blob: b9517dc7f661ef0cc767207f22305cd3c5a612c6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @file wilc_errorsupport.h
* @brief Error reporting and handling support
* @author syounan
* @sa wilc_oswrapper.h top level OS wrapper file
* @date 10 Aug 2010
* @version 1.0
#include "linux_wlan_common.h"
/* Psitive Numbers to indicate sucess with special status */
#define WILC_ALREADY_EXSIT (+100) /** The requested object already exists */
/* Generic success will return 0 */
#define WILC_SUCCESS 0 /** Generic success */
/* Negative numbers to indicate failures */
#define WILC_FAIL -100 /** Generic Fail */
#define WILC_BUSY -101 /** Busy with another operation*/
#define WILC_INVALID_ARGUMENT -102 /** A given argument is invalid*/
#define WILC_INVALID_STATE -103 /** An API request would violate the Driver state machine (i.e. to start PID while not camped)*/
#define WILC_BUFFER_OVERFLOW -104 /** In copy operations if the copied data is larger than the allocated buffer*/
#define WILC_NULL_PTR -105 /** null pointer is passed or used */
#define WILC_EMPTY -107
#define WILC_FULL -108
#define WILC_TIMEOUT -109
#define WILC_CANCELED -110 /** The required operation have been canceled by the user*/
#define WILC_INVALID_FILE -112 /** The Loaded file is corruped or having an invalid format */
#define WILC_NOT_FOUND -113 /** Cant find the file to load */
#define WILC_NO_MEM -114
#define WILC_FILE_EOF -116
/* Error type */
typedef s32 WILC_ErrNo;
#define WILC_IS_ERR(__status__) (__status__ < WILC_SUCCESS)
#define WILC_ERRORCHECK(__status__) do { \
if (WILC_IS_ERR(__status__)) { \
PRINT_ER("PRINT_ER(%d)\n", __status__); \
} \
} while (0)
#define WILC_ERRORREPORT(__status__, __err__) do { \
PRINT_ER("PRINT_ER(%d)\n", __err__); \
__status__ = __err__; \
} while (0)
#define WILC_NULLCHECK(__status__, __ptr__) do { \
if (__ptr__ == NULL) { \
} \
} while (0)
#define WILC_CATCH(__status__) \
if (WILC_IS_ERR(__status__)) \