blob: ba9106061681cdb6e84dcde6f3613d29fec5def2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
* All Rights Reserved
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
* redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
* neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "XML_Parse.h"
#include "basic_circuit.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "parameter.h"
//#include "globalvar.h"
InstFetchU::InstFetchU(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_, const CoreDynParam & dyn_p_, bool exist_)
IB (0),
BTB (0),
ID_inst (0),
ID_operand (0),
ID_misc (0),
if (!exist) return;
int idx, tag, data, size, line, assoc, banks;
bool debug= false, is_default = true;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
cache_p = (Cache_policy)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[7];
//Assuming all L1 caches are virtually idxed physically tagged.
size = (int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[0];
line = (int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[1];
assoc = (int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[2];
banks = (int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[3];
idx = debug?9:int(ceil(log2(size/line/assoc)));
tag = debug?51:(int)XML->sys.physical_address_width-idx-int(ceil(log2(line))) + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.cache_sz = debug?32768:(int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[0];
interface_ip.line_sz = debug?64:(int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[1];
interface_ip.assoc = debug?8:(int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[2];
interface_ip.nbanks = debug?1:(int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[3];
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;//debug?0:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[5];
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?3.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
// interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
// interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
// interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
// interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
icache.caches = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "icache", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
scktRatio = g_tp.sckt_co_eff;
chip_PR_overhead = g_tp.chip_layout_overhead;
macro_PR_overhead = g_tp.macro_layout_overhead;
icache.area.set_area(icache.area.get_area()+ icache.caches->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ icache.caches->local_result.area);
*iCache controllers
*miss buffer Each MSHR contains enough state
*to handle one or more accesses of any type to a single memory line.
*Due to the generality of the MSHR mechanism,
*the amount of state involved is non-trivial:
*including the address, pointers to the cache entry and destination register,
*written data, and various other pieces of state.
interface_ip.num_search_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
tag = XML->sys.physical_address_width + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
data = (XML->sys.physical_address_width) + int(ceil(log2(size/line))) + icache.caches->l_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/8.0));//int(ceil(pow(2.0,ceil(log2(data)))/8.0));
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.buffer_sizes[0]*interface_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[4]/clockRate;//means cycle time
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[5]/clockRate;//means access time
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
icache.missb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "icacheMissBuffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
icache.area.set_area(icache.area.get_area()+ icache.missb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ icache.missb->local_result.area);
//fill buffer
tag = XML->sys.physical_address_width + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
data = icache.caches->l_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;//int(pow(2.0,ceil(log2(data))));
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.buffer_sizes[1];
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
icache.ifb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "icacheFillBuffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
icache.area.set_area(icache.area.get_area()+ icache.ifb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ icache.ifb->local_result.area);
//prefetch buffer
tag = XML->sys.physical_address_width + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;//check with previous entries to decide wthether to merge.
data = icache.caches->l_ip.line_sz;//separate queue to prevent from cache polution.
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;//int(pow(2.0,ceil(log2(data))));
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.buffer_sizes[2]*interface_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
icache.prefetchb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "icacheprefetchBuffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
icache.area.set_area(icache.area.get_area()+ icache.prefetchb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ icache.prefetchb->local_result.area);
//Instruction buffer
data = XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_length*XML->sys.core[ithCore].peak_issue_width;//icache.caches.l_ip.line_sz; //multiple threads timing sharing the instruction buffer.
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/8.0));
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads*XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_buffer_size*interface_ip.line_sz>64?
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
//NOTE: Assuming IB is time slice shared among threads, every fetch op will at least fetch "fetch width" instructions.
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;//XML->sys.core[ithCore].fetch_width;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
IB = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "InstBuffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
IB->area.set_area(IB->area.get_area()+ IB->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ IB->local_result.area);
// inst_decoder.opcode_length = XML->sys.core[ithCore].opcode_width;
// inst_decoder.init_decoder(is_default, &interface_ip);
// inst_decoder.full_decoder_power();
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
* BTB branch target buffer, accessed during IF stage. Virtually indexed and virtually tagged
* It is only a cache without all the buffers in the cache controller since it is more like a
* look up table than a cache with cache controller. When access miss, no load from other places
* such as main memory (not actively fill the misses), it is passively updated under two circumstances:
* 1) when BPT@ID stage finds out current is a taken branch while BTB missed
* 2) When BPT@ID stage predicts differently than BTB
* 3) When ID stage finds out current instruction is not a branch while BTB had a hit.(mark as invalid)
* 4) when EXEU find out wrong target has been provided from BTB.
size = XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.BTB_config[0];
line = XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.BTB_config[1];
assoc = XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.BTB_config[2];
banks = XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.BTB_config[3];
idx = debug?9:int(ceil(log2(size/line/assoc)));
// tag = debug?51:XML->sys.virtual_address_width-idx-int(ceil(log2(line))) + int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads))) +EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
tag = debug?51:XML->sys.virtual_address_width + int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads))) +EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.cache_sz = debug?32768:size;
interface_ip.line_sz = debug?64:line;
interface_ip.assoc = debug?8:assoc;
interface_ip.nbanks = debug?1:banks;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;//debug?0:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[5];
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.BTB_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?3.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.BTB_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
BTB = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Branch Target Buffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
BTB->area.set_area(BTB->area.get_area()+ BTB->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ BTB->local_result.area);
BPT = new BranchPredictor(XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,coredynp);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ BPT->area.get_area());
ID_inst = new inst_decoder(is_default, &interface_ip,
coredynp.opcode_length, 1/*Decoder should not know how many by itself*/,
Core_device, coredynp.core_ty);
ID_operand = new inst_decoder(is_default, &interface_ip,
coredynp.arch_ireg_width, 1,
Core_device, coredynp.core_ty);
ID_misc = new inst_decoder(is_default, &interface_ip,
8/* Prefix field etc upto 14B*/, 1,
Core_device, coredynp.core_ty);
//TODO: X86 decoder should decode the inst in cyclic mode under the control of squencer.
//So the dynamic power should be multiplied by a few times.
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ (ID_inst->area.get_area()
BranchPredictor::BranchPredictor(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_, const CoreDynParam & dyn_p_, bool exist_)
* Branch Predictor, accessed during ID stage.
* McPAT's branch predictor model is the tournament branch predictor used in Alpha 21264,
* including global predictor, local two level predictor, and Chooser.
* The Branch predictor also includes a RAS (return address stack) for function calls
* Branch predictors are tagged by thread ID and modeled as 1-way associative $
* However RAS return address stacks are duplicated for each thread.
* TODO:Data Width need to be computed more precisely *
if (!exist) return;
int tag, data;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
if (coredynp.multithreaded)
tag = int(log2(coredynp.num_hthreads)+ EXTRA_TAG_BITS);
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
//Global predictor
data = int(ceil(XML->sys.core[ithCore].predictor.global_predictor_bits/8.0));
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].predictor.global_predictor_entries;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
globalBPT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Global Predictor", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
globalBPT->area.set_area(globalBPT->area.get_area()+ globalBPT->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ globalBPT->local_result.area);
//Local BPT (Level 1)
data = int(ceil(XML->sys.core[ithCore].predictor.local_predictor_size[0]/8.0));
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].predictor.local_predictor_entries;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
L1_localBPT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "L1 local Predictor", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
L1_localBPT->area.set_area(L1_localBPT->area.get_area()+ L1_localBPT->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ L1_localBPT->local_result.area);
//Local BPT (Level 2)
data = int(ceil(XML->sys.core[ithCore].predictor.local_predictor_size[1]/8.0));
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].predictor.local_predictor_entries;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
L2_localBPT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "L2 local Predictor", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
L2_localBPT->area.set_area(L2_localBPT->area.get_area()+ L2_localBPT->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ L2_localBPT->local_result.area);
data = int(ceil(XML->sys.core[ithCore].predictor.chooser_predictor_bits/8.0));
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].predictor.chooser_predictor_entries;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
chooser = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Predictor Chooser", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
chooser->area.set_area(chooser->area.get_area()+ chooser->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ chooser->local_result.area);
//RAS return address stacks are Duplicated for each thread.
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
data = int(ceil(coredynp.pc_width/8.0));
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].RAS_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.predictionW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
RAS = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "RAS", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
RAS->area.set_area(RAS->area.get_area()+ RAS->local_result.area*coredynp.num_hthreads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ RAS->local_result.area*coredynp.num_hthreads);
SchedulerU::SchedulerU(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_, const CoreDynParam & dyn_p_, bool exist_)
if (!exist) return;
int tag, data;
bool is_default=true;
string tmp_name;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
if ((coredynp.core_ty==Inorder && coredynp.multithreaded))
//Instruction issue queue, in-order multi-issue or multithreaded processor also has this structure. Unified window for Inorder processors
tag = int(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads)*coredynp.perThreadState);//This is the normal thread state bits based on Niagara Design
data = XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_length;
//NOTE: x86 inst can be very lengthy, up to 15B. Source: Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures
//Software Developer’s Manual
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/8.0));
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_window_size*interface_ip.line_sz>64?XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_window_size*interface_ip.line_sz:64;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.peak_issueW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.peak_issueW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = coredynp.peak_issueW;
int_inst_window = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "InstFetchQueue", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
int_inst_window->area.set_area(int_inst_window->area.get_area()+ int_inst_window->local_result.area*coredynp.num_pipelines);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ int_inst_window->local_result.area*coredynp.num_pipelines);
Iw_height =int_inst_window->local_result.cache_ht;
* selection logic
* In a single-issue Inorder multithreaded processor like Niagara, issue width=1*number_of_threads since the processor does need to pick up
* instructions from multiple ready ones(although these ready ones are from different threads).While SMT processors do not distinguish which thread belongs to who
* at the issue stage.
instruction_selection = new selection_logic(is_default, XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_window_size,
&interface_ip, Core_device, coredynp.core_ty);
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
* CAM based instruction window
* For physicalRegFilebased OOO it is the instruction issue queue, where only tags of phy regs are stored
* For RS based OOO it is the Reservation station, where both tags and values of phy regs are stored
* It is written once and read twice(two operands) before an instruction can be issued.
* X86 instruction can be very long up to 15B. add instruction length in XML
tag = coredynp.phy_ireg_width;
// Each time only half of the tag is compared, but two tag should be stored.
// This underestimate the search power
data = int((ceil((coredynp.instruction_length+2*(coredynp.phy_ireg_width - coredynp.arch_ireg_width))/2.0)/8.0));
//Data width being divided by 2 means only after both operands available the whole data will be read out.
//This is modeled using two equivalent readouts with half of the data width
tmp_name = "InstIssueQueue";
tag = coredynp.phy_ireg_width;
// Each time only half of the tag is compared, but two tag should be stored.
// This underestimate the search power
data = int(ceil(((coredynp.instruction_length+2*(coredynp.phy_ireg_width - coredynp.arch_ireg_width)+
//Data width being divided by 2 means only after both operands available the whole data will be read out.
//This is modeled using two equivalent readouts with half of the data width
tmp_name = "IntReservationStation";
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_window_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = 2*1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 2*1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.peak_issueW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.peak_issueW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = coredynp.peak_issueW;
int_inst_window = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, tmp_name, Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
int_inst_window->area.set_area(int_inst_window->area.get_area()+ int_inst_window->local_result.area*coredynp.num_pipelines);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ int_inst_window->local_result.area*coredynp.num_pipelines);
Iw_height =int_inst_window->local_result.cache_ht;
//FU inst window
tag = 2*coredynp.phy_freg_width;// TODO: each time only half of the tag is compared
data = int(ceil((coredynp.instruction_length+2*(coredynp.phy_freg_width - coredynp.arch_freg_width))/8.0));
tmp_name = "FPIssueQueue";
tag = 2*coredynp.phy_ireg_width;
data = int(ceil((coredynp.instruction_length+2*(coredynp.phy_freg_width - coredynp.arch_freg_width)+
tmp_name = "FPReservationStation";
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_instruction_window_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.fp_issueW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.fp_issueW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = coredynp.fp_issueW;
fp_inst_window = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, tmp_name, Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
fp_inst_window->area.set_area(fp_inst_window->area.get_area()+ fp_inst_window->local_result.area*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ fp_inst_window->local_result.area*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines);
fp_Iw_height =fp_inst_window->local_result.cache_ht;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size >0)
* if ROB_size = 0, then the target processor does not support hardware-based
* speculation, i.e. , the processor allow OOO issue as well as OOO completion, which
* means branch must be resolved before instruction issued into instruction window, since
* there is no change to flush miss-predict branch path after instructions are issued in this situation.
* ROB.ROB size = inflight inst. ROB is unified for int and fp inst.
* One old approach is to combine the RAT and ROB as a huge CAM structure as in AMD K7.
* However, this approach is abandoned due to its high power and poor scalablility.
* McPAT uses current implementation of ROB as circular buffer.
* ROB is written once when instruction is issued and read once when the instruction is committed. *
int robExtra = int(ceil(5 + log2(coredynp.num_hthreads)));
//5 bits are: busy, Issued, Finished, speculative, valid
//PC is to id the instruction for recover exception.
