arch-riscv: Fix compressed branch op offset

There is a bug in RISC-V's compressed branch instructions where the
offsets are not stored in ImmOp's immediate field, causing incorrect
branchTarget() return values.  This patch adds a new compressed branch
op format, CBOp, which correctly stores the offset.

Change-Id: Iac6e9b091d63f3dce4717ee5a9ec31a7cbd6c377
Reviewed-by: Tuan Ta <>
Maintainer: Alec Roelke <>
diff --git a/src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa b/src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa
index ecee161..bbed650 100644
--- a/src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa
+++ b/src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa
@@ -212,30 +212,16 @@
                 offset |= ~((int64_t)0x7FF);
             NPC = PC + offset;
         }}, IsIndirectControl, IsUncondControl, IsCall);
-        format BOp {
+        format CBOp {
             0x6: c_beqz({{
-                int64_t offset = CIMM5<2:1> << 1 |
-                                 CIMM3<1:0> << 3 |
-                                 CIMM5<0:0> << 5 |
-                                 CIMM5<4:3> << 6;
-                if (CIMM3<2:2> > 0)
-                    offset |= ~((int64_t)0xFF);
                 if (Rp1 == 0)
-                    NPC = PC + offset;
+                    NPC = PC + imm;
                     NPC = NPC;
             }}, IsDirectControl, IsCondControl);
             0x7: c_bnez({{
-                int64_t offset = CIMM5<2:1> << 1 |
-                                 CIMM3<1:0> << 3 |
-                                 CIMM5<0:0> << 5 |
-                                 CIMM5<4:3> << 6;
-                if (CIMM3<2:2> > 0)
-                    offset |= ~((int64_t)0xFF);
                 if (Rp1 != 0)
-                    NPC = PC + offset;
+                    NPC = PC + imm;
                     NPC = NPC;
             }}, IsDirectControl, IsCondControl);
diff --git a/src/arch/riscv/isa/formats/compressed.isa b/src/arch/riscv/isa/formats/compressed.isa
index 03b7fb1..3ebc1c6 100644
--- a/src/arch/riscv/isa/formats/compressed.isa
+++ b/src/arch/riscv/isa/formats/compressed.isa
@@ -47,6 +47,25 @@
     exec_output = ImmExecute.subst(iop)
+def format CBOp(code, *opt_flags) {{
+    imm_code = """
+                imm = CIMM5<2:1> << 1 |
+                      CIMM3<1:0> << 3 |
+                      CIMM5<0:0> << 5 |
+                      CIMM5<4:3> << 6;
+                if (CIMM3<2:2> > 0)
+                    imm |= ~((int64_t)0xFF);
+               """
+    regs = ['_srcRegIdx[0]','_srcRegIdx[1]']
+    iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'ImmOp<int64_t>',
+        {'code': code, 'imm_code': imm_code,
+         'regs': ','.join(regs)}, opt_flags)
+    header_output = BranchDeclare.subst(iop)
+    decoder_output = ImmConstructor.subst(iop)
+    decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
+    exec_output = BranchExecute.subst(iop)
 def format CompressedLoad(ldisp_code, memacc_code,
         ea_code, mem_flags=[], inst_flags=[]) {{
     (header_output, decoder_output, decode_block, exec_output) = \