blob: c11e9865f2c1a538d339d7bbccb08a228d58a5a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013, 2015 ARM Limited
* Copyright (c) 2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
* All rights reserved
* The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
* not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
* property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
* to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
* licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
* terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
* unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
* modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
* redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
* neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* Authors: Steve Reinhardt
* Kevin Lim
#define NO_STAT64 (defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || \
defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || \
/// @file syscall_emul.hh
/// This file defines objects used to emulate syscalls from the target
/// application on the host machine.
#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
#include <sys/fcntl.h> // for O_BINARY
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <string>
#include "base/chunk_generator.hh"
#include "base/intmath.hh" // for RoundUp
#include "base/loader/object_file.hh"
#include "base/misc.hh"
#include "base/trace.hh"
#include "base/types.hh"
#include "config/the_isa.hh"
#include "cpu/base.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
#include "debug/SyscallBase.hh"
#include "debug/SyscallVerbose.hh"
#include "mem/page_table.hh"
#include "sim/byteswap.hh"
#include "sim/emul_driver.hh"
#include "sim/process.hh"
#include "sim/syscall_emul_buf.hh"
#include "sim/syscallreturn.hh"
#include "sim/system.hh"
// This wrapper macro helps out with readability a bit. FLAGEXT specifies
// the verbosity and FMT is the message to be appended to the syscall
// header information. The syscall header information contains the cpuid
// and thread id.
DPRINTFS(Syscall##FLAGEXT, tc->getCpuPtr(), "T%d : syscall " FMT, \
tc->threadId(), __VA_ARGS__)
/// System call descriptor.
class SyscallDesc {
/// Typedef for target syscall handler functions.
typedef SyscallReturn (*FuncPtr)(SyscallDesc *, int num,
LiveProcess *, ThreadContext *);
const char *name; //!< Syscall name (e.g., "open").
FuncPtr funcPtr; //!< Pointer to emulation function.
int flags; //!< Flags (see Flags enum).
bool warned; //!< Have we warned about unimplemented syscall?
/// Flag values for controlling syscall behavior.
enum Flags {
/// Don't set return regs according to funcPtr return value.
/// Used for syscalls with non-standard return conventions
/// that explicitly set the ThreadContext regs (e.g.,
/// sigreturn).
SuppressReturnValue = 1,
WarnOnce = 2
/// Constructor.
SyscallDesc(const char *_name, FuncPtr _funcPtr, int _flags = 0)
: name(_name), funcPtr(_funcPtr), flags(_flags), warned(false)
/// Emulate the syscall. Public interface for calling through funcPtr.
void doSyscall(int callnum, LiveProcess *proc, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Is the WarnOnce flag set?
bool warnOnce() const { return (flags & WarnOnce); }
// The following emulation functions are generic enough that they
// don't need to be recompiled for different emulated OS's. They are
// defined in sim/
/// Handler for unimplemented syscalls that we haven't thought about.
SyscallReturn unimplementedFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Handler for unimplemented syscalls that we never intend to
/// implement (signal handling, etc.) and should not affect the correct
/// behavior of the program. Print a warning only if the appropriate
/// trace flag is enabled. Return success to the target program.
SyscallReturn ignoreFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target exit() handler: terminate current context.
SyscallReturn exitFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target exit_group() handler: terminate simulation. (exit all threads)
SyscallReturn exitGroupFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getpagesize() handler.
SyscallReturn getpagesizeFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target brk() handler: set brk address.
SyscallReturn brkFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target close() handler.
SyscallReturn closeFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target read() handler.
SyscallReturn readFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target write() handler.
SyscallReturn writeFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target lseek() handler.
SyscallReturn lseekFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target _llseek() handler.
SyscallReturn _llseekFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target munmap() handler.
SyscallReturn munmapFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target gethostname() handler.
SyscallReturn gethostnameFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getcwd() handler.
SyscallReturn getcwdFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target readlink() handler.
SyscallReturn readlinkFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc,
int index = 0);
SyscallReturn readlinkFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target unlink() handler.
SyscallReturn unlinkHelper(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc,
int index);
SyscallReturn unlinkFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target mkdir() handler.
SyscallReturn mkdirFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target rename() handler.
SyscallReturn renameFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target truncate() handler.
SyscallReturn truncateFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target ftruncate() handler.
SyscallReturn ftruncateFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target truncate64() handler.
SyscallReturn truncate64Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target ftruncate64() handler.
SyscallReturn ftruncate64Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target umask() handler.
SyscallReturn umaskFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target chown() handler.
