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* Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission.
#include <cmath>
#include "arch/amdgpu/vega/gpu_registers.hh"
namespace gem5
// values for SDWA select operations
enum SDWASelVals : int
SDWA_BYTE_0 = 0, /* select data[7:0] */
SDWA_BYTE_1 = 1, /* select data[15:8] */
SDWA_BYTE_2 = 2, /* select data[23:16] */
SDWA_BYTE_3 = 3, /* select data[31:24] */
SDWA_WORD_0 = 4, /* select data[15:0] */
SDWA_WORD_1 = 5, /* select data[31:16] */
SDWA_DWORD = 6 /* select data[31:0] */
// values for format of destination bits for SDWA operations
enum SDWADstVals : int
SDWA_UNUSED_PAD = 0, /* Pad all unused bits with 0 */
SDWA_UNUSED_SEXT = 1, /* Sign-extend upper bits; pad lower bits w/ 0 */
SDWA_UNUSED_PRESERVE = 2 /* select data[31:0] */
// values for DPP operations
enum SqDPPVals : int
SQ_DPP_ROW_SL1 = 0x101,
SQ_DPP_ROW_SL15 = 0x10F,
SQ_DPP_ROW_SR1 = 0x111,
SQ_DPP_ROW_SR15 = 0x11F,
SQ_DPP_ROW_RR1 = 0x121,
SQ_DPP_ROW_RR15 = 0x12F,
SQ_DPP_WF_SL1 = 0x130,
SQ_DPP_WF_RL1 = 0x134,
SQ_DPP_WF_SR1 = 0x138,
SQ_DPP_WF_RR1 = 0x13C,
SQ_DPP_ROW_BCAST15 = 0x142,
SQ_DPP_ROW_BCAST31 = 0x143
static const int ROW_SIZE = 16; /* 16 registers per row */
static const int NUM_BANKS = 4; /* 64 registers, 16/bank */
namespace VegaISA
template<typename T>
inline T
wholeQuadMode(T val)
T wqm = 0;
T mask = 0xF;
for (T bits = val; mask != 0; mask <<= 4)
if ((bits & mask) != 0)
wqm |= mask;
return wqm;
template<typename T>
inline T
quadMask(T val)
T qmsk = 0;
T mask = 0xF;
T qbit = 0x1;
for (T bits = val; mask != 0; mask <<= 4, qbit <<= 1) {
if (bits & mask) {
qmsk |= qbit;
return qmsk;
template<typename T>
inline ScalarRegI32
countZeroBits(T val)
ScalarRegI32 num_zeros
= std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - popCount(val);
return num_zeros;
template<typename T>
inline ScalarRegI32
findFirstZero(T val)
if (val == ~T(0)) {
return -1;
return findLsbSet(~val);
template<typename T>
inline ScalarRegI32
findFirstOne(T val)
if (!val) {
return -1;
return findLsbSet(val);
template<typename T>
inline ScalarRegI32
findFirstOneMsb(T val)
if (!val) {
return -1;
return findMsbSet(val);
template<typename T>
inline ScalarRegI32
countZeroBitsMsb(T val)
if (!val) {
return -1;
return std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - 1 - findMsbSet(val);
inline ScalarRegI32
firstOppositeSignBit(ScalarRegI32 val)
bool found(false);
bool sign_bit = (val & 0x80000000) != 0;
ScalarRegU32 tmp_val(0);
int count(0);
if (!val || val == -1) {
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < std::numeric_limits<ScalarRegU32>::digits; ++i) {
tmp_val = val & (0x80000000 >> i);
if (!sign_bit) {
if (tmp_val) {
found = true;
} else {
if (!tmp_val) {
found = true;
if (found) {
return count;
} else {
return -1;
inline ScalarRegI32
firstOppositeSignBit(ScalarRegI64 val)
bool found(false);
bool sign_bit = (val & 0x8000000000000000ULL) != 0;
ScalarRegU64 tmp_val(0);
int count(0);
if (!val || val == -1) {
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < std::numeric_limits<ScalarRegU64>::digits; ++i) {
tmp_val = val & (0x8000000000000000ULL >> i);
if (!sign_bit) {
if (tmp_val) {
found = true;
} else {
if (!tmp_val) {
found = true;
