blob: f557350eb9bca4e8dcdbf9839f2f29270f3a78a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) ARM Limited 2012-2013. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "gator.h"
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/time.h>
#include <linux/math64.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
/* Mali T6xx DDK includes */
#include "linux/mali_linux_trace.h"
#include "kbase/src/common/mali_kbase.h"
#include "kbase/src/linux/mali_kbase_mem_linux.h"
#include "gator_events_mali_common.h"
/* If API version is not specified then assume API version 1. */
#error MALI_DDK_GATOR_API_VERSION is invalid (must be 1 for r1/r2 DDK, or 2 for r3 DDK).
* Mali-T6xx
typedef struct kbase_device *kbase_find_device_type(int);
typedef kbase_context *kbase_create_context_type(kbase_device *);
typedef void kbase_destroy_context_type(kbase_context *);
typedef void *kbase_va_alloc_type(kbase_context *, u32);
typedef void kbase_va_free_type(kbase_context *, void *);
typedef void *kbase_va_alloc_type(kbase_context *, u32, kbase_hwc_dma_mapping * handle);
typedef void kbase_va_free_type(kbase_context *, kbase_hwc_dma_mapping * handle);
typedef mali_error kbase_instr_hwcnt_enable_type(kbase_context *, kbase_uk_hwcnt_setup *);
typedef mali_error kbase_instr_hwcnt_disable_type(kbase_context *);
typedef mali_error kbase_instr_hwcnt_clear_type(kbase_context *);
typedef mali_error kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_irq_type(kbase_context *);
typedef mali_bool kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_complete_type(kbase_context *, mali_bool *);
static kbase_find_device_type *kbase_find_device_symbol;
static kbase_create_context_type *kbase_create_context_symbol;
static kbase_va_alloc_type *kbase_va_alloc_symbol;
static kbase_instr_hwcnt_enable_type *kbase_instr_hwcnt_enable_symbol;
static kbase_instr_hwcnt_clear_type *kbase_instr_hwcnt_clear_symbol;
static kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_irq_type *kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_irq_symbol;
static kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_complete_type *kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_complete_symbol;
static kbase_instr_hwcnt_disable_type *kbase_instr_hwcnt_disable_symbol;
static kbase_va_free_type *kbase_va_free_symbol;
static kbase_destroy_context_type *kbase_destroy_context_symbol;
/** The interval between reads, in ns.
* Earlier we introduced
* a 'hold off for 1ms after last read' to resolve MIDBASE-2178 and MALINE-724.
* However, the 1ms hold off is too long if no context switches occur as there is a race
* between this value and the tick of the read clock in gator which is also 1ms. If we 'miss' the
* current read, the counter values are effectively 'spread' over 2ms and the values seen are half
* what they should be (since Streamline averages over sample time). In the presence of context switches
* this spread can vary and markedly affect the counters. Currently there is no 'proper' solution to
* this, but empirically we have found that reducing the minimum read interval to 950us causes the
* counts to be much more stable.
static const int READ_INTERVAL_NSEC = 950000;
#include "gator_events_mali_t6xx_hw_test.c"
/* Blocks for HW counters */
enum {
/* Counters for Mali-T6xx:
* - HW counters, 4 blocks
* For HW counters we need strings to create /dev/gator/events files.
* Enums are not needed because the position of the HW name in the array is the same
* of the corresponding value in the received block of memory.
* HW counters are requested by calculating a bitmask, passed then to the driver.
* Every millisecond a HW counters dump is requested, and if the previous has been completed they are read.
/* Hardware Counters */
static const char *const hardware_counter_names[] = {
/* Job Manager */
"GPU_ACTIVE", /* 6 */
/*Tiler */
/* Shader Core */
/*L2 and MMU */
#define NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS (sizeof(hardware_counter_names) / sizeof(hardware_counter_names[0]))
#define GET_HW_BLOCK(c) (((c) >> 6) & 0x3)
#define GET_COUNTER_OFFSET(c) ((c) & 0x3f)
/* Memory to dump hardware counters into */
static void *kernel_dump_buffer;
/* DMA state used to manage lifetime of the buffer */
kbase_hwc_dma_mapping kernel_dump_buffer_handle;
/* kbase context and device */
static kbase_context *kbcontext = NULL;
static struct kbase_device *kbdevice = NULL;
* The following function has no external prototype in older DDK revisions. When the DDK
* is updated then this should be removed.