SyscallReturn chownFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target fchown() handler.
SyscallReturn fchownFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target dup() handler.
SyscallReturn dupFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *process, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target fnctl() handler.
SyscallReturn fcntlFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *process, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target fcntl64() handler.
SyscallReturn fcntl64Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *process, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target setuid() handler.
SyscallReturn setuidFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getpid() handler.
SyscallReturn getpidFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getuid() handler.
SyscallReturn getuidFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getgid() handler.
SyscallReturn getgidFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getppid() handler.
SyscallReturn getppidFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target geteuid() handler.
SyscallReturn geteuidFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getegid() handler.
SyscallReturn getegidFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target clone() handler.
SyscallReturn cloneFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target access() handler
SyscallReturn accessFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
SyscallReturn accessFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc,
int index);
/// Futex system call
/// Implemented by Daniel Sanchez
/// Used by printf's in multi-threaded apps
template <class OS>
futexFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index_uaddr = 0;
int index_op = 1;
int index_val = 2;
int index_timeout = 3;
uint64_t uaddr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index_uaddr);
int op = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index_op);
int val = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index_val);
uint64_t timeout = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index_timeout);
std::map<uint64_t, std::list<ThreadContext *> * >
&futex_map = tc->getSystemPtr()->futexMap;
DPRINTF(SyscallVerbose, "In sys_futex: Address=%llx, op=%d, val=%d\n",
uaddr, op, val);
if (op == OS::TGT_FUTEX_WAIT) {
if (timeout != 0) {
warn("sys_futex: FUTEX_WAIT with non-null timeout unimplemented;"
"we'll wait indefinitely");
uint8_t *buf = new uint8_t[sizeof(int)];
tc->getMemProxy().readBlob((Addr)uaddr, buf, (int)sizeof(int));
int mem_val = *((int *)buf);
delete[] buf;
if (val != mem_val) {
DPRINTF(SyscallVerbose, "sys_futex: FUTEX_WAKE, read: %d, "
"expected: %d\n", mem_val, val);
// Queue the thread context
std::list<ThreadContext *> * tcWaitList;
if (futex_map.count(uaddr)) {
tcWaitList = futex_map.find(uaddr)->second;
} else {
tcWaitList = new std::list<ThreadContext *>();
futex_map.insert(std::pair< uint64_t,
std::list<ThreadContext *> * >(uaddr, tcWaitList));
DPRINTF(SyscallVerbose, "sys_futex: FUTEX_WAIT, suspending calling "
"thread context\n");
return 0;
} else if (op == OS::TGT_FUTEX_WAKE){
int wokenUp = 0;
std::list<ThreadContext *> * tcWaitList;
if (futex_map.count(uaddr)) {
tcWaitList = futex_map.find(uaddr)->second;
while (tcWaitList->size() > 0 && wokenUp < val) {
if (tcWaitList->empty()) {
delete tcWaitList;
DPRINTF(SyscallVerbose, "sys_futex: FUTEX_WAKE, activated %d waiting "
"thread contexts\n", wokenUp);
return wokenUp;
} else {
warn("sys_futex: op %d is not implemented, just returning...", op);
return 0;
/// Pseudo Funcs - These functions use a different return convension,
/// returning a second value in a register other than the normal return register
SyscallReturn pipePseudoFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *process, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getpidPseudo() handler.
SyscallReturn getpidPseudoFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getuidPseudo() handler.
SyscallReturn getuidPseudoFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// Target getgidPseudo() handler.
SyscallReturn getgidPseudoFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);
/// A readable name for 1,000,000, for converting microseconds to seconds.
const int one_million = 1000000;
/// A readable name for 1,000,000,000, for converting nanoseconds to seconds.
const int one_billion = 1000000000;
/// Approximate seconds since the epoch (1/1/1970). About a billion,
/// by my reckoning. We want to keep this a constant (not use the
/// real-world time) to keep simulations repeatable.
const unsigned seconds_since_epoch = 1000000000;
/// Helper function to convert current elapsed time to seconds and
/// microseconds.
template <class T1, class T2>
getElapsedTimeMicro(T1 &sec, T2 &usec)
uint64_t elapsed_usecs = curTick() / SimClock::Int::us;
sec = elapsed_usecs / one_million;
usec = elapsed_usecs % one_million;
/// Helper function to convert current elapsed time to seconds and
/// nanoseconds.
template <class T1, class T2>
getElapsedTimeNano(T1 &sec, T2 &nsec)
uint64_t elapsed_nsecs = curTick() / SimClock::Int::ns;
sec = elapsed_nsecs / one_billion;
nsec = elapsed_nsecs % one_billion;
// The following emulation functions are generic, but need to be
// templated to account for differences in types, constants, etc.