if (found) {
return count;
} else {
return -1;
template<typename T>
inline T
median(T val_0, T val_1, T val_2)
if (std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
return std::fmax(std::fmin(val_0, val_1),
std::fmin(std::fmax(val_0, val_1), val_2));
} else {
return std::max(std::min(val_0, val_1),
std::min(std::max(val_0, val_1), val_2));
template <typename T>
inline T roundNearestEven(T val)
T int_part = 0;
T nearest_round = std::floor(val + 0.5);
if ((int)std::floor(val) % 2 == 0
&& std::modf(std::abs(val), &int_part) == 0.5) {
nearest_round = nearest_round - 1;
return nearest_round;
inline VecElemU32
muladd(VecElemU64 &dst, VecElemU32 val_0, VecElemU32 val_1,
VecElemU64 val_2)
__uint128_t u0 = (__uint128_t)val_0;
__uint128_t u1 = (__uint128_t)val_1;
__uint128_t u2 = (__uint128_t)val_2;
__uint128_t result = u0 * u1 + u2;
dst = (VecElemU64)result;
return (VecElemU32)(result >> 64) ? 1 : 0;
inline VecElemU32
muladd(VecElemI64 &dst, VecElemI32 val_0, VecElemI32 val_1,
VecElemI64 val_2)
__int128_t u0 = (__int128_t)val_0;
__int128_t u1 = (__int128_t)val_1;
__int128_t u2 = (__int128_t)val_2;
__int128_t result = u0 * u1 + u2;
dst = (VecElemI64)result;
return (VecElemU32)(result >> 64) ? 1 : 0;
* dppInstImpl is a helper function that performs the inputted operation
* on the inputted vector register lane. The returned output lane
* represents the input lane given the destination lane and DPP_CTRL word.
* Currently the values are:
* 0x0 - 0xFF: full permute of four threads
* 0x100: reserved
* 0x101 - 0x10F: row shift left by 1-15 threads
* 0x111 - 0x11F: row shift right by 1-15 threads
* 0x121 - 0x12F: row rotate right by 1-15 threads
* 0x130: wavefront left shift by 1 thread
* 0x134: wavefront left rotate by 1 thread
* 0x138: wavefront right shift by 1 thread
* 0x13C: wavefront right rotate by 1 thread
* 0x140: mirror threads within row
* 0x141: mirror threads within 1/2 row (8 threads)
* 0x142: broadcast 15th thread of each row to next row
* 0x143: broadcast thread 31 to rows 2 and 3
int dppInstImpl(SqDPPVals dppCtrl, int currLane, int rowNum,
int rowOffset, bool & outOfBounds)
// local variables
// newLane will be the same as the input lane unless swizzling happens
int newLane = currLane;
// for shift/rotate permutations; positive values are LEFT rotates
// shift/rotate left means lane n -> lane n-1 (e.g., lane 1 -> lane 0)
int count = 0;
int localRowOffset = rowOffset;
int localRowNum = rowNum;
if (dppCtrl <= SQ_DPP_QUAD_PERM_MAX) { // DPP_QUAD_PERM{00:FF}
int quadBase = (currLane & ~(3));
int quadPix = (currLane & 3);
quadPix = ((dppCtrl >> (2 * quadPix)) & 3);
newLane = (quadBase | quadPix);
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_RESERVED) {
panic("ERROR: instruction using reserved DPP_CTRL value\n");
} else if ((dppCtrl >= SQ_DPP_ROW_SL1) &&
(dppCtrl <= SQ_DPP_ROW_SL15)) { // DPP_ROW_SL{1:15}
count = (dppCtrl - SQ_DPP_ROW_SL1 + 1);
if ((localRowOffset + count >= 0) &&
(localRowOffset + count < ROW_SIZE)) {
localRowOffset += count;
newLane = ((rowNum * ROW_SIZE) | localRowOffset);
} else {
outOfBounds = true;
} else if ((dppCtrl >= SQ_DPP_ROW_SR1) &&
(dppCtrl <= SQ_DPP_ROW_SR15)) { // DPP_ROW_SR{1:15}
count = -(dppCtrl - SQ_DPP_ROW_SR1 + 1);
