| /* |
| pybind11/stl.h: Transparent conversion for STL data types |
| |
| Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch> |
| |
| All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| #pragma once |
| |
| #include "detail/common.h" |
| #include "pybind11.h" |
| #include <set> |
| #include <unordered_set> |
| #include <map> |
| #include <unordered_map> |
| #include <iostream> |
| #include <list> |
| #include <deque> |
| #include <valarray> |
| |
| // See `detail/common.h` for implementation of these guards. |
| #if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_OPTIONAL) |
| # include <optional> |
| #elif defined(PYBIND11_HAS_EXP_OPTIONAL) |
| # include <experimental/optional> |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_VARIANT) |
| # include <variant> |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| /// Extracts an const lvalue reference or rvalue reference for U based on the type of T (e.g. for |
| /// forwarding a container element). Typically used indirect via forwarded_type(), below. |
| template <typename T, typename U> |
| using forwarded_type = conditional_t< |
| std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value, remove_reference_t<U> &, remove_reference_t<U> &&>; |
| |
| /// Forwards a value U as rvalue or lvalue according to whether T is rvalue or lvalue; typically |
| /// used for forwarding a container's elements. |
| template <typename T, typename U> |
| forwarded_type<T, U> forward_like(U &&u) { |
| return std::forward<detail::forwarded_type<T, U>>(std::forward<U>(u)); |
| } |
| |
| template <typename Type, typename Key> struct set_caster { |
| using type = Type; |
| using key_conv = make_caster<Key>; |
| |
| bool load(handle src, bool convert) { |
| if (!isinstance<pybind11::set>(src)) |
| return false; |
| auto s = reinterpret_borrow<pybind11::set>(src); |
| value.clear(); |
| for (auto entry : s) { |
| key_conv conv; |
| if (!conv.load(entry, convert)) |
| return false; |
| value.insert(cast_op<Key &&>(std::move(conv))); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) { |
| if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) |
| policy = return_value_policy_override<Key>::policy(policy); |
| pybind11::set s; |
| for (auto &&value : src) { |
| auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(key_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent)); |
| if (!value_ || !s.add(value_)) |
| return handle(); |
| } |
| return s.release(); |
| } |
| |
| PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, _("Set[") + key_conv::name + _("]")); |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename Type, typename Key, typename Value> struct map_caster { |
| using key_conv = make_caster<Key>; |
| using value_conv = make_caster<Value>; |
| |
| bool load(handle src, bool convert) { |
| if (!isinstance<dict>(src)) |
| return false; |
| auto d = reinterpret_borrow<dict>(src); |
| value.clear(); |
| for (auto it : d) { |
| key_conv kconv; |
| value_conv vconv; |
| if (!kconv.load(it.first.ptr(), convert) || |
| !vconv.load(it.second.ptr(), convert)) |
| return false; |
| value.emplace(cast_op<Key &&>(std::move(kconv)), cast_op<Value &&>(std::move(vconv))); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) { |
| dict d; |
| return_value_policy policy_key = policy; |
| return_value_policy policy_value = policy; |
| if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) { |
| policy_key = return_value_policy_override<Key>::policy(policy_key); |
| policy_value = return_value_policy_override<Value>::policy(policy_value); |
| } |
| for (auto &&kv : src) { |
| auto key = reinterpret_steal<object>(key_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(kv.first), policy_key, parent)); |
| auto value = reinterpret_steal<object>(value_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(kv.second), policy_value, parent)); |
| if (!key || !value) |
| return handle(); |
| d[key] = value; |
| } |
| return d.release(); |
| } |
| |
| PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, _("Dict[") + key_conv::name + _(", ") + value_conv::name + _("]")); |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename Type, typename Value> struct list_caster { |
| using value_conv = make_caster<Value>; |
| |
| bool load(handle src, bool convert) { |
| if (!isinstance<sequence>(src) || isinstance<bytes>(src) || isinstance<str>(src)) |
| return false; |
| auto s = reinterpret_borrow<sequence>(src); |
| value.clear(); |
| reserve_maybe(s, &value); |