struct kbase_device *kbase_find_device(int minor);
static volatile bool kbase_device_busy = false;
static unsigned int num_hardware_counters_enabled;
* gatorfs variables for counter enable state
static mali_counter counters[NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS];
/* An array used to return the data we recorded
* as key,value pairs hence the *2
static unsigned long counter_dump[NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS * 2];
if(FUNCTION ## _symbol) \
{ \
printk("gator: mali " #FUNCTION " symbol was already registered\n"); \
} \
else \
{ \
FUNCTION ## _symbol = symbol_get(FUNCTION); \
if(! FUNCTION ## _symbol) \
{ \
printk("gator: mali online " #FUNCTION " symbol not found\n"); \
} \
if(FUNCTION ## _symbol) \
{ \
symbol_put(FUNCTION); \
FUNCTION ## _symbol = NULL; \
* Execute symbol_get for all the Mali symbols and check for success.
* @return the number of symbols not loaded.
static int init_symbols(void)
int error_count = 0;
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_find_device, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_create_context, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_va_alloc, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_instr_hwcnt_enable, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_instr_hwcnt_clear, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_irq, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_complete, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_instr_hwcnt_disable, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_va_free, error_count);
SYMBOL_GET(kbase_destroy_context, error_count);
return error_count;
* Execute symbol_put for all the registered Mali symbols.
static void clean_symbols(void)
* Determines whether a read should take place
* @param current_time The current time, obtained from getnstimeofday()
* @param prev_time_s The number of seconds at the previous read attempt.
* @param next_read_time_ns The time (in ns) when the next read should be allowed.
* Note that this function has been separated out here to allow it to be tested.
static int is_read_scheduled(const struct timespec *current_time, u32 *prev_time_s, s32 *next_read_time_ns)
/* If the current ns count rolls over a second, roll the next read time too. */
if (current_time->tv_sec != *prev_time_s) {
*next_read_time_ns = *next_read_time_ns - NSEC_PER_SEC;
/* Abort the read if the next read time has not arrived. */
if (current_time->tv_nsec < *next_read_time_ns) {
return 0;
/* Set the next read some fixed time after this one, and update the read timestamp. */
*next_read_time_ns = current_time->tv_nsec + READ_INTERVAL_NSEC;
*prev_time_s = current_time->tv_sec;
return 1;
static int start(void)
kbase_uk_hwcnt_setup setup;
mali_error err;
int cnt;
u16 bitmask[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* Setup HW counters */
num_hardware_counters_enabled = 0;
pr_debug("Unexpected number of hardware counters defined: expecting 256, got %d\n", NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS);
/* Calculate enable bitmasks based on counters_enabled array */
for (cnt = 0; cnt < NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS; cnt++) {
const mali_counter *counter = &counters[cnt];
if (counter->enabled) {
int block = GET_HW_BLOCK(cnt);
int enable_bit = GET_COUNTER_OFFSET(cnt) / 4;
bitmask[block] |= (1 << enable_bit);
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: hardware counter %s selected [%d]\n", hardware_counter_names[cnt], cnt);
/* Create a kbase context for HW counters */
if (num_hardware_counters_enabled > 0) {
if (init_symbols() > 0) {
/* No Mali driver code entrypoints found - not a fault. */
return 0;
kbdevice = kbase_find_device_symbol(-1);
/* If we already got a context, fail */
if (kbcontext) {
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: error context already present\n");
goto out;
/* kbcontext will only be valid after all the Mali symbols are loaded successfully */
kbcontext = kbase_create_context_symbol(kbdevice);
if (!kbcontext) {
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: error creating kbase context\n");
goto out;
* The amount of memory needed to store the dump (bytes)
* DUMP_SIZE = number of core groups
* * number of blocks (always 8 for midgard)
* * number of counters per block (always 64 for midgard)
* * number of bytes per counter (always 4 in midgard)
* For a Mali-T6xx with a single core group = 1 * 8 * 64 * 4 = 2048
* For a Mali-T6xx with a dual core group = 2 * 8 * 64 * 4 = 4096
kernel_dump_buffer = kbase_va_alloc_symbol(kbcontext, 4096);
kernel_dump_buffer = kbase_va_alloc_symbol(kbcontext, 4096, &kernel_dump_buffer_handle);
if (!kernel_dump_buffer) {
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: error trying to allocate va\n");
goto destroy_context;
setup.dump_buffer = (uintptr_t)kernel_dump_buffer;
setup.jm_bm = bitmask[JM_BLOCK];
setup.tiler_bm = bitmask[TILER_BLOCK];
setup.shader_bm = bitmask[SHADER_BLOCK];
setup.mmu_l2_bm = bitmask[MMU_BLOCK];
/* These counters do not exist on Mali-T60x */
setup.l3_cache_bm = 0;
/* Use kbase API to enable hardware counters and provide dump buffer */
err = kbase_instr_hwcnt_enable_symbol(kbcontext, &setup);
if (err != MALI_ERROR_NONE) {
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: can't setup hardware counters\n");
goto free_buffer;
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: hardware counters enabled\n");
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: hardware counters cleared \n");
kbase_device_busy = false;
return 0;
kbase_va_free_symbol(kbcontext, kernel_dump_buffer);
kbase_va_free_symbol(kbcontext, &kernel_dump_buffer_handle);
return -1;
static void stop(void)
unsigned int cnt;
kbase_context *temp_kbcontext;
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: stop\n");
/* Set all counters as disabled */
for (cnt = 0; cnt < NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS; cnt++) {
counters[cnt].enabled = 0;
/* Destroy the context for HW counters */
if (num_hardware_counters_enabled > 0 && kbcontext != NULL) {
* Set the global variable to NULL before destroying it, because
* other function will check this before using it.