//inst is used to map the renamed dest. that commit stage can know which reg/RRAT to update
// data = int(ceil((robExtra+coredynp.pc_width +
// coredynp.instruction_length + 2*coredynp.phy_ireg_width)/8.0));
data = int(ceil((robExtra+coredynp.pc_width +
//in RS based OOO, ROB also contains value of destination reg
// data = int(ceil((robExtra+coredynp.pc_width +
// coredynp.instruction_length + 2*coredynp.phy_ireg_width + coredynp.fp_data_width)/8.0));
data = int(ceil((robExtra + coredynp.pc_width +
coredynp.phy_ireg_width + coredynp.fp_data_width)/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size;//The XML ROB size is for all threads
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.peak_commitW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.peak_issueW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = 0;
ROB = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "ReorderBuffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
ROB->area.set_area(ROB->area.get_area()+ ROB->local_result.area*coredynp.num_pipelines);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ ROB->local_result.area*coredynp.num_pipelines);
ROB_height =ROB->local_result.cache_ht;
instruction_selection = new selection_logic(is_default, XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_window_size,
coredynp.peak_issueW, &interface_ip, Core_device, coredynp.core_ty);
LoadStoreU::LoadStoreU(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_, const CoreDynParam & dyn_p_,bool exist_)
if (!exist) return;
int idx, tag, data, size, line, assoc, banks;
bool debug= false;
int ldst_opcode = XML->sys.core[ithCore].opcode_width;//16;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
cache_p = (Cache_policy)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[7];
interface_ip.num_search_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
size = (int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[0];
line = (int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[1];
assoc = (int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[2];
banks = (int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[3];
idx = debug?9:int(ceil(log2(size/line/assoc)));
tag = debug?51:XML->sys.physical_address_width-idx-int(ceil(log2(line))) + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.cache_sz = debug?32768:(int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[0];
interface_ip.line_sz = debug?64:(int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[1];
interface_ip.assoc = debug?8:(int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[2];
interface_ip.nbanks = debug?1:(int)XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[3];
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;//debug?0:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[5];
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?3.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;//usually In-order has 1 and OOO has 2 at least.
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
dcache.caches = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "dcache", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
dcache.area.set_area(dcache.area.get_area()+ dcache.caches->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ dcache.caches->local_result.area);
//dCache controllers
//miss buffer
tag = XML->sys.physical_address_width + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
data = (XML->sys.physical_address_width) + int(ceil(log2(size/line))) + dcache.caches->l_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/8.0));//int(ceil(pow(2.0,ceil(log2(data)))/8.0));
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.buffer_sizes[0]*interface_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
dcache.missb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "dcacheMissBuffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
dcache.area.set_area(dcache.area.get_area()+ dcache.missb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ dcache.missb->local_result.area);
//fill buffer
tag = XML->sys.physical_address_width + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
data = dcache.caches->l_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;//int(pow(2.0,ceil(log2(data))));
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.buffer_sizes[1];
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
dcache.ifb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "dcacheFillBuffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
dcache.area.set_area(dcache.area.get_area()+ dcache.ifb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ dcache.ifb->local_result.area);
//prefetch buffer
tag = XML->sys.physical_address_width + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;//check with previous entries to decide wthether to merge.
data = dcache.caches->l_ip.line_sz;//separate queue to prevent from cache polution.
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;//int(pow(2.0,ceil(log2(data))));
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.buffer_sizes[2]*interface_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
dcache.prefetchb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "dcacheprefetchBuffer", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
dcache.area.set_area(dcache.area.get_area()+ dcache.prefetchb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ dcache.prefetchb->local_result.area);
if (cache_p==Write_back)
tag = XML->sys.physical_address_width + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
data = dcache.caches->l_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.buffer_sizes[3]*interface_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
dcache.wbb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "dcacheWBB", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
dcache.area.set_area(dcache.area.get_area()+ dcache.wbb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ dcache.wbb->local_result.area);
* LSU--in-order processors do not have separate load queue: unified lsq
* partitioned among threads
* it is actually the store queue but for inorder processors it serves as both loadQ and StoreQ
tag = ldst_opcode+XML->sys.virtual_address_width +int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads))) + EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
data = XML->sys.machine_bits;
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/32.0))*4;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].store_buffer_size*interface_ip.line_sz*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports =XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
LSQ = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Load(Store)Queue", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
LSQ->area.set_area(LSQ->area.get_area()+ LSQ->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ LSQ->local_result.area);
if ((coredynp.core_ty==OOO) && (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_buffer_size >0))
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/32.0))*4;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_buffer_size*interface_ip.line_sz*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports =XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
LoadQ = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "LoadQueue", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
LoadQ->area.set_area(LoadQ->area.get_area()+ LoadQ->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ LoadQ->local_result.area);
lsq_height=(LSQ->local_result.cache_ht + LoadQ->local_result.cache_ht)*sqrt(cdb_overhead);/*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads*/
MemManU::MemManU(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_, const CoreDynParam & dyn_p_,bool exist_)
if (!exist) return;
int tag, data;
bool debug= false;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
//Itlb TLBs are partioned among threads according to Nigara and Nehalem
tag = XML->sys.virtual_address_width- int(floor(log2(XML->sys.virtual_memory_page_size))) + int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads)))+ EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
data = XML->sys.physical_address_width- int(floor(log2(XML->sys.virtual_memory_page_size)));
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/8.0));//int(ceil(pow(2.0,ceil(log2(data)))/8.0));
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].itlb.number_entries*interface_ip.line_sz;//*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.icache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = debug?1:XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_instruction_fetch_ports;
itlb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "ITLB", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
itlb->area.set_area(itlb->area.get_area()+ itlb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ itlb->local_result.area);
tag = XML->sys.virtual_address_width- int(floor(log2(XML->sys.virtual_memory_page_size))) +int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads)))+ EXTRA_TAG_BITS;
data = XML->sys.physical_address_width- int(floor(log2(XML->sys.virtual_memory_page_size)));
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/8.0));//int(ceil(pow(2.0,ceil(log2(data)))/8.0));
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dtlb.number_entries*interface_ip.line_sz;//*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[4]/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = debug?1.0/clockRate:XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.dcache_config[5]/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].memory_ports;
dtlb = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "DTLB", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
dtlb->area.set_area(dtlb->area.get_area()+ dtlb->local_result.area);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ dtlb->local_result.area);
RegFU::RegFU(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_, const CoreDynParam & dyn_p_,bool exist_)
IRF (0),
FRF (0),
RFWIN (0),
* processors have separate architectural register files for each thread.
* therefore, the bypass buses need to travel across all the register files.
if (!exist) return;
int data;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
data = coredynp.int_data_width;
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/32.0))*4;
interface_ip.cache_sz = coredynp.num_IRF_entry*interface_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//this is the transfer port for saving/restoring states when exceptions happen.
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 2*coredynp.peak_issueW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.peak_issueW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
IRF = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Integer Register File", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
IRF->area.set_area(IRF->area.get_area()+ IRF->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads*coredynp.num_pipelines*cdb_overhead);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ IRF->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads*coredynp.num_pipelines*cdb_overhead);
data = coredynp.fp_data_width;
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/32.0))*4;
interface_ip.cache_sz = coredynp.num_FRF_entry*interface_ip.line_sz;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//this is the transfer port for saving/restoring states when exceptions happen.
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 2*XML->sys.core[ithCore].issue_width;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].issue_width;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
FRF = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Floating point Register File", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
FRF->area.set_area(FRF->area.get_area()+ FRF->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines*cdb_overhead);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ FRF->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines*cdb_overhead);
int_regfile_height= IRF->local_result.cache_ht*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads*sqrt(cdb_overhead);
fp_regfile_height = FRF->local_result.cache_ht*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads*sqrt(cdb_overhead);
//since a EXU is associated with each pipeline, the cdb should not have longer length.
if (coredynp.regWindowing)
data = coredynp.int_data_width; //ECC, and usually 2 regs are transfered together during window shifting.Niagara Mega cell
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = int(ceil(data/8.0));
interface_ip.cache_sz = XML->sys.core[ithCore].register_windows_size*IRF->l_ip.cache_sz*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 4.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 4.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//this is the transfer port for saving/restoring states when exceptions happen.
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
RFWIN = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "RegWindow", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
RFWIN->area.set_area(RFWIN->area.get_area()+ RFWIN->local_result.area*coredynp.num_pipelines);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ RFWIN->local_result.area*coredynp.num_pipelines);
EXECU::EXECU(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_, double lsq_height_, const CoreDynParam & dyn_p_, bool exist_)
if (!exist) return;
double fu_height = 0.0;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
rfu = new RegFU(XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,coredynp);
scheu = new SchedulerU(XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,coredynp);
exeu = new FunctionalUnit(XML, ithCore,&interface_ip, coredynp, ALU);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ exeu->area.get_area() + rfu->area.get_area() +scheu->area.get_area() );
fu_height = exeu->FU_height;
if (coredynp.num_fpus >0)
fp_u = new FunctionalUnit(XML, ithCore,&interface_ip, coredynp, FPU);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ fp_u->area.get_area());
if (coredynp.num_muls >0)
mul = new FunctionalUnit(XML, ithCore,&interface_ip, coredynp, MUL);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ mul->area.get_area());
fu_height += mul->FU_height;
* broadcast logic, including int-broadcast; int_tag-broadcast; fp-broadcast; fp_tag-broadcast
* integer by pass has two paths and fp has 3 paths.
* on the same bus there are multiple tri-state drivers and muxes that go to different components on the same bus
if (XML->sys.Embedded)
interface_ip.wt =Global_30;
interface_ip.wire_is_mat_type = 0;
interface_ip.wire_os_mat_type = 0;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.wt =Global;
interface_ip.wire_is_mat_type = 2;//start from semi-global since local wires are already used
interface_ip.wire_os_mat_type = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 10.0/clockRate; //Do not care
interface_ip.latency = 10.0/clockRate;
if (coredynp.core_ty==Inorder)
int_bypass = new interconnect("Int Bypass Data", Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(XML->sys.machine_bits/32.0)*32),
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + lsq_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() + int_bypass->area.get_area());
intTagBypass = new interconnect("Int Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.perThreadState,
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +intTagBypass->area.get_area());
if (coredynp.num_muls>0)
int_mul_bypass = new interconnect("Mul Bypass Data" , Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(XML->sys.machine_bits/32.0)*32*1.5),
rfu->fp_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + mul->FU_height + lsq_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +int_mul_bypass->area.get_area());
intTag_mul_Bypass = new interconnect("Mul Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.perThreadState,
rfu->fp_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + mul->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +intTag_mul_Bypass->area.get_area());
if (coredynp.num_fpus>0)
fp_bypass = new interconnect("FP Bypass Data" , Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(XML->sys.machine_bits/32.0)*32*1.5),
rfu->fp_regfile_height + fp_u->FU_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +fp_bypass->area.get_area());
fpTagBypass = new interconnect("FP Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.perThreadState,
rfu->fp_regfile_height + fp_u->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +fpTagBypass->area.get_area());
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
/* For physical register based OOO,
* data broadcast interconnects cover across functional units, lsq, inst windows and register files,
* while tag broadcast interconnects also cover across ROB
int_bypass = new interconnect("Int Bypass Data", Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(coredynp.int_data_width)),
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + lsq_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +int_bypass->area.get_area());
intTagBypass = new interconnect("Int Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.phy_ireg_width,
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height , &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
if (coredynp.num_muls>0)
int_mul_bypass = new interconnect("Mul Bypass Data", Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(coredynp.int_data_width)),
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + mul->FU_height + lsq_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
intTag_mul_Bypass = new interconnect("Mul Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.phy_ireg_width,
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + mul->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height , &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +int_mul_bypass->area.get_area());
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +intTag_mul_Bypass->area.get_area());
if (coredynp.num_fpus>0)
fp_bypass = new interconnect("FP Bypass Data" , Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(coredynp.fp_data_width)),
rfu->fp_regfile_height + fp_u->FU_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
fpTagBypass = new interconnect("FP Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.phy_freg_width,
rfu->fp_regfile_height + fp_u->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->fp_Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +fp_bypass->area.get_area());
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +fpTagBypass->area.get_area());
* In RS based processor both data and tag are broadcast together,
* covering functional units, lsq, nst windows, register files, and ROBs
int_bypass = new interconnect("Int Bypass Data", Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(coredynp.int_data_width)),
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
intTagBypass = new interconnect("Int Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.phy_ireg_width,
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height , &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +int_bypass->area.get_area());
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +intTagBypass->area.get_area());
if (coredynp.num_muls>0)
int_mul_bypass = new interconnect("Mul Bypass Data", Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(coredynp.int_data_width)),
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + mul->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
intTag_mul_Bypass = new interconnect("Mul Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.phy_ireg_width,
rfu->int_regfile_height + exeu->FU_height + mul->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height , &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +int_mul_bypass->area.get_area());
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +intTag_mul_Bypass->area.get_area());
if (coredynp.num_fpus>0)
fp_bypass = new interconnect("FP Bypass Data" , Core_device, 1, 1, int(ceil(coredynp.fp_data_width)),
rfu->fp_regfile_height + fp_u->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->fp_Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
fpTagBypass = new interconnect("FP Bypass tag" , Core_device, 1, 1, coredynp.phy_freg_width,
rfu->fp_regfile_height + fp_u->FU_height + lsq_height + scheu->fp_Iw_height + scheu->ROB_height, &interface_ip, 3,
false, 1.0, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +fp_bypass->area.get_area());
bypass.area.set_area(bypass.area.get_area() +fpTagBypass->area.get_area());
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ bypass.area.get_area());
RENAMINGU::RENAMINGU(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_, const CoreDynParam & dyn_p_,bool exist_)
* Although renaming logic maybe be used in in-order processors,
* McPAT assumes no renaming logic is used since the performance gain is very limited and
* the only major inorder processor with renaming logic is Itainium
* that is a VLIW processor and different from current McPAT's model.
* physical register base OOO must have Dual-RAT architecture or equivalent structure.FRAT:FrontRAT, RRAT:RetireRAT;
* i,f prefix mean int and fp
* RAT for all Renaming logic, random accessible checkpointing is used, but only update when instruction retires.
