()) ? 0 : min_val;
-        data.max_val = (max_val == CounterLimits::min()) ? 0 : max_val;
-        data.underflow = underflow;
-        data.overflow = overflow;
-        data.cvec.resize(params->buckets);
-        for (off_type i = 0; i < params->buckets; ++i)
-            data.cvec[i] = cvec[i];
-        data.sum = sum;
-        data.squares = squares;
-        data.samples = samples;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reset stat value to default
-     */
-    void
-    reset(Info *info)
-    {
-        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
-        min_track = params->min;
-        max_track = params->max;
-        bucket_size = params->bucket_size;
-        min_val = CounterLimits::max();
-        max_val = CounterLimits::min();
-        underflow = Counter();
-        overflow = Counter();
-        size_type size = cvec.size();
-        for (off_type i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-            cvec[i] = Counter();
-        sum = Counter();
-        squares = Counter();
-        samples = Counter();
-    }
- * Templatized storage and interface for a histogram stat.
- */
-class HistStor
-  public:
-    /** The parameters for a distribution stat. */
-    struct Params : public DistParams
-    {
-        /** The number of buckets.. */
-        size_type buckets;
-        Params() : DistParams(Hist), buckets(0) {}
-    };
-  private:
-    /** The minimum value to track. */
-    Counter min_bucket;
-    /** The maximum value to track. */
-    Counter max_bucket;
-    /** The number of entries in each bucket. */
-    Counter bucket_size;
-    /** The current sum. */
-    Counter sum;
-    /** The sum of logarithm of each sample, used to compute geometric mean. */
-    Counter logs;
-    /** The sum of squares. */
-    Counter squares;
-    /** The number of samples. */
-    Counter samples;
-    /** Counter for each bucket. */
-    VCounter cvec;
-  public:
-    HistStor(Info *info)
-        : cvec(safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams)->buckets)
-    {
-        reset(info);
-    }
-    void grow_up();
-    void grow_out();
-    void grow_convert();
-    void add(HistStor *);
-    /**
-     * Add a value to the distribution for the given number of times.
-     * @param val The value to add.
-     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
-     */
-    void
-    sample(Counter val, int number)
-    {
-        assert(min_bucket < max_bucket);
-        if (val < min_bucket) {
-            if (min_bucket == 0)
-                grow_convert();
-            while (val < min_bucket)
-                grow_out();
-        } else if (val >= max_bucket + bucket_size) {
-            if (min_bucket == 0) {
-                while (val >= max_bucket + bucket_size)
-                    grow_up();
-            } else {
-                while (val >= max_bucket + bucket_size)
-                    grow_out();
-            }
-        }
-        size_type index =
-            (int64_t)std::floor((val - min_bucket) / bucket_size);
-        assert(index < size());
-        cvec[index] += number;
-        sum += val * number;
-        squares += val * val * number;
-        logs += log(val) * number;
-        samples += number;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the number of buckets in this distribution.
-     * @return the number of buckets.
-     */
-    size_type size() const { return cvec.size(); }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if any calls to sample have been made.
-     * @return True if any values have been sampled.
-     */
-    bool
-    zero() const
-    {
-        return samples == Counter();
-    }
-    void
-    prepare(Info *info, DistData &data)
-    {
-        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
-        assert(params->type == Hist);
-        data.type = params->type;
-        data.min = min_bucket;
-        data.max = max_bucket + bucket_size - 1;
-        data.bucket_size = bucket_size;
-        data.min_val = min_bucket;
-        data.max_val = max_bucket;
-        int buckets = params->buckets;
-        data.cvec.resize(buckets);
-        for (off_type i = 0; i < buckets; ++i)
-            data.cvec[i] = cvec[i];
-        data.sum = sum;
-        data.logs = logs;
-        data.squares = squares;
-        data.samples = samples;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reset stat value to default
-     */
-    void
-    reset(Info *info)
-    {
-        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
-        min_bucket = 0;
-        max_bucket = params->buckets - 1;
-        bucket_size = 1;
-        size_type size = cvec.size();
-        for (off_type i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-            cvec[i] = Counter();
-        sum = Counter();
-        squares = Counter();
-        samples = Counter();
-        logs = Counter();
-    }
- * Templatized storage and interface for a distribution that calculates mean
- * and variance.
- */
-class SampleStor
-  public:
-    struct Params : public DistParams
-    {
-        Params() : DistParams(Deviation) {}
-    };
-  private:
-    /** The current sum. */
-    Counter sum;
-    /** The sum of squares. */
-    Counter squares;
-    /** The number of samples. */
-    Counter samples;
-  public:
-    /**
-     * Create and initialize this storage.
-     */
-    SampleStor(Info *info)
-        : sum(Counter()), squares(Counter()), samples(Counter())
-    { }
-    /**
-     * Add a value the given number of times to this running average.
-     * Update the running sum and sum of squares, increment the number of
-     * values seen by the given number.
-     * @param val The value to add.
-     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
-     */
-    void
-    sample(Counter val, int number)
-    {
-        sum += val * number;
-        squares += val * val * number;
-        samples += number;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the number of entries in this stat, 1
-     * @return 1.
-     */
-    size_type size() const { return 1; }
-    /**
-     * Return true if no samples have been added.
-     * @return True if no samples have been added.
-     */
-    bool zero() const { return samples == Counter(); }
-    void
-    prepare(Info *info, DistData &data)
-    {
-        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
-        assert(params->type == Deviation);
-        data.type = params->type;
-        data.sum = sum;
-        data.squares = squares;
-        data.samples = samples;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reset stat value to default
-     */
-    void
-    reset(Info *info)
-    {
-        sum = Counter();
-        squares = Counter();
-        samples = Counter();
-    }
- * Templatized storage for distribution that calculates per tick mean and
- * variance.
- */
-class AvgSampleStor
-  public:
-    struct Params : public DistParams
-    {
-        Params() : DistParams(Deviation) {}
-    };
-  private:
-    /** Current total. */
-    Counter sum;
-    /** Current sum of squares. */
-    Counter squares;
-  public:
-    /**
-     * Create and initialize this storage.
-     */
-    AvgSampleStor(Info *info)
-        : sum(Counter()), squares(Counter())
-    {}
-    /**
-     * Add a value to the distribution for the given number of times.
-     * Update the running sum and sum of squares.
-     * @param val The value to add.
-     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
-     */
-    void
-    sample(Counter val, int number)
-    {
-        sum += val * number;
-        squares += val * val * number;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the number of entries, in this case 1.
-     * @return 1.
-     */
-    size_type size() const { return 1; }
-    /**
-     * Return true if no samples have been added.
-     * @return True if the sum is zero.
-     */
-    bool zero() const { return sum == Counter(); }
-    void
-    prepare(Info *info, DistData &data)
-    {
-        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
-        assert(params->type == Deviation);
-        data.type = params->type;
-        data.sum = sum;
-        data.squares = squares;
-        data.samples = curTick();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reset stat value to default
-     */
-    void
-    reset(Info *info)
-    {
-        sum = Counter();
-        squares = Counter();
-    }
  * Implementation of a distribution stat. The type of distribution is
@@ -1953,7 +1330,6 @@
      *  Add the argument distribution to the this distribution.
     void add(DistBase &d) { data()->add(; }
 template <class Stat>
@@ -2928,81 +2304,6 @@
- * Templatized storage and interface for a sparse histogram stat.
