blob: 97600768fb5ccbc0745c08edf428c858e0842113 [file] [log] [blame]
from m5.SimObject import SimObject
from m5.params import *
class MemTest(SimObject):
type = 'MemTest'
cache = Param.BaseCache("L1 cache")
check_mem = Param.FunctionalMemory("check memory")
main_mem = Param.FunctionalMemory("hierarchical memory")
max_loads = Param.Counter("number of loads to execute")
memory_size = Param.Int(65536, "memory size")
percent_copies = Param.Percent(0, "target copy percentage")
percent_dest_unaligned = Param.Percent(50,
"percent of copy dest address that are unaligned")
percent_reads = Param.Percent(65, "target read percentage")
percent_source_unaligned = Param.Percent(50,
"percent of copy source address that are unaligned")
percent_uncacheable = Param.Percent(10,
"target uncacheable percentage")
progress_interval = Param.Counter(1000000,
"progress report interval (in accesses)")
trace_addr = Param.Addr(0, "address to trace")