* FRAT will be read twice and written once per instruction;
* RRAT will be write once per instruction when committing and reads out all when context switch
* checkpointing is implicit
* Renaming logic is duplicated for each different hardware threads
* No Dual-RAT is needed in RS-based OOO processors,
* however, RAT needs to do associative search in RAT, when instruction commits and ROB release the entry,
* to make sure all the renamings associated with the ROB to be released are updated at the same time.
* RAM scheme has # ARchi Reg entry with each entry hold phy reg tag,
* CAM scheme has # Phy Reg entry with each entry hold ARchi reg tag,
* Both RAM and CAM have same DCL
if (!exist) return;
int tag, data, out_w;
// interface_ip.wire_is_mat_type = 0;
// interface_ip.wire_os_mat_type = 0;
// interface_ip.wt = Global_30;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
//integer pipeline
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
if (coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased)
{ //FRAT with global checkpointing (GCs) please see paper tech report for detailed explaintions
data = 33;//int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width*(1+coredynp.globalCheckpoint)/8.0));
// data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width/8.0));
out_w = 1;//int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_IRF_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//the extra one port is for GCs
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 2*coredynp.decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.decodeW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
iFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
iFRAT->area.set_area(iFRAT->area.get_area()+ iFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ iFRAT->area.get_area());
// //RAHT According to Intel, combine GC with FRAT is very costly.
// data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width/8.0)*coredynp.num_IRF_entry);
// out_w = data;
// interface_ip.is_cache = false;
// interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
// interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
// interface_ip.line_sz = data;
// interface_ip.cache_sz = data*coredynp.globalCheckpoint;
// interface_ip.assoc = 1;
// interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
// interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
// interface_ip.access_mode = 0;
// interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
// interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
// interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
// interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
// interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
// interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
// interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//the extra one port is for GCs
// interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 2*coredynp.decodeW;
// interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.decodeW;
// interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
// iFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT");
// iFRAT->area.set_area(iFRAT->area.get_area()+ iFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
// area.set_area(area.get_area()+ iFRAT->area.get_area());
//FRAT floating point
data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_freg_width*(1+coredynp.globalCheckpoint)/8.0));
out_w = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_freg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_FRF_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//the extra one port is for GCs
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 2*coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
fFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
fFRAT->area.set_area(fFRAT->area.get_area()+ fFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ fFRAT->area.get_area());
else if ((coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased))
tag = coredynp.arch_ireg_width;
data = int(ceil ((coredynp.arch_ireg_width+1*coredynp.globalCheckpoint)/8.0));//the address of CAM needed to be sent out
out_w = int(ceil (coredynp.arch_ireg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].phy_Regs_IRF_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//for GCs
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.decodeW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports= 2*coredynp.decodeW;
iFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
iFRAT->area.set_area(iFRAT->area.get_area()+ iFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ iFRAT->area.get_area());
//FRAT for FP
tag = coredynp.arch_freg_width;
data = int(ceil ((coredynp.arch_freg_width+1*coredynp.globalCheckpoint)/8.0));//the address of CAM needed to be sent out
out_w = int(ceil (coredynp.arch_freg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].phy_Regs_FRF_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//for GCs
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports= 2*coredynp.fp_decodeW;
fFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
fFRAT->area.set_area(fFRAT->area.get_area()+ fFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ fFRAT->area.get_area());
//RRAT is always RAM based, does not have GCs, and is used only for record latest non-speculative mapping
data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_IRF_size*2;//HACK to make it as least 64B
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].commit_width;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].commit_width;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
iRRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int RetireRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
iRRAT->area.set_area(iRRAT->area.get_area()+ iRRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ iRRAT->area.get_area());
//RRAT for FP
data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_freg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_FRF_size*2;//HACK to make it as least 64B
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
fRRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int RetireRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
fRRAT->area.set_area(fRRAT->area.get_area()+ fRRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ fRRAT->area.get_area());
//Freelist of renaming unit always RAM based
//Recycle happens at two places: 1)when DCL check there are WAW, the Phyregisters/ROB directly recycles into freelist
// 2)When instruction commits the Phyregisters/ROB needed to be recycled.
//therefore num_wr port = decode-1(-1 means at least one phy reg will be used for the current renaming group) + commit width
data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*coredynp.num_ifreelist_entries;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//TODO
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.decodeW -1 + XML->sys.core[ithCore].commit_width;
//every cycle, (coredynp.decodeW -1) inst may need to send back it dest tags, committW insts needs to update freelist buffers
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
ifreeL = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int Free List", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
ifreeL->area.set_area(ifreeL->area.get_area()+ ifreeL->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ ifreeL->area.get_area());
//freelist for FP
data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_freg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*coredynp.num_ffreelist_entries;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW -1 + XML->sys.core[ithCore].commit_width;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
ffreeL = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int Free List", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
ffreeL->area.set_area(ffreeL->area.get_area()+ ffreeL->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ ffreeL->area.get_area());
idcl = new dep_resource_conflict_check(&interface_ip,coredynp,coredynp.phy_ireg_width);//TODO:Separate 2 sections See TR
fdcl = new dep_resource_conflict_check(&interface_ip,coredynp,coredynp.phy_freg_width);
else if (coredynp.scheu_ty==ReservationStation){
if (coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased){
* however, RAT needs to do associative search in RAT, when instruction commits and ROB release the entry,
* to make sure all the renamings associated with the ROB to be released are updated to ARF at the same time.
* RAM based RAT for RS base OOO does not save the search operations. Its advantage is to have less entries than
* CAM based RAT so that it is more scalable as number of ROB/physical regs increases.
tag = coredynp.phy_ireg_width;
data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width*(1+coredynp.globalCheckpoint)/8.0));
out_w = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_IRF_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//the extra one port is for GCs
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 2*coredynp.decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.decodeW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports= coredynp.commitW;//TODO
iFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
iFRAT->area.set_area(iFRAT->area.get_area()+ iFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ iFRAT->area.get_area());
tag = coredynp.phy_freg_width;
data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_freg_width*(1+coredynp.globalCheckpoint)/8.0));
out_w = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_freg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_FRF_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//the extra one port is for GCs
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = 2*coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports= coredynp.fp_decodeW;//actually is fp commit width
fFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
fFRAT->area.set_area(fFRAT->area.get_area()+ fFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ fFRAT->area.get_area());
else if ((coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased))
tag = coredynp.arch_ireg_width;
data = int(ceil (coredynp.arch_ireg_width+1*coredynp.globalCheckpoint/8.0));//the address of CAM needed to be sent out
out_w = int(ceil (coredynp.arch_ireg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].phy_Regs_IRF_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//for GCs
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].decode_width;//0;TODO
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].decode_width;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports= 2*XML->sys.core[ithCore].decode_width;
iFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
iFRAT->area.set_area(iFRAT->area.get_area()+ iFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ iFRAT->area.get_area());
tag = coredynp.arch_freg_width;
data = int(ceil (coredynp.arch_freg_width+1*coredynp.globalCheckpoint/8.0));//the address of CAM needed to be sent out
out_w = int(ceil (coredynp.arch_freg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = true;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = false;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*XML->sys.core[ithCore].phy_Regs_FRF_size;
interface_ip.assoc = 0;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = out_w*8;
interface_ip.specific_tag = 1;
interface_ip.tag_w = tag;
interface_ip.access_mode = 2;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//for GCs
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].decode_width;//0;TODO;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = coredynp.fp_decodeW;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
interface_ip.num_search_ports= 2*coredynp.fp_decodeW;
fFRAT = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Int FrontRAT", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
fFRAT->area.set_area(fFRAT->area.get_area()+ fFRAT->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ fFRAT->area.get_area());
//No RRAT for RS based OOO
//Freelist of renaming unit of RS based OOO is unifed for both int and fp renaming unit since the ROB is unified
data = int(ceil(coredynp.phy_ireg_width/8.0));
interface_ip.is_cache = false;
interface_ip.pure_cam = false;
interface_ip.pure_ram = true;
interface_ip.line_sz = data;
interface_ip.cache_sz = data*coredynp.num_ifreelist_entries;
interface_ip.assoc = 1;
interface_ip.nbanks = 1;
interface_ip.out_w = interface_ip.line_sz*8;
interface_ip.access_mode = 1;
interface_ip.throughput = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.latency = 1.0/clockRate;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_energy = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_dyn_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_leak_power = 0;
interface_ip.obj_func_cycle_t = 1;
interface_ip.num_rw_ports = 1;//TODO
interface_ip.num_rd_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].decode_width;
interface_ip.num_wr_ports = XML->sys.core[ithCore].decode_width -1 + XML->sys.core[ithCore].commit_width;
interface_ip.num_se_rd_ports = 0;
ifreeL = new ArrayST(&interface_ip, "Unified Free List", Core_device, coredynp.opt_local, coredynp.core_ty);
ifreeL->area.set_area(ifreeL->area.get_area()+ ifreeL->local_result.area*XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads);
area.set_area(area.get_area()+ ifreeL->area.get_area());
idcl = new dep_resource_conflict_check(&interface_ip,coredynp,coredynp.phy_ireg_width);//TODO:Separate 2 sections See TR
fdcl = new dep_resource_conflict_check(&interface_ip,coredynp,coredynp.phy_freg_width);
if (coredynp.core_ty==Inorder&& coredynp.issueW>1)
/* Dependency check logic will only present when decode(issue) width>1.
* Multiple issue in order processor can do without renaming, but dcl is a must.
idcl = new dep_resource_conflict_check(&interface_ip,coredynp,coredynp.phy_ireg_width);//TODO:Separate 2 sections See TR
fdcl = new dep_resource_conflict_check(&interface_ip,coredynp,coredynp.phy_freg_width);
Core::Core(ParseXML* XML_interface, int ithCore_, InputParameter* interface_ip_)
ifu (0),
lsu (0),
mmu (0),
exu (0),
rnu (0),
corepipe (0),
undiffCore (0),
l2cache (0)
* initialize, compute and optimize individual components.
