blob: b91a9a149b90546a8133ecef8c92137da6b9a6d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) ARM Limited 2013. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* WARNING: This code is an experimental implementation of the CCN-504 hardware
* counters which has not been tested on the hardware. Commented debug
* statements are present and can be uncommented for diagnostic purposes.
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include "gator.h"
#define PERIPHBASE 0x2E000000
#define NUM_REGIONS 256
#define REGION_SIZE (64*1024)
#define REGION_DEBUG 1
#define REGION_XP 64
// DT (Debug) region
#define PMEVCNTSR0 0x0150
#define PMCCNTRSR 0x0190
#define PMCR 0x01A8
#define PMSR 0x01B0
#define PMSR_REQ 0x01B8
#define PMSR_CLR 0x01C0
// XP region
#define DT_CONFIG 0x0300
// Multiple
#define PMU_EVENT_SEL 0x0600
#define OLY_ID 0xFF00
#define CCNT 4
#define CNTMAX (4 + 1)
#define get_pmu_event_id(event) (((event) >> 0) & 0xFF)
#define get_node_type(event) (((event) >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define get_region(event) (((event) >> 16) & 0xFF)
MODULE_PARM_DESC(ccn504_addr, "CCN-504 physical base address");
static unsigned long ccn504_addr = 0;
module_param(ccn504_addr, ulong, 0444);
static void __iomem *gator_events_ccn504_base;
static unsigned long gator_events_ccn504_enabled[CNTMAX];
static unsigned long gator_events_ccn504_event[CNTMAX];
static unsigned long gator_events_ccn504_key[CNTMAX];
static int gator_events_ccn504_buffer[2*CNTMAX];
static void gator_events_ccn504_create_shutdown(void)
if (gator_events_ccn504_base != NULL) {
static int gator_events_ccn504_create_files(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *root)
struct dentry *dir;
int i;
char buf[32];
for (i = 0; i < CNTMAX; ++i) {
if (i == CCNT) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CCN-504_ccnt");
} else {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CCN-504_cnt%i", i);
dir = gatorfs_mkdir(sb, root, buf);
if (!dir) {
return -1;
gatorfs_create_ulong(sb, dir, "enabled", &gator_events_ccn504_enabled[i]);
if (i != CCNT) {
gatorfs_create_ulong(sb, dir, "event", &gator_events_ccn504_event[i]);
gatorfs_create_ro_ulong(sb, dir, "key", &gator_events_ccn504_key[i]);
return 0;
static void gator_events_ccn504_set_dt_config(int xp_node_id, int event_num, int value)
u32 dt_config;
dt_config = readl(gator_events_ccn504_base + (REGION_XP + xp_node_id)*REGION_SIZE + DT_CONFIG);
dt_config |= (value + event_num) << (4*event_num);
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) writel %x %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, dt_config, (REGION_XP + xp_node_id)*REGION_SIZE + DT_CONFIG);
writel(dt_config, gator_events_ccn504_base + (REGION_XP + xp_node_id)*REGION_SIZE + DT_CONFIG);
static int gator_events_ccn504_start(void)
int i;
// Disable INTREQ on overflow
// [6] ovfl_intr_en = 0
// perhaps set to 1?
// [5] cntr_rst = 0
// No register paring
// [4:1] cntcfg = 0
// Enable PMU features
// [0] pmu_en = 1
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) writel %x %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0x1, REGION_DEBUG*REGION_SIZE + PMCR);
writel(0x1, gator_events_ccn504_base + REGION_DEBUG*REGION_SIZE + PMCR);
// Assume no other pmu_event_sel registers are set
// cycle counter does not need to be enabled
for (i = 0; i < CCNT; ++i) {
int pmu_event_id;
int node_type;
int region;
u32 pmu_event_sel;
u32 oly_id_whole;
u32 oly_id;
u32 node_id;
if (!gator_events_ccn504_enabled[i]) {
pmu_event_id = get_pmu_event_id(gator_events_ccn504_event[i]);
node_type = get_node_type(gator_events_ccn504_event[i]);
region = get_region(gator_events_ccn504_event[i]);
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) pmu_event_id: %x node_type: %x region: %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, pmu_event_id, node_type, region);
// Verify the node_type
oly_id_whole = readl(gator_events_ccn504_base + region*REGION_SIZE + OLY_ID);
oly_id = oly_id_whole & 0x1F;
node_id = (oly_id_whole >> 8) & 0x7F;
if ((oly_id != node_type) ||
((node_type == 0x16) && ((oly_id == 0x14) || (oly_id == 0x15) || (oly_id == 0x16) || (oly_id == 0x18) || (oly_id == 0x19) || (oly_id == 0x1A)))) {
printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) oly_id is %x expected %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, oly_id, node_type);
return -1;
// Set the control register
pmu_event_sel = readl(gator_events_ccn504_base + region*REGION_SIZE + PMU_EVENT_SEL);
switch (node_type) {
case 0x08: // XP
pmu_event_sel |= pmu_event_id << (7*i);
gator_events_ccn504_set_dt_config(node_id, i, 0x4);
