| Make sure you've completed the following steps before submitting your issue -- thank you! |
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| 1. Check if your question has already been answered in the [FAQ](http://pybind11.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html) section. |
| 2. Make sure you've read the [documentation](http://pybind11.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). Your issue may be addressed there. |
| 3. If those resources didn't help and you only have a short question (not a bug report), consider asking in the [Gitter chat room](https://gitter.im/pybind/Lobby). |
| 4. If you have a genuine bug report or a more complex question which is not answered in the previous items (or not suitable for chat), please fill in the details below. |
| 5. Include a self-contained and minimal piece of code that reproduces the problem. If that's not possible, try to make the description as clear as possible. |
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| *After reading, remove this checklist and the template text in parentheses below.* |
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| ## Issue description |
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| (Provide a short description, state the expected behavior and what actually happens.) |
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| ## Reproducible example code |
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| (The code should be minimal, have no external dependencies, isolate the function(s) that cause breakage. Submit matched and complete C++ and Python snippets that can be easily compiled and run to diagnose the issue.) |