blob: fb641bf809ce497c52fc1415b39e10da7d7cd9a2 [file] [log] [blame]
from m5 import build_env
from m5.config import *
from Device import DmaDevice
from Pci import PciDevice, PciConfigData
class EtherInt(SimObject):
type = 'EtherInt'
abstract = True
peer = Param.EtherInt(NULL, "peer interface")
class EtherLink(SimObject):
type = 'EtherLink'
int1 = Param.EtherInt("interface 1")
int2 = Param.EtherInt("interface 2")
delay = Param.Latency('0us', "packet transmit delay")
delay_var = Param.Latency('0ns', "packet transmit delay variability")
speed = Param.NetworkBandwidth('1Gbps', "link speed")
dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
class EtherBus(SimObject):
type = 'EtherBus'
loopback = Param.Bool(True, "send packet back to the sending interface")
dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
speed = Param.NetworkBandwidth('100Mbps', "bus speed in bits per second")
class EtherTap(EtherInt):
type = 'EtherTap'
bufsz = Param.Int(10000, "tap buffer size")
dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
port = Param.UInt16(3500, "tap port")
class EtherDump(SimObject):
type = 'EtherDump'
file = Param.String("dump file")
maxlen = Param.Int(96, "max portion of packet data to dump")
if build_env['ALPHA_TLASER']:
class EtherDev(DmaDevice):
type = 'EtherDev'
hardware_address = Param.EthernetAddr(NextEthernetAddr,
"Ethernet Hardware Address")
dma_data_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Data is free")
dma_desc_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Descriptors is free")
dma_read_delay = Param.Latency('0us', "fixed delay for dma reads")
dma_read_factor = Param.Latency('0us', "multiplier for dma reads")
dma_write_delay = Param.Latency('0us', "fixed delay for dma writes")
dma_write_factor = Param.Latency('0us', "multiplier for dma writes")
dma_no_allocate = Param.Bool(True, "Should we allocate cache on read")
rx_filter = Param.Bool(True, "Enable Receive Filter")
rx_delay = Param.Latency('1us', "Receive Delay")
tx_delay = Param.Latency('1us', "Transmit Delay")
intr_delay = Param.Latency('0us', "Interrupt Delay")
payload_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "The IO Bus to attach to for payload")
physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(Parent.any, "Physical Memory")
tlaser = Param.Turbolaser(Parent.any, "Turbolaser")
class EtherDevInt(EtherInt):
type = 'EtherDevInt'
device = Param.EtherDev("Ethernet device of this interface")
class EtherDevBase(PciDevice):
hardware_address = Param.EthernetAddr(NextEthernetAddr,
"Ethernet Hardware Address")
clock = Param.Clock('0ns', "State machine processor frequency")
config_latency = Param.Latency('20ns', "Config read or write latency")
dma_read_delay = Param.Latency('0us', "fixed delay for dma reads")
dma_read_factor = Param.Latency('0us', "multiplier for dma reads")
dma_write_delay = Param.Latency('0us', "fixed delay for dma writes")
dma_write_factor = Param.Latency('0us', "multiplier for dma writes")
rx_delay = Param.Latency('1us', "Receive Delay")
tx_delay = Param.Latency('1us', "Transmit Delay")
rx_fifo_size = Param.MemorySize('512kB', "max size of rx fifo")
tx_fifo_size = Param.MemorySize('512kB', "max size of tx fifo")
rx_filter = Param.Bool(True, "Enable Receive Filter")
intr_delay = Param.Latency('10us', "Interrupt propagation delay")
rx_thread = Param.Bool(False, "dedicated kernel thread for transmit")
tx_thread = Param.Bool(False, "dedicated kernel threads for receive")
rss = Param.Bool(False, "Receive Side Scaling")
class NSGigEPciData(PciConfigData):
VendorID = 0x100B
DeviceID = 0x0022
Status = 0x0290
SubClassCode = 0x00
ClassCode = 0x02
ProgIF = 0x00
BAR0 = 0x00000001
BAR1 = 0x00000000
BAR2 = 0x00000000
BAR3 = 0x00000000
BAR4 = 0x00000000
BAR5 = 0x00000000
MaximumLatency = 0x34
MinimumGrant = 0xb0
InterruptLine = 0x1e
InterruptPin = 0x01
BAR0Size = '256B'
BAR1Size = '4kB'
class NSGigE(EtherDevBase):
type = 'NSGigE'
dma_data_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Data is free")
dma_desc_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Descriptors is free")
dma_no_allocate = Param.Bool(True, "Should we allocate cache on read")
configdata = NSGigEPciData()
class NSGigEInt(EtherInt):
type = 'NSGigEInt'
device = Param.NSGigE("Ethernet device of this interface")
class SinicPciData(PciConfigData):
VendorID = 0x1291
DeviceID = 0x1293
Status = 0x0290
SubClassCode = 0x00
ClassCode = 0x02
ProgIF = 0x00
BAR0 = 0x00000000
BAR1 = 0x00000000
BAR2 = 0x00000000
BAR3 = 0x00000000
BAR4 = 0x00000000
BAR5 = 0x00000000
MaximumLatency = 0x34
MinimumGrant = 0xb0
InterruptLine = 0x1e
InterruptPin = 0x01
BAR0Size = '64kB'
class Sinic(EtherDevBase):
type = 'Sinic'
rx_max_copy = Param.MemorySize('1514B', "rx max copy")
tx_max_copy = Param.MemorySize('16kB', "tx max copy")
rx_max_intr = Param.UInt32(10, "max rx packets per interrupt")
rx_fifo_threshold = Param.MemorySize('384kB', "rx fifo high threshold")
rx_fifo_low_mark = Param.MemorySize('128kB', "rx fifo low threshold")
tx_fifo_high_mark = Param.MemorySize('384kB', "tx fifo high threshold")
tx_fifo_threshold = Param.MemorySize('128kB', "tx fifo low threshold")
virtual_count = Param.UInt32(1, "Virtualized SINIC")
zero_copy = Param.Bool(False, "Zero copy receive")
delay_copy = Param.Bool(False, "Delayed copy transmit")
virtual_addr = Param.Bool(False, "Virtual addressing")
configdata = SinicPciData()
class SinicInt(EtherInt):
type = 'SinicInt'
device = Param.Sinic("Ethernet device of this interface")