#if NO_STAT64
typedef struct stat hst_stat;
typedef struct stat hst_stat64;
typedef struct stat hst_stat;
typedef struct stat64 hst_stat64;
//// Helper function to convert a host stat buffer to a target stat
//// buffer. Also copies the target buffer out to the simulated
//// memory space. Used by stat(), fstat(), and lstat().
template <typename target_stat, typename host_stat>
static void
convertStatBuf(target_stat &tgt, host_stat *host, bool fakeTTY = false)
using namespace TheISA;
if (fakeTTY)
tgt->st_dev = 0xA;
tgt->st_dev = host->st_dev;
tgt->st_dev = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_dev);
tgt->st_ino = host->st_ino;
tgt->st_ino = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_ino);
tgt->st_mode = host->st_mode;
if (fakeTTY) {
// Claim to be a character device
tgt->st_mode &= ~S_IFMT; // Clear S_IFMT
tgt->st_mode |= S_IFCHR; // Set S_IFCHR
tgt->st_mode = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_mode);
tgt->st_nlink = host->st_nlink;
tgt->st_nlink = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_nlink);
tgt->st_uid = host->st_uid;
tgt->st_uid = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_uid);
tgt->st_gid = host->st_gid;
tgt->st_gid = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_gid);
if (fakeTTY)
tgt->st_rdev = 0x880d;
tgt->st_rdev = host->st_rdev;
tgt->st_rdev = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_rdev);
tgt->st_size = host->st_size;
tgt->st_size = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_size);
tgt->st_atimeX = host->st_atime;
tgt->st_atimeX = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_atimeX);
tgt->st_mtimeX = host->st_mtime;
tgt->st_mtimeX = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_mtimeX);
tgt->st_ctimeX = host->st_ctime;
tgt->st_ctimeX = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_ctimeX);
// Force the block size to be 8k. This helps to ensure buffered io works
// consistently across different hosts.
tgt->st_blksize = 0x2000;
tgt->st_blksize = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_blksize);
tgt->st_blocks = host->st_blocks;
tgt->st_blocks = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_blocks);
// Same for stat64
template <typename target_stat, typename host_stat64>
static void
convertStat64Buf(target_stat &tgt, host_stat64 *host, bool fakeTTY = false)
using namespace TheISA;
convertStatBuf<target_stat, host_stat64>(tgt, host, fakeTTY);
#if defined(STAT_HAVE_NSEC)
tgt->st_atime_nsec = host->st_atime_nsec;
tgt->st_atime_nsec = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_atime_nsec);
tgt->st_mtime_nsec = host->st_mtime_nsec;
tgt->st_mtime_nsec = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_mtime_nsec);
tgt->st_ctime_nsec = host->st_ctime_nsec;
tgt->st_ctime_nsec = TheISA::htog(tgt->st_ctime_nsec);
tgt->st_atime_nsec = 0;
tgt->st_mtime_nsec = 0;
tgt->st_ctime_nsec = 0;
//Here are a couple convenience functions
template<class OS>
static void
copyOutStatBuf(SETranslatingPortProxy &mem, Addr addr,
hst_stat *host, bool fakeTTY = false)
typedef TypedBufferArg<typename OS::tgt_stat> tgt_stat_buf;
tgt_stat_buf tgt(addr);
convertStatBuf<tgt_stat_buf, hst_stat>(tgt, host, fakeTTY);
template<class OS>
static void
copyOutStat64Buf(SETranslatingPortProxy &mem, Addr addr,
hst_stat64 *host, bool fakeTTY = false)
typedef TypedBufferArg<typename OS::tgt_stat64> tgt_stat_buf;
tgt_stat_buf tgt(addr);
convertStat64Buf<tgt_stat_buf, hst_stat64>(tgt, host, fakeTTY);
/// Target ioctl() handler. For the most part, programs call ioctl()
/// only to find out if their stdout is a tty, to determine whether to
/// do line or block buffering. We always claim that output fds are
/// not TTYs to provide repeatable results.