- */
-class SparseHistStor
-  public:
-    /** The parameters for a sparse histogram stat. */
-    struct Params : public DistParams
-    {
-        Params() : DistParams(Hist) {}
-    };
-  private:
-    /** Counter for number of samples */
-    Counter samples;
-    /** Counter for each bucket. */
-    MCounter cmap;
-  public:
-    SparseHistStor(Info *info)
-    {
-        reset(info);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add a value to the distribution for the given number of times.
-     * @param val The value to add.
-     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
-     */
-    void
-    sample(Counter val, int number)
-    {
-        cmap[val] += number;
-        samples += number;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the number of buckets in this distribution.
-     * @return the number of buckets.
-     */
-    size_type size() const { return cmap.size(); }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if any calls to sample have been made.
-     * @return True if any values have been sampled.
-     */
-    bool
-    zero() const
-    {
-        return samples == Counter();
-    }
-    void
-    prepare(Info *info, SparseHistData &data)
-    {
-        MCounter::iterator it;
-        data.cmap.clear();
-        for (it = cmap.begin(); it != cmap.end(); it++) {
-            data.cmap[(*it).first] = (*it).second;
-        }
-        data.samples = samples;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Reset stat value to default
-     */
-    void
-    reset(Info *info)
-    {
-        cmap.clear();
-        samples = 0;
-    }
 class SparseHistogram : public SparseHistBase<SparseHistogram, SparseHistStor>
diff --git a/src/base/stats/SConscript b/src/base/stats/SConscript
index 953999c..69ac275 100644
--- a/src/base/stats/SConscript
+++ b/src/base/stats/SConscript
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 if env['USE_HDF5']:
@@ -38,3 +39,5 @@
+GTest('storage.test', '', '../', '../', '',
+    '', '../../sim/')
diff --git a/src/base/stats/ b/src/base/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e8716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/base/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel R. Carvalho
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Arm Limited
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+ * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+ * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+ * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+ * licensed hereunder.  You may use the software subject to the license
+ * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+ * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+ * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#include "base/stats/storage.hh"
+#include <cmath>
+namespace Stats {
+DistStor::sample(Counter val, int number)
+    assert(bucket_size > 0);
+    if (val < min_track)
+        underflow += number;
+    else if (val > max_track)
+        overflow += number;
+    else {
+        size_type index =
+            (size_type)std::floor((val - min_track) / bucket_size);
+        assert(index < size());
+        cvec[index] += number;
+    }
+    if (val < min_val)
+        min_val = val;
+    if (val > max_val)
+        max_val = val;
+    sum += val * number;
+    squares += val * val * number;
+    samples += number;
+    int size = cvec.size();
+    int zero = size / 2; // round down!
+    int top_half = zero + (size - zero + 1) / 2; // round up!
+    int bottom_half = (size - zero) / 2; // round down!
+    // grow down
+    int low_pair = zero - 1;
+    for (int i = zero - 1; i >= bottom_half; i--) {
+        cvec[i] = cvec[low_pair];
+        if (low_pair - 1 >= 0)
+            cvec[i] += cvec[low_pair - 1];
+        low_pair -= 2;
+    }
+    assert(low_pair == 0 || low_pair == -1 || low_pair == -2);
+    for (int i = bottom_half - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+        cvec[i] = Counter();
+    // grow up
+    int high_pair = zero;
+    for (int i = zero; i < top_half; i++) {
+        cvec[i] = cvec[high_pair];
+        if (high_pair + 1 < size)
+            cvec[i] += cvec[high_pair + 1];
+        high_pair += 2;
+    }
+    assert(high_pair == size || high_pair == size + 1);
+    for (int i = top_half; i < size; i++)
+        cvec[i] = Counter();
+    max_bucket *= 2;
+    min_bucket *= 2;
+    bucket_size *= 2;
+    const int size = cvec.size();
+    const int zero = size / 2; // round down!
+    const bool even = ((size - 1) % 2) == 0;
+    // Make sure that zero becomes the lower bound of the middle bucket. On
+    // an even number of buckets the last bucket does not change its lower
+    // bound, therefore it does not need to absorb any other bucket
+    int pair = size - 1;
+    if (even) {
+        pair--;
+    }
+    for (int i = pair; i >= zero; --i) {
+        cvec[i] = cvec[pair];
+        if (pair - 1 >= 0)
+            cvec[i] += cvec[pair - 1];
+        pair -= 2;
+    }
+    for (int i = zero - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+        cvec[i] = Counter();
+    // Double the range by using the negative of the lower bound of the last
+    // bucket as the new lower bound of the first bucket
+    min_bucket = -max_bucket;
+    // A special case must be handled when there is an odd number of
+    // buckets so that zero is kept as the lower bound of the middle bucket
+    if (!even) {
+        min_bucket -= bucket_size;
+        max_bucket -= bucket_size;
+    }
+    // Only update the bucket size once the range has been updated
+    bucket_size *= 2;
+    int size = cvec.size();
+    int half = (size + 1) / 2; // round up!
+    int pair = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < half; i++) {
+        cvec[i] = cvec[pair];
+        if (pair + 1 < size)
+            cvec[i] += cvec[pair + 1];
+        pair += 2;
+    }
+    assert(pair == size || pair == size + 1);
+    for (int i = half; i < size; i++)
+        cvec[i] = Counter();
+    max_bucket *= 2;
+    bucket_size *= 2;
+HistStor::sample(Counter val, int number)
+    assert(min_bucket < max_bucket);
+    if (val < min_bucket) {
+        if (min_bucket == 0)
+            growDown();
+        while (val < min_bucket)
+            growOut();
+    } else if (val >= max_bucket + bucket_size) {
+        if (min_bucket == 0) {
+            while (val >= max_bucket + bucket_size)
+                growUp();
+        } else {
+            while (val >= max_bucket + bucket_size)
+                growOut();
+        }
+    }
+    assert(bucket_size > 0);
+    size_type index =
+        (int64_t)std::floor((val - min_bucket) / bucket_size);
+    assert(index < size());
+    cvec[index] += number;
+    sum += val * number;
+    squares += val * val * number;
+    logs += std::log(val) * number;
+    samples += number;
+HistStor::add(HistStor *hs)
+    int b_size = hs->size();
+    assert(size() == b_size);
+    assert(min_bucket == hs->min_bucket);
+    sum += hs->sum;
+    logs += hs->logs;
+    squares += hs->squares;
+    samples += hs->samples;
+    while (bucket_size > hs->bucket_size)
+        hs->growUp();
+    while (bucket_size < hs->bucket_size)
+        growUp();
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < b_size; i++)
+        cvec[i] += hs->cvec[i];
+} // namespace Stats
diff --git a/src/base/stats/storage.hh b/src/base/stats/storage.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66565bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/base/stats/storage.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel R. Carvalho
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#include <cassert>
+#include "base/cast.hh"
+#include "base/logging.hh"
+#include "base/stats/info.hh"
+#include "base/stats/types.hh"
+// For curTick().
+#include "sim/core.hh"
+namespace Stats {
+struct StorageParams
+    virtual ~StorageParams() = default;
+ * Templatized storage and interface for a simple scalar stat.
+ */
+class StatStor
+  private:
+    /** The statistic value. */
+    Counter data;
+  public:
+    struct Params : public StorageParams {};
+    /**
+     * Builds this storage element and calls the base constructor of the
+     * datatype.
+     */
+    StatStor(Info *info)
+        : data(Counter())
+    { }
+    /**
+     * The the stat to the given value.
+     * @param val The new value.
+     */
+    void set(Counter val) { data = val; }
+    /**
+     * Increment the stat by the given value.
+     * @param val The new value.
+     */
+    void inc(Counter val) { data += val; }
+    /**
+     * Decrement the stat by the given value.