case 0x04: // HN-F
case 0x16: // RN-I
case 0x10: // SBAS
pmu_event_sel |= pmu_event_id << (4*i);
gator_events_ccn504_set_dt_config(node_id/2, i, (node_id & 1) == 0 ? 0x8 : 0xC);
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) writel %x %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, pmu_event_sel, region*REGION_SIZE + PMU_EVENT_SEL);
writel(pmu_event_sel, gator_events_ccn504_base + region*REGION_SIZE + PMU_EVENT_SEL);
return 0;
static void gator_events_ccn504_stop(void)
int i;
// cycle counter does not need to be disabled
for (i = 0; i < CCNT; ++i) {
int node_type;
int region;
node_type = get_node_type(gator_events_ccn504_event[i]);
region = get_region(gator_events_ccn504_event[i]);
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) writel %x %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, region*REGION_SIZE + PMU_EVENT_SEL);
writel(0, gator_events_ccn504_base + region*REGION_SIZE + PMU_EVENT_SEL);
// Clear dt_config
for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) writel %x %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, (REGION_XP + i)*REGION_SIZE + DT_CONFIG);
writel(0, gator_events_ccn504_base + (REGION_XP + i)*REGION_SIZE + DT_CONFIG);
static int gator_events_ccn504_read(int **buffer)
int i;
int len = 0;
if (!on_primary_core()) {
return 0;
// Verify the pmsr register is zero
//i = 0;
while (readl(gator_events_ccn504_base + REGION_DEBUG*REGION_SIZE + PMSR) != 0) {
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) %i\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, i);
// Request a PMU snapshot
writel(1, gator_events_ccn504_base + REGION_DEBUG*REGION_SIZE + PMSR_REQ);
// Wait for the snapshot
//i = 0;
while (readl(gator_events_ccn504_base + REGION_DEBUG*REGION_SIZE + PMSR) == 0) {
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) %i\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, i);
// Read the shadow registers
for (i = 0; i < CNTMAX; ++i) {
if (!gator_events_ccn504_enabled[i]) {
gator_events_ccn504_buffer[len++] = gator_events_ccn504_key[i];
gator_events_ccn504_buffer[len++] = readl(gator_events_ccn504_base + REGION_DEBUG*REGION_SIZE + (i == CCNT ? PMCCNTRSR : PMEVCNTSR0 + 8*i));
// Are the counters registers cleared when read? Is that what the cntr_rst bit on the pmcr register does?
// Clear the PMU snapshot status
writel(1, gator_events_ccn504_base + REGION_DEBUG*REGION_SIZE + PMSR_CLR);
return len;
static void __maybe_unused gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(int pos, int size)
int i;
u32 oly_id;
for (i = pos; i < pos + size; ++i) {
oly_id = readl(gator_events_ccn504_base + i*REGION_SIZE + OLY_ID);
printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) %i %08x\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, i, oly_id);
static struct gator_interface gator_events_ccn504_interface = {
.shutdown = gator_events_ccn504_create_shutdown,
.create_files = gator_events_ccn504_create_files,
.start = gator_events_ccn504_start,
.stop = gator_events_ccn504_stop,
.read = gator_events_ccn504_read,
int gator_events_ccn504_init(void)
int i;
if (ccn504_addr == 0) {
return -1;
gator_events_ccn504_base = ioremap(ccn504_addr, NUM_REGIONS*REGION_SIZE);
if (gator_events_ccn504_base == NULL) {
printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i) ioremap returned NULL\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return -1;
//printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%s:%i)\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Test - can memory be read
//gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(0, NUM_REGIONS);
#if 0
// DT
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(1, 1);
// HN-F
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(32, 8);
// XP
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(64, 11);
// RN-I
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(128, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(130, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(134, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(140, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(144, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(148, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(129, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(137, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(139, 1);
gator_events_ccn504_enumerate(147, 1);
for (i = 0; i < CNTMAX; ++i) {
gator_events_ccn504_enabled[i] = 0;
gator_events_ccn504_event[i] = 0;
gator_events_ccn504_key[i] = gator_events_get_key();
return gator_events_install(&gator_events_ccn504_interface);