website: Added gem5 resources documentation

Not every resource has a compiled version on the dist bucket yet. This
will be added at a later date.

Change-Id: Id38954f88c9d6be5922ef2ec726a8019042219b3
Reviewed-by: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Maintainer: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Tested-by: Jason Lowe-Power <>
diff --git a/_pages/documentation/general_docs/ b/_pages/documentation/general_docs/
index a09fe27..b2f19c4 100644
--- a/_pages/documentation/general_docs/
+++ b/_pages/documentation/general_docs/
@@ -1,12 +1,198 @@
 layout: documentation
-title: gem5 Resources
+title: gem5-resources
 doc: gem5 documentation
 parent: gem5_resources
 permalink: /documentation/general_docs/gem5_resources/
+authors: Bobby R. Bruce
 # gem5 Resources
-**This page is currently under construction. If you have any questions about
-gem5 resources, please email Bobby R. Bruce at**.
+gem5 resources is a repository providing sources for artifacts known and
+proven compatible with the gem5 architecture simulator. These resources
+are not necessary for the compilation or running of gem5, but may aid users
+in producing certain simulations.
+## Why gem5 Resources?
+gem5 has been designed with flexibility in mind. Users may simulate a wide
+variety of hardware, with an equally wide variety of workloads. However,
+requiring users to find and configure workloads for gem5 (their own disk
+images, their own OS boots, their own tests, etc.) is a significant
+investment, and a hurdle to many.
+The purpose of gem5 resources is therefore __to provide a stable set of
+commonly used resources, with proven and documented compatibility with gem5__.
+In addition to this, gem5 resources also puts emphasis on __reproducibility
+of experiments__ by providing citable, stable resources, tied to a particular
+release of gem5.
+## Where can I obtain the gem5 resources?
+The gem5 resources are hosted on our Google Cloud Bucket. Listed below are the
+compiled resources presently available, as well as links to their sources in
+the gem5 resources repository. **These are resources sources for gem5 20.0**.
+|Resource |Compiled/Built Resource |Source |
+|asmtest | 351 test binaries, downloadable with `<binary>` | [here]( |
+|riscv-tests | [dhryston.riscv](, [median.riscv](, [mm.riscv](, [mt-matmul.riscv](, [mt-vvadd.riscv](, [multiply.riscv](, [pmp.riscv](, [qsort.riscv](, [rsort.riscv](, [spmv.riscv](, [towers.riscv](, [vvadd.riscv]( |[here]( | 
+|insttests | [insttest-rv64a](, [insttest-rv64c](, [insttest-rv64d](, [insttest-rv64f](, [insttest-rv64i](, [insttest-rv64m]( | [here]( |
+|pthreads | --- | [here]( |
+|square | --- | [here]( |
+|spec-2006 | --- | [here]( |
+|spec-2017 | --- | [here]( |
+|gapbs | [Disk Image]( | [here]( |
+|parsec | [Disk Image]( | [here]( |
+|npb | [Disk Image]( | [here]( |
+|Linux boot-exit | [Disk Image]( |[here]( |
+## How do I obtain the gem5 resource sources?
+gem5 resources sources may be obtained from
+git clone
+The HEAD of the `master` branch will point towards a set of resource sources
+compatible with the latest release of gem5 (which can be obtained via
+`git clone`).
+Please consult the [](
+file for information on compiling individual gem5 resources. Where license
+permits, the [](
+file will provide a link to download the compiled resource from our Google Cloud Bucket.
+## How is gem5 Resources repository constructed?
+The structure of this repository is as follows:
+* **** : This README will outline each resources, their origin,
+how they have been modified to work with gem5 (if applicable), relevant
+licensing information, and compilation instructions. This should be the first
+port-of-call for those looking to use a gem5 resource.
+* **src** : The resource sources. The gem5 resources can be found in this
+directory. Each sub-directory outlines a resource. Each resource contains its
+own file documenting relevant information -- compilation
+instructions, usage notes, etc.
+### Versioning
+The HEAD of the master branch will contain resources that can be built and run
+with the latest release of gem5 (that at the HEAD of the master branch on
+If you wish to use resources for an older release of gem5, then you must
+checkout the version of gem5 resources for that release. We tag the repository
+at specific versions. E.g., for gem5 20.0, there will be a tag for gem5 20.0.
+Checking out the gem5 resources at that tag will give the resources confirmed
+to work for that version.
+To list all the tags in the repository: `git tag`.
+To checkout a specific tag: `git checkout <tag name>`.
+It should noted that there will be no tag for the most recent release of gem5,
+as the most recent resources for the latest release are found at the HEAD
+of the master branch. The reason for this is resources may be added continually
+during the course of a gem5 release. Upon the next release of a gem5 version,
+gem5 resources is tagged.
+For example, assuming the current version of gem5 is v20.2. The gem5 resources
+will contain tags for v20.0 and v20.1. The current HEAD of the master branch
+will contain resources for gem5 v20.2. If new resources are added, they will
+be added as commits on top of the master branch. During this time, the next
+major version of gem5 will be under develop on the gem5 develop branch. The
+gem5 resources repository also has a develop branch for resources developed,
+expanded, and/or modified for the upcoming gem5 release. Upon the release of
+this new major version of gem5 (v20.3), the master branch is tagged (in this
+case, as v20.2) and the develop branch is merged into the master.
+### Citing a resource
+We strongly recommend gem5 resources are cited in publications to aid in
+replication of experiments, tutorials, etc.
+To cite as a URL, please use the following formats:
+# For the git repository at a particular revision:
+# For the git repository at a particular tag:
+Alternatively, as BibTex:
+  title = {gem5 Resources. Resource: <resource>},
+  howpublished = {\url{<revision>/src/<resource>}},
+  note = {Git repository at revision '<revision>'}
+  title = {gem5 Resources. Resource: <resource>},
+  howpublished = {\url{<tag>/src/<resource>}},
+  note = {Git repository at tag '<tag>'}
+## How to I contribute to gem5 Resources?
+Changes to the gem5 resources repository are made to the develop branch via our
+Gerrit code review system. Therefore, to make changes, first clone the
+git clone
+Then make changes and commit. When ready, push to Gerrit with:
+git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
+This will add resources to be used in the latest release of gem5.
+To contribute resources to the next release of gem5,
+git clone
+git checkout --track origin/develop
+Then make changes, commit, and push with:
+git push origin HEAD:refs/for/develop
+Commit message heads should not exceed 65 characters and start with the tag
+`resources:`. The description after the header must not exceed 72 characters.
+resources: Adding a new resources X
+This is where the description of this commit will occur taking into
+note the 72 character line limit.
+We strongly advise contributors follow our [Style Guide](
+/documentation/general_docs/development/coding_style/) where
+possible and appropriate.
+Any change will then be reviewed via our [Gerrit code review system](
+ Once fully accepted and merged into
+the gem5 resources repository, please contact Bobby R. Bruce
+([]( to have any compiled sources
+uploaded to the gem5 resources bucket.