+     * @param val The new value.
+     */
+    void dec(Counter val) { data -= val; }
+    /**
+     * Return the value of this stat as its base type.
+     * @return The value of this stat.
+     */
+    Counter value() const { return data; }
+    /**
+     * Return the value of this stat as a result type.
+     * @return The value of this stat.
+     */
+    Result result() const { return (Result)data; }
+    /**
+     * Prepare stat data for dumping or serialization
+     */
+    void prepare(Info *info) { }
+    /**
+     * Reset stat value to default
+     */
+    void reset(Info *info) { data = Counter(); }
+    /**
+     * @return true if zero value
+     */
+    bool zero() const { return data == Counter(); }
+ * Templatized storage and interface to a per-tick average stat. This keeps
+ * a current count and updates a total (count * ticks) when this count
+ * changes. This allows the quick calculation of a per tick count of the item
+ * being watched. This is good for keeping track of residencies in structures
+ * among other things.
+ */
+class AvgStor
+  private:
+    /** The current count. */
+    Counter current;
+    /** The tick of the last reset */
+    Tick lastReset;
+    /** The total count for all tick. */
+    mutable Result total;
+    /** The tick that current last changed. */
+    mutable Tick last;
+  public:
+    struct Params : public StorageParams {};
+    /**
+     * Build and initializes this stat storage.
+     */
+    AvgStor(Info *info)
+        : current(0), lastReset(0), total(0), last(0)
+    { }
+    /**
+     * Set the current count to the one provided, update the total and last
+     * set values.
+     * @param val The new count.
+     */
+    void
+    set(Counter val)
+    {
+        total += current * (curTick() - last);
+        last = curTick();
+        current = val;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Increment the current count by the provided value, calls set.
+     * @param val The amount to increment.
+     */
+    void inc(Counter val) { set(current + val); }
+    /**
+     * Deccrement the current count by the provided value, calls set.
+     * @param val The amount to decrement.
+     */
+    void dec(Counter val) { set(current - val); }
+    /**
+     * Return the current count.
+     * @return The current count.
+     */
+    Counter value() const { return current; }
+    /**
+     * Return the current average.
+     * @return The current average.
+     */
+    Result
+    result() const
+    {
+        assert(last == curTick());
+        return (Result)(total + current) / (Result)(curTick() - lastReset + 1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return true if zero value
+     */
+    bool zero() const { return total == 0.0; }
+    /**
+     * Prepare stat data for dumping or serialization
+     */
+    void
+    prepare(Info *info)
+    {
+        total += current * (curTick() - last);
+        last = curTick();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reset stat value to default
+     */
+    void
+    reset(Info *info)
+    {
+        total = 0.0;
+        last = curTick();
+        lastReset = curTick();
+    }
+/** The parameters for a distribution stat. */
+struct DistParams : public StorageParams
+    const DistType type;
+    DistParams(DistType t) : type(t) {}
+ * Templatized storage and interface for a distribution stat. A distribution
+ * uses buckets to keep track of values within a given range. All other
+ * values, although accounted for on the overall calculations, are not tracked
+ * in buckets themselves; two special counters, underflow and overflow store
+ * the number of occurrences of such values.
+ */
+class DistStor
+  private:
+    /** The minimum value to track. */
+    Counter min_track;
+    /** The maximum value to track. */
+    Counter max_track;
+    /** The number of entries in each bucket. */
+    Counter bucket_size;
+    /** The smallest value sampled. */
+    Counter min_val;
+    /** The largest value sampled. */
+    Counter max_val;
+    /** The number of values sampled less than min. */
+    Counter underflow;
+    /** The number of values sampled more than max. */
+    Counter overflow;
+    /** The current sum. */
+    Counter sum;
+    /** The sum of squares. */
+    Counter squares;
+    /** The number of samples. */
+    Counter samples;
+    /** Counter for each bucket. */
+    VCounter cvec;
+  public:
+    /** The parameters for a distribution stat. */
+    struct Params : public DistParams
+    {
+        /** The minimum value to track. */
+        Counter min;
+        /** The maximum value to track. */
+        Counter max;
+        /** The number of entries in each bucket. */
+        Counter bucket_size;
+        /** The number of buckets. Equal to (max-min)/bucket_size. */
+        size_type buckets;
+        Params() : DistParams(Dist), min(0), max(0), bucket_size(0),
+                   buckets(0) {}
+    };
+    DistStor(Info *info)
+        : cvec(safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams)->buckets)
+    {
+        reset(info);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a value to the distribution for the given number of times.
+     * @param val The value to add.
+     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
+     */
+    void sample(Counter val, int number);
+    /**
+     * Return the number of buckets in this distribution.
+     * @return the number of buckets.
+     */
+    size_type size() const { return cvec.size(); }
+    /**
+     * Returns true if any calls to sample have been made.
+     * @return True if any values have been sampled.
+     */
+    bool
+    zero() const
+    {
+        return samples == Counter();
+    }
+    void
+    prepare(Info *info, DistData &data)
+    {
+        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
+        assert(params->type == Dist);
+        data.type = params->type;
+        data.min = params->min;
+        data.max = params->max;
+        data.bucket_size = params->bucket_size;
+        data.min_val = (min_val == CounterLimits::max()) ? 0 : min_val;
+        data.max_val = (max_val == CounterLimits::min()) ? 0 : max_val;
+        data.underflow = underflow;
+        data.overflow = overflow;
+        data.cvec.resize(params->buckets);
+        for (off_type i = 0; i < params->buckets; ++i)
+            data.cvec[i] = cvec[i];
+        data.sum = sum;
+        data.squares = squares;
+        data.samples = samples;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reset stat value to default
+     */
+    void
+    reset(Info *info)
+    {
+        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
+        min_track = params->min;
+        max_track = params->max;
+        bucket_size = params->bucket_size;
+        min_val = CounterLimits::max();
+        max_val = CounterLimits::min();
+        underflow = Counter();
+        overflow = Counter();
+        size_type size = cvec.size();
+        for (off_type i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+            cvec[i] = Counter();
+        sum = Counter();
+        squares = Counter();
+        samples = Counter();
+    }
+ * Templatized storage and interface for a histogram stat.
+ *
+ * The number of buckets is fixed on initialization; however, the bucket size
+ * isn't. That means that when samples that are outside the current range are
+ * seen, the bucket size will be increased so that each bucket can hold a
+ * bigger range of values. When that happens, the bucket's contents are re-
+ * located.
+ *
+ * The min and max bucket values can only be, respectively, decreased and
+ * increased when sampling. If this wasn't true, samples that were previously
+ * within the buclet range could not be anymore within the valid range, making
+ * the storage's state incoherent. These values are set back to their initial
+ * states on reset().
+ *
+ * The bucket range always is zero-centric. While the storage does not
+ * contain negative values the bucket range will keep its lower bound at
+ * zero, doubling the upper bound when needed; However, as soon a negative
+ * value is sampled, zero becomes the lower bound of the middle (rounded up)
+ * bucket. Although this means that the histogram will not be symmetric if
+ * negative values are sampled, it makes it possible to grow the buckets
+ * without keeping track of the individual values.
+ *
+ * This happens because if zero was not a lower or upper bound, when its
+ * value was doubled, the lower and upper bound of the bucket containing
+ * zero would intersect with middle values of the previous and next buckets.
+ * For example, if the bucket containing zero has range [-2,2[, therefore
+ * its neighbor buckets would have ranges at [-6,-2[ and [2,6[. When the
+ * buckets are grown, the zero bucket would grow its range to [-4,4[, which
+ * cannot be easily extracted from the neighor buckets.
