| See CONTRIBUTING.md for details of gem5's contribution process. |
| |
| This file contains the keywords used in commit messages. Each keyword has one |
| or more maintainers. At least one (not all) of these maintainers must review |
| the patch before it can be pushed. These people will automatically be emailed |
| when you upload the patch to Gerrit (https://gem5-review.googlesource.com). |
| These keywords mostly follow the directory structure. |
| |
| Individuals on the project management committee are maintainers for all of the |
| gem5 components (i.e., they can review any patch as the maintainer). These |
| individuals are required to review any patches to components without explicit |
| maintainers. |
| |
| PMC Members (general maintainers): |
| Ali Saidi <asaidi@gmail.com> |
| Andreas Sandberg <andreas.sandberg@arm.com> |
| Brad Beckmann <brad.beckmann@amd.com> |
| David Wood <david@cs.wisc.edu> |
| Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com> |
| Giacomo Travaglini <giacomo.travaglini@arm.com> |
| Jason Lowe-Power <jason@lowepower.com> (chair) |
| Matt Sinclair <sinclair@cs.wisc.edu> |
| Tony Gutierrez <anthony.gutierrez@amd.com> |
| Steve Reinhardt <stever@gmail.com> |
| |
| arch: General architecture-specific components |
| Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com> |
| arch-arm: |
| Andreas Sandberg <andreas.sandberg@arm.com> |
| Giacomo Travaglini <giacomo.travaglini@arm.com> |
| arch-gcn3: |
| arch-hsail: |
| Tony Gutierrez <anthony.gutierrez@amd.com> |
| arch-mips: |
| arch-power: |
| arch-riscv: |
| Alec Roelke <ar4jc@virginia.edu> |
| arch-sparc: |
| Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com> |
| arch-x86: |
| Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com> |
| |
| base: |
| |
| configs: |
| Jason Lowe-Power <jason@lowepower.com> |
| |
| cpu: General changes to all CPU models (e.g., BaseCPU) |
| cpu-kvm: |
| Andreas Sandberg <andreas.sandberg@arm.com> |
| cpu-minor: |
| cpu-o3: |
| cpu-simple: |
| |
| dev: |
| dev-hsa: |
| Tony Gutierrez <anthony.gutierrez@amd.com> |
| dev-virtio: |
| Andreas Sandberg <andreas.sandberg@arm.com> |
| |
| dev-arm: |
| Andreas Sandberg <andreas.sandberg@arm.com> |
| Giacomo Travaglini <giacomo.travaglini@arm.com> |
| |
| ext: Components external to gem5 |
| |
| fastmodel: Changes relating to ARM Fast Models |
| Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com> |
| |
| gpu-compute: |
| Tony Gutierrez <anthony.gutierrez@amd.com> |
| |
| learning-gem5: The code and configs for the Learning gem5 book (see |
| learning.gem5.com) |
| Jason Lowe-Power <jason@lowepower.com> |
| |
| mem: General memory system (e.g., XBar, Packet) |
| Nikos Nikoleris <nikos.nikoleris@arm.com> |
| mem-cache: Classic caches and coherence |
| Nikos Nikoleris <nikos.nikoleris@arm.com> |
| mem-garnet: Garnet subcomponent of Ruby |
| Tushar Krishna <tushar@ece.gatech.edu> |
| mem-ruby: Ruby structures and protocols |
| Brad Beckmann <brad.beckmann@amd.com> |
| Jason Lowe-Power <jason@lowepower.com> |
| |
| misc: Anything outside of the other categories |
| |
| python: Python SimObject wrapping and infrastructure |
| Andreas Sandberg <andreas.sandberg@arm.com> |
| |
| scons: Build system |
| Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com> |
| |
| sim: General simulation components |
| Jason Lowe-Power <jason@lowepower.com> |
| sim-se: Syscall emulation |
| Brandon Potter <brandon.potter@amd.com> |
| sim-power: Power modeling |
| Andreas Sandberg <andreas.sandberg@arm.com> |
| |
| stats: Updates to statistics for regressions |
| |
| system: System boot code and related components |
| system-arm: |
| Andreas Sandberg <andreas.sandberg@arm.com> |
| Giacomo Travaglini <giacomo.travaglini@arm.com> |
| |
| systemc: Code for the gem5 SystemC implementation and interface |
| Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com> |
| |
| tests: testing changes (not stats updates for tests. See stats:) |
| Bobby Bruce <bbruce@ucdavis.edu> |
| |
| util: |
| Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com> |