double pipeline_area_per_unit;
if (XML->sys.Private_L2)
l2cache = new SharedCache(XML,ithCore, &interface_ip);
// interface_ip.wire_is_mat_type = 2;
// interface_ip.wire_os_mat_type = 2;
// interface_ip.wt =Global_30;
clockRate = coredynp.clockRate;
executionTime = coredynp.executionTime;
ifu = new InstFetchU(XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,coredynp);
lsu = new LoadStoreU(XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,coredynp);
mmu = new MemManU (XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,coredynp);
exu = new EXECU (XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,lsu->lsq_height, coredynp);
undiffCore = new UndiffCore(XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,coredynp);
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
rnu = new RENAMINGU(XML, ithCore, &interface_ip,coredynp);
corepipe = new Pipeline(&interface_ip,coredynp);
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
pipeline_area_per_unit = (corepipe->area.get_area()*coredynp.num_pipelines)/5.0;
if (rnu->exist)
rnu->area.set_area(rnu->area.get_area() + pipeline_area_per_unit);
else {
pipeline_area_per_unit = (corepipe->area.get_area()*coredynp.num_pipelines)/4.0;
//area.set_area(area.get_area()+ corepipe->area.get_area());
if (ifu->exist)
ifu->area.set_area(ifu->area.get_area() + pipeline_area_per_unit);
area.set_area(area.get_area() + ifu->area.get_area());
if (lsu->exist)
lsu->area.set_area(lsu->area.get_area() + pipeline_area_per_unit);
area.set_area(area.get_area() + lsu->area.get_area());
if (exu->exist)
exu->area.set_area(exu->area.get_area() + pipeline_area_per_unit);
if (mmu->exist)
mmu->area.set_area(mmu->area.get_area() + pipeline_area_per_unit);
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
if (rnu->exist)
area.set_area(area.get_area() + rnu->area.get_area());
if (undiffCore->exist)
area.set_area(area.get_area() + undiffCore->area.get_area());
if (XML->sys.Private_L2)
area.set_area(area.get_area() + l2cache->area.get_area());
// //clock power
// clockNetwork.init_wire_external(is_default, &interface_ip);
// clockNetwork.clk_area =area*1.1;//10% of placement overhead. rule of thumb
// clockNetwork.end_wiring_level =5;//toplevel metal
// clockNetwork.start_wiring_level =5;//toplevel metal
// clockNetwork.num_regs = corepipe.tot_stage_vector;
// clockNetwork.optimize_wire();
void BranchPredictor::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
double r_access;
double w_access;
if (is_tdp)
r_access = coredynp.predictionW*coredynp.BR_duty_cycle;
w_access = 0*coredynp.BR_duty_cycle;
globalBPT->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
globalBPT->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
globalBPT->tdp_stats = globalBPT->stats_t;
L1_localBPT->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
L1_localBPT->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
L1_localBPT->tdp_stats = L1_localBPT->stats_t;
L2_localBPT->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
L2_localBPT->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
L2_localBPT->tdp_stats = L2_localBPT->stats_t;
chooser->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
chooser->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
chooser->tdp_stats = chooser->stats_t;
RAS->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
RAS->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
RAS->tdp_stats = RAS->stats_t;
//The resolution of BPT accesses is coarse, but this is
//because most simulators cannot track finer grained details
r_access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].branch_instructions;
w_access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].branch_mispredictions + 0.1*XML->sys.core[ithCore].branch_instructions;//10% of BR will flip internal bits//0
globalBPT->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
globalBPT->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
globalBPT->rtp_stats = globalBPT->stats_t;
L1_localBPT->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
L1_localBPT->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
L1_localBPT->rtp_stats = L1_localBPT->stats_t;
L2_localBPT->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
L2_localBPT->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
L2_localBPT->rtp_stats = L2_localBPT->stats_t;
chooser->stats_t.readAc.access = r_access;
chooser->stats_t.writeAc.access = w_access;
chooser->rtp_stats = chooser->stats_t;
RAS->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].function_calls;
RAS->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].function_calls;
RAS->rtp_stats = RAS->stats_t;
globalBPT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += globalBPT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic*globalBPT->stats_t.readAc.access +
L1_localBPT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += L1_localBPT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic*L1_localBPT->stats_t.readAc.access +
L2_localBPT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += L2_localBPT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic*L2_localBPT->stats_t.readAc.access +
chooser->power_t.readOp.dynamic += chooser->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic*chooser->stats_t.readAc.access +
RAS->power_t.readOp.dynamic += RAS->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic*RAS->stats_t.readAc.access +
if (is_tdp)
globalBPT->power = globalBPT->power_t + globalBPT->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
L1_localBPT->power = L1_localBPT->power_t + L1_localBPT->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
L2_localBPT->power = L2_localBPT->power_t + L2_localBPT->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
chooser->power = chooser->power_t + chooser->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
RAS->power = RAS->power_t + RAS->local_result.power*coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
power = power + globalBPT->power + L1_localBPT->power + chooser->power + RAS->power;
globalBPT->rt_power = globalBPT->power_t + globalBPT->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
L1_localBPT->rt_power = L1_localBPT->power_t + L1_localBPT->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
L2_localBPT->rt_power = L2_localBPT->power_t + L2_localBPT->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
chooser->rt_power = chooser->power_t + chooser->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
RAS->rt_power = RAS->power_t + RAS->local_result.power*coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
rt_power = rt_power + globalBPT->rt_power + L1_localBPT->rt_power + chooser->rt_power + RAS->rt_power;
void BranchPredictor::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
if (is_tdp)
cout << indent_str<< "Global Predictor:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << globalBPT->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << globalBPT->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? globalBPT->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:globalBPT->power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << globalBPT->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << globalBPT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str << "Local Predictor:" << endl;
cout << indent_str << "L1_Local Predictor:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << L1_localBPT->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << L1_localBPT->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? L1_localBPT->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:L1_localBPT->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << L1_localBPT->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << L1_localBPT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str << "L2_Local Predictor:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << L2_localBPT->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << L2_localBPT->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? L2_localBPT->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:L2_localBPT->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << L2_localBPT->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << L2_localBPT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str << "Chooser:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << chooser->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << chooser->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? chooser->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:chooser->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << chooser->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << chooser->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str << "RAS:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << RAS->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << RAS->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? RAS->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:RAS->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << RAS->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << RAS->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Global Predictor Peak Dynamic = " << globalBPT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Global Predictor Subthreshold Leakage = " << globalBPT->rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Global Predictor Gate Leakage = " << globalBPT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Local Predictor Peak Dynamic = " << L1_localBPT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Local Predictor Subthreshold Leakage = " << L1_localBPT->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Local Predictor Gate Leakage = " << L1_localBPT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Chooser Peak Dynamic = " << chooser->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Chooser Subthreshold Leakage = " << chooser->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Chooser Gate Leakage = " << chooser->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "RAS Peak Dynamic = " << RAS->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "RAS Subthreshold Leakage = " << RAS->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "RAS Gate Leakage = " << RAS->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
void InstFetchU::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
if (is_tdp)
//init stats for Peak
icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.access = icache.caches->l_ip.num_rw_ports*coredynp.IFU_duty_cycle;
icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss = 0;
icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.hit = icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.access - icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
icache.caches->tdp_stats = icache.caches->stats_t;
icache.missb->stats_t.readAc.access = icache.missb->stats_t.readAc.hit= icache.missb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
icache.missb->stats_t.writeAc.access = icache.missb->stats_t.writeAc.hit= icache.missb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
icache.missb->tdp_stats = icache.missb->stats_t;
icache.ifb->stats_t.readAc.access = icache.ifb->stats_t.readAc.hit= icache.ifb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
icache.ifb->stats_t.writeAc.access = icache.ifb->stats_t.writeAc.hit= icache.ifb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
icache.ifb->tdp_stats = icache.ifb->stats_t;
icache.prefetchb->stats_t.readAc.access = icache.prefetchb->stats_t.readAc.hit= icache.prefetchb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
icache.prefetchb->stats_t.writeAc.access = icache.ifb->stats_t.writeAc.hit= icache.ifb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
icache.prefetchb->tdp_stats = icache.prefetchb->stats_t;
IB->stats_t.readAc.access = IB->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].peak_issue_width;
IB->tdp_stats = IB->stats_t;
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
BTB->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.predictionW;//XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.read_accesses;
BTB->stats_t.writeAc.access = 0;//XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.write_accesses;
ID_inst->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;
ID_operand->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;
ID_misc->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;
ID_inst->tdp_stats = ID_inst->stats_t;
ID_operand->tdp_stats = ID_operand->stats_t;
ID_misc->tdp_stats = ID_misc->stats_t;
//init stats for Runtime Dynamic (RTP)
icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.read_accesses;
icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss = XML->sys.core[ithCore].icache.read_misses;
icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.hit = icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.access - icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
icache.caches->rtp_stats = icache.caches->stats_t;
icache.missb->stats_t.readAc.access = icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
icache.missb->stats_t.writeAc.access = icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
icache.missb->rtp_stats = icache.missb->stats_t;
icache.ifb->stats_t.readAc.access = icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
icache.ifb->stats_t.writeAc.access = icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
icache.ifb->rtp_stats = icache.ifb->stats_t;
icache.prefetchb->stats_t.readAc.access = icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
icache.prefetchb->stats_t.writeAc.access = icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
icache.prefetchb->rtp_stats = icache.prefetchb->stats_t;
IB->stats_t.readAc.access = IB->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].total_instructions;
IB->rtp_stats = IB->stats_t;
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
BTB->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.read_accesses;//XML->sys.core[ithCore].branch_instructions;
BTB->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].BTB.write_accesses;//XML->sys.core[ithCore].branch_mispredictions;
BTB->rtp_stats = BTB->stats_t;
ID_inst->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].total_instructions;
ID_operand->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].total_instructions;
ID_misc->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].total_instructions;
ID_inst->rtp_stats = ID_inst->stats_t;
ID_operand->rtp_stats = ID_operand->stats_t;
ID_misc->rtp_stats = ID_misc->stats_t;
// ID_inst->power_t.reset();
// ID_operand->power_t.reset();
// ID_misc->power_t.reset();
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
icache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += (icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.hit*icache.caches->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic+
icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss*icache.caches->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic+ //assume tag data accessed in parallel
icache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss*icache.caches->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic); //read miss in Icache cause a write to Icache
icache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += icache.missb->stats_t.readAc.access*icache.missb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic +
icache.missb->stats_t.writeAc.access*icache.missb->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic;//each access to missb involves a CAM and a write
icache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += icache.ifb->stats_t.readAc.access*icache.ifb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic +
icache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += icache.prefetchb->stats_t.readAc.access*icache.prefetchb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic +
IB->power_t.readOp.dynamic += IB->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic*IB->stats_t.readAc.access +
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
BTB->power_t.readOp.dynamic += BTB->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic*BTB->stats_t.readAc.access +
if (is_tdp)
// icache.power = icache.power_t +
// (icache.caches->local_result.power)*pppm_lkg +
// (icache.missb->local_result.power +
// icache.ifb->local_result.power +
// icache.prefetchb->local_result.power)*pppm_Isub;
icache.power = icache.power_t +
(icache.caches->local_result.power +
icache.missb->local_result.power +
icache.ifb->local_result.power +
IB->power = IB->power_t + IB->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
power = power + icache.power + IB->power;
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
BTB->power = BTB->power_t + BTB->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
power = power + BTB->power + BPT->power;
ID_inst->power_t.readOp.dynamic = ID_inst->power.readOp.dynamic;
ID_operand->power_t.readOp.dynamic = ID_operand->power.readOp.dynamic;
ID_misc->power_t.readOp.dynamic = ID_misc->power.readOp.dynamic;
ID_inst->power.readOp.dynamic *= ID_inst->tdp_stats.readAc.access;
ID_operand->power.readOp.dynamic *= ID_operand->tdp_stats.readAc.access;
ID_misc->power.readOp.dynamic *= ID_misc->tdp_stats.readAc.access;
power = power + (ID_inst->power +
ID_operand->power +
// icache.rt_power = icache.power_t +
// (icache.caches->local_result.power)*pppm_lkg +
// (icache.missb->local_result.power +
// icache.ifb->local_result.power +
// icache.prefetchb->local_result.power)*pppm_Isub;
icache.rt_power = icache.power_t +
(icache.caches->local_result.power +
icache.missb->local_result.power +
icache.ifb->local_result.power +
IB->rt_power = IB->power_t + IB->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + icache.rt_power + IB->rt_power;
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
BTB->rt_power = BTB->power_t + BTB->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + BTB->rt_power + BPT->rt_power;
ID_inst->rt_power.readOp.dynamic = ID_inst->power_t.readOp.dynamic*ID_inst->rtp_stats.readAc.access;
ID_operand->rt_power.readOp.dynamic = ID_operand->power_t.readOp.dynamic * ID_operand->rtp_stats.readAc.access;
ID_misc->rt_power.readOp.dynamic = ID_misc->power_t.readOp.dynamic * ID_misc->rtp_stats.readAc.access;
rt_power = rt_power + (ID_inst->rt_power +
ID_operand->rt_power +
void InstFetchU::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
if (is_tdp)
cout << indent_str<< "Instruction Cache:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << icache.area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << icache.power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? icache.power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:icache.power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << icache.power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << icache.rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
cout << indent_str<< "Branch Target Buffer:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << BTB->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << BTB->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? BTB->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:BTB->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << BTB->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << BTB->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (BPT->exist)
cout << indent_str<< "Branch Predictor:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << BPT->area.get_area() *1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << BPT->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? BPT->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:BPT->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << BPT->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << BPT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (plevel>3)
BPT->displayEnergy(indent+4, plevel, is_tdp);
cout << indent_str<< "Instruction Buffer:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << IB->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << IB->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? IB->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:IB->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << IB->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << IB->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<< "Instruction Decoder:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << (ID_inst->area.get_area() +
ID_operand->area.get_area() +
ID_misc->area.get_area())*coredynp.decodeW*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << (ID_inst->power.readOp.dynamic +
ID_operand->power.readOp.dynamic +
ID_misc->power.readOp.dynamic)*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? (ID_inst->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage +
ID_operand->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage +
(ID_inst->power.readOp.leakage +
ID_operand->power.readOp.leakage +
ID_misc->power.readOp.leakage)) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << (ID_inst->power.readOp.gate_leakage +
ID_operand->power.readOp.gate_leakage +
ID_misc->power.readOp.gate_leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << (ID_inst->rt_power.readOp.dynamic +
ID_operand->rt_power.readOp.dynamic +
ID_misc->rt_power.readOp.dynamic)/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Cache Peak Dynamic = " << icache.rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Cache Subthreshold Leakage = " << icache.rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Cache Gate Leakage = " << icache.rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Buffer Peak Dynamic = " << IB->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Buffer Subthreshold Leakage = " << IB->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Buffer Gate Leakage = " << IB->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Branch Target Buffer Peak Dynamic = " << BTB->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Branch Target Buffer Subthreshold Leakage = " << BTB->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Branch Target Buffer Gate Leakage = " << BTB->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Branch Predictor Peak Dynamic = " << BPT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Branch Predictor Subthreshold Leakage = " << BPT->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Branch Predictor Gate Leakage = " << BPT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
void RENAMINGU::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
double pppm_t[4] = {1,1,1,1};
if (is_tdp)
{//init stats for Peak
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO){
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
if (coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased)
iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_rd_ports;
iFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
iFRAT->tdp_stats = iFRAT->stats_t;
fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_rd_ports;
fFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
fFRAT->tdp_stats = fFRAT->stats_t;
else if ((coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased))
iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_search_ports;
iFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
iFRAT->tdp_stats = iFRAT->stats_t;
fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_search_ports;
fFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
fFRAT->tdp_stats = fFRAT->stats_t;
iRRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = iRRAT->l_ip.num_rd_ports;
iRRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = iRRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
iRRAT->tdp_stats = iRRAT->stats_t;
fRRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = fRRAT->l_ip.num_rd_ports;
fRRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = fRRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
fRRAT->tdp_stats = fRRAT->stats_t;
ifreeL->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;//ifreeL->l_ip.num_rd_ports;;
ifreeL->stats_t.writeAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;//ifreeL->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
ifreeL->tdp_stats = ifreeL->stats_t;
ffreeL->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;//ffreeL->l_ip.num_rd_ports;
ffreeL->stats_t.writeAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;//ffreeL->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
ffreeL->tdp_stats = ffreeL->stats_t;
else if (coredynp.scheu_ty==ReservationStation){
if (coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased)
iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_rd_ports;
iFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
iFRAT->stats_t.searchAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_search_ports;
iFRAT->tdp_stats = iFRAT->stats_t;
fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_rd_ports;
fFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
fFRAT->stats_t.searchAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_search_ports;
fFRAT->tdp_stats = fFRAT->stats_t;
else if ((coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased))
iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_search_ports;
iFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = iFRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
iFRAT->tdp_stats = iFRAT->stats_t;
fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_search_ports;
fFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = fFRAT->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
fFRAT->tdp_stats = fFRAT->stats_t;
//Unified free list for both int and fp
ifreeL->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;//ifreeL->l_ip.num_rd_ports;
ifreeL->stats_t.writeAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;//ifreeL->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
ifreeL->tdp_stats = ifreeL->stats_t;
idcl->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;
fdcl->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;
idcl->tdp_stats = idcl->stats_t;
fdcl->tdp_stats = fdcl->stats_t;
if (coredynp.issueW>1)
idcl->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;
fdcl->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.decodeW;
idcl->tdp_stats = idcl->stats_t;
fdcl->tdp_stats = fdcl->stats_t;
{//init stats for Runtime Dynamic (RTP)
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO){
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
if (coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased)
iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_reads;
iFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_writes;
iFRAT->rtp_stats = iFRAT->stats_t;
fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_reads;
fFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes;
fFRAT->rtp_stats = fFRAT->stats_t;
else if ((coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased))
iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_reads;
iFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_writes;
iFRAT->rtp_stats = iFRAT->stats_t;
fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_reads;
fFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes;
fFRAT->rtp_stats = fFRAT->stats_t;
iRRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_writes;//Hack, should be (context switch + branch mispredictions)*16
iRRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_writes;
iRRAT->rtp_stats = iRRAT->stats_t;
fRRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes;//Hack, should be (context switch + branch mispredictions)*16
fRRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes;
fRRAT->rtp_stats = fRRAT->stats_t;
ifreeL->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_reads;
ifreeL->stats_t.writeAc.access = 2*XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_writes;
ifreeL->rtp_stats = ifreeL->stats_t;
ffreeL->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_reads;
ffreeL->stats_t.writeAc.access = 2*XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes;
ffreeL->rtp_stats = ffreeL->stats_t;
else if (coredynp.scheu_ty==ReservationStation){
if (coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased)
iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_reads;
iFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_writes;
iFRAT->stats_t.searchAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].committed_int_instructions;//hack: not all committed instructions use regs.