template <class OS>
ioctlFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int tgt_fd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
unsigned req = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
DPRINTF(SyscallVerbose, "ioctl(%d, 0x%x, ...)\n", tgt_fd, req);
FDEntry *fde = process->getFDEntry(tgt_fd);
if (fde == NULL) {
// doesn't map to any simulator fd: not a valid target fd
return -EBADF;
if (fde->driver != NULL) {
return fde->driver->ioctl(process, tc, req);
if (OS::isTtyReq(req)) {
return -ENOTTY;
warn("Unsupported ioctl call: ioctl(%d, 0x%x, ...) @ \n",
tgt_fd, req, tc->pcState());
return -ENOTTY;
template <class OS>
static SyscallReturn
openFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc, int index)
std::string path;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index)))
return -EFAULT;
int tgtFlags = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int mode = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int hostFlags = 0;
// translate open flags
for (int i = 0; i < OS::NUM_OPEN_FLAGS; i++) {
if (tgtFlags & OS::openFlagTable[i].tgtFlag) {
tgtFlags &= ~OS::openFlagTable[i].tgtFlag;
hostFlags |= OS::openFlagTable[i].hostFlag;
// any target flags left?
if (tgtFlags != 0)
warn("Syscall: open: cannot decode flags 0x%x", tgtFlags);
#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
hostFlags |= O_BINARY;
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
DPRINTF(SyscallVerbose, "opening file %s\n", path.c_str());
if (startswith(path, "/dev/")) {
std::string filename = path.substr(strlen("/dev/"));
if (filename == "sysdev0") {
// This is a memory-mapped high-resolution timer device on Alpha.
// We don't support it, so just punt.
warn("Ignoring open(%s, ...)\n", path);
return -ENOENT;
EmulatedDriver *drv = process->findDriver(filename);
if (drv != NULL) {
// the driver's open method will allocate a fd from the
// process if necessary.
return drv->open(process, tc, mode, hostFlags);
// fall through here for pass through to host devices, such as
// /dev/zero
int fd;
int local_errno;
if (startswith(path, "/proc/") || startswith(path, "/system/") ||
startswith(path, "/platform/") || startswith(path, "/sys/")) {
// It's a proc/sys entry and requires special handling
fd = OS::openSpecialFile(path, process, tc);
local_errno = ENOENT;
} else {
// open the file
fd = open(path.c_str(), hostFlags, mode);
local_errno = errno;
if (fd == -1)
return -local_errno;
return process->allocFD(fd, path.c_str(), hostFlags, mode, false);
/// Target open() handler.
template <class OS>
openFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
return openFunc<OS>(desc, callnum, process, tc, 0);
/// Target openat() handler.
template <class OS>
openatFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int dirfd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (dirfd != OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)
warn("openat: first argument not AT_FDCWD; unlikely to work");
return openFunc<OS>(desc, callnum, process, tc, 1);
/// Target unlinkat() handler.
template <class OS>
unlinkatFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int dirfd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (dirfd != OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)
warn("unlinkat: first argument not AT_FDCWD; unlikely to work");
return unlinkHelper(desc, callnum, process, tc, 1);
/// Target facessat() handler
template <class OS>
faccessatFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int dirfd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (dirfd != OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)
warn("faccessat: first argument not AT_FDCWD; unlikely to work");
return accessFunc(desc, callnum, process, tc, 1);
/// Target readlinkat() handler
template <class OS>
readlinkatFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int dirfd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (dirfd != OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)
warn("openat: first argument not AT_FDCWD; unlikely to work");
return readlinkFunc(desc, callnum, process, tc, 1);
/// Target renameat() handler.
template <class OS>
renameatFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int olddirfd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (olddirfd != OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)
warn("renameat: first argument not AT_FDCWD; unlikely to work");
std::string old_name;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(old_name,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index)))
return -EFAULT;
int newdirfd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (newdirfd != OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)
warn("renameat: third argument not AT_FDCWD; unlikely to work");
std::string new_name;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(new_name,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index)))
return -EFAULT;
// Adjust path for current working directory
old_name = process->fullPath(old_name);
new_name = process->fullPath(new_name);
int result = rename(old_name.c_str(), new_name.c_str());
return (result == -1) ? -errno : result;
/// Target sysinfo() handler.
template <class OS>
sysinfoFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
TypedBufferArg<typename OS::tgt_sysinfo>
sysinfo(process->getSyscallArg(tc, index));
return 0;
/// Target chmod() handler.
template <class OS>
chmodFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
std::string path;
int index = 0;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index))) {
return -EFAULT;
uint32_t mode = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
mode_t hostMode = 0;
// XXX translate mode flags via OS::something???
hostMode = mode;
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
// do the chmod
int result = chmod(path.c_str(), hostMode);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
return 0;
/// Target fchmod() handler.
template <class OS>
fchmodFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int tgt_fd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
uint32_t mode = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int sim_fd = process->getSimFD(tgt_fd);
if (sim_fd < 0)
return -EBADF;
mode_t hostMode = 0;
// XXX translate mode flags via OS::someting???
