Added boost as an optional dependency

An optional dependency if using the SystemC implementation.
diff --git a/_pages/documentation/learning_gem5/part1/ b/_pages/documentation/learning_gem5/part1/
index 1ddbbc8..df8ad35 100644
--- a/_pages/documentation/learning_gem5/part1/
+++ b/_pages/documentation/learning_gem5/part1/
@@ -80,6 +80,14 @@
         sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev python-protobuf protobuf-compiler libgoogle-perftools-dev
+6. [Boost]( (**Optional**) : The Boost library is a set
+        of general purpose C++ libraries. It is a necessary dependency if you
+        wish to use the SystemC implementation.
+        ```
+        sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
+        ```
 Getting the code