scons: Disable spurious "array-bounds" warnings for protobuf cc files.

These files are generated and so, even if they're wrong, there isn't
anything we can do about it.

Change-Id: I933057a04f09dd1c22b525a102278bbdc5fbc22b
Reviewed-by: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Maintainer: Gabe Black <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
diff --git a/src/SConscript b/src/SConscript
index d1b2cfc..3ffaeef 100644
--- a/src/SConscript
+++ b/src/SConscript
@@ -1027,7 +1027,8 @@
         # Add the C++ source file
-        Source(proto.cc_file, tags=proto.tags)
+        Source(proto.cc_file, tags=proto.tags,
+                append={'CXXFLAGS': '-Wno-array-bounds'})
 elif ProtoBuf.all:
     error('Got protobuf to build, but lacks support!')