if ((localRowOffset + count >= 0) &&
(localRowOffset + count < ROW_SIZE)) {
localRowOffset += count;
newLane = ((rowNum * ROW_SIZE) | localRowOffset);
} else {
outOfBounds = true;
} else if ((dppCtrl >= SQ_DPP_ROW_RR1) &&
(dppCtrl <= SQ_DPP_ROW_RR15)) { // DPP_ROW_RR{1:15}
count = -(dppCtrl - SQ_DPP_ROW_RR1 + 1);
localRowOffset = (localRowOffset + count + ROW_SIZE) % ROW_SIZE;
newLane = ((rowNum * ROW_SIZE) | localRowOffset);
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_WF_SL1) { // DPP_WF_SL1
if ((currLane >= 0) && (currLane < NumVecElemPerVecReg)) {
newLane += 1;
} else {
outOfBounds = true;
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_WF_RL1) { // DPP_WF_RL1
newLane = (currLane - 1 + NumVecElemPerVecReg) %
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_WF_SR1) { // DPP_WF_SR1
int currVal = (currLane - 1);
if ((currVal >= 0) && (currVal < NumVecElemPerVecReg)) {
newLane -= 1;
} else {
outOfBounds = true;
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_WF_RR1) { // DPP_WF_RR1
newLane = (currLane - 1 + NumVecElemPerVecReg) %
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_ROW_MIRROR) { // DPP_ROW_MIRROR
localRowOffset = (15 - localRowOffset);
newLane = (rowNum | localRowOffset);
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_ROW_HALF_MIRROR) { // DPP_ROW_HALF_MIRROR
localRowNum = (currLane & -0x7);
localRowOffset = (currLane & 0x7);
localRowOffset = (7 - localRowNum);
newLane = (localRowNum | localRowOffset);
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_ROW_BCAST15) { // DPP_ROW_BCAST15
count = 15;
if (currLane > count) {
// 0x30 selects which set of 16 lanes to use. We broadcast the
// last lane of one set to all lanes of the next set (e.g.,
// lane 15 is written to 16-31, 31 to 32-47, 47 to 48-63).
newLane = (currLane & 0x30) - 1;
} else {
outOfBounds = true;
} else if (dppCtrl == SQ_DPP_ROW_BCAST31) { // DPP_ROW_BCAST31
count = 31;
if (currLane > count) {
// 0x20 selects either the upper 32 or lower 32 lanes and
// broadcasts the last lane of one set to all lanes of the
// next set (e.g., lane 31 is written to 32-63).
newLane = (currLane & 0x20) - 1;
} else {
outOfBounds = true;
} else {
panic("Unimplemented DPP control operation: %d\n", dppCtrl);
return newLane;
* processDPP is a helper function for implementing Data Parallel Primitive
* instructions. This function may be called by many different VOP1
* instructions to do operations within a register.
template<typename T>
void processDPP(GPUDynInstPtr gpuDynInst, InFmt_VOP_DPP dppInst,
T & src0)
// local variables
SqDPPVals dppCtrl = (SqDPPVals)dppInst.DPP_CTRL;
int boundCtrl = dppInst.BC;
int bankMask = dppInst.BANK_MASK;
int rowMask = dppInst.ROW_MASK;
// row, bank info to be calculated per lane
int rowNum = 0, bankNum = 0, rowOffset = 0;
// outLane will be the same as the input lane unless swizzling happens
int outLane = 0;
bool laneDisabled = false;
// flags used for determining if a lane should be written to/reset/etc.
bool outOfBounds = false, zeroSrc = false;
long long threadValid = 0;
* STEP 1a: check if the absolute value (ABS) or negation (NEG) tags
* are set. If so, do the appropriate action(s) on src0 and/or src1.