| for (auto it : s) { |
| value_conv conv; |
| if (!conv.load(it, convert)) |
| return false; |
| value.push_back(cast_op<Value &&>(std::move(conv))); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| template < |
| typename T = Type, |
| enable_if_t<std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<T>().reserve(0)), void>::value, int> = 0> |
| void reserve_maybe(const sequence &s, Type *) { |
| value.reserve(s.size()); |
| } |
| void reserve_maybe(const sequence &, void *) {} |
| |
| public: |
| template <typename T> |
| static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) { |
| if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) |
| policy = return_value_policy_override<Value>::policy(policy); |
| list l(src.size()); |
| ssize_t index = 0; |
| for (auto &&value : src) { |
| auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(value_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent)); |
| if (!value_) |
| return handle(); |
| PyList_SET_ITEM(l.ptr(), index++, value_.release().ptr()); // steals a reference |
| } |
| return l.release(); |
| } |
| |
| PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, _("List[") + value_conv::name + _("]")); |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename Type, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::vector<Type, Alloc>> |
| : list_caster<std::vector<Type, Alloc>, Type> { }; |
| |
| template <typename Type, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::deque<Type, Alloc>> |
| : list_caster<std::deque<Type, Alloc>, Type> { }; |
| |
| template <typename Type, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::list<Type, Alloc>> |
| : list_caster<std::list<Type, Alloc>, Type> { }; |
| |
| template <typename ArrayType, typename Value, bool Resizable, size_t Size = 0> struct array_caster { |
| using value_conv = make_caster<Value>; |
| |
| private: |
| template <bool R = Resizable> |
| bool require_size(enable_if_t<R, size_t> size) { |
| if (value.size() != size) |
| value.resize(size); |
| return true; |
| } |
| template <bool R = Resizable> |
| bool require_size(enable_if_t<!R, size_t> size) { |
| return size == Size; |
| } |
| |
| public: |
| bool load(handle src, bool convert) { |
| if (!isinstance<sequence>(src)) |
| return false; |
| auto l = reinterpret_borrow<sequence>(src); |
| if (!require_size(l.size())) |
| return false; |
| size_t ctr = 0; |
| for (auto it : l) { |
| value_conv conv; |
| if (!conv.load(it, convert)) |
| return false; |
| value[ctr++] = cast_op<Value &&>(std::move(conv)); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) { |
| list l(src.size()); |
| ssize_t index = 0; |
| for (auto &&value : src) { |
| auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(value_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent)); |
| if (!value_) |
| return handle(); |
| PyList_SET_ITEM(l.ptr(), index++, value_.release().ptr()); // steals a reference |
| } |
| return l.release(); |
| } |
| |
| PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(ArrayType, _("List[") + value_conv::name + _<Resizable>(_(""), _("[") + _<Size>() + _("]")) + _("]")); |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename Type, size_t Size> struct type_caster<std::array<Type, Size>> |
| : array_caster<std::array<Type, Size>, Type, false, Size> { }; |
| |
| template <typename Type> struct type_caster<std::valarray<Type>> |
| : array_caster<std::valarray<Type>, Type, true> { }; |
| |
| template <typename Key, typename Compare, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::set<Key, Compare, Alloc>> |
| : set_caster<std::set<Key, Compare, Alloc>, Key> { }; |
| |
| template <typename Key, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Equal, Alloc>> |
| : set_caster<std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Equal, Alloc>, Key> { }; |
| |
| template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::map<Key, Value, Compare, Alloc>> |
| : map_caster<std::map<Key, Value, Compare, Alloc>, Key, Value> { }; |
| |
| template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::unordered_map<Key, Value, Hash, Equal, Alloc>> |
| : map_caster<std::unordered_map<Key, Value, Hash, Equal, Alloc>, Key, Value> { }; |
| |
| // This type caster is intended to be used for std::optional and std::experimental::optional |
| template<typename Type, typename Value = typename Type::value_type> struct optional_caster { |
| using value_conv = make_caster<Value>; |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) { |
