blob: cd36eb526da5bf19f2c9bfe1fcc0fa797b6c9867 [file] [log] [blame]
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sc_concatref.h -- Concatenation support.
Original Author: Andy Goodrich, Forte Design, Inc.
MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
changes you are making here.
Name, Affiliation, Date:
Description of Modification:
Andy Goodrich, Forte Design Systems, 17 Nov 2002
Creation of sc_concatref class by merging the capabilities of
sc_int_concref, sc_int_concref, sc_uint_concref, sc_uint_concref,
and implementing the capabilities of sc_signed_concref, sc_signed_concref,
sc_unsigned_concref, and sc_unsigned_concref. The resultant class allows
mixed mode concatenations on the left and right sides of an assignment.
// $Log: sc_concatref.h,v $
// Revision 1.6 2011/08/24 22:05:48 acg
// Torsten Maehne: initialization changes to remove warnings.
// Revision 1.5 2009/11/17 19:58:15 acg
// Andy Goodrich: fix of shift rhs possibilities to include "int".
// Revision 1.4 2009/02/28 00:26:29 acg
// Andy Goodrich: bug fixes.
// Revision 1.3 2008/04/29 20:23:55 acg
// Andy Goodrich: fixed the code that assigns the value of a string to
// an sc_concatref instance.
// Revision 1.2 2008/02/14 20:57:26 acg
// Andy Goodrich: added casts to ~0 instances to keep MSVC compiler happy.
// Revision 2006/12/15 20:20:05 acg
// SystemC 2.3
// Revision 1.4 2006/10/23 19:36:59 acg
// Andy Goodrich: changed casts for operations on concatenation values to
// mirror those of sc_unsigned. For instance, an sc_unsigned minus a value
// returns an sc_signed result, whereas an sc_concatref minus a value was
// returning an sc_unsigned result. Now both sc_unsigned and sc_concatref
// minus a value return an sc_signed result.
// Revision 1.3 2006/01/13 18:54:01 acg
// Andy Goodrich: added $Log command so that CVS comments are reproduced in
// the source.
#include <iostream>
#include "../bit/sc_bv.hh"
#include "../bit/sc_lv.hh"
#include "../int/sc_int_base.hh"
#include "../int/sc_signed.hh"
#include "../int/sc_uint_base.hh"
#include "../int/sc_unsigned.hh"
#include "../sc_temporary.hh"
#include "sc_value_base.hh"
namespace sc_dt
// classes defined in this module
class sc_concatref;
class sc_concat_bool;
} // namespace sc_dt
namespace sc_core
extern sc_byte_heap sc_temp_heap; // Temporary storage.
// explicit template instantiations
extern template class sc_vpool<sc_dt::sc_concatref>;
extern template class sc_vpool<sc_dt::sc_concat_bool>;
} // namespace sc_core
namespace sc_dt {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS TEMPLATE : sc_concatref
// Proxy class for sized bit concatenation.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class sc_concatref : public sc_generic_base<sc_concatref>, public sc_value_base
friend class sc_core::sc_vpool<sc_concatref>;
inline void
initialize(sc_value_base &left, sc_value_base &right)
bool left_xz; // True if x's and/or z's found in left.
bool right_xz; // True if x's and/or z's found in right.
m_left_p = (sc_value_base *)&left;
m_right_p = (sc_value_base *)&right;
m_len_r = right.concat_length(&right_xz);
m_len = left.concat_length(&left_xz) + m_len_r;
m_flags = (left_xz || right_xz) ? cf_xz_present : cf_none;
inline void
initialize(const sc_value_base &left, const sc_value_base &right)
bool left_xz; // True if x's and/or z's found in left.
bool right_xz; // True if x's and/or z's found in right.