* NOTE: ABS takes priority over NEG.
if (dppInst.SRC0_NEG) {
if (dppInst.SRC0_ABS) {
// Need a copy of the original data since we update one lane at a time
T src0_copy = src0;
// iterate over all register lanes, performing steps 2-4
for (int lane = 0; lane < NumVecElemPerVecReg; ++lane) {
threadValid = (0x1LL << lane);
* STEP 2: check the row and bank mask values. These determine
* which threads are enabled for the subsequent DPP_CTRL
* operations.
rowNum = (lane / ROW_SIZE);
rowOffset = (lane % ROW_SIZE);
bankNum = (rowOffset / NUM_BANKS);
if (((rowMask & (0x1 << rowNum)) == 0) /* row mask */ ||
((bankMask & (0x1 << bankNum)) == 0) /* bank mask */) {
laneDisabled = true;
* STEP 4: Handle the potential values of DPP_CTRL:
* 0x0 - 0xFF: full permute of four threads
* 0x100: reserved
* 0x101 - 0x10F: row shift right by 1-15 threads
* 0x111 - 0x11F: row shift right by 1-15 threads
* 0x121 - 0x12F: row shift right by 1-15 threads
* 0x130: wavefront left shift by 1 thread
* 0x134: wavefront left rotate by 1 thread
* 0x138: wavefront right shift by 1 thread
* 0x13C: wavefront right rotate by 1 thread
* 0x140: mirror threads within row
* 0x141: mirror threads within 1/2 row (8 threads)
* 0x142: broadcast 15th thread of each row to next row
* 0x143: broadcast thread 31 to rows 2 and 3
if (!laneDisabled) {
outLane = dppInstImpl(dppCtrl, lane, rowNum, rowOffset,
* STEP 4: Implement bound control for disabled threads. If thread
* is disabled but boundCtrl is set, then we need to set the source
* data to 0 (i.e., set this lane to 0).
if (laneDisabled) {
threadValid = 0;
} else if (outOfBounds) {
if (boundCtrl == 1) {
zeroSrc = true;
} else {
threadValid = 0;
} else if (!gpuDynInst->wavefront()->execMask(lane)) {
if (boundCtrl == 1) {
zeroSrc = true;
} else {
threadValid = 0;
if (threadValid != 0 && !outOfBounds && !zeroSrc) {
src0[lane] = src0_copy[outLane];
} else if (zeroSrc) {
src0[lane] = 0;
// reset for next iteration
laneDisabled = false;
outOfBounds = false;
zeroSrc = false;
* processDPP is a helper function for implementing Data Parallel Primitive
* instructions. This function may be called by many different
* VOP2/VOPC instructions to do operations within a register.
template<typename T>
void processDPP(GPUDynInstPtr gpuDynInst, InFmt_VOP_DPP dppInst,
T & src0, T & src1)
* STEP 1b: check if the absolute value (ABS) or negation (NEG) tags
* are set. If so, do the appropriate action(s) on src0 and/or src1.
* NOTE: ABS takes priority over NEG.
if (dppInst.SRC1_NEG) {
if (dppInst.SRC1_ABS) {
// Since only difference for VOP1 and VOP2/VOPC instructions is SRC1,
// which is only used for negation/absolute value, call other version
// to do everything else.
processDPP(gpuDynInst, dppInst, src0);
* sdwaInstSrcImpl_helper contains the per-lane code for selecting the
* appropriate bytes/words of the lane and doing the appropriate
* masking/padding/sign extending. It returns the value after these
* operations are done on it.
template<typename T>
T sdwaInstSrcImpl_helper(T currOperVal, const T origOperVal,
const SDWASelVals sel, const bool signExt)
// local variables
int low_bit = 0, high_bit = 0;
bool signExt_local = signExt;
T retVal = 0;
// if we're preserving all of the bits, then we can immediately return
if (sel == SDWA_DWORD) {
return currOperVal;
if (sel < SDWA_WORD_0) { // we are selecting 1 byte
Process byte 0 first. This code eiter selects the original bits
of byte 0, or makes the bits of the selected byte be byte 0 (and
next either sign extends or zero's out upper bits).
