blob: bc099d7f3f010fc3d3f7eaa1f935f27b5dd37b55 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __CPU_EA_LIST_HH__
#define __CPU_EA_LIST_HH__
#include <list>
#include <utility>
#include "arch/alpha/isa_traits.hh"
#include "cpu/inst_seq.hh"
* Simple class to hold onto a list of pairs, each pair having a memory
* instruction's sequence number and effective addr. This list can be used
* for memory disambiguation. However, if I ever want to forward results, I
* may have to use a list that holds DynInstPtrs. Hence this may change in
* the future.
class EAList {
typedef std::pair<InstSeqNum, Addr> instEA;
typedef std::list<instEA>::iterator eaListIt;
typedef std::list<instEA>::const_iterator constEAListIt;
std::list<instEA> eaList;
EAList() { }
~EAList() { }
void addAddr(const InstSeqNum &new_sn, const Addr &new_ea);
void clearAddr(const InstSeqNum &sn_to_clear, const Addr &ea_to_clear);
/** Checks if any instructions older than check_sn have a conflicting
* address with check_ea. Note that this function does not handle the
* sequence number rolling over.
bool checkConflict(const InstSeqNum &check_sn, const Addr &check_ea) const;
void clear();
void commit(const InstSeqNum &commit_sn);
#endif // __CPU_EA_LIST_HH__