m_left_p = (sc_value_base *)&left;
m_right_p = (sc_value_base *)&right;
m_len_r = right.concat_length(&right_xz);
m_len = left.concat_length(&left_xz) + m_len_r;
m_flags = (left_xz || right_xz) ? cf_xz_present : cf_none;
// destructor
virtual ~sc_concatref() {}
// capacity
unsigned int length() const { return m_len; }
// concatenation
virtual int
concat_length(bool *xz_present_p) const
if (xz_present_p)
*xz_present_p = m_flags & cf_xz_present ? true : false;
return m_len;
virtual void
concat_clear_data(bool to_ones)
virtual bool
concat_get_ctrl(sc_digit *dst_p, int low_i) const
bool rnz = m_right_p->concat_get_ctrl(dst_p, low_i);
bool lnz = m_left_p->concat_get_ctrl(dst_p, low_i + m_len_r);
return rnz || lnz;
virtual bool
concat_get_data(sc_digit *dst_p, int low_i) const
bool rnz = m_right_p->concat_get_data(dst_p, low_i);
bool lnz = m_left_p->concat_get_data(dst_p, low_i + m_len_r);
return rnz || lnz;
virtual uint64
concat_get_uint64() const
if (m_len_r >= 64) {
return m_right_p->concat_get_uint64();
} else {
return (m_left_p->concat_get_uint64() << m_len_r) |
virtual void
concat_set(int64 src, int low_i)
m_right_p->concat_set(src, low_i);
m_left_p->concat_set(src, low_i + m_len_r);
virtual void
concat_set(const sc_signed &src, int low_i)
m_right_p->concat_set(src, low_i);
m_left_p->concat_set(src, low_i + m_len_r);
virtual void
concat_set(const sc_unsigned &src, int low_i)
m_right_p->concat_set(src, low_i);
m_left_p->concat_set(src, low_i + m_len_r);
virtual void
concat_set(uint64 src, int low_i)
m_right_p->concat_set(src, low_i);
m_left_p->concat_set(src, low_i + m_len_r);
// explicit conversions
to_uint64() const
uint64 mask;
uint64 result;
result = m_right_p->concat_get_uint64();
if (m_len_r < 64) {
mask = (uint64)~0;
result = (m_left_p->concat_get_uint64() << m_len_r) |
(result & ~(mask << m_len_r));
if (m_len < 64) {
mask = (uint64)~0;
result = result & ~(mask << m_len);
return result;
const sc_unsigned &
value() const
bool left_non_zero;
sc_unsigned *result_p = sc_unsigned::m_pool.allocate();
bool right_non_zero;
result_p->nbits = result_p->num_bits(m_len);
result_p->ndigits = DIV_CEIL(result_p->nbits);
result_p->digit = (sc_digit *)sc_core::sc_temp_heap.allocate(
sizeof(sc_digit) * result_p->ndigits);
result_p->digit[result_p->ndigits - 1] = 0;
right_non_zero = m_right_p->concat_get_data(result_p->digit, 0);
left_non_zero = m_left_p->concat_get_data(result_p->digit, m_len_r);
if (left_non_zero || right_non_zero)
result_p->sgn = SC_POS;
result_p->sgn = SC_ZERO;
return *result_p;
int64 to_int64() const { return (int64)to_uint64(); }
int to_int() const { return (int)to_int64(); }
unsigned int to_uint() const { return (unsigned int)to_uint64(); }
long to_long() const { return (long)to_int64(); }
unsigned long to_ulong() const { return (unsigned long)to_uint64(); }
double to_double() const { return value().to_double(); }
void to_sc_signed(sc_signed &target) const { target = value(); }
void to_sc_unsigned(sc_unsigned &target) const { target = value(); }
// implicit conversions:
operator uint64 () const { return to_uint64(); }
operator const sc_unsigned & () const { return value(); }
// unary operators:
sc_unsigned operator + () const { return value(); }
sc_signed operator - () const { return -value(); }
sc_unsigned operator ~ () const { return ~value(); }
// explicit conversion to character string
const std::string
to_string(sc_numrep numrep=SC_DEC) const
return value().to_string(numrep);
const std::string
to_string(sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix) const
return value().to_string(numrep,w_prefix);
// assignments
inline const sc_concatref &
operator = (int v)
m_right_p->concat_set((int64)v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set((int64)v, m_len_r);
return *this;