low_bit = (sel * VegaISA::BITS_PER_BYTE);
high_bit = low_bit + VegaISA::MSB_PER_BYTE;
retVal = bits(currOperVal, high_bit, low_bit);
// make sure update propagated, since used next
panic_if(bits(retVal, VegaISA::MSB_PER_BYTE) !=
bits(origOperVal, high_bit),
"ERROR: SDWA byte update not propagated: retVal: %d, "
"orig: %d\n", bits(retVal, VegaISA::MSB_PER_BYTE),
bits(origOperVal, high_bit));
// sign extended value depends on upper-most bit of the new byte 0
signExt_local = (signExt &&
(bits(retVal, VegaISA::MSB_PER_BYTE, 0) & 0x80));
// process all other bytes -- if sign extending, make them 1, else
// all 0's so leave as is
if (signExt_local) {
retVal = (uint32_t)sext<VegaISA::MSB_PER_BYTE>(retVal);
} else if (sel < SDWA_DWORD) { // we are selecting 1 word
Process word 0 first. This code eiter selects the original bits
of word 0, or makes the bits of the selected word be word 0 (and
next either sign extends or zero's out upper bits).
low_bit = (sel & 1) * VegaISA::BITS_PER_WORD;
high_bit = low_bit + VegaISA::MSB_PER_WORD;
retVal = bits(currOperVal, high_bit, low_bit);
// make sure update propagated, since used next
panic_if(bits(retVal, VegaISA::MSB_PER_WORD) !=
bits(origOperVal, high_bit),
"ERROR: SDWA word update not propagated: retVal: %d, "
"orig: %d\n",
bits(retVal, VegaISA::MSB_PER_WORD),
bits(origOperVal, high_bit));
// sign extended value depends on upper-most bit of the new word 0
signExt_local = (signExt &&
(bits(retVal, VegaISA::MSB_PER_WORD, 0) &
// process other word -- if sign extending, make them 1, else all
// 0's so leave as is
if (signExt_local) {
retVal = (uint32_t)sext<VegaISA::MSB_PER_WORD>(retVal);
} else {
assert(sel != SDWA_DWORD); // should have returned earlier
panic("Unimplemented SDWA select operation: %d\n", sel);
return retVal;
* sdwaInstSrcImpl is a helper function that selects the appropriate
* bits/bytes for each lane of the inputted source operand of an SDWA
* instruction, does the appropriate masking/padding/sign extending for the
* non-selected bits/bytes, and updates the operands values with the
* resultant value.
* The desired behavior is:
* 1. Select the appropriate bits/bytes based on sel:
* 0 (SDWA_BYTE_0): select data[7:0]
* 1 (SDWA_BYTE_1): select data[15:8]
* 2 (SDWA_BYTE_2): select data[23:16]
* 3 (SDWA_BYTE_3): select data[31:24]
* 4 (SDWA_WORD_0): select data[15:0]
* 5 (SDWA_WORD_1): select data[31:16]
* 6 (SDWA_DWORD): select data[31:0]
* 2. if sign extend is set, then sign extend the value
template<typename T>
void sdwaInstSrcImpl(T & currOper, T & origCurrOper,
const SDWASelVals sel, const bool signExt)
// iterate over all lanes, setting appropriate, selected value
for (int lane = 0; lane < NumVecElemPerVecReg; ++lane) {
currOper[lane] = sdwaInstSrcImpl_helper(currOper[lane],
origCurrOper[lane], sel,
* sdwaInstDstImpl_helper contains the per-lane code for selecting the
* appropriate bytes/words of the lane and doing the appropriate
* masking/padding/sign extending. It returns the value after these
* operations are done on it.
