python: Add __bool__ helpers in addition to __nonzero__

Python 3 uses __bool__ instead of __nonzero__ when performing a
Boolean comparison.

Change-Id: I85185bbe136ecae67346fa23569e24edd7329222
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sandberg <>
Reviewed-by: Nikos Nikoleris <>
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index 09aaa5a..b5de6ef 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -829,9 +829,12 @@
     # implement truth value testing for Bool parameters so that these params
     # evaluate correctly during the python configuration phase
-    def __nonzero__(self):
+    def __bool__(self):
         return bool(self.value)
+    # Python 2.7 uses __nonzero__ instead of __bool__
+    __nonzero__ = __bool__
     def ini_str(self):
         if self.value:
             return 'true'
diff --git a/src/python/m5/util/ b/src/python/m5/util/
index 61e48dd..76b7eb4 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/util/
+++ b/src/python/m5/util/
@@ -55,8 +55,10 @@
         return toLong(str(self))
     def __float__(self):
         return toFloat(str(self))
-    def __nonzero__(self):
+    def __bool__(self):
         return toBool(str(self))
+    # Python 2.7 uses __nonzero__ instead of __bool__
+    __nonzero__ = __bool__
     def convert(self, other):
         t = type(other)
         if t == bool:
@@ -107,9 +109,12 @@
     """Placeholder class to represent undefined variables.  Will
     generally cause an exception whenever it is used, but evaluates to
     zero for boolean truth testing such as in an if statement"""
-    def __nonzero__(self):
+    def __bool__(self):
         return False
+    # Python 2.7 uses __nonzero__ instead of __bool__
+    __nonzero__ = __bool__
 class SmartDict(attrdict):
     """Dictionary class that holds strings, but intelligently converts
     those strings to other types depending on their usage"""