hostMode = mode;
// do the fchmod
int result = fchmod(sim_fd, hostMode);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
return 0;
/// Target mremap() handler.
template <class OS>
mremapFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process, ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
Addr start = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
uint64_t old_length = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
uint64_t new_length = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
uint64_t flags = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
uint64_t provided_address = 0;
bool use_provided_address = flags & OS::TGT_MREMAP_FIXED;
if (use_provided_address)
provided_address = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if ((start % TheISA::PageBytes != 0) ||
(provided_address % TheISA::PageBytes != 0)) {
warn("mremap failing: arguments not page aligned");
return -EINVAL;
new_length = roundUp(new_length, TheISA::PageBytes);
if (new_length > old_length) {
if ((start + old_length) == process->mmap_end &&
(!use_provided_address || provided_address == start)) {
uint64_t diff = new_length - old_length;
process->allocateMem(process->mmap_end, diff);
process->mmap_end += diff;
return start;
} else {
if (!use_provided_address && !(flags & OS::TGT_MREMAP_MAYMOVE)) {
warn("can't remap here and MREMAP_MAYMOVE flag not set\n");
return -ENOMEM;
} else {
uint64_t new_start = use_provided_address ?
provided_address : process->mmap_end;
process->pTable->remap(start, old_length, new_start);
warn("mremapping to new vaddr %08p-%08p, adding %d\n",
new_start, new_start + new_length,
new_length - old_length);
// add on the remaining unallocated pages
process->allocateMem(new_start + old_length,
new_length - old_length,
use_provided_address /* clobber */);
if (!use_provided_address)
process->mmap_end += new_length;
if (use_provided_address &&
new_start + new_length > process->mmap_end) {
// something fishy going on here, at least notify the user
// @todo: increase mmap_end?
warn("mmap region limit exceeded with MREMAP_FIXED\n");
warn("returning %08p as start\n", new_start);
return new_start;
} else {
if (use_provided_address && provided_address != start)
process->pTable->remap(start, new_length, provided_address);
process->pTable->unmap(start + new_length, old_length - new_length);
return use_provided_address ? provided_address : start;
/// Target stat() handler.
template <class OS>
statFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
std::string path;
int index = 0;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index))) {
return -EFAULT;
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
struct stat hostBuf;
int result = stat(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
copyOutStatBuf<OS>(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf);
return 0;
/// Target stat64() handler.
template <class OS>
stat64Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
std::string path;
int index = 0;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index)))
return -EFAULT;
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
#if NO_STAT64
struct stat hostBuf;
int result = stat(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
struct stat64 hostBuf;
int result = stat64(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
copyOutStat64Buf<OS>(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf);
return 0;
/// Target fstatat64() handler.
template <class OS>
fstatat64Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int dirfd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (dirfd != OS::TGT_AT_FDCWD)
warn("fstatat64: first argument not AT_FDCWD; unlikely to work");
std::string path;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index)))
return -EFAULT;
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
#if NO_STAT64
struct stat hostBuf;
int result = stat(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
struct stat64 hostBuf;
int result = stat64(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
copyOutStat64Buf<OS>(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf);
return 0;
/// Target fstat64() handler.
template <class OS>
fstat64Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int tgt_fd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int sim_fd = process->getSimFD(tgt_fd);
if (sim_fd < 0)
return -EBADF;
#if NO_STAT64
struct stat hostBuf;
int result = fstat(sim_fd, &hostBuf);
struct stat64 hostBuf;
int result = fstat64(sim_fd, &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
copyOutStat64Buf<OS>(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf, (sim_fd == 1));
return 0;
/// Target lstat() handler.
template <class OS>
lstatFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
std::string path;
int index = 0;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index))) {
return -EFAULT;
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
struct stat hostBuf;
int result = lstat(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
copyOutStatBuf<OS>(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf);
return 0;
/// Target lstat64() handler.
template <class OS>
lstat64Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
std::string path;
int index = 0;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index))) {
return -EFAULT;
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
#if NO_STAT64
struct stat hostBuf;
int result = lstat(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
struct stat64 hostBuf;
int result = lstat64(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
copyOutStat64Buf<OS>(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf);
return 0;
/// Target fstat() handler.
template <class OS>
fstatFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int tgt_fd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
DPRINTF_SYSCALL(Verbose, "fstat(%d, ...)\n", tgt_fd);
int sim_fd = process->getSimFD(tgt_fd);
if (sim_fd < 0)
return -EBADF;
struct stat hostBuf;
int result = fstat(sim_fd, &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
copyOutStatBuf<OS>(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf, (sim_fd == 1));
return 0;
/// Target statfs() handler.