template<typename T>
T sdwaInstDstImpl_helper(T currDstVal, const T origDstVal,
const bool clamp, const SDWASelVals sel,
const SDWADstVals unusedBits_format)
// local variables
int low_bit = 0, high_bit = 0;
bool signExt = (unusedBits_format == SDWA_UNUSED_SEXT);
//bool pad = (unusedBits_format == SDWA_UNUSED_PAD);
bool preserve = (unusedBits_format == SDWA_UNUSED_PRESERVE);
T retVal = 0, origBits_thisByte = 0, currBits_thisByte = 0,
origBits_thisWord = 0, currBits_thisWord = 0, newBits = 0;
// if we're preserving all of the bits, then we can immediately return
if (unusedBits_format == SDWA_UNUSED_PRESERVE) {
assert(sel == SDWA_DWORD);
return currDstVal;
} else if (sel == SDWA_DWORD) {
// NOTE: users may set the unused bits variable to anything in this
// scenario, because it will be ignored
return currDstVal;
if (sel < SDWA_WORD_0) { // we are selecting 1 byte
// if we sign extended depends on upper-most bit of byte 0
signExt = (signExt &&
(bits(currDstVal, VegaISA::MSB_PER_WORD, 0) & 0x80));
for (int byte = 0; byte < 4; ++byte) {
low_bit = byte * VegaISA::BITS_PER_BYTE;
high_bit = low_bit + VegaISA::MSB_PER_BYTE;
1. byte == sel: we are keeping all bits in this byte
2. preserve is set: keep this byte as is because the
output preserve flag is set
3. byte > sel && signExt: we're sign extending and
this byte is one of the bytes we need to sign extend
origBits_thisByte = bits(origDstVal, high_bit, low_bit);
currBits_thisByte = bits(currDstVal, high_bit, low_bit);
newBits = ((byte == sel) ? origBits_thisByte :
((preserve) ? currBits_thisByte :
(((byte > sel) && signExt) ? 0xff : 0)));
retVal = insertBits(retVal, high_bit, low_bit, newBits);
} else if (sel < SDWA_DWORD) { // we are selecting 1 word
low_bit = 0;
high_bit = low_bit + VegaISA::MSB_PER_WORD;
// if we sign extended depends on upper-most bit of word 0
signExt = (signExt &&
(bits(currDstVal, high_bit, low_bit) & 0x8000));
for (int word = 0; word < 2; ++word) {
low_bit = word * VegaISA::BITS_PER_WORD;
high_bit = low_bit + VegaISA::MSB_PER_WORD;
1. word == sel & 1: we are keeping all bits in this word
2. preserve is set: keep this word as is because the
output preserve flag is set
3. word > (sel & 1) && signExt: we're sign extending and
this word is one of the words we need to sign extend
origBits_thisWord = bits(origDstVal, high_bit, low_bit);
currBits_thisWord = bits(currDstVal, high_bit, low_bit);
newBits = ((word == (sel & 0x1)) ? origBits_thisWord :
((preserve) ? currBits_thisWord :
(((word > (sel & 0x1)) && signExt) ? 0xffff : 0)));
retVal = insertBits(retVal, high_bit, low_bit, newBits);
} else {
assert(sel != SDWA_DWORD); // should have returned earlier
panic("Unimplemented SDWA select operation: %d\n", sel);
return retVal;
* sdwaInstDestImpl is a helper function that selects the appropriate
* bits/bytes for the inputted dest operand of an SDWA instruction, does
* the appropriate masking/padding/sign extending for the non-selected
* bits/bytes, and updates the operands values with the resultant value.
* The desired behavior is:
* 1. Select the appropriate bits/bytes based on sel:
* 0 (SDWA_BYTE_0): select data[7:0]
* 1 (SDWA_BYTE_1): select data[15:8]
* 2 (SDWA_BYTE_2): select data[23:16]
* 3 (SDWA_BYTE_3): select data[31:24]
* 4 (SDWA_WORD_0): select data[15:0]
* 5 (SDWA_WORD_1): select data[31:16]
* 6 (SDWA_DWORD): select data[31:0]
* 2. either pad, sign extend, or select all bits based on the value of
* unusedBits_format:
* 0 (SDWA_UNUSED_PAD): pad all unused bits with 0
* 1 (SDWA_UNUSED_SEXT): sign-extend upper bits; pad lower bits w/ 0
* 2 (SDWA_UNUSED_PRESERVE): select data[31:0]
template<typename T>
void sdwaInstDstImpl(T & dstOper, T & origDstOper, const bool clamp,
const SDWASelVals sel,
const SDWADstVals unusedBits_format)
// iterate over all lanes, setting appropriate, selected value
for (int lane = 0; lane < NumVecElemPerVecReg; ++lane) {
dstOper[lane] = sdwaInstDstImpl_helper(dstOper[lane],
origDstOper[lane], clamp,
sel, unusedBits_format);
* processSDWA_srcHelper is a helper function for implementing sub d-word
* addressing instructions for the src operands. This function may be
* called by many different VOP1/VOP2/VOPC instructions to do operations
* within a register. This function is also agnostic of which operand it
* is operating on, so that it can be called for any src operand.
