blob: 5e5ce79af88c6905a627aba4ee2ab722ae8fcac4 [file] [log] [blame]
---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------
host_inst_rate 859270 # Simulator instruction rate (inst/s)
host_mem_usage 194168 # Number of bytes of host memory used
host_seconds 69.73 # Real time elapsed on the host
host_tick_rate 50283954 # Simulator tick rate (ticks/s)
sim_freq 2000000000 # Frequency of simulated ticks
sim_insts 59915182 # Number of instructions simulated
sim_seconds 1.753109 # Number of seconds simulated
sim_ticks 3506218170 # Number of ticks simulated
system.cpu.dtb.accesses 2354955 # DTB accesses
system.cpu.dtb.acv 413 # DTB access violations
system.cpu.dtb.hits 13926686 # DTB hits
system.cpu.dtb.misses 16187 # DTB misses
system.cpu.dtb.read_accesses 832415 # DTB read accesses
system.cpu.dtb.read_acv 242 # DTB read access violations
system.cpu.dtb.read_hits 7716658 # DTB read hits
system.cpu.dtb.read_misses 13695 # DTB read misses
system.cpu.dtb.write_accesses 1522540 # DTB write accesses
system.cpu.dtb.write_acv 171 # DTB write access violations
system.cpu.dtb.write_hits 6210028 # DTB write hits
system.cpu.dtb.write_misses 2492 # DTB write misses
system.cpu.idle_fraction 0.978925 # Percentage of idle cycles
system.cpu.itb.accesses 4037381 # ITB accesses
system.cpu.itb.acv 239 # ITB acv
system.cpu.itb.hits 4030657 # ITB hits
system.cpu.itb.misses 6724 # ITB misses
system.cpu.kern.callpal 183644 # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_cserve 1 0.00% 0.00% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_wrmces 1 0.00% 0.00% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_wrfen 1 0.00% 0.00% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_wrvptptr 1 0.00% 0.00% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_swpctx 1861 1.01% 1.02% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_tbi 28 0.02% 1.03% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_wrent 7 0.00% 1.03% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_swpipl 171635 93.46% 94.50% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_rdps 4808 2.62% 97.11% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_wrkgp 1 0.00% 97.11% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_wrusp 8 0.00% 97.12% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_rdusp 12 0.01% 97.12% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_whami 2 0.00% 97.13% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_rti 4297 2.34% 99.47% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_callsys 667 0.36% 99.83% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.callpal_imb 314 0.17% 100.00% # number of callpals executed
system.cpu.kern.inst.arm 0 # number of arm instructions executed
system.cpu.kern.inst.hwrei 209285 # number of hwrei instructions executed
system.cpu.kern.inst.ivlb 0 # number of ivlb instructions executed
system.cpu.kern.inst.ivle 0 # number of ivle instructions executed
system.cpu.kern.inst.quiesce 1867 # number of quiesce instructions executed
system.cpu.kern.ipl_count 178009 # number of times we switched to this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_count_0 75254 42.28% 42.28% # number of times we switched to this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_count_21 286 0.16% 42.44% # number of times we switched to this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_count_22 5465 3.07% 45.51% # number of times we switched to this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_count_31 97004 54.49% 100.00% # number of times we switched to this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_good 159802 # number of times we switched to this ipl from a different ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_good_0 75188 47.05% 47.05% # number of times we switched to this ipl from a different ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_good_21 286 0.18% 47.23% # number of times we switched to this ipl from a different ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_good_22 5465 3.42% 50.65% # number of times we switched to this ipl from a different ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_good_31 78863 49.35% 100.00% # number of times we switched to this ipl from a different ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_ticks 3506217640 # number of cycles we spent at this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_ticks_0 3478896122 99.22% 99.22% # number of cycles we spent at this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_ticks_21 60705 0.00% 99.22% # number of cycles we spent at this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_ticks_22 1274059 0.04% 99.26% # number of cycles we spent at this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_ticks_31 25986754 0.74% 100.00% # number of cycles we spent at this ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_used 0.897719 # fraction of swpipl calls that actually changed the ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_used_0 0.999123 # fraction of swpipl calls that actually changed the ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_used_21 1 # fraction of swpipl calls that actually changed the ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_used_22 1 # fraction of swpipl calls that actually changed the ipl
system.cpu.kern.ipl_used_31 0.812987 # fraction of swpipl calls that actually changed the ipl
system.cpu.kern.mode_good_kernel 2339
system.cpu.kern.mode_good_user 2168
system.cpu.kern.mode_good_idle 171
system.cpu.kern.mode_switch_kernel 4093 # number of protection mode switches
system.cpu.kern.mode_switch_user 2168 # number of protection mode switches
system.cpu.kern.mode_switch_idle 2043 # number of protection mode switches
system.cpu.kern.mode_switch_good 0.563343 # fraction of useful protection mode switches
system.cpu.kern.mode_switch_good_kernel 0.571463 # fraction of useful protection mode switches
system.cpu.kern.mode_switch_good_user 1 # fraction of useful protection mode switches
system.cpu.kern.mode_switch_good_idle 0.083700 # fraction of useful protection mode switches
system.cpu.kern.mode_ticks_kernel 40644475 1.16% 1.16% # number of ticks spent at the given mode
system.cpu.kern.mode_ticks_user 5527486 0.16% 1.32% # number of ticks spent at the given mode
system.cpu.kern.mode_ticks_idle 3460045677 98.68% 100.00% # number of ticks spent at the given mode
system.cpu.kern.swap_context 1862 # number of times the context was actually changed