iFRAT->rtp_stats = iFRAT->stats_t;
fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_reads;
fFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes;
fFRAT->stats_t.searchAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].committed_fp_instructions;
fFRAT->rtp_stats = fFRAT->stats_t;
else if ((coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased))
iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_reads;
iFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_writes;
iFRAT->rtp_stats = iFRAT->stats_t;
fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_reads;
fFRAT->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes;
fFRAT->rtp_stats = fFRAT->stats_t;
//Unified free list for both int and fp since the ROB act as physcial registers
ifreeL->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_reads +
ifreeL->stats_t.writeAc.access = 2*(XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_writes +
XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes);//HACK: 2-> since some of renaming in the same group
//are terminated early
ifreeL->rtp_stats = ifreeL->stats_t;
idcl->stats_t.readAc.access = 3*coredynp.decodeW*coredynp.decodeW*XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_reads;
fdcl->stats_t.readAc.access = 3*coredynp.fp_issueW*coredynp.fp_issueW*XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_rename_writes;
idcl->rtp_stats = idcl->stats_t;
fdcl->rtp_stats = fdcl->stats_t;
if (coredynp.issueW>1)
idcl->stats_t.readAc.access = 2*XML->sys.core[ithCore].int_instructions;
fdcl->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_instructions;
idcl->rtp_stats = idcl->stats_t;
fdcl->rtp_stats = fdcl->stats_t;
/* Compute engine */
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
if (coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased)
iFRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access
*(iFRAT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic + idcl->power.readOp.dynamic)
fFRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access
*(fFRAT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic + fdcl->power.readOp.dynamic)
else if ((coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased))
iFRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access
*(iFRAT->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic + idcl->power.readOp.dynamic)
fFRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access
*(fFRAT->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic + fdcl->power.readOp.dynamic)
iRRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (iRRAT->stats_t.readAc.access*iRRAT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic
fRRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (fRRAT->stats_t.readAc.access*fRRAT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic
ifreeL->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (ifreeL->stats_t.readAc.access*ifreeL->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic
ffreeL->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (ffreeL->stats_t.readAc.access*ffreeL->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic
else if (coredynp.scheu_ty==ReservationStation)
if (coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased)
iFRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access
*(iFRAT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic + idcl->power.readOp.dynamic)
fFRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access
*(fFRAT->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic + fdcl->power.readOp.dynamic)
else if ((coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased))
iFRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (iFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access
*(iFRAT->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic + idcl->power.readOp.dynamic)
fFRAT->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (fFRAT->stats_t.readAc.access
*(fFRAT->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic + fdcl->power.readOp.dynamic)
ifreeL->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (ifreeL->stats_t.readAc.access*ifreeL->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic
if (coredynp.issueW>1)
set_pppm(pppm_t, idcl->stats_t.readAc.access, coredynp.num_hthreads, coredynp.num_hthreads, idcl->stats_t.readAc.access);
idcl->power_t = idcl->power * pppm_t;
set_pppm(pppm_t, fdcl->stats_t.readAc.access, coredynp.num_hthreads, coredynp.num_hthreads, idcl->stats_t.readAc.access);
fdcl->power_t = fdcl->power * pppm_t;
//assign value to tpd and rtp
if (is_tdp)
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
iFRAT->power = iFRAT->power_t + (iFRAT->local_result.power ) * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread + idcl->power_t;
fFRAT->power = fFRAT->power_t + (fFRAT->local_result.power ) * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread + fdcl->power_t;
iRRAT->power = iRRAT->power_t + iRRAT->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
fRRAT->power = fRRAT->power_t + fRRAT->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
ifreeL->power = ifreeL->power_t + ifreeL->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
ffreeL->power = ffreeL->power_t + ffreeL->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
power = power + (iFRAT->power + fFRAT->power)
+ (iRRAT->power + fRRAT->power)
+ (ifreeL->power + ffreeL->power);
else if (coredynp.scheu_ty==ReservationStation)
iFRAT->power = iFRAT->power_t + (iFRAT->local_result.power ) * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread + idcl->power_t;
fFRAT->power = fFRAT->power_t + (fFRAT->local_result.power ) * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread + fdcl->power_t;
ifreeL->power = ifreeL->power_t + ifreeL->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
power = power + (iFRAT->power + fFRAT->power)
+ ifreeL->power;
power = power + idcl->power_t + fdcl->power_t;
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
iFRAT->rt_power = iFRAT->power_t + (iFRAT->local_result.power ) * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread + idcl->power_t;
fFRAT->rt_power = fFRAT->power_t + (fFRAT->local_result.power ) * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread + fdcl->power_t;
iRRAT->rt_power = iRRAT->power_t + iRRAT->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
fRRAT->rt_power = fRRAT->power_t + fRRAT->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
ifreeL->rt_power = ifreeL->power_t + ifreeL->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
ffreeL->rt_power = ffreeL->power_t + ffreeL->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
rt_power = rt_power + (iFRAT->rt_power + fFRAT->rt_power)
+ (iRRAT->rt_power + fRRAT->rt_power)
+ (ifreeL->rt_power + ffreeL->rt_power);
else if (coredynp.scheu_ty==ReservationStation)
iFRAT->rt_power = iFRAT->power_t + (iFRAT->local_result.power ) * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread + idcl->power_t;
fFRAT->rt_power = fFRAT->power_t + (fFRAT->local_result.power ) * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread + fdcl->power_t;
ifreeL->rt_power = ifreeL->power_t + ifreeL->local_result.power * coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
rt_power = rt_power + (iFRAT->rt_power + fFRAT->rt_power)
+ ifreeL->rt_power;
rt_power = rt_power + idcl->power_t + fdcl->power_t;
void RENAMINGU::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
if (is_tdp)
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
cout << indent_str<< "Int Front End RAT:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << iFRAT->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << iFRAT->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? iFRAT->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:iFRAT->power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << iFRAT->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << iFRAT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<< "FP Front End RAT:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << fFRAT->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << fFRAT->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? fFRAT->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:fFRAT->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << fFRAT->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << fFRAT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<<"Free List:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << ifreeL->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << ifreeL->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? ifreeL->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:ifreeL->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << ifreeL->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << ifreeL->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
cout << indent_str<< "Int Retire RAT: " << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << iRRAT->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << iRRAT->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? iRRAT->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:iRRAT->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << iRRAT->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << iRRAT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<< "FP Retire RAT:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << fRRAT->area.get_area() *1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << fRRAT->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? fRRAT->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:fRRAT->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << fRRAT->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << fRRAT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<< "FP Free List:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << ffreeL->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << ffreeL->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? ffreeL->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:ffreeL->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << ffreeL->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << ffreeL->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<< "Int DCL:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << idcl->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? idcl->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:idcl->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << idcl->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << idcl->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str<<"FP DCL:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << fdcl->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? fdcl->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:fdcl->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << fdcl->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << fdcl->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
cout << indent_str_next << "Int Front End RAT Peak Dynamic = " << iFRAT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Int Front End RAT Subthreshold Leakage = " << iFRAT->rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Int Front End RAT Gate Leakage = " << iFRAT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Front End RAT Peak Dynamic = " << fFRAT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Front End RAT Subthreshold Leakage = " << fFRAT->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Front End RAT Gate Leakage = " << fFRAT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Free List Peak Dynamic = " << ifreeL->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Free List Subthreshold Leakage = " << ifreeL->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Free List Gate Leakage = " << fFRAT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
cout << indent_str_next << "Int Retire RAT Peak Dynamic = " << iRRAT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Int Retire RAT Subthreshold Leakage = " << iRRAT->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Int Retire RAT Gate Leakage = " << iRRAT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Retire RAT Peak Dynamic = " << fRRAT->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Retire RAT Subthreshold Leakage = " << fRRAT->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Retire RAT Gate Leakage = " << fRRAT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Free List Peak Dynamic = " << ffreeL->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Free List Subthreshold Leakage = " << ffreeL->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Free List Gate Leakage = " << fFRAT->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Int DCL Peak Dynamic = " << idcl->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Int DCL Subthreshold Leakage = " << idcl->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Int DCL Gate Leakage = " << idcl->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP DCL Peak Dynamic = " << fdcl->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP DCL Subthreshold Leakage = " << fdcl->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP DCL Gate Leakage = " << fdcl->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
void SchedulerU::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
double ROB_duty_cycle;
// ROB_duty_cycle = ((coredynp.ALU_duty_cycle + coredynp.num_muls>0?coredynp.MUL_duty_cycle:0
// + coredynp.num_fpus>0?coredynp.FPU_duty_cycle:0))*1.1<1 ? (coredynp.ALU_duty_cycle + coredynp.num_muls>0?coredynp.MUL_duty_cycle:0
// + coredynp.num_fpus>0?coredynp.FPU_duty_cycle:0)*1.1:1;
ROB_duty_cycle = 1;
//init stats
if (is_tdp)
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
int_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.issueW*coredynp.num_pipelines;//int_inst_window->l_ip.num_search_ports;
int_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access = coredynp.issueW*coredynp.num_pipelines;//int_inst_window->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
int_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access = coredynp.issueW*coredynp.num_pipelines;
int_inst_window->tdp_stats = int_inst_window->stats_t;
fp_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access = fp_inst_window->l_ip.num_rd_ports*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines;
fp_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access = fp_inst_window->l_ip.num_wr_ports*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines;
fp_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access = fp_inst_window->l_ip.num_search_ports*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines;
fp_inst_window->tdp_stats = fp_inst_window->stats_t;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size >0)
ROB->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.commitW*coredynp.num_pipelines*ROB_duty_cycle;
ROB->stats_t.writeAc.access = coredynp.issueW*coredynp.num_pipelines*ROB_duty_cycle;
ROB->tdp_stats = ROB->stats_t;
* When inst commits, ROB must be read.
* Because for Physcial register based cores, physical register tag in ROB
* need to be read out and write into RRAT/CAM based RAT.
* For RS based cores, register content that stored in ROB must be
* read out and stored in architectural registers.
* if no-register is involved, the ROB read out operation when instruction commits can be ignored.
* assuming 20% insts. belong this type.
