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# GAP Benchmark Suite (GAPBS) tests
This document provides instructions to create a GAP Benchmark Suite (GAPBS) disk image, which, along with provided configuration scripts, may be used to run GAPBS within gem5 simulations.
A pre-build disk image, for X86, can be found, gzipped, here: <>.
## Building the Disk Image
Assuming that you are in the `src/gapbs/` directory, first create `m5` (which is needed to create the disk image):
git clone
cd gem5/util/m5
scons build/x86/out/m5
To create the disk image you need to add the packer binary in the disk-image directory:
cd disk-image/
wget # (if packer is not already installed)
unzip # (if packer is not already installed)
./packer validate gapbs/gapbs.json
./packer build gapbs/gapbs.json
After this process succeeds, the disk image can be found on the `src/gapbs/disk-image/gapbs-image/gapbs`.
GAPBS disk image can support both real and synthetic graph inputs. The current pre-build disk image contains only one graph input which includes the New York city road map (with 733K nodes) it can be found: <>.
To use other graphs simply copy the graph in the gapbs/ directory and add them to gapbs/gapbs.json.
## gem5 Configuration Scripts
gem5 scripts which configure the system and run the simulation are available in `configs/`.
The main script `` expects following arguments:
* **kernel** : A manditory positional argument. The path to the Linux kernel. GAPBS has been tested with [vmlinux-5.2.3]( See `src/linux-kernel` for information on building a linux kernel for gem5.
* **disk** : A manditory positional argument. The path to the disk image.
* **cpu\_type** : A manditory positional argument. The cpu model (`kvm`, `atomic`, `simple`, `o3`).
* **num\_cpus** : A manditory positional argument. The number of cpu cores.
* **mem\_sys** : A manditory positional argument. The memory model (`classic`, `MI_example`, or `MESI_Two_Level`).
* **benchmark** : A manditory positional argument. The graph workload (`cc`, `bc`, `bfs`, `tc`, `pr`, `sssp`).
* **synthetic** : A manditory positional argument. The graph type. If synthetic graph then `1`, otherwise `0` for a real world graph.
* **graph** : A manditory positional argument. If synthetic, then the size of the graph. Otherwise the name of graph to execute.
Example usage:
<gem5 X86 binary> configs/ <kernel> <disk> <cpu_type> <num_cpus> <mem_sys> <benchmark> <synthetic> <graph>
## Working Status
Working status of these tests for gem5-20 can be found [here](