+ */
+class HistStor
+  private:
+    /** Lower bound of the first bucket's range. */
+    Counter min_bucket;
+    /** Lower bound of the last bucket's range. */
+    Counter max_bucket;
+    /** The number of entries in each bucket. */
+    Counter bucket_size;
+    /** The current sum. */
+    Counter sum;
+    /** The sum of logarithm of each sample, used to compute geometric mean. */
+    Counter logs;
+    /** The sum of squares. */
+    Counter squares;
+    /** The number of samples. */
+    Counter samples;
+    /** Counter for each bucket. */
+    VCounter cvec;
+    /**
+     * Given a bucket size B, and a range of values [0, N], this function
+     * doubles the bucket size to double the range of values towards the
+     * positive infinite; that is, double the upper range of this storage
+     * so that the range becomes [0, 2*N].
+     *
+     * Because the bucket size is doubled, the buckets contents are rearranged,
+     * since the original range of values is mapped to the lower half buckets.
+     */
+    void growUp();
+    /**
+     * Given a bucket size B, and a range of values [M, N], where M < 0, this
+     * function doubles the bucket size to double the range of values towards
+     * both positive and negative infinites; that is, it doubles both the lower
+     * and the upper range of this storage so that the range becomes
+     * [2*M, 2*N].
+     *
+     * Because the bucket size is doubled, the buckets contents are
+     * rearranged, and the original range of values are redistributed to free
+     * buckets for the newly appended ranges.
+     */
+    void growOut();
+    /**
+     * Given a bucket size B, and a range of values [0, N], this function
+     * doubles the bucket size to double the range of values towards the
+     * negative infinite; that is, it doubles the lower range of this
+     * storage so that the middle buckes contaihs zero as a lower bound. As
+     * such, the storage range becomes [-N, N+B] if there is an odd number
+     * of buckets, and [-N-B, N+B] if there is an even number of buckets.
+     *
+     * Because the bucket size is doubled, the buckets contents are
+     * rearranged, and the original range of values are redistributed to free
+     * buckets for the newly appended ranges.
+     */
+    void growDown();
+  public:
+    /** The parameters for a distribution stat. */
+    struct Params : public DistParams
+    {
+        /** The number of buckets. */
+        size_type buckets;
+        Params() : DistParams(Hist), buckets(0) {}
+    };
+    HistStor(Info *info)
+        : cvec(safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams)->buckets)
+    {
+        fatal_if(cvec.size() == 1,
+            "There must be at least two buckets in a histogram");
+        reset(info);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Adds the contents of the given storage to this storage.
+     * @param other The other storage to be added.
+     */
+    void add(HistStor *other);
+    /**
+     * Add a value to the distribution for the given number of times.
+     * @param val The value to add.
+     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
+     */
+    void sample(Counter val, int number);
+    /**
+     * Return the number of buckets in this distribution.
+     * @return the number of buckets.
+     */
+    size_type size() const { return cvec.size(); }
+    /**
+     * Returns true if any calls to sample have been made.
+     * @return True if any values have been sampled.
+     */
+    bool
+    zero() const
+    {
+        return samples == Counter();
+    }
+    void
+    prepare(Info *info, DistData &data)
+    {
+        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
+        assert(params->type == Hist);
+        data.type = params->type;
+        data.min = min_bucket;
+        data.max = max_bucket + bucket_size - 1;
+        data.bucket_size = bucket_size;
+        data.min_val = min_bucket;
+        data.max_val = max_bucket;
+        int buckets = params->buckets;
+        data.cvec.resize(buckets);
+        for (off_type i = 0; i < buckets; ++i)
+            data.cvec[i] = cvec[i];
+        data.sum = sum;
+        data.logs = logs;
+        data.squares = squares;
+        data.samples = samples;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reset stat value to default
+     */
+    void
+    reset(Info *info)
+    {
+        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
+        min_bucket = 0;
+        max_bucket = params->buckets - 1;
+        bucket_size = 1;
+        size_type size = cvec.size();
+        for (off_type i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+            cvec[i] = Counter();
+        sum = Counter();
+        squares = Counter();
+        samples = Counter();
+        logs = Counter();
+    }
+ * Templatized storage and interface for a distribution that calculates mean
+ * and variance.
+ */
+class SampleStor
+  private:
+    /** The current sum. */
+    Counter sum;
+    /** The sum of squares. */
+    Counter squares;
+    /** The number of samples. */
+    Counter samples;
+  public:
+    struct Params : public DistParams
+    {
+        Params() : DistParams(Deviation) {}
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create and initialize this storage.
+     */
+    SampleStor(Info *info)
+        : sum(Counter()), squares(Counter()), samples(Counter())
+    { }
+    /**
+     * Add a value the given number of times to this running average.
+     * Update the running sum and sum of squares, increment the number of
+     * values seen by the given number.
+     * @param val The value to add.
+     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
+     */
+    void
+    sample(Counter val, int number)
+    {
+        sum += val * number;
+        squares += val * val * number;
+        samples += number;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the number of entries in this stat, 1
+     * @return 1.
+     */
+    size_type size() const { return 1; }
+    /**
+     * Return true if no samples have been added.
+     * @return True if no samples have been added.
+     */
+    bool zero() const { return samples == Counter(); }
+    void
+    prepare(Info *info, DistData &data)
+    {
+        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
+        assert(params->type == Deviation);
+        data.type = params->type;
+        data.sum = sum;
+        data.squares = squares;
+        data.samples = samples;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reset stat value to default
+     */
+    void
+    reset(Info *info)
+    {
+        sum = Counter();
+        squares = Counter();
+        samples = Counter();
+    }
+ * Templatized storage for distribution that calculates per tick mean and
+ * variance.
+ */
+class AvgSampleStor
+  private:
+    /** Current total. */
+    Counter sum;
+    /** Current sum of squares. */
+    Counter squares;
+  public:
+    struct Params : public DistParams
+    {
+        Params() : DistParams(Deviation) {}
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create and initialize this storage.
+     */
+    AvgSampleStor(Info *info)
+        : sum(Counter()), squares(Counter())
+    {}
+    /**
+     * Add a value to the distribution for the given number of times.
+     * Update the running sum and sum of squares.
+     * @param val The value to add.
+     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
+     */
+    void
+    sample(Counter val, int number)
+    {
+        sum += val * number;
+        squares += val * val * number;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the number of entries, in this case 1.
+     * @return 1.
+     */
+    size_type size() const { return 1; }
+    /**
+     * Return true if no samples have been added.
+     * @return True if the sum is zero.
+     */
+    bool zero() const { return sum == Counter(); }
+    void
+    prepare(Info *info, DistData &data)
+    {
+        const Params *params = safe_cast<const Params *>(info->storageParams);
+        assert(params->type == Deviation);
+        data.type = params->type;
+        data.sum = sum;
+        data.squares = squares;
+        data.samples = curTick();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reset stat value to default
+     */
+    void
+    reset(Info *info)
+    {
+        sum = Counter();
+        squares = Counter();
+    }
+ * Templatized storage and interface for a sparse histogram stat. There
+ * is no actual limit on the number of buckets, and each of them has a size
+ * of 1, meaning that samples are individually recorded, and there is no
+ * need to keep track of the samples that occur in between two distant
+ * sampled values.