template <class OS>
statfsFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
std::string path;
int index = 0;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index))) {
return -EFAULT;
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
struct statfs hostBuf;
int result = statfs(path.c_str(), &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
OS::copyOutStatfsBuf(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf);
return 0;
/// Target fstatfs() handler.
template <class OS>
fstatfsFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int tgt_fd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
Addr bufPtr = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int sim_fd = process->getSimFD(tgt_fd);
if (sim_fd < 0)
return -EBADF;
struct statfs hostBuf;
int result = fstatfs(sim_fd, &hostBuf);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
OS::copyOutStatfsBuf(tc->getMemProxy(), bufPtr, &hostBuf);
return 0;
/// Target writev() handler.
template <class OS>
writevFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int tgt_fd = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int sim_fd = process->getSimFD(tgt_fd);
if (sim_fd < 0)
return -EBADF;
SETranslatingPortProxy &p = tc->getMemProxy();
uint64_t tiov_base = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
size_t count = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
struct iovec hiov[count];
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
typename OS::tgt_iovec tiov;
p.readBlob(tiov_base + i*sizeof(typename OS::tgt_iovec),
(uint8_t*)&tiov, sizeof(typename OS::tgt_iovec));
hiov[i].iov_len = TheISA::gtoh(tiov.iov_len);
hiov[i].iov_base = new char [hiov[i].iov_len];
p.readBlob(TheISA::gtoh(tiov.iov_base), (uint8_t *)hiov[i].iov_base,
int result = writev(sim_fd, hiov, count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
delete [] (char *)hiov[i].iov_base;
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
return result;
/// Real mmap handler.
template <class OS>
mmapImpl(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc,
bool is_mmap2)
int index = 0;
Addr start = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
uint64_t length = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int prot = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int tgt_flags = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int tgt_fd = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int offset = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (is_mmap2)
offset *= TheISA::PageBytes;
if (start & (TheISA::PageBytes - 1) ||
offset & (TheISA::PageBytes - 1) ||
(tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_PRIVATE &&
tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_SHARED) ||
(!(tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_PRIVATE) &&
!(tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_SHARED)) ||
!length) {
return -EINVAL;
if ((prot & PROT_WRITE) && (tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_SHARED)) {
// With shared mmaps, there are two cases to consider:
// 1) anonymous: writes should modify the mapping and this should be
// visible to observers who share the mapping. Currently, it's
// difficult to update the shared mapping because there's no
// structure which maintains information about the which virtual
// memory areas are shared. If that structure existed, it would be
// possible to make the translations point to the same frames.
// 2) file-backed: writes should modify the mapping and the file
// which is backed by the mapping. The shared mapping problem is the
// same as what was mentioned about the anonymous mappings. For
// file-backed mappings, the writes to the file are difficult
// because it requires syncing what the mapping holds with the file
// that resides on the host system. So, any write on a real system
// would cause the change to be propagated to the file mapping at
// some point in the future (the inode is tracked along with the
// mapping). This isn't guaranteed to always happen, but it usually
// works well enough. The guarantee is provided by the msync system
// call. We could force the change through with shared mappings with
// a call to msync, but that again would require more information
// than we currently maintain.
warn("mmap: writing to shared mmap region is currently "
"unsupported. The write succeeds on the target, but it "
"will not be propagated to the host or shared mappings");
length = roundUp(length, TheISA::PageBytes);
int sim_fd = -1;
uint8_t *pmap = nullptr;
if (!(tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_ANONYMOUS)) {
// Check for EmulatedDriver mmap
FDEntry *fde = p->getFDEntry(tgt_fd);
if (fde == NULL)
return -EBADF;
if (fde->driver != NULL) {
return fde->driver->mmap(p, tc, start, length, prot,
tgt_flags, tgt_fd, offset);
sim_fd = fde->fd;
if (sim_fd < 0)
return -EBADF;
pmap = (decltype(pmap))mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE,
sim_fd, offset);
if (pmap == (decltype(pmap))-1) {
warn("mmap: failed to map file into host address space");
return -errno;
// Extend global mmap region if necessary. Note that we ignore the
// start address unless MAP_FIXED is specified.
if (!(tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_FIXED)) {
start = p->mmapGrowsDown() ? p->mmap_end - length : p->mmap_end;
p->mmap_end = p->mmapGrowsDown() ? start : p->mmap_end + length;
DPRINTF_SYSCALL(Verbose, " mmap range is 0x%x - 0x%x\n",
start, start + length - 1);
// We only allow mappings to overwrite existing mappings if
// TGT_MAP_FIXED is set. Otherwise it shouldn't be a problem
// because we ignore the start hint if TGT_MAP_FIXED is not set.
int clobber = tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_FIXED;
if (clobber) {
for (auto tc : p->system->threadContexts) {
// If we might be overwriting old mappings, we need to
// invalidate potentially stale mappings out of the TLBs.