| if (!src) |
| return none().inc_ref(); |
| if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) { |
| policy = return_value_policy_override<Value>::policy(policy); |
| } |
| return value_conv::cast(*std::forward<T>(src), policy, parent); |
| } |
| |
| bool load(handle src, bool convert) { |
| if (!src) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| if (src.is_none()) { |
| return true; // default-constructed value is already empty |
| } |
| value_conv inner_caster; |
| if (!inner_caster.load(src, convert)) |
| return false; |
| |
| value.emplace(cast_op<Value &&>(std::move(inner_caster))); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, _("Optional[") + value_conv::name + _("]")); |
| }; |
| |
| #if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_OPTIONAL) |
| template<typename T> struct type_caster<std::optional<T>> |
| : public optional_caster<std::optional<T>> {}; |
| |
| template<> struct type_caster<std::nullopt_t> |
| : public void_caster<std::nullopt_t> {}; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_EXP_OPTIONAL) |
| template<typename T> struct type_caster<std::experimental::optional<T>> |
| : public optional_caster<std::experimental::optional<T>> {}; |
| |
| template<> struct type_caster<std::experimental::nullopt_t> |
| : public void_caster<std::experimental::nullopt_t> {}; |
| #endif |
| |
| /// Visit a variant and cast any found type to Python |
| struct variant_caster_visitor { |
| return_value_policy policy; |
| handle parent; |
| |
| using result_type = handle; // required by boost::variant in C++11 |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| result_type operator()(T &&src) const { |
| return make_caster<T>::cast(std::forward<T>(src), policy, parent); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /// Helper class which abstracts away variant's `visit` function. `std::variant` and similar |
| /// `namespace::variant` types which provide a `namespace::visit()` function are handled here |
| /// automatically using argument-dependent lookup. Users can provide specializations for other |
| /// variant-like classes, e.g. `boost::variant` and `boost::apply_visitor`. |
| template <template<typename...> class Variant> |
| struct visit_helper { |
| template <typename... Args> |
| static auto call(Args &&...args) -> decltype(visit(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) { |
| return visit(std::forward<Args>(args)...); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /// Generic variant caster |
| template <typename Variant> struct variant_caster; |
| |
| template <template<typename...> class V, typename... Ts> |
| struct variant_caster<V<Ts...>> { |
| static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) > 0, "Variant must consist of at least one alternative."); |
| |
| template <typename U, typename... Us> |
| bool load_alternative(handle src, bool convert, type_list<U, Us...>) { |
| auto caster = make_caster<U>(); |
| if (caster.load(src, convert)) { |
| value = cast_op<U>(caster); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return load_alternative(src, convert, type_list<Us...>{}); |
| } |
| |
| bool load_alternative(handle, bool, type_list<>) { return false; } |
| |
| bool load(handle src, bool convert) { |
| // Do a first pass without conversions to improve constructor resolution. |
| // E.g. `py::int_(1).cast<variant<double, int>>()` needs to fill the `int` |
| // slot of the variant. Without two-pass loading `double` would be filled |
| // because it appears first and a conversion is possible. |
| if (convert && load_alternative(src, false, type_list<Ts...>{})) |
| return true; |
| return load_alternative(src, convert, type_list<Ts...>{}); |
| } |
| |
| template <typename Variant> |
| static handle cast(Variant &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) { |
| return visit_helper<V>::call(variant_caster_visitor{policy, parent}, |
| std::forward<Variant>(src)); |
| } |
| |
| using Type = V<Ts...>; |
| PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, _("Union[") + detail::concat(make_caster<Ts>::name...) + _("]")); |
| }; |
| |
| #if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_VARIANT) |
| template <typename... Ts> |
| struct type_caster<std::variant<Ts...>> : variant_caster<std::variant<Ts...>> { }; |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const handle &obj) { |
| os << str(obj).cast<std::string_view>(); |
| #else |
| os << (std::string) str(obj); |
| #endif |
| return os; |
| } |
| |