+ */
+class SparseHistStor
+  private:
+    /** Counter for number of samples */
+    Counter samples;
+    /** Counter for each bucket. */
+    MCounter cmap;
+  public:
+    /** The parameters for a sparse histogram stat. */
+    struct Params : public DistParams
+    {
+        Params() : DistParams(Hist) {}
+    };
+    SparseHistStor(Info *info)
+    {
+        reset(info);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a value to the distribution for the given number of times.
+     * @param val The value to add.
+     * @param number The number of times to add the value.
+     */
+    void
+    sample(Counter val, int number)
+    {
+        cmap[val] += number;
+        samples += number;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the number of buckets in this distribution.
+     * @return the number of buckets.
+     */
+    size_type size() const { return cmap.size(); }
+    /**
+     * Returns true if any calls to sample have been made.
+     * @return True if any values have been sampled.
+     */
+    bool
+    zero() const
+    {
+        return samples == Counter();
+    }
+    void
+    prepare(Info *info, SparseHistData &data)
+    {
+        MCounter::iterator it;
+        data.cmap.clear();
+        for (it = cmap.begin(); it != cmap.end(); it++) {
+            data.cmap[(*it).first] = (*it).second;
+        }
+        data.samples = samples;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reset stat value to default
+     */
+    void
+    reset(Info *info)
+    {
+        cmap.clear();
+        samples = 0;
+    }
+} // namespace Stats
+#endif // __BASE_STATS_STORAGE_HH__
diff --git a/src/base/stats/ b/src/base/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..717c881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/base/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,1303 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel R. Carvalho
+ * All rights reserved
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#include <gtest/gtest-spi.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "base/gtest/cur_tick_fake.hh"
+#include "base/stats/storage.hh"
+// Instantiate the fake class to have a valid curTick of 0
+GTestTickHandler tickHandler;
+/** Increases the current tick by one. */
+void increaseTick() { tickHandler.setCurTick(curTick() + 1); }
+/** A pair of value and its number of samples, used for sampling. */
+struct ValueSamples
+    Stats::Counter value;
+    Stats::Counter numSamples;
+    ValueSamples(Stats::Counter value, Stats::Counter num_samples)
+      : value(value), numSamples(num_samples)
+    {
+    }
+ * A mocked info class.
+ * @todo There is no real dependency on the info class, so this must be
+ * removed on a cleanup.
+ */
+class MockInfo : public Stats::Info
+  public:
+    MockInfo(Stats::StorageParams* storage_params)
+      : Stats::Info()
+    {
+        this->storageParams = storage_params;
+    }
+    ~MockInfo() = default;
+    bool check() const override { return true; }
+    void prepare() override { }
+    void reset() override { }
+    bool zero() const override { return true; }
+    void visit(Stats::Output &visitor) override { }
+/** Test setting and getting a value to the storage. */
+TEST(StatsStatStorTest, SetValueResult)
+    Stats::StatStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val;
+    val = 10;
+    stor.set(val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.result(), Stats::Result(val));
+    val = 1234;
+    stor.set(val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.result(), Stats::Result(val));
+/** Test if prepare does not change the value. */
+TEST(StatsStatStorTest, Prepare)
+    Stats::StatStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val;
+    val = 10;
+    stor.set(val);
+    stor.prepare(nullptr);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.result(), Stats::Result(val));
+/** Test whether incrementing and decrementing work as expected. */
+TEST(StatsStatStorTest, IncDec)
+    Stats::StatStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter diff_val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter val = 0;
+    val += diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    val += diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    stor.dec(diff_val);
+    val -= diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    stor.dec(diff_val);
+    val -= diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+ * Test whether zero is correctly set as the reset value. The test order is
+ * to check if it is initially zero on creation, then it is made non zero,
+ * and finally reset to zero.
+ */
+TEST(StatsStatStorTest, ZeroReset)
+    Stats::StatStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+/** Test setting and getting a value to the storage. */
+TEST(StatsAvgStorTest, SetValueResult)
+    Stats::AvgStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val;
+    Stats::Result total = 0;
+    Tick last_reset = 0;
+    Tick last_tick = 0;
+    val = 10;
+    stor.set(val);
+    last_tick = curTick();
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.result(), Stats::Result(total + val) /
+        Stats::Result(curTick() - last_reset + 1));
+    increaseTick();
+    total += val * (curTick() - last_tick);
+    val = 1234;
+    stor.set(val);
+    last_tick = curTick();
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.result(), Stats::Result(total + val) /
+        Stats::Result(curTick() - last_reset + 1));
+    increaseTick();
+ * Test whether getting the result in a different tick triggers an assertion.
+ */
+TEST(StatsAvgStorDeathTest, Result)
+    Stats::AvgStor stor(nullptr);
+    increaseTick();
+    ASSERT_DEATH(stor.result(), ".+");
+ * Test whether getting the result in a different tick does not trigger an
+ * assertion if storage is prepared.
+ */
+TEST(StatsAvgStorTest, Prepare)
+    Stats::AvgStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Result total = 0;
+    Tick last_reset = 0;
+    Tick last_tick = 0;
+    val = 10;
+    stor.set(val);
+    last_tick = curTick();
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.result(), Stats::Result(total + val) /
+        Stats::Result(curTick() - last_reset + 1));
+    increaseTick();
+    total += val * (curTick() - last_tick);
+    stor.prepare(nullptr);
+    last_tick = curTick();
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.result(), Stats::Result(total + val) /
+        Stats::Result(curTick() - last_reset + 1));
+    increaseTick();
+/** Test whether incrementing and decrementing work as expected. */
+TEST(StatsAvgStorTest, IncDec)
+    Stats::AvgStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter diff_val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter val = 0;
+    stor.set(diff_val);
+    val += diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    val += diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    val += diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    stor.dec(diff_val);
+    val -= diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+    stor.dec(diff_val);
+    val -= diff_val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.value(), val);
+ * Test whether zero is correctly set as the reset value. The test order is
+ * to check if it is initially zero on creation, then it is made non zero,
+ * and finally reset to zero.
+ */
+TEST(StatsAvgStorTest, ZeroReset)
+    Stats::AvgStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    // Set current value to val, reset total and increase tick, so that the
+    // next call to set will update the total to be different from zero
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    increaseTick();
+ * Test that an assertion is thrown when no bucket size is provided before
+ * sampling.
+ */
+TEST(StatsDistStorDeathTest, NoBucketSize)
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    Stats::DistStor::Params params;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::DistStor stor(&info);
+    ASSERT_DEATH(stor.sample(val, num_samples), ".+");
+ * Test whether zero is correctly set as the reset value. The test order is
+ * to check if it is initially zero on creation, then it is made non zero,
+ * and finally reset to zero.
+ */
+TEST(StatsDistStorTest, ZeroReset)
+    Stats::DistStor::Params params;
+    params.bucket_size = 10;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::DistStor stor(&info);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    stor.reset(&info);
+    stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+    stor.reset(&info);
+ * Test that the size of this storage is equal to its counters vector's size,
+ * and that after it has been set, nothing can modify it.
+ */
+TEST(StatsDistStorTest, Size)
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    Stats::Counter size = 20;
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    Stats::DistStor::Params params;
+    params.bucket_size = 1;
+    params.buckets = size;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::DistStor stor(&info);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), size);
+    stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), size);
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), size);
+    stor.reset(&info);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), size);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), size);
+ * Compare both dist datas to see if their contents match.
+ *
+ * @param data The data being tested.
+ * @param expected_data The ground truth.
+ * @param no_log Whether log should not be compared.