// Allocate physical memory and map it in. If the page table is already
// mapped and clobber is not set, the simulator will issue throw a
// fatal and bail out of the simulation.
p->allocateMem(start, length, clobber);
// Transfer content into target address space.
SETranslatingPortProxy &tp = tc->getMemProxy();
if (tgt_flags & OS::TGT_MAP_ANONYMOUS) {
// In general, we should zero the mapped area for anonymous mappings,
// with something like:
// tp.memsetBlob(start, 0, length);
// However, given that we don't support sparse mappings, and
// some applications can map a couple of gigabytes of space
// (intending sparse usage), that can get painfully expensive.
// Fortunately, since we don't properly implement munmap either,
// there's no danger of remapping used memory, so for now all
// newly mapped memory should already be zeroed so we can skip it.
} else {
// It is possible to mmap an area larger than a file, however
// accessing unmapped portions the system triggers a "Bus error"
// on the host. We must know when to stop copying the file from
// the host into the target address space.
struct stat file_stat;
if (fstat(sim_fd, &file_stat) > 0)
fatal("mmap: cannot stat file");
// Copy the portion of the file that is resident. This requires
// checking both the mmap size and the filesize that we are
// trying to mmap into this space; the mmap size also depends
// on the specified offset into the file.
uint64_t size = std::min((uint64_t)file_stat.st_size - offset,
tp.writeBlob(start, pmap, size);
// Cleanup the mmap region before exiting this function.
munmap(pmap, length);
// Maintain the symbol table for dynamic executables.
// The loader will call mmap to map the images into its address
// space and we intercept that here. We can verify that we are
// executing inside the loader by checking the program counter value.
// XXX: with multiprogrammed workloads or multi-node configurations,
// this will not work since there is a single global symbol table.
ObjectFile *interpreter = p->getInterpreter();
if (interpreter) {
Addr text_start = interpreter->textBase();
Addr text_end = text_start + interpreter->textSize();
Addr pc = tc->pcState().pc();
if (pc >= text_start && pc < text_end) {
FDEntry *fde = p->getFDEntry(tgt_fd);
ObjectFile *lib = createObjectFile(fde->filename);
if (lib) {
lib->textBase(), start);
// Note that we do not zero out the remainder of the mapping. This
// is done by a real system, but it probably will not affect
// execution (hopefully).
return start;
template <class OS>
pwrite64Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int tgt_fd = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
Addr bufPtr = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int nbytes = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int offset = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
int sim_fd = p->getSimFD(tgt_fd);
if (sim_fd < 0)
return -EBADF;
BufferArg bufArg(bufPtr, nbytes);
int bytes_written = pwrite(sim_fd, bufArg.bufferPtr(), nbytes, offset);
return (bytes_written == -1) ? -errno : bytes_written;
/// Target mmap() handler.
template <class OS>
mmapFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc)
return mmapImpl<OS>(desc, num, p, tc, false);
/// Target mmap2() handler.
template <class OS>
mmap2Func(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc)
return mmapImpl<OS>(desc, num, p, tc, true);
/// Target getrlimit() handler.
template <class OS>
getrlimitFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
unsigned resource = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
TypedBufferArg<typename OS::rlimit> rlp(process->getSyscallArg(tc, index));
switch (resource) {
// max stack size in bytes: make up a number (8MB for now)
rlp->rlim_cur = rlp->rlim_max = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
rlp->rlim_cur = TheISA::htog(rlp->rlim_cur);
rlp->rlim_max = TheISA::htog(rlp->rlim_max);
// max data segment size in bytes: make up a number
rlp->rlim_cur = rlp->rlim_max = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
rlp->rlim_cur = TheISA::htog(rlp->rlim_cur);
rlp->rlim_max = TheISA::htog(rlp->rlim_max);
warn("getrlimit: unimplemented resource %d", resource);
return -EINVAL;
return 0;
/// Target clock_gettime() function.
