blob: 51a3684f30d82ba9874e08de442041d054d0941e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright(c) 2016 Realtek Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the
* file called LICENSE.
* Contact Information:
* wlanfae <>
* Realtek Corporation, No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park,
* Hsinchu 300, Taiwan.
* Larry Finger <>
#ifndef _RTL_HALMAC_H_
#define _RTL_HALMAC_H_
#include "halmac_api.h"
#define rtlpriv_to_halmac(priv) \
((struct halmac_adapter *)((priv)->halmac.internal))
/* for H2C cmd */
#define MAX_H2C_BOX_NUMS 4
/* HALMAC API for Driver(HAL) */
int rtl_halmac_init_adapter(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv);
int rtl_halmac_deinit_adapter(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv);
int rtl_halmac_poweron(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv);
int rtl_halmac_poweroff(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv);
int rtl_halmac_init_hal(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv);
int rtl_halmac_init_hal_fw(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *fw, u32 fwsize);
int rtl_halmac_init_hal_fw_file(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *fwpath);
int rtl_halmac_deinit_hal(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv);
int rtl_halmac_self_verify(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv);
int rtl_halmac_dlfw(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *fw, u32 fwsize);
int rtl_halmac_dlfw_from_file(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *fwpath);
int rtl_halmac_phy_power_switch(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 enable);
int rtl_halmac_send_h2c(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *h2c);
int rtl_halmac_c2h_handle(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *c2h, u32 size);
int rtl_halmac_get_physical_efuse_size(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u32 *size);
int rtl_halmac_read_physical_efuse_map(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *map,
u32 size);
int rtl_halmac_read_physical_efuse(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u32 offset,
u32 cnt, u8 *data);
int rtl_halmac_write_physical_efuse(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u32 offset,
u32 cnt, u8 *data);
int rtl_halmac_get_logical_efuse_size(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u32 *size);
int rtl_halmac_read_logical_efuse_map(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *map,
u32 size);
int rtl_halmac_write_logical_efuse_map(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *map,
u32 size, u8 *maskmap, u32 masksize);
int rtl_halmac_read_logical_efuse(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u32 offset, u32 cnt,
u8 *data);
int rtl_halmac_write_logical_efuse(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u32 offset,
u32 cnt, u8 *data);
int rtl_halmac_config_rx_info(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, enum halmac_drv_info);
int rtl_halmac_set_mac_address(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 hwport, u8 *addr);
int rtl_halmac_set_bssid(struct rtl_priv *d, u8 hwport, u8 *addr);
int rtl_halmac_set_bandwidth(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 channel,
u8 pri_ch_idx, u8 bw);
int rtl_halmac_rx_agg_switch(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, bool enable);
int rtl_halmac_get_hw_value(struct rtl_priv *d, enum halmac_hw_id hw_id,
void *pvalue);
int rtl_halmac_dump_fifo(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv,
enum hal_fifo_sel halmac_fifo_sel);
int rtl_halmac_get_wow_reason(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *reason);
int rtl_halmac_get_drv_info_sz(struct rtl_priv *d, u8 *sz);
int rtl_halmac_get_rsvd_drv_pg_bndy(struct rtl_priv *dvobj, u16 *drv_pg);
int rtl_halmac_download_rsvd_page(struct rtl_priv *dvobj, u8 pg_offset,
u8 *pbuf, u32 size);
int rtl_halmac_chk_txdesc(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u8 *txdesc, u32 size);
struct rtl_halmac_ops *rtl_halmac_get_ops_pointer(void);
#endif /* _RTL_HALMAC_H_ */