system.cpu.kern.syscall 475 # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_fork 10 2.11% 2.11% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_read 33 6.95% 9.05% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_write 7 1.47% 10.53% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_close 49 10.32% 20.84% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_chdir 1 0.21% 21.05% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_chmod 1 0.21% 21.26% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_obreak 44 9.26% 30.53% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_lseek 13 2.74% 33.26% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_getpid 10 2.11% 35.37% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_setuid 4 0.84% 36.21% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_getuid 8 1.68% 37.89% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_access 4 0.84% 38.74% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_dup 4 0.84% 39.58% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_open 68 14.32% 53.89% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_getgid 8 1.68% 55.58% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_sigprocmask 14 2.95% 58.53% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_ioctl 16 3.37% 61.89% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_readlink 2 0.42% 62.32% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_execve 8 1.68% 64.00% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_pre_F64_stat 31 6.53% 70.53% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_pre_F64_lstat 1 0.21% 70.74% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_mmap 55 11.58% 82.32% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_munmap 6 1.26% 83.58% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_mprotect 14 2.95% 86.53% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_gethostname 2 0.42% 86.95% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_dup2 4 0.84% 87.79% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_pre_F64_fstat 28 5.89% 93.68% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_fcntl 14 2.95% 96.63% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_socket 3 0.63% 97.26% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_connect 3 0.63% 97.89% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_setgid 4 0.84% 98.74% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_getrlimit 3 0.63% 99.37% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.kern.syscall_setsid 3 0.63% 100.00% # number of syscalls executed
system.cpu.not_idle_fraction 0.021075 # Percentage of non-idle cycles
system.cpu.numCycles 0 # number of cpu cycles simulated
system.cpu.num_insts 59915182 # Number of instructions executed
system.cpu.num_refs 13979549 # Number of memory references
system.disk0.dma_read_bytes 1024 # Number of bytes transfered via DMA reads (not PRD).
system.disk0.dma_read_full_pages 0 # Number of full page size DMA reads (not PRD).
system.disk0.dma_read_txs 1 # Number of DMA read transactions (not PRD).
system.disk0.dma_write_bytes 2521088 # Number of bytes transfered via DMA writes.
system.disk0.dma_write_full_pages 285 # Number of full page size DMA writes.
system.disk0.dma_write_txs 375 # Number of DMA write transactions.
system.disk2.dma_read_bytes 0 # Number of bytes transfered via DMA reads (not PRD).
system.disk2.dma_read_full_pages 0 # Number of full page size DMA reads (not PRD).
system.disk2.dma_read_txs 0 # Number of DMA read transactions (not PRD).
system.disk2.dma_write_bytes 8192 # Number of bytes transfered via DMA writes.
system.disk2.dma_write_full_pages 1 # Number of full page size DMA writes.
system.disk2.dma_write_txs 1 # Number of DMA write transactions.
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedRxDesc <err: div-0> # average number of RxDesc's coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedRxIdle <err: div-0> # average number of RxIdle's coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedRxOk <err: div-0> # average number of RxOk's coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedRxOrn <err: div-0> # average number of RxOrn's coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedSwi <err: div-0> # average number of Swi's coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedTotal <err: div-0> # average number of interrupts coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedTxDesc <err: div-0> # average number of TxDesc's coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedTxIdle no value # average number of TxIdle's coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.coalescedTxOk <err: div-0> # average number of TxOk's coalesced into each post
system.tsunami.ethernet.descDMAReads 0 # Number of descriptors the device read w/ DMA
system.tsunami.ethernet.descDMAWrites 0 # Number of descriptors the device wrote w/ DMA
system.tsunami.ethernet.descDmaReadBytes 0 # number of descriptor bytes read w/ DMA
system.tsunami.ethernet.descDmaWriteBytes 0 # number of descriptor bytes write w/ DMA
system.tsunami.ethernet.droppedPackets 0 # number of packets dropped
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedInterrupts 0 # number of posts to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedRxDesc 0 # number of RxDesc interrupts posted to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedRxIdle 0 # number of rxIdle interrupts posted to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedRxOk 0 # number of RxOk interrupts posted to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedRxOrn 0 # number of RxOrn posted to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedSwi 0 # number of software interrupts posted to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedTxDesc 0 # number of TxDesc interrupts posted to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedTxIdle 0 # number of TxIdle interrupts posted to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.postedTxOk 0 # number of TxOk interrupts posted to CPU
system.tsunami.ethernet.totalRxDesc 0 # total number of RxDesc written to ISR
system.tsunami.ethernet.totalRxIdle 0 # total number of RxIdle written to ISR
system.tsunami.ethernet.totalRxOk 0 # total number of RxOk written to ISR
system.tsunami.ethernet.totalRxOrn 0 # total number of RxOrn written to ISR
system.tsunami.ethernet.totalSwi 0 # total number of Swi written to ISR
system.tsunami.ethernet.totalTxDesc 0 # total number of TxDesc written to ISR
system.tsunami.ethernet.totalTxIdle 0 # total number of TxIdle written to ISR
system.tsunami.ethernet.totalTxOk 0 # total number of TxOk written to ISR
---------- End Simulation Statistics ----------