inline const sc_concatref &
operator = (long v)
m_right_p->concat_set((int64)v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set((int64)v, m_len_r);
return *this;
inline const sc_concatref &
operator = (int64 v)
m_right_p->concat_set(v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set(v, m_len_r);
return *this;
inline const sc_concatref &
operator = (unsigned int v)
m_right_p->concat_set((uint64)v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set((uint64)v, m_len_r);
return *this;
inline const sc_concatref &
operator = (unsigned long v)
m_right_p->concat_set((uint64)v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set((uint64)v, m_len_r);
return *this;
inline const sc_concatref &
operator = (uint64 v)
m_right_p->concat_set(v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set(v, m_len_r);
return *this;
const sc_concatref &
operator = (const sc_concatref &v)
sc_unsigned temp(v.length());
temp = v.value();
m_right_p->concat_set(temp, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set(temp, m_len_r);
return *this;
const sc_concatref &
operator = (const sc_signed &v)
m_right_p->concat_set(v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set(v, m_len_r);
return *this;
const sc_concatref &
operator = (const sc_unsigned &v)
m_right_p->concat_set(v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set(v, m_len_r);
return *this;
const sc_concatref &
operator = (const char *v_p)
sc_unsigned v(m_len);
v = v_p;
m_right_p->concat_set(v, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set(v, m_len_r);
return *this;
const sc_concatref &
operator = (const sc_bv_base &v)
sc_unsigned temp(v.length());
temp = v;
m_right_p->concat_set(temp, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set(temp, m_len_r);
return *this;
const sc_concatref &
operator = (const sc_lv_base &v)
sc_unsigned data(v.length());
data = v;
m_right_p->concat_set(data, 0);
m_left_p->concat_set(data, m_len_r);
return *this;
// reduce methods
bool and_reduce() const { return value().and_reduce(); }
bool nand_reduce() const { return value().nand_reduce(); }
bool or_reduce() const { return value().or_reduce(); }
bool nor_reduce() const { return value().nor_reduce(); }
bool xor_reduce() const { return value().xor_reduce(); }
bool xnor_reduce() const { return value().xnor_reduce(); }
// other methods
void print(::std::ostream &os=::std::cout) const { os << this->value(); }
scan(::std::istream &is)
std::string s;
is >> s;
*this = s.c_str();
// Pool of temporary objects.
static sc_core::sc_vpool<sc_concatref> m_pool;
enum concat_flags {
cf_none = 0, // Normal value.
cf_xz_present = 1 // X and/or Z values present.
sc_value_base *m_left_p; // Left hand operand of concatenation.
sc_value_base *m_right_p; // Right hand operand of concatenation.
int m_len; // Length of concatenation.
int m_len_r; // Length of m_rightt_p.
concat_flags m_flags; // Value is read only.
sc_concatref(const sc_concatref &);
sc_concatref() : m_left_p(0), m_right_p(0), m_len(0), m_len_r(0), m_flags()
// functional notation for the reduce methods
inline bool and_reduce(const sc_concatref &a) { return a.and_reduce(); }
inline bool nand_reduce(const sc_concatref &a) { return a.nand_reduce(); }
inline bool or_reduce(const sc_concatref &a) { return a.or_reduce(); }
inline bool nor_reduce(const sc_concatref &a) { return a.nor_reduce(); }
inline bool xor_reduce(const sc_concatref &a) { return a.xor_reduce(); }
inline bool xnor_reduce(const sc_concatref &a) { return a.xnor_reduce(); }
// Because sc_concatref has implicit casts to both uint64 and sc_unsigned
// it is necessary to disambiguate the use of the shift operators. We do
// this in favor of sc_unsigned so that precision is not lost. To get an
// integer-based result use a cast to uint64 before performing the shift.