+ */
+checkExpectedDistData(const Stats::DistData& data,
+    const Stats::DistData& expected_data, bool no_log = true)
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.type, expected_data.type);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.min, expected_data.min);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.max, expected_data.max);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.bucket_size, expected_data.bucket_size);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.min_val, expected_data.min_val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.max_val, expected_data.max_val);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, expected_data.sum);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.squares, expected_data.squares);
+    if (!no_log) {
+        ASSERT_EQ(data.logs, expected_data.logs);
+    }
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, expected_data.samples);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.cvec.size(), expected_data.cvec.size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < expected_data.cvec.size(); i++) {
+        ASSERT_EQ(data.cvec[i], expected_data.cvec[i]);
+    }
+ * Auxiliary function that finishes preparing the DistStor's expected values,
+ * perform the calls to the storage's sample, and compares the expected data.
+ *
+ * @param params The params containing the number of buckets.
+ * @param values The value-num_sample pairs to be sampled.
+ * @param num_values Number of values in the values array.
+ * @param expected_data Expected data after sampling, with the following values
+ *  setup to the expected values: bucket_size, min, max_val, and cvec.
+ */
+prepareCheckDistStor(Stats::DistStor::Params& params, ValueSamples* values,
+    int num_values, Stats::DistData& expected_data)
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::DistStor stor(&info);
+    Stats::Counter val;
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    expected_data.min = params.min;
+    expected_data.max = params.max;
+    expected_data.sum = 0;
+    expected_data.squares = 0;
+    expected_data.logs = 0;
+    expected_data.samples = 0;
+    // Populate storage with more data
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        stor.sample(values[i].value, values[i].numSamples);
+        val = values[i].value * values[i].numSamples;
+        expected_data.sum += val;
+        expected_data.squares += values[i].value * val;
+        expected_data.samples += values[i].numSamples;
+    }
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    // DistStor does not use log
+    checkExpectedDistData(data, expected_data, true);
+/** Test setting and getting value from storage. */
+TEST(StatsDistStorTest, SamplePrepareSingle)
+    Stats::DistStor::Params params;
+    params.min = 0;
+    params.max = 99;
+    params.bucket_size = 5;
+    params.buckets = 20;
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{10, 5}};
+    int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    // Setup expected data
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Dist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = params.bucket_size;
+    expected_data.underflow = 0;
+    expected_data.overflow = 0;
+    expected_data.min_val = 10;
+    expected_data.max_val = 10;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 5;
+    prepareCheckDistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+/** Test setting and getting value from storage with multiple values. */
+TEST(StatsDistStorTest, SamplePrepareMultiple)
+    Stats::DistStor::Params params;
+    params.min = 0;
+    params.max = 99;
+    params.bucket_size = 5;
+    params.buckets = 20;
+    // There are 20 buckets: [0,5[, [5,10[, [10,15[, ..., [95,100[.
+    // We test that values that pass the maximum bucket value (1234, 12345678,
+    // 100) are added to the overflow counter, and that the ones below the
+    // minimum bucket value (-10, -1) are added to the underflow counter.
+    // The extremes (0 and 99) are added to check if they go to the first and
+    // last buckets.
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{10, 5}, {1234, 2}, {12345678, 99}, {-10, 4},
+        {17, 17}, {52, 63}, {18, 11}, {0, 1}, {99, 15}, {-1, 200}, {100, 50}};
+    int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    // Setup variables that should always match params' values
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Dist;
+    expected_data.min_val = -10;
+    expected_data.max_val = 12345678;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = params.bucket_size;
+    expected_data.underflow = 204;
+    expected_data.overflow = 151;
+    expected_data.sum = 0;
+    expected_data.squares = 0;
+    expected_data.samples = 0;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 1;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 5;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 17+11;
+    expected_data.cvec[10] = 63;
+    expected_data.cvec[19] = 15;
+    prepareCheckDistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+/** Test resetting storage. */
+TEST(StatsDistStorTest, Reset)
+    Stats::DistStor::Params params;
+    params.min = 0;
+    params.max = 99;
+    params.bucket_size = 5;
+    params.buckets = 20;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::DistStor stor(&info);
+    // Populate storage with random samples
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{10, 5}, {1234, 2}, {12345678, 99}, {-10, 4},
+        {17, 17}, {52, 63}, {18, 11}, {0, 1}, {99, 15}, {-1, 200}, {100, 50}};
+    int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        stor.sample(values[i].value, values[i].numSamples);
+    }
+    // Reset storage, and make sure all data has been cleared
+    stor.reset(&info);
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Dist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = params.bucket_size;
+    expected_data.underflow = 0;
+    expected_data.overflow = 0;
+    expected_data.min = params.min;
+    expected_data.max = params.max;
+    expected_data.min_val = 0;
+    expected_data.max_val = 0;
+    expected_data.sum = 0;
+    expected_data.squares = 0;
+    expected_data.samples = 0;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    checkExpectedDistData(data, expected_data, true);
+ * Test that an assertion is thrown when no bucket size is provided before
+ * sampling.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorDeathTest, NoBucketSize)
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    // If no bucket size is specified, it is 0 by default
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+    ASSERT_DEATH(stor.sample(val, num_samples), ".+");
+ * Test whether zero is correctly set as the reset value. The test order is
+ * to check if it is initially zero on creation, then it is made non zero,
+ * and finally reset to zero.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, ZeroReset)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 10;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    stor.reset(&info);
+    stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+    stor.reset(&info);
+ * Test that the size of this storage is equal to its counters vector's size,
+ * and that after it has been set, nothing can modify it.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, Size)
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    Stats::size_type sizes[] = {2, 10, 1234};
+    // If no bucket size is specified, it is 0 by default
+    {
+        Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+        MockInfo info(&params);
+        Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 0);
+        stor.prepare(&info, data);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 0);
+        stor.reset(&info);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 0);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 0);
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(Stats::size_type)); i++) {
+        Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+        params.buckets = sizes[i];
+        MockInfo info(&params);
+        Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), sizes[i]);
+        stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), sizes[i]);
+        stor.prepare(&info, data);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), sizes[i]);
+        stor.reset(&info);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), sizes[i]);
+        ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), sizes[i]);
+    }
+ * Auxiliary function that finishes preparing the HistStor's expected values,
+ * perform the calls to the storage's sample, and compares the expected data.
+ *
+ * @param params The params containing the number of buckets.
+ * @param values The value-num_sample pairs to be sampled.
+ * @param num_values Number of values in the values array.
+ * @param expected_data Expected data after sampling, with the following values
+ *  setup to the expected values: bucket_size, min, max_val, and cvec.
