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sc_unsigned_subref.h -- Proxy class that is declared in sc_unsigned.h.
Original Author: Ali Dasdan, Synopsys, Inc.
MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
changes you are making here.
Name, Affiliation, Date:
Description of Modification:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS : sc_unsigned_subref_r
// Proxy class for sc_unsigned part selection (r-value only).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// concatenation support
sc_unsigned_subref_r::concat_get_uint64() const // #### Speed up!
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.to_uint64();
sc_unsigned_subref_r::concat_get_ctrl(sc_digit *dst_p, int low_i) const
// #### Speed up!
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.concat_get_ctrl(dst_p, low_i);
sc_unsigned_subref_r::concat_get_data(sc_digit *dst_p, int low_i) const
// #### Speed up!
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.concat_get_data(dst_p, low_i);
// implicit conversion to sc_unsigned
sc_unsigned_subref_r::operator sc_unsigned () const
return sc_unsigned(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
// explicit conversions
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_int() const
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.to_int();
unsigned int
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_uint() const
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.to_uint();
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_long() const
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.to_long();
unsigned long
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_ulong() const
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.to_ulong();
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_int64() const
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.to_int64();
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_uint64() const
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.to_uint64();
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_double() const
sc_unsigned a(m_obj_p, m_left, m_right);
return a.to_double();
// explicit conversion to character string
const std::string
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_string(sc_numrep numrep) const
sc_unsigned a(length());
a = *this;
return a.to_string(numrep);
const std::string
sc_unsigned_subref_r::to_string(sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix) const
sc_unsigned a(length());
a = *this;
return a.to_string(numrep, w_prefix);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS : sc_unsigned_subref
// Proxy class for sc_unsigned part selection (r-value and l-value).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// assignment operators
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (const sc_unsigned_subref_r &a)
return operator = ((sc_unsigned)(a));
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (const sc_unsigned_subref &a)
if (this == &a) {
return *this;
return operator = ((sc_unsigned)(a));
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (const sc_unsigned &v)
int i;
int l = sc_min(m_left, v.nbits - 1 + m_right);
for (i = m_right; i <= l; ++i)
m_obj_p->set(i, v.test(i - m_right));
for (; i <= m_left; i++)
m_obj_p->set(i, v.test(l));
return *this;
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (const sc_signed_subref_r &v)
return operator = ((sc_unsigned)(v));
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (const sc_signed &v)
int i;
int l = sc_min(m_left, v.nbits - 1 + m_right);
for (i = m_right; i <= l; ++i)
m_obj_p->set(i, v.test(i - m_right));
for (; i <= m_left; i++)
m_obj_p->set(i, 0);
return *this;
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (unsigned long v)
for (int i = m_right; i <= m_left; ++i) {
m_obj_p->set(i, static_cast<bool>(v & 1));
v >>= 1;
return *this;
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (long v)
unsigned long v2 = (unsigned long)v;
for (int i = m_right; i <= m_left; ++i) {
m_obj_p->set(i, static_cast<bool>(v2 & 1));
v2 >>= 1;
return *this;
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (uint64 v)
for (int i = m_right; i <= m_left; ++i) {
m_obj_p->set(i, static_cast<bool>(v & 1));
v >>= 1;
return *this;
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (int64 v)
uint64 v2 = (uint64)v;
for (int i = m_right; i <= m_left; ++i) {
m_obj_p->set(i, static_cast<bool>(v2 & 1));
v2 >>= 1;
return *this;
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (double v)
int nb = m_left - m_right + 1;
int nd = DIV_CEIL(nb);
sc_digit d[MAX_NDIGITS];
sc_digit *d = new sc_digit[nd];
if (v < 0)
v = -v;
int i = 0;
while (std::floor(v) && (i < nd)) {
d[i++] = (sc_digit) std::floor(remainder(v, DIGIT_RADIX));
vec_zero(i, nd, d);
sc_digit val = 1; // Bit value.
int j = 0; // Current digit in d.
i = 0; // Current bit in d.
while (i < nb) {
m_obj_p->set(i + m_right, (bool)(d[j] & val));
if (i % BITS_PER_DIGIT == 0) {
val = 1;
} else {
val <<= 1;
#ifndef SC_MAX_NBITS
delete [] d;
return *this;
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (const sc_int_base &a)
return operator = ((int64)a);
const sc_unsigned_subref &
sc_unsigned_subref::operator = (const sc_uint_base &a)
return operator = ((uint64)a);
// concatenation methods
sc_unsigned_subref::concat_set(int64 src, int low_i)
int i;
int l;
bool sign = src < 0;
if (low_i < 64) {
src = src >> low_i;
l = sc_min(m_left, (63 - low_i) + m_right);
for (i = m_right; i <= l; ++i) {
m_obj_p->set(i, src & 1);
src = src >> 1;
for (; i <= m_left; i++)
} else {
for (i = m_right; i <= m_left; ++i)
sc_unsigned_subref::concat_set(const sc_signed &src, int low_i)
int i;
int l;
int src_i;
bool sign = src.test(src.nbits - 1);
l = src.nbits - (low_i + 1);
if (l >= 0) {
src_i = low_i;
l = sc_min(m_left, l + m_right);
for (i = m_right; i <= l; ++i, src_i++) {
m_obj_p->set(i, src.test(src_i));
for (; i <= m_left; i++)
m_obj_p->set(i, sign);
} else {
for (i = m_right; i <= m_left; ++i)
m_obj_p->set(i, sign);
sc_unsigned_subref::concat_set(const sc_unsigned &src, int low_i)
int i;
int l;
int src_i;
l = src.nbits - (low_i + 2);
if (l >= 0) {
src_i = low_i;
l = sc_min(m_left, l + m_right);
for (i = m_right; i <= l; ++i, src_i++) {
m_obj_p->set(i, src.test(src_i));
for (; i <= m_left; i++)
m_obj_p->set(i, false);
} else {
for (i = m_right; i <= m_left; ++i)
m_obj_p->set(i, false);
sc_unsigned_subref::concat_set(uint64 src, int low_i)
int i;
int l;
if (low_i < 64) {
src = src >> low_i;
l = sc_min(m_left, (63 - low_i) + m_right);
for (i = m_right; i <= l; ++i) {
m_obj_p->set(i, src & 1);
src = src >> 1;
for (; i <= m_left; i++)
} else {
for (i = m_right; i <= m_left; ++i)
// other methods
sc_unsigned_subref::scan(::std::istream &is)
std::string s;
is >> s;
*this = s.c_str();