inline const sc_unsigned
operator << (const sc_concatref &target, uint64 shift)
return target.value() << (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator << (const sc_concatref &target, int64 shift)
return target.value() << (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator << (const sc_concatref &target, unsigned long shift)
return target.value() << (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator << (const sc_concatref &target, int shift)
return target.value() << shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator << (const sc_concatref &target, unsigned int shift)
return target.value() << (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator << (const sc_concatref &target, long shift)
return target.value() << (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator >> (const sc_concatref &target, uint64 shift)
return target.value() >> (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator >> (const sc_concatref &target, int64 shift)
return target.value() >> (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator >> (const sc_concatref &target, unsigned long shift)
return target.value() >> (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator >> (const sc_concatref &target, int shift)
return target.value() >> shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator >> (const sc_concatref &target, unsigned int shift)
return target.value() >> (int)shift;
inline const sc_unsigned
operator >> (const sc_concatref &target, long shift)
return target.value() >> (int)shift;
inline ::std::ostream &
operator << (::std::ostream &os, const sc_concatref &v)
return os << v.value();
inline ::std::istream &
operator >> (::std::istream &is, sc_concatref &a)
sc_unsigned temp(a.concat_length(0));
a = temp;
return is;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS TEMPLATE : sc_concat_bool
// Proxy class for read-only boolean values in concatenations.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class sc_concat_bool : public sc_value_base
static sc_core::sc_vpool<sc_concat_bool> m_pool; // Temporaries pool.
bool m_value; // Value for this obj.
// constructor:
sc_concat_bool() : sc_value_base(), m_value() {}
// destructor:
virtual ~sc_concat_bool() { }
// allocation of temporary object:
static inline sc_concat_bool *
allocate(bool v)
sc_concat_bool *result_p = m_pool.allocate();
result_p->m_value = v;
return result_p;
// concatenation:
virtual int
concat_length(bool *xz_present_p) const
if (xz_present_p)
*xz_present_p = false;
return 1;
virtual bool
concat_get_ctrl(sc_digit *dst_p, int low_i) const
int bit = 1 << (low_i % BITS_PER_DIGIT);
int word_i = low_i / BITS_PER_DIGIT;
dst_p[word_i] &= ~bit;
return false;
virtual bool
concat_get_data(sc_digit *dst_p, int low_i) const
int bit = 1 << (low_i % BITS_PER_DIGIT);
int word_i = low_i / BITS_PER_DIGIT;
if (m_value)
dst_p[word_i] |= bit;
dst_p[word_i] &= ~bit;
return m_value;
virtual uint64
concat_get_uint64() const
return m_value ? 1 : 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline RESULT \
operator OP (const sc_concatref &a, OTHER_TYPE b) \
{ \
return a.value() OP b; \
} \
inline RESULT \
operator OP (OTHER_TYPE a, const sc_concatref &b) \
{ \
return a OP b.value(); \
inline RESULT \
operator OP (const sc_concatref &a, const sc_concatref &b) \
{ \
return a.value() OP b.value(); \
} \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(const sc_signed, OP, int) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(const sc_signed, OP, long) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(const sc_signed, OP, int64) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(RESULT, OP, unsigned int) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(RESULT, OP, unsigned long) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(const sc_signed, OP, const sc_int_base &) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(RESULT, OP, const sc_uint_base &) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(const sc_signed, OP, const sc_signed &) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(RESULT, OP, const sc_unsigned &) \