* TODO: ROB duty_cycle need to be revisited
else if (coredynp.multithreaded)
int_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.issueW*coredynp.num_pipelines;//int_inst_window->l_ip.num_search_ports;
int_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access = coredynp.issueW*coredynp.num_pipelines;//int_inst_window->l_ip.num_wr_ports;
int_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access = coredynp.issueW*coredynp.num_pipelines;
int_inst_window->tdp_stats = int_inst_window->stats_t;
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
int_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].inst_window_reads;
int_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].inst_window_writes;
int_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].inst_window_wakeup_accesses;
int_inst_window->rtp_stats = int_inst_window->stats_t;
fp_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_inst_window_reads;
fp_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_inst_window_writes;
fp_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_inst_window_wakeup_accesses;
fp_inst_window->rtp_stats = fp_inst_window->stats_t;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size >0)
ROB->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_reads;
ROB->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_writes;
/* ROB need to be updated in RS based OOO when new values are produced,
* this update may happen before the commit stage when ROB entry is released
* 1. ROB write at instruction inserted in
* 2. ROB write as results produced (for RS based OOO only)
* 3. ROB read as instruction committed. For RS based OOO, data values are read out and sent to ARF
* For Physical reg based OOO, no data stored in ROB, but register tags need to be
* read out and used to set the RRAT and to recycle the register tag to free list buffer
ROB->rtp_stats = ROB->stats_t;
else if (coredynp.multithreaded)
int_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].int_instructions + XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_instructions;
int_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].int_instructions + XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_instructions;
int_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access = 2*(XML->sys.core[ithCore].int_instructions + XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_instructions);
int_inst_window->rtp_stats = int_inst_window->stats_t;
//computation engine
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
/* each instruction needs to write to scheduler, read out when all resources and source operands are ready
* two search ops with one for each source operand
int_inst_window->power_t.readOp.dynamic += int_inst_window->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic * int_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access
+ int_inst_window->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic * int_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access
+ int_inst_window->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic * int_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access
+ int_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access * instruction_selection->power.readOp.dynamic;
fp_inst_window->power_t.readOp.dynamic += fp_inst_window->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic * fp_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access
+ fp_inst_window->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic * fp_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access
+ fp_inst_window->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic * fp_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access
+ fp_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access * instruction_selection->power.readOp.dynamic;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size >0)
ROB->power_t.readOp.dynamic += ROB->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic*ROB->stats_t.readAc.access +
else if (coredynp.multithreaded)
int_inst_window->power_t.readOp.dynamic += int_inst_window->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic * int_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access
+ int_inst_window->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic * int_inst_window->stats_t.searchAc.access
+ int_inst_window->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic * int_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access
+ int_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access * instruction_selection->power.readOp.dynamic;
//assign values
if (is_tdp)
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
int_inst_window->power = int_inst_window->power_t + (int_inst_window->local_result.power +instruction_selection->power) *pppm_lkg;
fp_inst_window->power = fp_inst_window->power_t + (fp_inst_window->local_result.power +instruction_selection->power) *pppm_lkg;
power = power + int_inst_window->power + fp_inst_window->power;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size >0)
ROB->power = ROB->power_t + ROB->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
power = power + ROB->power;
else if (coredynp.multithreaded)
// set_pppm(pppm_t, XML->sys.core[ithCore].issue_width,1, 1, 1);
int_inst_window->power = int_inst_window->power_t + (int_inst_window->local_result.power +instruction_selection->power) *pppm_lkg;
power = power + int_inst_window->power;
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
int_inst_window->rt_power = int_inst_window->power_t + (int_inst_window->local_result.power +instruction_selection->power) *pppm_lkg;
fp_inst_window->rt_power = fp_inst_window->power_t + (fp_inst_window->local_result.power +instruction_selection->power) *pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + int_inst_window->rt_power + fp_inst_window->rt_power;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size >0)
ROB->rt_power = ROB->power_t + ROB->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + ROB->rt_power;
else if (coredynp.multithreaded)
// set_pppm(pppm_t, XML->sys.core[ithCore].issue_width,1, 1, 1);
int_inst_window->rt_power = int_inst_window->power_t + (int_inst_window->local_result.power +instruction_selection->power) *pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + int_inst_window->rt_power;
// set_pppm(pppm_t, XML->sys.core[ithCore].issue_width,1, 1, 1);
// cout<<"Scheduler power="<<power.readOp.dynamic<<"leakage="<<power.readOp.leakage<<endl;
// cout<<"IW="<<int_inst_window->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic * int_inst_window->stats_t.readAc.access +
// + int_inst_window->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic * int_inst_window->stats_t.writeAc.access<<"leakage="<<int_inst_window->local_result.power.readOp.leakage<<endl;
// cout<<"selection"<<instruction_selection->power.readOp.dynamic<<"leakage"<<instruction_selection->power.readOp.leakage<<endl;
void SchedulerU::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
if (is_tdp)
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
cout << indent_str << "Instruction Window:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << int_inst_window->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << int_inst_window->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? int_inst_window->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:int_inst_window->power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << int_inst_window->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << int_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str << "FP Instruction Window:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << fp_inst_window->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << fp_inst_window->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? fp_inst_window->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:fp_inst_window->power.readOp.leakage ) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << fp_inst_window->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << fp_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size >0)
cout << indent_str<<"ROB:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << ROB->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << ROB->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? ROB->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:ROB->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << ROB->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << ROB->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
else if (coredynp.multithreaded)
cout << indent_str << "Instruction Window:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << int_inst_window->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << int_inst_window->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? int_inst_window->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:int_inst_window->power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << int_inst_window->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << int_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Window Peak Dynamic = " << int_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Window Subthreshold Leakage = " << int_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Window Gate Leakage = " << int_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Instruction Window Peak Dynamic = " << fp_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Instruction Window Subthreshold Leakage = " << fp_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "FP Instruction Window Gate Leakage = " << fp_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size >0)
cout << indent_str_next << "ROB Peak Dynamic = " << ROB->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "ROB Subthreshold Leakage = " << ROB->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "ROB Gate Leakage = " << ROB->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
else if (coredynp.multithreaded)
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Window Peak Dynamic = " << int_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Window Subthreshold Leakage = " << int_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Window Gate Leakage = " << int_inst_window->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
void LoadStoreU::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
if (is_tdp)
//init stats for Peak
dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.access = 0.67*dcache.caches->l_ip.num_rw_ports*coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle;
dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss = 0;
dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.hit = dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.access - dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.access = 0.33*dcache.caches->l_ip.num_rw_ports*coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle;
dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss = 0;
dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.hit = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.access - dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.caches->tdp_stats = dcache.caches->stats_t;
dcache.missb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.missb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
dcache.missb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.missb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
dcache.missb->tdp_stats = dcache.missb->stats_t;
dcache.ifb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.ifb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
dcache.ifb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.ifb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
dcache.ifb->tdp_stats = dcache.ifb->stats_t;
dcache.prefetchb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.prefetchb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
dcache.prefetchb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.ifb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
dcache.prefetchb->tdp_stats = dcache.prefetchb->stats_t;
if (cache_p==Write_back)
dcache.wbb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.wbb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
dcache.wbb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.wbb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
dcache.wbb->tdp_stats = dcache.wbb->stats_t;
LSQ->stats_t.readAc.access = LSQ->stats_t.writeAc.access = LSQ->l_ip.num_search_ports*coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle;
LSQ->tdp_stats = LSQ->stats_t;
if ((coredynp.core_ty==OOO) && (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_buffer_size >0))
LoadQ->stats_t.readAc.access = LoadQ->stats_t.writeAc.access = LoadQ->l_ip.num_search_ports*coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle;
LoadQ->tdp_stats = LoadQ->stats_t;
//init stats for Runtime Dynamic (RTP)
dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.read_accesses;
dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.read_misses;
dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.hit = dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.access - dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.write_accesses;
dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dcache.write_misses;
dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.hit = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.access - dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.caches->rtp_stats = dcache.caches->stats_t;
if (cache_p==Write_back)
dcache.missb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.missb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.missb->rtp_stats = dcache.missb->stats_t;
dcache.ifb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.ifb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.ifb->rtp_stats = dcache.ifb->stats_t;
dcache.prefetchb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.prefetchb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.prefetchb->rtp_stats = dcache.prefetchb->stats_t;
dcache.wbb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.wbb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss;
dcache.wbb->rtp_stats = dcache.wbb->stats_t;
dcache.missb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dcache.missb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dcache.missb->rtp_stats = dcache.missb->stats_t;
dcache.ifb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dcache.ifb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dcache.ifb->rtp_stats = dcache.ifb->stats_t;
dcache.prefetchb->stats_t.readAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dcache.prefetchb->stats_t.writeAc.access = dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dcache.prefetchb->rtp_stats = dcache.prefetchb->stats_t;
LSQ->stats_t.readAc.access = (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_instructions + XML->sys.core[ithCore].store_instructions)*2;//flush overhead considered
LSQ->stats_t.writeAc.access = (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_instructions + XML->sys.core[ithCore].store_instructions)*2;
LSQ->rtp_stats = LSQ->stats_t;
if ((coredynp.core_ty==OOO) && (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_buffer_size >0))
LoadQ->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_instructions + XML->sys.core[ithCore].store_instructions;
LoadQ->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_instructions + XML->sys.core[ithCore].store_instructions;
LoadQ->rtp_stats = LoadQ->stats_t;
dcache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += (dcache.caches->stats_t.readAc.hit*dcache.caches->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic+
if (cache_p==Write_back)
{//write miss will generate a write later
dcache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += dcache.caches->stats_t.writeAc.miss*dcache.caches->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic;
dcache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += dcache.missb->stats_t.readAc.access*dcache.missb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic +
dcache.missb->stats_t.writeAc.access*dcache.missb->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic;//each access to missb involves a CAM and a write
dcache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += dcache.ifb->stats_t.readAc.access*dcache.ifb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic +
dcache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += dcache.prefetchb->stats_t.readAc.access*dcache.prefetchb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic +
if (cache_p==Write_back)
dcache.power_t.readOp.dynamic += dcache.wbb->stats_t.readAc.access*dcache.wbb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic
+ dcache.wbb->stats_t.writeAc.access*dcache.wbb->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic;
if ((coredynp.core_ty==OOO) && (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_buffer_size >0))
LoadQ->power_t.readOp.dynamic += LoadQ->stats_t.readAc.access*(LoadQ->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic+ LoadQ->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic)+
LoadQ->stats_t.writeAc.access*LoadQ->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic;//every memory access invloves at least two operations on LoadQ
LSQ->power_t.readOp.dynamic += LSQ->stats_t.readAc.access*(LSQ->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic + LSQ->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic)
+ LSQ->stats_t.writeAc.access*LSQ->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic;//every memory access invloves at least two operations on LSQ
LSQ->power_t.readOp.dynamic += LSQ->stats_t.readAc.access*(LSQ->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic + LSQ->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic)
+ LSQ->stats_t.writeAc.access*LSQ->local_result.power.writeOp.dynamic;//every memory access invloves at least two operations on LSQ
if (is_tdp)
// dcache.power = dcache.power_t + (dcache.caches->local_result.power)*pppm_lkg +
// (dcache.missb->local_result.power +
// dcache.ifb->local_result.power +
// dcache.prefetchb->local_result.power +
// dcache.wbb->local_result.power)*pppm_Isub;
dcache.power = dcache.power_t + (dcache.caches->local_result.power +
dcache.missb->local_result.power +
dcache.ifb->local_result.power +
dcache.prefetchb->local_result.power) *pppm_lkg;
if (cache_p==Write_back)
dcache.power = dcache.power + dcache.wbb->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
LSQ->power = LSQ->power_t + LSQ->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
power = power + dcache.power + LSQ->power;
if ((coredynp.core_ty==OOO) && (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_buffer_size >0))
LoadQ->power = LoadQ->power_t + LoadQ->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
power = power + LoadQ->power;
// dcache.rt_power = dcache.power_t + (dcache.caches->local_result.power +
// dcache.missb->local_result.power +
// dcache.ifb->local_result.power +
// dcache.prefetchb->local_result.power +
// dcache.wbb->local_result.power)*pppm_lkg;
dcache.rt_power = dcache.power_t + (dcache.caches->local_result.power +
dcache.missb->local_result.power +
dcache.ifb->local_result.power +
dcache.prefetchb->local_result.power )*pppm_lkg;
if (cache_p==Write_back)
dcache.rt_power = dcache.rt_power + dcache.wbb->local_result.power*pppm_lkg;
LSQ->rt_power = LSQ->power_t + LSQ->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + dcache.rt_power + LSQ->rt_power;
if ((coredynp.core_ty==OOO) && (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_buffer_size >0))
LoadQ->rt_power = LoadQ->power_t + LoadQ->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + LoadQ->rt_power;
void LoadStoreU::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
if (is_tdp)
cout << indent_str << "Data Cache:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << dcache.area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << dcache.power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? dcache.power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:dcache.power.readOp.leakage )<<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << dcache.power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << dcache.rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (coredynp.core_ty==Inorder)
cout << indent_str << "Load/Store Queue:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << LSQ->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << LSQ->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? LSQ->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:LSQ->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << LSQ->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << LSQ->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (XML->sys.core[ithCore].load_buffer_size >0)
cout << indent_str << "LoadQ:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << LoadQ->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << LoadQ->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? LoadQ->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:LoadQ->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << LoadQ->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << LoadQ->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<< "StoreQ:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << LSQ->area.get_area() *1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << LSQ->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? LSQ->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:LSQ->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << LSQ->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << LSQ->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime<< " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Data Cache Peak Dynamic = " << dcache.rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Data Cache Subthreshold Leakage = " << dcache.rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Data Cache Gate Leakage = " << dcache.rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
if (coredynp.core_ty==Inorder)
cout << indent_str_next << "Load/Store Queue Peak Dynamic = " << LSQ->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Load/Store Queue Subthreshold Leakage = " << LSQ->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Load/Store Queue Gate Leakage = " << LSQ->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "LoadQ Peak Dynamic = " << LoadQ->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "LoadQ Subthreshold Leakage = " << LoadQ->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "LoadQ Gate Leakage = " << LoadQ->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "StoreQ Peak Dynamic = " << LSQ->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "StoreQ Subthreshold Leakage = " << LSQ->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "StoreQ Gate Leakage = " << LSQ->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
void MemManU::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
if (is_tdp)
//init stats for Peak
itlb->stats_t.readAc.access = itlb->l_ip.num_search_ports;
itlb->stats_t.readAc.miss = 0;
itlb->stats_t.readAc.hit = itlb->stats_t.readAc.access - itlb->stats_t.readAc.miss;
itlb->tdp_stats = itlb->stats_t;
dtlb->stats_t.readAc.access = dtlb->l_ip.num_search_ports*coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle;
dtlb->stats_t.readAc.miss = 0;
dtlb->stats_t.readAc.hit = dtlb->stats_t.readAc.access - dtlb->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dtlb->tdp_stats = dtlb->stats_t;
//init stats for Runtime Dynamic (RTP)
itlb->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].itlb.total_accesses;
itlb->stats_t.readAc.miss = XML->sys.core[ithCore].itlb.total_misses;
itlb->stats_t.readAc.hit = itlb->stats_t.readAc.access - itlb->stats_t.readAc.miss;
itlb->rtp_stats = itlb->stats_t;
dtlb->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dtlb.total_accesses;
dtlb->stats_t.readAc.miss = XML->sys.core[ithCore].dtlb.total_misses;
dtlb->stats_t.readAc.hit = dtlb->stats_t.readAc.access - dtlb->stats_t.readAc.miss;
dtlb->rtp_stats = dtlb->stats_t;
itlb->power_t.readOp.dynamic += itlb->stats_t.readAc.access*itlb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic//FA spent most power in tag, so use total access not hits
dtlb->power_t.readOp.dynamic += dtlb->stats_t.readAc.access*dtlb->local_result.power.searchOp.dynamic//FA spent most power in tag, so use total access not hits
if (is_tdp)
itlb->power = itlb->power_t + itlb->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
dtlb->power = dtlb->power_t + dtlb->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
power = power + itlb->power + dtlb->power;
itlb->rt_power = itlb->power_t + itlb->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
dtlb->rt_power = dtlb->power_t + dtlb->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + itlb->rt_power + dtlb->rt_power;
void MemManU::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
if (is_tdp)
cout << indent_str << "Itlb:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << itlb->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << itlb->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? itlb->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:itlb->power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << itlb->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << itlb->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<< "Dtlb:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << dtlb->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << dtlb->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? dtlb->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:dtlb->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << dtlb->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << dtlb->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Itlb Peak Dynamic = " << itlb->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Itlb Subthreshold Leakage = " << itlb->rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Itlb Gate Leakage = " << itlb->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Dtlb Peak Dynamic = " << dtlb->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Dtlb Subthreshold Leakage = " << dtlb->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Dtlb Gate Leakage = " << dtlb->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
void RegFU::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
* Architecture RF and physical RF cannot be present at the same time.