+ */
+prepareCheckHistStor(Stats::HistStor::Params& params, ValueSamples* values,
+    int num_values, Stats::DistData& expected_data)
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+    Stats::Counter val;
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    bool no_log = false;
+    expected_data.min_val = expected_data.min;
+    expected_data.max = expected_data.max_val + expected_data.bucket_size - 1;
+    expected_data.sum = 0;
+    expected_data.squares = 0;
+    expected_data.logs = 0;
+    expected_data.samples = 0;
+    // Populate storage with more data
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        stor.sample(values[i].value, values[i].numSamples);
+        val = values[i].value * values[i].numSamples;
+        expected_data.sum += val;
+        expected_data.squares += values[i].value * val;
+        if (values[i].value < 0) {
+            // Negative values don't have log, so mark log check to be skipped
+            no_log = true;
+        } else {
+            expected_data.logs +=
+                std::log(values[i].value) * values[i].numSamples;
+        }
+        expected_data.samples += values[i].numSamples;
+    }
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    checkExpectedDistData(data, expected_data, no_log);
+ * Test samples that fit in the initial buckets, and therefore do not need
+ * to grow up.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareFit)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. The final buckets
+    // will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[0,1[ , Bkt1=[1,2[, Bkt2=[2,3[, Bkt3=[3,4[
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{0, 5}, {1, 2}, {2, 99}, {3, 4}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 1;
+    expected_data.min = 0;
+    expected_data.max_val = 3;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 5;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 2;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 99;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 4;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+ * Test samples that do not fit in the initial buckets, and therefore have
+ * to grow up once.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareSingleGrowUp)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. Since there
+    // are four buckets, and the highest value is 4, the bucket size will
+    // grow to be 2. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[0,2[ , Bkt1=[2,4[, Bkt2=[4,6[, Bkt3=[6,8[
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{0, 5}, {1, 2}, {2, 99}, {4, 4}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 2;
+    expected_data.min = 0;
+    expected_data.max_val = 6;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 5+2;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 99;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 4;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 0;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+ * Test samples that do not fit in the initial buckets, and therefore have
+ * to grow up a few times.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareMultipleGrowUp)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. Since there
+    // are four buckets, and the highest value is 4, the bucket size will
+    // grow thrice to become 8. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[0,8[ , Bkt1=[8,16[, Bkt2=[16,24[, Bkt3=[24,32[
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{0, 5}, {1, 2}, {2, 99}, {16, 4}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 8;
+    expected_data.min = 0;
+    expected_data.max_val = 24;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 5+2+99;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 0;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 4;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 0;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+ * Test samples that have a negative value, and therefore do not fit in the
+ * initial buckets. Since this involves using negative values, the logs
+ * become irrelevant.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareGrowDownOddBuckets)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 5;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. Since there
+    // is a negative value, the min bucket will change, and the bucket size
+    // will grow to be 2. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[-4,-2[ , Bkt1=[-2,-0[, Bkt2=[0,2[, Bkt3=[2,4[, Bkt4=[4,6[
+    ValueSamples values[] =
+        {{0, 5}, {1, 2}, {2, 99}, {3, 12}, {4, 33}, {-1, 4}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 2;
+    expected_data.min = -4;
+    expected_data.max_val = 4;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 0;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 4;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 5+2;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 99+12;
+    expected_data.cvec[4] = 33;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+ * Test samples that have a negative value, and therefore do not fit in the
+ * initial buckets. Since this involves using negative values, the logs
+ * become irrelevant.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareGrowDownEvenBuckets)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. Since there
+    // is a negative value, the min bucket will change, and the bucket size
+    // will grow to be 2. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[-4,-2[ , Bkt1=[-2,0[, Bkt2=[0,2[, Bkt3=[2,4[
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{0, 5}, {1, 2}, {2, 99}, {-1, 4}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 2;
+    expected_data.min = -4;
+    expected_data.max_val = 2;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 0;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 4;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 5+2;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 99;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+ * Test samples that have one low negative value, and therefore do not fit
+ * in the initial buckets and have to grow down a few times. Since this
+ * involves using negative values, the logs become irrelevant.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareGrowDownGrowOutOddBuckets)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 5;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. Since there
+    // is a negative value, the min bucket will change, and the bucket size
+    // will grow to be 8. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[-16,-8[ , Bkt1=[-8,0[, Bkt2=[0,8[, Bkt3=[8,16[, Bkt4=[16,24[
+    ValueSamples values[] =
+        {{0, 5}, {1, 2}, {2, 99}, {3, 12}, {4, 33}, {-12, 4}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 8;
+    expected_data.min = -16;
+    expected_data.max_val = 16;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 4;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 0;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 5+2+99+12+33;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 0;
+    expected_data.cvec[4] = 0;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+ * Test samples that have one low negative value, and therefore do not fit
+ * in the initial buckets and have to grow down a few times. Since this
+ * involves using negative values, the logs become irrelevant.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareGrowDownGrowOutEvenBuckets)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. Since there
+    // is a negative value, the min bucket will change, and the bucket size
+    // will grow to be 8. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[-16,-8[ , Bkt1=[-8,0[, Bkt2=[0,8[, Bkt3=[8,16[
+    ValueSamples values[] =
+        {{0, 5}, {1, 2}, {2, 99}, {3, 12}, {-12, 4}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 8;
+    expected_data.min = -16;
+    expected_data.max_val = 8;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 4;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 0;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 5+2+99+12;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 0;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+ * Test a complex sample set with negative values, and therefore multiple
+ * grows will happen. Since this involves using negative values, the logs
+ * become irrelevant.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareMultipleGrowOddBuckets)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 5;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. This adds quite
+    // a few positive and negative samples, and the bucket size will grow to
+    // be 64. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[-128,-64[ , Bkt1=[-64,0[, Bkt2=[0,64[, Bkt3=[64,128[,
+    //   Bkt4=[128,192[
+    ValueSamples values[] =
+        {{0, 5}, {7, 2}, {31, 99}, {-8, 12}, {127, 4}, {-120, 53}, {-50, 1}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 64;
+    expected_data.min = -128;
+    expected_data.max_val = 128;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 53;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 12+1;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 5+2+99;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 4;
+    expected_data.cvec[4] = 0;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+ * Test a complex sample set with negative values, and therefore multiple
+ * grows will happen. Since this involves using negative values, the logs
+ * become irrelevant.
+ */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, SamplePrepareMultipleGrowEvenBuckets)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. This adds quite
+    // a few positive and negative samples, and the bucket size will grow to
+    // be 64. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[-128,-64[ , Bkt1=[-64,0[, Bkt2=[0,64[, Bkt3=[64,128[
+    ValueSamples values[] =
+        {{0, 5}, {7, 2}, {31, 99}, {-8, 12}, {127, 4}, {-120, 53}, {-50, 1}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 64;
+    expected_data.min = -128;
+    expected_data.max_val = 64;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 53;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 12+1;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 5+2+99;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 4;
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, num_values, expected_data);
+/** Test resetting storage. */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, Reset)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+    // Setup expected data for the hand-carved values given. This adds quite
+    // a few positive and negative samples, and the bucket size will grow to
+    // be 64. The final buckets will be divided at:
+    //   Bkt0=[-128,-64[ , Bkt1=[-64,0[, Bkt2=[0,64[, Bkt3=[64,128[
+    ValueSamples values[] =
+        {{0, 5}, {7, 2}, {31, 99}, {-8, 12}, {127, 4}, {-120, 53}, {-50, 1}};
+    const int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        stor.sample(values[i].value, values[i].numSamples);
+    }