template<typename T>
void processSDWA_src_helper(T & currSrc, T & origCurrSrc,
const SDWASelVals src_sel,
const bool src_signExt, const bool src_abs,
const bool src_neg)
* STEP 1: check if the absolute value (ABS) or negation (NEG) tags
* are set. If so, do the appropriate action(s) on the src operand.
* NOTE: According to the CSim implementation, ABS takes priority over
* NEG.
if (src_neg) {
if (src_abs) {
* STEP 2: select the appropriate bits for each lane of source operand.
sdwaInstSrcImpl(currSrc, origCurrSrc, src_sel, src_signExt);
* processSDWA_src is a helper function for implementing sub d-word
* addressing instructions for the src operands. This function may be
* called by many different VOP1 instructions to do operations within a
* register. processSDWA_dst is called after the math, while
* processSDWA_src is called before the math.
template<typename T>
void processSDWA_src(InFmt_VOP_SDWA sdwaInst, T & src0, T & origSrc0)
// local variables
const SDWASelVals src0_sel = (SDWASelVals)sdwaInst.SRC0_SEL;
const bool src0_signExt = sdwaInst.SRC0_SEXT;
const bool src0_neg = sdwaInst.SRC0_NEG;
const bool src0_abs = sdwaInst.SRC0_ABS;
// NOTE: difference between VOP1 and VOP2/VOPC is that there is no src1
// operand. So ensure that SRC1 fields are not set, then call helper
// function only on src0.
processSDWA_src_helper(src0, origSrc0, src0_sel, src0_signExt,
src0_abs, src0_neg);
* processSDWA_src is a helper function for implementing sub d-word
* addressing instructions. This function may be called by many different
* VOP2/VOPC instructions to do operations within a register.
* processSDWA_dst is called after the math, while processSDWA_src is
* called before the math.
template<typename T>
void processSDWA_src(InFmt_VOP_SDWA sdwaInst, T & src0, T & origSrc0,
T & src1, T & origSrc1)
// local variables
const SDWASelVals src0_sel = (SDWASelVals)sdwaInst.SRC0_SEL;
const bool src0_signExt = sdwaInst.SRC0_SEXT;
const bool src0_neg = sdwaInst.SRC0_NEG;
const bool src0_abs = sdwaInst.SRC0_ABS;
const SDWASelVals src1_sel = (SDWASelVals)sdwaInst.SRC1_SEL;
const bool src1_signExt = sdwaInst.SRC1_SEXT;
const bool src1_neg = sdwaInst.SRC1_NEG;
const bool src1_abs = sdwaInst.SRC1_ABS;
processSDWA_src_helper(src0, origSrc0, src0_sel, src0_signExt,
src0_abs, src0_neg);
processSDWA_src_helper(src1, origSrc1, src1_sel, src1_signExt,
src1_abs, src1_neg);
* processSDWA_dst is a helper function for implementing sub d-word
* addressing instructions for the dst operand. This function may be
* called by many different VOP1/VOP2/VOPC instructions to do operations
* within a register. processSDWA_dst is called after the math, while
* processSDWA_src is called before the math.
template<typename T>
void processSDWA_dst(InFmt_VOP_SDWA sdwaInst, T & dst, T & origDst)
// local variables
const SDWADstVals dst_unusedBits_format =
const SDWASelVals dst_sel = (SDWASelVals)sdwaInst.DST_SEL;
const bool clamp = sdwaInst.CLMP;
* STEP 1: select the appropriate bits for dst and pad/sign-extend as
* appropriate.
sdwaInstDstImpl(dst, origDst, clamp, dst_sel, dst_unusedBits_format);
} // namespace VegaISA
} // namespace gem5