inline RESULT \
operator OP (const sc_concatref &a, bool b) \
{ \
return a.value() OP (int)b; \
} \
inline RESULT \
operator OP (bool a, const sc_concatref &b) \
{ \
return (int)a OP b.value(); \
inline bool \
operator OP (const sc_concatref &a, const sc_concatref &b) \
{ \
return a.value() OP b.value(); \
} \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, int) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, long) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, int64) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, unsigned int) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, unsigned long) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, uint64) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, const sc_int_base &) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, const sc_uint_base &) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, const sc_signed &) \
SC_CONCAT_OP_TYPE(bool, OP, const sc_unsigned &) \
inline bool \
operator OP (const sc_concatref &a, bool b) \
{ \
return a.value() OP (int)b; \
} \
inline bool \
operator OP (bool a, const sc_concatref &b) \
{ \
return (int)a OP b.value(); \
SC_CONCAT_OP(const sc_unsigned, +)
SC_CONCAT_OP(const sc_signed, -)
SC_CONCAT_OP(const sc_unsigned, *)
SC_CONCAT_OP(const sc_unsigned, /)
SC_CONCAT_OP(const sc_unsigned, %)
SC_CONCAT_OP(const sc_unsigned, &)
SC_CONCAT_OP(const sc_unsigned, |)
SC_CONCAT_OP(const sc_unsigned, ^)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline sc_dt::sc_concatref &
concat(sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
sc_dt::sc_concatref *result_p; // Proxy for the concatenation.
result_p = sc_dt::sc_concatref::m_pool.allocate();
result_p->initialize(a, b);
return *result_p;
inline const sc_dt::sc_concatref &
concat(const sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, const sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
sc_dt::sc_concatref *result_p; // Proxy for the concatenation.
result_p = sc_dt::sc_concatref::m_pool.allocate();
result_p->initialize(a, b);
return *result_p;
inline const sc_dt::sc_concatref &
concat(const sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, bool b)
const sc_dt::sc_concat_bool *b_p; // Proxy for boolean value.
sc_dt::sc_concatref *result_p; // Proxy for the concatenation.
b_p = sc_dt::sc_concat_bool::allocate(b);
result_p = sc_dt::sc_concatref::m_pool.allocate();
result_p->initialize(a, *b_p);
return *result_p;
inline const sc_dt::sc_concatref &
concat(bool a, const sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
const sc_dt::sc_concat_bool *a_p; // Proxy for boolean value.
sc_dt::sc_concatref *result_p; // Proxy for the concatenation.
a_p = sc_dt::sc_concat_bool::allocate(a);
result_p = sc_dt::sc_concatref::m_pool.allocate();
result_p->initialize(*a_p, b);
return *result_p;
inline sc_dt::sc_concatref &
operator , (sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
sc_dt::sc_concatref *result_p; // Proxy for the concatenation.
result_p = sc_dt::sc_concatref::m_pool.allocate();
result_p->initialize(a, b);
return *result_p;
inline const sc_dt::sc_concatref &
operator , (const sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, const sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
sc_dt::sc_concatref *result_p; // Proxy for the concatenation.
result_p = sc_dt::sc_concatref::m_pool.allocate();
result_p->initialize(a, b);
return *result_p;
inline const sc_dt::sc_concatref &
operator , (const sc_dt::sc_value_base &a, bool b)
const sc_dt::sc_concat_bool *b_p; // Proxy for boolean value.
sc_dt::sc_concatref *result_p; // Proxy for the concatenation.
b_p = sc_dt::sc_concat_bool::allocate(b);
result_p = sc_dt::sc_concatref::m_pool.allocate();
result_p->initialize(a, *b_p);
return *result_p;
inline const sc_dt::sc_concatref &
operator , (bool a, const sc_dt::sc_value_base &b)
const sc_dt::sc_concat_bool *a_p; // Proxy for boolean value.
sc_dt::sc_concatref *result_p; // Proxy for the concatenation.
a_p = sc_dt::sc_concat_bool::allocate(a);
result_p = sc_dt::sc_concatref::m_pool.allocate();
result_p->initialize(*a_p, b);
return *result_p;
} // namespace sc_dt