arch-arm: This commit fix incorrect ARM isa implementation

When running 500.perlbench_r of specint 2017, the system will raise an
 assertion error. For function bits of src/base/bitfield.hh (line 76),
 the parameter First is smaller than Last. This is caused by incorrect
 implementation of uqrshl in src/arch/arm/isa/insts/neon64.isa

When shiftAmt equals 0, which mean uqrshl is actually not shift the
 value stored in register. sizeof(Element) * 8 - 1 will be smaller than
 sizeof(Element) * 8 - shiftAmt, thus will raise the assertion error.

This commit added this special condition.

No Jira issue has been submitted to report this error

Change-Id: I4162ac3ddb62f162619db400f214f33209b23c19
Maintainer: Giacomo Travaglini <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Giacomo Travaglini <>
1 file changed