+    // Reset storage, and make sure all data has been cleared:
+    //   Bkt0=[0,1[ , Bkt1=[1,2[, Bkt2=[2,3[, Bkt3=[3,4[
+    stor.reset(&info);
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 1;
+    expected_data.min = 0;
+    expected_data.max_val = 3;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    prepareCheckHistStor(params, values, 0, expected_data);
+/** Test whether adding storages with different sizes triggers an assertion. */
+TEST(StatsHistStorDeathTest, AddDifferentSize)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params2;
+    params2.buckets = 5;
+    MockInfo info2(&params2);
+    Stats::HistStor stor2(&info2);
+    ASSERT_DEATH(stor.add(&stor2), ".+");
+/** Test whether adding storages with different min triggers an assertion. */
+TEST(StatsHistStorDeathTest, AddDifferentMin)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+    stor.sample(-1, 3);
+    // On creation, the storage's min is zero
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params2;
+    params2.buckets = 4;
+    MockInfo info2(&params2);
+    Stats::HistStor stor2(&info2);
+    ASSERT_DEATH(stor.add(&stor2), ".+");
+/** Test merging two histograms. */
+TEST(StatsHistStorTest, Add)
+    Stats::HistStor::Params params;
+    params.buckets = 4;
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    // Setup first storage. Buckets are:
+    //   Bkt0=[0,16[, Bkt1=[16,32[, Bkt2=[32,48[, Bkt3=[58,64[
+    Stats::HistStor stor(&info);
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{0, 5}, {3, 2}, {20, 37}, {32, 18}};
+    int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        stor.sample(values[i].value, values[i].numSamples);
+    }
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    // Setup second storage. Buckets are:
+    //   Bkt0=[0,32[, Bkt1=[32,64[, Bkt2=[64,96[, Bkt3=[96,128[
+    Stats::HistStor stor2(&info);
+    ValueSamples values2[] = {{10, 10}, {0, 1}, {80, 4}, {17, 100}, {95, 79}};
+    int num_values2 = sizeof(values2) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values2; i++) {
+        stor2.sample(values2[i].value, values2[i].numSamples);
+    }
+    Stats::DistData data2;
+    stor2.prepare(&info, data2);
+    // Perform the merge
+    stor.add(&stor2);
+    Stats::DistData merge_data;
+    stor.prepare(&info, merge_data);
+    // Setup expected data. Buckets are:
+    //   Bkt0=[0,32[, Bkt1=[32,64[, Bkt2=[64,96[, Bkt3=[96,128[
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Hist;
+    expected_data.bucket_size = 32;
+    expected_data.min = 0;
+    expected_data.max = 127;
+    expected_data.min_val = 0;
+    expected_data.max_val = 96;
+    expected_data.cvec.clear();
+    expected_data.cvec.resize(params.buckets);
+    expected_data.cvec[0] = 5+2+37+10+1+100;
+    expected_data.cvec[1] = 18;
+    expected_data.cvec[2] = 4+79;
+    expected_data.cvec[3] = 0;
+    expected_data.sum = data.sum + data2.sum;
+    expected_data.squares = data.squares + data2.squares;
+    expected_data.logs = data.squares + data2.logs;
+    expected_data.samples = data.samples + data2.samples;
+    // Compare results
+    checkExpectedDistData(merge_data, expected_data, false);
+ * Test whether zero is correctly set as the reset value. The test order is
+ * to check if it is initially zero on creation, then it is made non zero,
+ * and finally reset to zero.
+ */
+TEST(StatsSampleStorTest, ZeroReset)
+    Stats::SampleStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+/** Test setting and getting value from storage. */
+TEST(StatsSampleStorTest, SamplePrepare)
+    Stats::SampleStor stor(nullptr);
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{10, 5}, {1234, 2}, {0xFFFFFFFF, 18}};
+    int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::Counter val;
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    Stats::DistParams params(Stats::Deviation);
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    // Simple test with one value being sampled
+    stor.sample(values[0].value, values[0].numSamples);
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    val = values[0].value * values[0].numSamples;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Deviation;
+    expected_data.sum = val;
+    expected_data.squares = values[0].value * val;
+    expected_data.samples = values[0].numSamples;
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.type, expected_data.type);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, expected_data.sum);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.squares, expected_data.squares);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, expected_data.samples);
+    // Reset storage, and make sure all data has been cleared
+    expected_data.sum = 0;
+    expected_data.squares = 0;
+    expected_data.samples = 0;
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.type, expected_data.type);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, expected_data.sum);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.squares, expected_data.squares);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, expected_data.samples);
+    // Populate storage with more data
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        stor.sample(values[i].value, values[i].numSamples);
+        val = values[i].value * values[i].numSamples;
+        expected_data.sum += val;
+        expected_data.squares += values[i].value * val;
+        expected_data.samples += values[i].numSamples;
+    }
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.type, expected_data.type);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, expected_data.sum);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.squares, expected_data.squares);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, expected_data.samples);
+/** The size is always 1, no matter which functions have been called. */
+TEST(StatsSampleStorTest, Size)
+    Stats::SampleStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    Stats::DistParams params(Stats::Deviation);
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+ * Test whether zero is correctly set as the reset value. The test order is
+ * to check if it is initially zero on creation, then it is made non zero,
+ * and finally reset to zero.
+ */
+TEST(StatsAvgSampleStorTest, ZeroReset)
+    Stats::AvgSampleStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+/** Test setting and getting value from storage. */
+TEST(StatsAvgSampleStorTest, SamplePrepare)
+    Stats::AvgSampleStor stor(nullptr);
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{10, 5}, {1234, 2}, {0xFFFFFFFF, 18}};
+    int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::Counter val;
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    Stats::DistData expected_data;
+    Stats::DistParams params(Stats::Deviation);
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    // Simple test with one value being sampled
+    stor.sample(values[0].value, values[0].numSamples);
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    val = values[0].value * values[0].numSamples;
+    expected_data.type = Stats::Deviation;
+    expected_data.sum = val;
+    expected_data.squares = values[0].value * val;
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.type, expected_data.type);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, expected_data.sum);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.squares, expected_data.squares);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, curTick());
+    increaseTick();
+    // Reset storage, and make sure all data has been cleared
+    expected_data.sum = 0;
+    expected_data.squares = 0;
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.type, expected_data.type);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, expected_data.sum);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.squares, expected_data.squares);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, curTick());
+    increaseTick();
+    // Populate storage with more data
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        stor.sample(values[i].value, values[i].numSamples);
+        val = values[i].value * values[i].numSamples;
+        expected_data.sum += val;
+        expected_data.squares += values[i].value * val;
+    }
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.type, expected_data.type);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, expected_data.sum);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.squares, expected_data.squares);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, curTick());
+/** The size is always 1, no matter which functions have been called. */
+TEST(StatsAvgSampleStorTest, Size)
+    Stats::AvgSampleStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    Stats::DistData data;
+    Stats::DistParams params(Stats::Deviation);
+    MockInfo info(&params);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    stor.prepare(&info, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+ * Test whether zero is correctly set as the reset value. The test order is
+ * to check if it is initially zero on creation, then it is made non zero,
+ * and finally reset to zero.
+ */
+TEST(StatsSparseHistStorTest, ZeroReset)
+    Stats::SparseHistStor stor(nullptr);
+    Stats::Counter val = 10;
+    Stats::Counter num_samples = 5;
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    stor.sample(val, num_samples);
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+/** Test setting and getting value from storage. */
+TEST(StatsSparseHistStorTest, SamplePrepare)
+    Stats::SparseHistStor stor(nullptr);
+    ValueSamples values[] = {{10, 5}, {1234, 2}, {0xFFFFFFFF, 18}};
+    int num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(ValueSamples);
+    Stats::Counter total_samples;
+    Stats::SparseHistData data;
+    // Simple test with one value being sampled
+    stor.sample(values[0].value, values[0].numSamples);
+    stor.prepare(nullptr, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 1);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.cmap.size(), 1);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.cmap[values[0].value], values[0].numSamples);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, values[0].numSamples);
+    // Reset storage, and make sure all data has been cleared
+    stor.reset(nullptr);
+    stor.prepare(nullptr, data);
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), 0);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.cmap.size(), 0);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, 0);
+    // Populate storage with more data
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        stor.sample(values[i].value, values[i].numSamples);
+    }
+    stor.prepare(nullptr, data);
+    total_samples = 0;
+    ASSERT_EQ(stor.size(), num_values);
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.cmap.size(), num_values);
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
+        ASSERT_EQ(data.cmap[values[i].value], values[i].numSamples);
+        total_samples += values[i].numSamples;
+    }
+    ASSERT_EQ(data.samples, total_samples);