blob: d10e487cf184dbf9ecaae1bb51aceee4576ad6e5 [file] [log] [blame]
Here's some machine-specific informatin for various systems:
m88k on g88.sim
echo (gdb) target sim\n
target sim
echo (gdb) ecatch all\n
ecatch all
echo (gdb) break exit\n
break exit
% vi Makefile // set CC and AS
% setenv MEERKAT /projects/cer/meerkat
% set path=($MEERKAT/bin $path)
% make run
% g88.sim run
(g88) run run N // where `N' is the test number
m88k on meerkats, cross compile as above (make run)
Run w/ g88:
%g88 run
(g88) source /homes/rivers/robertb/.gdbinit
(g88) me
which does
(g88) set $firstchars=6
(g88) set $resetonattach=1
(g88) attach /dev/pp0
then download
(g88) dl
and run with
(g88) continue
Really the way to run it is:
(g88) source
(g88) me
(g88) win
(g88) dead 1
(g88) dead 2
(g88) dead 3
(g88) dl
(g88) cont
To rerun
(g88) init
(g88) dl
To run simulated meerkat:
(g88) att sim
<<then use normal commands>>
On 4.5 g88:
(g88) target sim memsize
instead of attatch
(g88) ecatch all # catch exception before becomes error