temp_kbcontext = kbcontext;
kbcontext = NULL;
kbase_va_free_symbol(temp_kbcontext, kernel_dump_buffer);
kbase_va_free_symbol(temp_kbcontext, &kernel_dump_buffer_handle);
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: hardware counters stopped\n");
static int read(int **buffer)
int cnt;
int len = 0;
u32 value = 0;
mali_bool success;
struct timespec current_time;
static u32 prev_time_s = 0;
static s32 next_read_time_ns = 0;
if (!on_primary_core()) {
return 0;
* Discard reads unless a respectable time has passed. This reduces the load on the GPU without sacrificing
* accuracy on the Streamline display.
if (!is_read_scheduled(&current_time, &prev_time_s, &next_read_time_ns)) {
return 0;
* Report the HW counters
* Only process hardware counters if at least one of the hardware counters is enabled.
if (num_hardware_counters_enabled > 0) {
const unsigned int vithar_blocks[] = {
0x700, /* VITHAR_JOB_MANAGER, Block 0 */
0x400, /* VITHAR_TILER, Block 1 */
0x000, /* VITHAR_SHADER_CORE, Block 2 */
0x500 /* VITHAR_MEMORY_SYSTEM, Block 3 */
if (!kbcontext) {
return -1;
/* Mali symbols can be called safely since a kbcontext is valid */
if (kbase_instr_hwcnt_dump_complete_symbol(kbcontext, &success) == MALI_TRUE) {
kbase_device_busy = false;
if (success == MALI_TRUE) {
for (cnt = 0; cnt < NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS; cnt++) {
const mali_counter *counter = &counters[cnt];
if (counter->enabled) {
const int block = GET_HW_BLOCK(cnt);
const int counter_offset = GET_COUNTER_OFFSET(cnt);
const u32 *counter_block = (u32 *) ((uintptr_t)kernel_dump_buffer + vithar_blocks[block]);
const u32 *counter_address = counter_block + counter_offset;
value = *counter_address;
if (block == SHADER_BLOCK) {
/* (counter_address + 0x000) has already been accounted-for above. */
value += *(counter_address + 0x100);
value += *(counter_address + 0x200);
value += *(counter_address + 0x300);
counter_dump[len++] = counter->key;
counter_dump[len++] = value;
if (!kbase_device_busy) {
kbase_device_busy = true;
/* Update the buffer */
if (buffer) {
*buffer = (int *)counter_dump;
return len;
static int create_files(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *root)
unsigned int event;
* Create the filesystem for all events
int counter_index = 0;
const char *mali_name = gator_mali_get_mali_name();
for (event = 0; event < NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS; event++) {
if (gator_mali_create_file_system(mali_name, hardware_counter_names[counter_index], sb, root, &counters[event]) != 0)
return -1;
return 0;
static struct gator_interface gator_events_mali_t6xx_interface = {
.create_files = create_files,
.start = start,
.stop = stop,
.read = read
int gator_events_mali_t6xx_hw_init(void)
pr_debug("gator: Mali-T6xx: sw_counters init\n");
gator_mali_initialise_counters(counters, NUMBER_OF_HARDWARE_COUNTERS);
return gator_events_install(&gator_events_mali_t6xx_interface);