* Therefore, the RF stats can only refer to either ARF or PRF;
* And the same stats can be used for both.
if (!exist) return;
if (is_tdp)
//init stats for Peak
IRF->stats_t.readAc.access = coredynp.issueW*2*(coredynp.ALU_duty_cycle*1.1+
IRF->stats_t.writeAc.access = coredynp.issueW*(coredynp.ALU_duty_cycle*1.1+
//Rule of Thumb: about 10% RF related instructions do not need to access ALUs
IRF->tdp_stats = IRF->stats_t;
FRF->stats_t.readAc.access = FRF->l_ip.num_rd_ports*coredynp.FPU_duty_cycle*1.05*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines;
FRF->stats_t.writeAc.access = FRF->l_ip.num_wr_ports*coredynp.FPU_duty_cycle*1.05*coredynp.num_fp_pipelines;
FRF->tdp_stats = FRF->stats_t;
if (coredynp.regWindowing)
RFWIN->stats_t.readAc.access = 0;//0.5*RFWIN->l_ip.num_rw_ports;
RFWIN->stats_t.writeAc.access = 0;//0.5*RFWIN->l_ip.num_rw_ports;
RFWIN->tdp_stats = RFWIN->stats_t;
//init stats for Runtime Dynamic (RTP)
IRF->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].int_regfile_reads;//TODO: no diff on archi and phy
IRF->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].int_regfile_writes;
IRF->rtp_stats = IRF->stats_t;
FRF->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].float_regfile_reads;
FRF->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].float_regfile_writes;
FRF->rtp_stats = FRF->stats_t;
if (coredynp.regWindowing)
RFWIN->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].function_calls*16;
RFWIN->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].function_calls*16;
RFWIN->rtp_stats = RFWIN->stats_t;
IRF->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].int_regfile_reads +
IRF->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].int_regfile_writes +
IRF->rtp_stats = IRF->stats_t;
FRF->stats_t.readAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].float_regfile_reads +
FRF->stats_t.writeAc.access = XML->sys.core[ithCore].float_regfile_writes+
FRF->rtp_stats = FRF->stats_t;
IRF->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (IRF->stats_t.readAc.access*IRF->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic
FRF->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (FRF->stats_t.readAc.access*FRF->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic
if (coredynp.regWindowing)
RFWIN->power_t.readOp.dynamic += (RFWIN->stats_t.readAc.access*RFWIN->local_result.power.readOp.dynamic +
if (is_tdp)
IRF->power = IRF->power_t + IRF->local_result.power *coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
FRF->power = FRF->power_t + FRF->local_result.power *coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
power = power + (IRF->power + FRF->power);
if (coredynp.regWindowing)
RFWIN->power = RFWIN->power_t + RFWIN->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
power = power + RFWIN->power;
IRF->rt_power = IRF->power_t + IRF->local_result.power *coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
FRF->rt_power = FRF->power_t + FRF->local_result.power *coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread;
rt_power = rt_power + (IRF->power_t + FRF->power_t);
if (coredynp.regWindowing)
RFWIN->rt_power = RFWIN->power_t + RFWIN->local_result.power *pppm_lkg;
rt_power = rt_power + RFWIN->rt_power;
void RegFU::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
if (is_tdp)
{ cout << indent_str << "Integer RF:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << IRF->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << IRF->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? IRF->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:IRF->power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << IRF->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << IRF->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str<< "Floating Point RF:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << FRF->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << FRF->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? FRF->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:FRF->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << FRF->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << FRF->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (coredynp.regWindowing)
cout << indent_str << "Register Windows:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << RFWIN->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << RFWIN->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? RFWIN->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:RFWIN->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << RFWIN->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << RFWIN->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Integer RF Peak Dynamic = " << IRF->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Integer RF Subthreshold Leakage = " << IRF->rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Integer RF Gate Leakage = " << IRF->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Floating Point RF Peak Dynamic = " << FRF->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Floating Point RF Subthreshold Leakage = " << FRF->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Floating Point RF Gate Leakage = " << FRF->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
if (coredynp.regWindowing)
cout << indent_str_next << "Register Windows Peak Dynamic = " << RFWIN->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Register Windows Subthreshold Leakage = " << RFWIN->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Register Windows Gate Leakage = " << RFWIN->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
void EXECU::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
double pppm_t[4] = {1,1,1,1};
// rfu->power.reset();
// rfu->rt_power.reset();
// scheu->power.reset();
// scheu->rt_power.reset();
// exeu->power.reset();
// exeu->rt_power.reset();
if (coredynp.num_fpus >0)
if (coredynp.num_muls >0)
if (is_tdp)
set_pppm(pppm_t, 2*coredynp.ALU_cdb_duty_cycle, 2, 2, 2*coredynp.ALU_cdb_duty_cycle);//2 means two source operands needs to be passed for each int instruction.
bypass.power = bypass.power + intTagBypass->power*pppm_t + int_bypass->power*pppm_t;
if (coredynp.num_muls >0)
set_pppm(pppm_t, 2*coredynp.MUL_cdb_duty_cycle, 2, 2, 2*coredynp.MUL_cdb_duty_cycle);//2 means two source operands needs to be passed for each int instruction.
bypass.power = bypass.power + intTag_mul_Bypass->power*pppm_t + int_mul_bypass->power*pppm_t;
power = power + mul->power;
if (coredynp.num_fpus>0)
set_pppm(pppm_t, 3*coredynp.FPU_cdb_duty_cycle, 3, 3, 3*coredynp.FPU_cdb_duty_cycle);//3 means three source operands needs to be passed for each fp instruction.
bypass.power = bypass.power + fp_bypass->power*pppm_t + fpTagBypass->power*pppm_t ;
power = power + fp_u->power;
power = power + rfu->power + exeu->power + bypass.power + scheu->power;
set_pppm(pppm_t, XML->sys.core[ithCore].cdb_alu_accesses, 2, 2, XML->sys.core[ithCore].cdb_alu_accesses);
bypass.rt_power = bypass.rt_power + intTagBypass->power*pppm_t;
bypass.rt_power = bypass.rt_power + int_bypass->power*pppm_t;
if (coredynp.num_muls >0)
set_pppm(pppm_t, XML->sys.core[ithCore].cdb_mul_accesses, 2, 2, XML->sys.core[ithCore].cdb_mul_accesses);//2 means two source operands needs to be passed for each int instruction.
bypass.rt_power = bypass.rt_power + intTag_mul_Bypass->power*pppm_t + int_mul_bypass->power*pppm_t;
rt_power = rt_power + mul->rt_power;
if (coredynp.num_fpus>0)
set_pppm(pppm_t, XML->sys.core[ithCore].cdb_fpu_accesses, 3, 3, XML->sys.core[ithCore].cdb_fpu_accesses);
bypass.rt_power = bypass.rt_power + fp_bypass->power*pppm_t;
bypass.rt_power = bypass.rt_power + fpTagBypass->power*pppm_t;
rt_power = rt_power + fp_u->rt_power;
rt_power = rt_power + rfu->rt_power + exeu->rt_power + bypass.rt_power + scheu->rt_power;
void EXECU::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
if (!exist) return;
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Results Broadcast Bus Area = " << bypass->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
if (is_tdp)
cout << indent_str << "Register Files:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << rfu->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << rfu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? rfu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:rfu->power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << rfu->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << rfu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (plevel>3){
cout << indent_str << "Instruction Scheduler:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << scheu->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << scheu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? scheu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:scheu->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << scheu->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << scheu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (plevel>3){
if (coredynp.num_fpus>0)
if (coredynp.num_muls >0)
cout << indent_str << "Results Broadcast Bus:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area Overhead = " << bypass.area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << bypass.power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? bypass.power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:bypass.power.readOp.leakage ) << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << bypass.power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << bypass.rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Register Files Peak Dynamic = " << rfu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Register Files Subthreshold Leakage = " << rfu->rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Register Files Gate Leakage = " << rfu->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Sheduler Peak Dynamic = " << scheu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Sheduler Subthreshold Leakage = " << scheu->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Sheduler Gate Leakage = " << scheu->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Results Broadcast Bus Peak Dynamic = " << bypass.rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Results Broadcast Bus Subthreshold Leakage = " << bypass.rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Results Broadcast Bus Gate Leakage = " << bypass.rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
void Core::computeEnergy(bool is_tdp)
double pppm_t[4] = {1,1,1,1};
double rtp_pipeline_coe;
double num_units = 4.0;
if (is_tdp)
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
num_units = 5.0;
set_pppm(pppm_t, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units);
if (rnu->exist)
rnu->power = rnu->power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
power = power + rnu->power;
if (ifu->exist)
set_pppm(pppm_t, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units*coredynp.IFU_duty_cycle, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units);
// cout << "IFU = " << ifu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
ifu->power = ifu->power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
// cout << "IFU = " << ifu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << "1/4 pipe = " << corepipe->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate/num_units << " W" << endl;
power = power + ifu->power;
// cout << "core = " << power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
if (lsu->exist)
set_pppm(pppm_t, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units*coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units);
lsu->power = lsu->power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
// cout << "LSU = " << lsu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
power = power + lsu->power;
// cout << "core = " << power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
if (exu->exist)
set_pppm(pppm_t, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units*coredynp.ALU_duty_cycle, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units);
exu->power = exu->power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
// cout << "EXE = " << exu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
power = power + exu->power;
// cout << "core = " << power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
if (mmu->exist)
set_pppm(pppm_t, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units*(0.5+0.5*coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle), coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units);
mmu->power = mmu->power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
// cout << "MMU = " << mmu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
power = power + mmu->power;
// cout << "core = " << power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
power = power + undiffCore->power;
if (XML->sys.Private_L2)
set_pppm(pppm_t,l2cache->cachep.clockRate/clockRate, 1,1,1);
//l2cache->power = l2cache->power*pppm_t;
power = power + l2cache->power*pppm_t;
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
num_units = 5.0;
set_pppm(pppm_t, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units);
if (rnu->exist)
rnu->rt_power = rnu->rt_power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
rt_power = rt_power + rnu->rt_power;
if (XML->sys.homogeneous_cores==1)
rtp_pipeline_coe = coredynp.pipeline_duty_cycle * XML->sys.total_cycles * XML->sys.number_of_cores;
rtp_pipeline_coe = coredynp.pipeline_duty_cycle * coredynp.total_cycles;
set_pppm(pppm_t, coredynp.num_pipelines*rtp_pipeline_coe/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units, coredynp.num_pipelines/num_units);
if (ifu->exist)
ifu->rt_power = ifu->rt_power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
rt_power = rt_power + ifu->rt_power ;
if (lsu->exist)
lsu->rt_power = lsu->rt_power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
rt_power = rt_power + lsu->rt_power;
if (exu->exist)
exu->rt_power = exu->rt_power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
rt_power = rt_power + exu->rt_power;
if (mmu->exist)
mmu->rt_power = mmu->rt_power + corepipe->power*pppm_t;
rt_power = rt_power + mmu->rt_power ;
rt_power = rt_power + undiffCore->power;
// cout << "EXE = " << exu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
if (XML->sys.Private_L2)
//set_pppm(pppm_t,1/l2cache->cachep.executionTime, 1,1,1);
//l2cache->rt_power = l2cache->rt_power*pppm_t;
rt_power = rt_power + l2cache->rt_power;
void Core::displayEnergy(uint32_t indent,int plevel,bool is_tdp)
string indent_str(indent, ' ');
string indent_str_next(indent+2, ' ');
bool long_channel = XML->sys.longer_channel_device;