template <class OS>
clock_gettimeFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 1;
//int clk_id = p->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
TypedBufferArg<typename OS::timespec> tp(p->getSyscallArg(tc, index));
getElapsedTimeNano(tp->tv_sec, tp->tv_nsec);
tp->tv_sec += seconds_since_epoch;
tp->tv_sec = TheISA::htog(tp->tv_sec);
tp->tv_nsec = TheISA::htog(tp->tv_nsec);
return 0;
/// Target clock_getres() function.
template <class OS>
clock_getresFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 1;
TypedBufferArg<typename OS::timespec> tp(p->getSyscallArg(tc, index));
// Set resolution at ns, which is what clock_gettime() returns
tp->tv_sec = 0;
tp->tv_nsec = 1;
return 0;
/// Target gettimeofday() handler.
template <class OS>
gettimeofdayFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
TypedBufferArg<typename OS::timeval> tp(process->getSyscallArg(tc, index));
getElapsedTimeMicro(tp->tv_sec, tp->tv_usec);
tp->tv_sec += seconds_since_epoch;
tp->tv_sec = TheISA::htog(tp->tv_sec);
tp->tv_usec = TheISA::htog(tp->tv_usec);
return 0;
/// Target utimes() handler.
template <class OS>
utimesFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
std::string path;
int index = 0;
if (!tc->getMemProxy().tryReadString(path,
process->getSyscallArg(tc, index))) {
return -EFAULT;
TypedBufferArg<typename OS::timeval [2]>
tp(process->getSyscallArg(tc, index));
struct timeval hostTimeval[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
hostTimeval[i].tv_sec = TheISA::gtoh((*tp)[i].tv_sec);
hostTimeval[i].tv_usec = TheISA::gtoh((*tp)[i].tv_usec);
// Adjust path for current working directory
path = process->fullPath(path);
int result = utimes(path.c_str(), hostTimeval);
if (result < 0)
return -errno;
return 0;
/// Target getrusage() function.
template <class OS>
getrusageFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
int who = process->getSyscallArg(tc, index); // THREAD, SELF, or CHILDREN
TypedBufferArg<typename OS::rusage> rup(process->getSyscallArg(tc, index));
rup->ru_utime.tv_sec = 0;
rup->ru_utime.tv_usec = 0;
rup->ru_stime.tv_sec = 0;
rup->ru_stime.tv_usec = 0;
rup->ru_maxrss = 0;
rup->ru_ixrss = 0;
rup->ru_idrss = 0;
rup->ru_isrss = 0;
rup->ru_minflt = 0;
rup->ru_majflt = 0;
rup->ru_nswap = 0;
rup->ru_inblock = 0;
rup->ru_oublock = 0;
rup->ru_msgsnd = 0;
rup->ru_msgrcv = 0;
rup->ru_nsignals = 0;
rup->ru_nvcsw = 0;
rup->ru_nivcsw = 0;
switch (who) {
getElapsedTimeMicro(rup->ru_utime.tv_sec, rup->ru_utime.tv_usec);
rup->ru_utime.tv_sec = TheISA::htog(rup->ru_utime.tv_sec);
rup->ru_utime.tv_usec = TheISA::htog(rup->ru_utime.tv_usec);
// do nothing. We have no child processes, so they take no time.
// don't really handle THREAD or CHILDREN, but just warn and
// plow ahead
warn("getrusage() only supports RUSAGE_SELF. Parameter %d ignored.",
return 0;
/// Target times() function.
template <class OS>
timesFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
int index = 0;
TypedBufferArg<typename OS::tms> bufp(process->getSyscallArg(tc, index));
// Fill in the time structure (in clocks)
int64_t clocks = curTick() * OS::M5_SC_CLK_TCK / SimClock::Int::s;
bufp->tms_utime = clocks;
bufp->tms_stime = 0;
bufp->tms_cutime = 0;
bufp->tms_cstime = 0;
// Convert to host endianness
bufp->tms_utime = TheISA::htog(bufp->tms_utime);
// Write back
// Return clock ticks since system boot
return clocks;
/// Target time() function.
template <class OS>
timeFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int callnum, LiveProcess *process,
ThreadContext *tc)
typename OS::time_t sec, usec;
getElapsedTimeMicro(sec, usec);
sec += seconds_since_epoch;
int index = 0;
Addr taddr = (Addr)process->getSyscallArg(tc, index);
if (taddr != 0) {
typename OS::time_t t = sec;
t = TheISA::htog(t);
SETranslatingPortProxy &p = tc->getMemProxy();
p.writeBlob(taddr, (uint8_t*)&t, (int)sizeof(typename OS::time_t));
return sec;
#endif // __SIM_SYSCALL_EMUL_HH__