if (is_tdp)
cout << "Core:" << endl;
cout << indent_str << "Area = " << area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str << "Peak Dynamic = " << power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
//cout << indent_str << "Subthreshold Leakage = " << power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str << "Gate Leakage = " << power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str << "Runtime Dynamic = " << rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
if (ifu->exist)
cout << indent_str << "Instruction Fetch Unit:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << ifu->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << ifu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? ifu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:ifu->power.readOp.leakage) <<" W" << endl;
//cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = " << ifu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage <<" W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << ifu->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << ifu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (plevel >2){
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
if (rnu->exist)
cout << indent_str<< "Renaming Unit:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << rnu->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << rnu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? rnu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:rnu->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
//cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = " << rnu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << rnu->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << rnu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (plevel >2){
if (lsu->exist)
cout << indent_str<< "Load Store Unit:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << lsu->area.get_area()*1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << lsu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? lsu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:lsu->power.readOp.leakage ) << " W" << endl;
//cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = " << lsu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << lsu->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << lsu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (plevel >2){
if (mmu->exist)
cout << indent_str<< "Memory Management Unit:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << mmu->area.get_area() *1e-6 << " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << mmu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? mmu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:mmu->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
//cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = " << mmu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << mmu->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << mmu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (plevel >2){
if (exu->exist)
cout << indent_str<< "Execution Unit:" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << exu->area.get_area() *1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << exu->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
<< (long_channel? exu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:exu->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
//cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = " << exu->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << exu->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << exu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
cout <<endl;
if (plevel >2){
// if (plevel >2)
// {
// if (undiffCore->exist)
// {
// cout << indent_str << "Undifferentiated Core" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Area = " << undiffCore->area.get_area()*1e-6<< " mm^2" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Peak Dynamic = " << undiffCore->power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
//// cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = " << undiffCore->power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Subthreshold Leakage = "
// << (long_channel? undiffCore->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage:undiffCore->power.readOp.leakage) << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Gate Leakage = " << undiffCore->power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// // cout << indent_str_next << "Runtime Dynamic = " << undiffCore->rt_power.readOp.dynamic/executionTime << " W" << endl;
// cout <<endl;
// }
// }
if (XML->sys.Private_L2)
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Fetch Unit Peak Dynamic = " << ifu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Fetch Unit Subthreshold Leakage = " << ifu->rt_power.readOp.leakage <<" W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Instruction Fetch Unit Gate Leakage = " << ifu->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Load Store Unit Peak Dynamic = " << lsu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Load Store Unit Subthreshold Leakage = " << lsu->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Load Store Unit Gate Leakage = " << lsu->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Memory Management Unit Peak Dynamic = " << mmu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Memory Management Unit Subthreshold Leakage = " << mmu->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Memory Management Unit Gate Leakage = " << mmu->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Execution Unit Peak Dynamic = " << exu->rt_power.readOp.dynamic*clockRate << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Execution Unit Subthreshold Leakage = " << exu->rt_power.readOp.leakage << " W" << endl;
// cout << indent_str_next << "Execution Unit Gate Leakage = " << exu->rt_power.readOp.gate_leakage << " W" << endl;
InstFetchU ::~InstFetchU(){
if (!exist) return;
if(IB) {delete IB; IB = 0;}
if(ID_inst) {delete ID_inst; ID_inst = 0;}
if(ID_operand) {delete ID_operand; ID_operand = 0;}
if(ID_misc) {delete ID_misc; ID_misc = 0;}
if (coredynp.predictionW>0)
if(BTB) {delete BTB; BTB = 0;}
if(BPT) {delete BPT; BPT = 0;}
BranchPredictor ::~BranchPredictor(){
if (!exist) return;
if(globalBPT) {delete globalBPT; globalBPT = 0;}
if(localBPT) {delete localBPT; localBPT = 0;}
if(L1_localBPT) {delete L1_localBPT; L1_localBPT = 0;}
if(L2_localBPT) {delete L2_localBPT; L2_localBPT = 0;}
if(chooser) {delete chooser; chooser = 0;}
if(RAS) {delete RAS; RAS = 0;}
if (!exist) return;
if(iFRAT ) {delete iFRAT; iFRAT = 0;}
if(fFRAT ) {delete fFRAT; fFRAT =0;}
if(iRRAT) {delete iRRAT; iRRAT = 0;}
if(iFRAT) {delete iFRAT; iFRAT = 0;}
if(ifreeL) {delete ifreeL;ifreeL= 0;}
if(ffreeL) {delete ffreeL;ffreeL= 0;}
if(idcl) {delete idcl; idcl = 0;}
if(fdcl) {delete fdcl; fdcl = 0;}
if(RAHT) {delete RAHT; RAHT = 0;}
LoadStoreU ::~LoadStoreU(){
if (!exist) return;
if(LSQ) {delete LSQ; LSQ = 0;}
MemManU ::~MemManU(){
if (!exist) return;
if(itlb) {delete itlb; itlb = 0;}
if(dtlb) {delete dtlb; dtlb = 0;}
RegFU ::~RegFU(){
if (!exist) return;
if(IRF) {delete IRF; IRF = 0;}
if(FRF) {delete FRF; FRF = 0;}
if(RFWIN) {delete RFWIN; RFWIN = 0;}
SchedulerU ::~SchedulerU(){
if (!exist) return;
if(int_inst_window) {delete int_inst_window; int_inst_window = 0;}
if(fp_inst_window) {delete int_inst_window; int_inst_window = 0;}
if(ROB) {delete ROB; ROB = 0;}
if(instruction_selection) {delete instruction_selection;instruction_selection = 0;}
if (!exist) return;
if(int_bypass) {delete int_bypass; int_bypass = 0;}
if(intTagBypass) {delete intTagBypass; intTagBypass =0;}
if(int_mul_bypass) {delete int_mul_bypass; int_mul_bypass = 0;}
if(intTag_mul_Bypass) {delete intTag_mul_Bypass; intTag_mul_Bypass =0;}
if(fp_bypass) {delete fp_bypass;fp_bypass = 0;}
if(fpTagBypass) {delete fpTagBypass;fpTagBypass = 0;}
if(fp_u) {delete fp_u;fp_u = 0;}
if(exeu) {delete exeu;exeu = 0;}
if(mul) {delete mul;mul = 0;}
if(rfu) {delete rfu;rfu = 0;}
if(scheu) {delete scheu; scheu = 0;}
Core ::~Core(){
if(ifu) {delete ifu; ifu = 0;}
if(lsu) {delete lsu; lsu = 0;}
if(rnu) {delete rnu; rnu = 0;}
if(mmu) {delete mmu; mmu = 0;}
if(exu) {delete exu; exu = 0;}
if(corepipe) {delete corepipe; corepipe = 0;}
if(undiffCore) {delete undiffCore;undiffCore = 0;}
if(l2cache) {delete l2cache;l2cache = 0;}
void Core::set_core_param()
coredynp.opt_local = XML->sys.core[ithCore].opt_local;
coredynp.x86 = XML->sys.core[ithCore].x86;
coredynp.Embedded = XML->sys.Embedded;
coredynp.core_ty = (enum Core_type)XML->sys.core[ithCore].machine_type;
coredynp.rm_ty = (enum Renaming_type)XML->sys.core[ithCore].rename_scheme;
coredynp.fetchW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fetch_width;
coredynp.decodeW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].decode_width;
coredynp.issueW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].issue_width;
coredynp.peak_issueW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].peak_issue_width;
coredynp.commitW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].commit_width;
coredynp.peak_commitW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].peak_issue_width;
coredynp.predictionW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].prediction_width;
coredynp.fp_issueW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_issue_width;
coredynp.fp_decodeW = XML->sys.core[ithCore].fp_issue_width;
coredynp.num_alus = XML->sys.core[ithCore].ALU_per_core;
coredynp.num_fpus = XML->sys.core[ithCore].FPU_per_core;
coredynp.num_muls = XML->sys.core[ithCore].MUL_per_core;
coredynp.num_hthreads = XML->sys.core[ithCore].number_hardware_threads;
coredynp.multithreaded = coredynp.num_hthreads>1? true:false;
coredynp.instruction_length = XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_length;
coredynp.pc_width = XML->sys.virtual_address_width;
coredynp.opcode_length = XML->sys.core[ithCore].opcode_width;
coredynp.micro_opcode_length = XML->sys.core[ithCore].micro_opcode_width;
coredynp.num_pipelines = XML->sys.core[ithCore].pipelines_per_core[0];
coredynp.pipeline_stages = XML->sys.core[ithCore].pipeline_depth[0];
coredynp.num_fp_pipelines = XML->sys.core[ithCore].pipelines_per_core[1];
coredynp.fp_pipeline_stages = XML->sys.core[ithCore].pipeline_depth[1];
coredynp.int_data_width = int(ceil(XML->sys.machine_bits/32.0))*32;
coredynp.fp_data_width = coredynp.int_data_width;
coredynp.v_address_width = XML->sys.virtual_address_width;
coredynp.p_address_width = XML->sys.physical_address_width;
coredynp.scheu_ty = (enum Scheduler_type)XML->sys.core[ithCore].instruction_window_scheme;
coredynp.arch_ireg_width = int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_IRF_size)));
coredynp.arch_freg_width = int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_FRF_size)));
coredynp.num_IRF_entry = XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_IRF_size;
coredynp.num_FRF_entry = XML->sys.core[ithCore].archi_Regs_FRF_size;
coredynp.pipeline_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].pipeline_duty_cycle;
coredynp.total_cycles = XML->sys.core[ithCore].total_cycles;
coredynp.busy_cycles = XML->sys.core[ithCore].busy_cycles;
coredynp.idle_cycles = XML->sys.core[ithCore].idle_cycles;
//Max power duty cycle for peak power estimation
// if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
// {
// coredynp.IFU_duty_cycle = 1;
// coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle = 1;
// coredynp.MemManU_I_duty_cycle =1;
// coredynp.MemManU_D_duty_cycle =1;
// coredynp.ALU_duty_cycle =1;
// coredynp.MUL_duty_cycle =1;
// coredynp.FPU_duty_cycle =1;
// coredynp.ALU_cdb_duty_cycle =1;
// coredynp.MUL_cdb_duty_cycle =1;
// coredynp.FPU_cdb_duty_cycle =1;
// }
// else
// {
coredynp.IFU_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].IFU_duty_cycle;
coredynp.BR_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].BR_duty_cycle;
coredynp.LSU_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].LSU_duty_cycle;
coredynp.MemManU_I_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].MemManU_I_duty_cycle;
coredynp.MemManU_D_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].MemManU_D_duty_cycle;
coredynp.ALU_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].ALU_duty_cycle;
coredynp.MUL_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].MUL_duty_cycle;
coredynp.FPU_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].FPU_duty_cycle;
coredynp.ALU_cdb_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].ALU_cdb_duty_cycle;
coredynp.MUL_cdb_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].MUL_cdb_duty_cycle;
coredynp.FPU_cdb_duty_cycle = XML->sys.core[ithCore].FPU_cdb_duty_cycle;
// }
if (!((coredynp.core_ty==OOO)||(coredynp.core_ty==Inorder)))
cout<<"Invalid Core Type"<<endl;
// if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
// {
// cout<<"OOO processor models are being updated and will be available in next release"<<endl;
// exit(0);
// }
if (!((coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)||(coredynp.scheu_ty==ReservationStation)))
cout<<"Invalid OOO Scheduler Type"<<endl;
if (!((coredynp.rm_ty ==RAMbased)||(coredynp.rm_ty ==CAMbased)))
cout<<"Invalid OOO Renaming Type"<<endl;
if (coredynp.core_ty==OOO)
if (coredynp.scheu_ty==PhysicalRegFile)
coredynp.phy_ireg_width = int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].phy_Regs_IRF_size)));
coredynp.phy_freg_width = int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].phy_Regs_FRF_size)));
coredynp.num_ifreelist_entries = coredynp.num_IRF_entry = XML->sys.core[ithCore].phy_Regs_IRF_size;
coredynp.num_ffreelist_entries = coredynp.num_FRF_entry = XML->sys.core[ithCore].phy_Regs_FRF_size;
else if (coredynp.scheu_ty==ReservationStation)
{//ROB serves as Phy RF in RS based OOO
coredynp.phy_ireg_width = int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size)));
coredynp.phy_freg_width = int(ceil(log2(XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size)));
coredynp.num_ifreelist_entries = XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size;
coredynp.num_ffreelist_entries = XML->sys.core[ithCore].ROB_size;
coredynp.globalCheckpoint = 32;//best check pointing entries for a 4~8 issue OOO should be 16~48;See TR for reference.
coredynp.perThreadState = 8;
coredynp.instruction_length = 32;
coredynp.clockRate = XML->sys.core[ithCore].clock_rate;
coredynp.clockRate *= 1e6;
coredynp.regWindowing= (XML->sys.core[ithCore].register_windows_size>0&&coredynp.core_ty==Inorder)?true:false;
coredynp.executionTime = XML->sys.total_cycles/coredynp.clockRate;
set_pppm(coredynp.pppm_lkg_multhread, 0, coredynp.num_hthreads, coredynp.num_hthreads, 0);