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* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 ARM Limited
* All rights reserved
* The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
* not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
* property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
* to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
* licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
* terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
* unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
* modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
* Copyright (c) 2013 Amin Farmahini-Farahani
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
* redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
* neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* Authors: Andreas Hansson
* Ani Udipi
* Neha Agarwal
* Omar Naji
* @file
* DRAMCtrl declaration
#ifndef __MEM_DRAM_CTRL_HH__
#define __MEM_DRAM_CTRL_HH__
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include "base/statistics.hh"
#include "enums/AddrMap.hh"
#include "enums/MemSched.hh"
#include "enums/PageManage.hh"
#include "mem/abstract_mem.hh"
#include "mem/qport.hh"
#include "params/DRAMCtrl.hh"
#include "sim/eventq.hh"
#include "mem/drampower.hh"
* The DRAM controller is a single-channel memory controller capturing
* the most important timing constraints associated with a
* contemporary DRAM. For multi-channel memory systems, the controller
* is combined with a crossbar model, with the channel address
* interleaving taking part in the crossbar.
* As a basic design principle, this controller
* model is not cycle callable, but instead uses events to: 1) decide
* when new decisions can be made, 2) when resources become available,
* 3) when things are to be considered done, and 4) when to send
* things back. Through these simple principles, the model delivers
* high performance, and lots of flexibility, allowing users to
* evaluate the system impact of a wide range of memory technologies,
* such as DDR3/4, LPDDR2/3/4, WideIO1/2, HBM and HMC.
* For more details, please see Hansson et al, "Simulating DRAM
* controllers for future system architecture exploration",
* Proc. ISPASS, 2014. If you use this model as part of your research
* please cite the paper.
class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
// For now, make use of a queued slave port to avoid dealing with
// flow control for the responses being sent back
class MemoryPort : public QueuedSlavePort
RespPacketQueue queue;
DRAMCtrl& memory;
MemoryPort(const std::string& name, DRAMCtrl& _memory);
Tick recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt);
void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt);
bool recvTimingReq(PacketPtr);
virtual AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const;
* Our incoming port, for a multi-ported controller add a crossbar
* in front of it
MemoryPort port;
* Remeber if the memory system is in timing mode
bool isTimingMode;
* Remember if we have to retry a request when available.
bool retryRdReq;
bool retryWrReq;
* Bus state used to control the read/write switching and drive
* the scheduling of the next request.
enum BusState {
READ = 0,
BusState busState;
* A basic class to track the bank state, i.e. what row is
* currently open (if any), when is the bank free to accept a new
* column (read/write) command, when can it be precharged, and
* when can it be activated.
* The bank also keeps track of how many bytes have been accessed
* in the open row since it was opened.
class Bank
static const uint32_t NO_ROW = -1;
uint32_t openRow;
uint8_t bank;
uint8_t bankgr;
Tick colAllowedAt;
Tick preAllowedAt;
Tick actAllowedAt;
uint32_t rowAccesses;
uint32_t bytesAccessed;
Bank() :
openRow(NO_ROW), bank(0), bankgr(0),
colAllowedAt(0), preAllowedAt(0), actAllowedAt(0),
rowAccesses(0), bytesAccessed(0)
{ }
* Rank class includes a vector of banks. Refresh and Power state
* machines are defined per rank. Events required to change the
* state of the refresh and power state machine are scheduled per
* rank. This class allows the implementation of rank-wise refresh
* and rank-wise power-down.
class Rank : public EventManager
* The power state captures the different operational states of
* the DRAM and interacts with the bus read/write state machine,
* and the refresh state machine. In the idle state all banks are
* precharged. From there we either go to an auto refresh (as
* determined by the refresh state machine), or to a precharge
* power down mode. From idle the memory can also go to the active
* state (with one or more banks active), and in turn from there
* to active power down. At the moment we do not capture the deep
* power down and self-refresh state.
enum PowerState {
* The refresh state is used to control the progress of the
* refresh scheduling. When normal operation is in progress the
* refresh state is idle. From there, it progresses to the refresh
* drain state once tREFI has passed. The refresh drain state
* captures the DRAM row active state, as it will stay there until
* all ongoing accesses complete. Thereafter all banks are
* precharged, and lastly, the DRAM is refreshed.
enum RefreshState {
* A reference to the parent DRAMCtrl instance
DRAMCtrl& memory;
* Since we are taking decisions out of order, we need to keep
* track of what power transition is happening at what time, such
* that we can go back in time and change history. For example, if
* we precharge all banks and schedule going to the idle state, we
* might at a later point decide to activate a bank before the
* transition to idle would have taken place.
PowerState pwrStateTrans;
* Current power state.
PowerState pwrState;
* Track when we transitioned to the current power state
Tick pwrStateTick;
* current refresh state
RefreshState refreshState;
* Keep track of when a refresh is due.
Tick refreshDueAt;
* Command energies
Stats::Scalar actEnergy;
Stats::Scalar preEnergy;
Stats::Scalar readEnergy;
Stats::Scalar writeEnergy;
Stats::Scalar refreshEnergy;
* Active Background Energy
Stats::Scalar actBackEnergy;
* Precharge Background Energy
Stats::Scalar preBackEnergy;
Stats::Scalar totalEnergy;
Stats::Scalar averagePower;
* Track time spent in each power state.
Stats::Vector pwrStateTime;
* Function to update Power Stats
void updatePowerStats();
* Schedule a power state transition in the future, and
* potentially override an already scheduled transition.
* @param pwr_state Power state to transition to
* @param tick Tick when transition should take place
void schedulePowerEvent(PowerState pwr_state, Tick tick);
* Current Rank index
uint8_t rank;
* One DRAMPower instance per rank
DRAMPower power;
* Vector of Banks. Each rank is made of several devices which in
* term are made from several banks.
std::vector<Bank> banks;
* To track number of banks which are currently active for
* this rank.
unsigned int numBanksActive;
/** List to keep track of activate ticks */
std::deque<Tick> actTicks;
Rank(DRAMCtrl& _memory, const DRAMCtrlParams* _p);
const std::string name() const
return csprintf("%s_%d",, rank);
* Kick off accounting for power and refresh states and
* schedule initial refresh.
* @param ref_tick Tick for first refresh
void startup(Tick ref_tick);
* Stop the refresh events.
void suspend();
* Check if the current rank is available for scheduling.
* @param Return true if the rank is idle from a refresh point of view
bool isAvailable() const { return refreshState == REF_IDLE; }
* Let the rank check if it was waiting for requests to drain
* to allow it to transition states.
void checkDrainDone();
* Function to register Stats
void regStats();
void processActivateEvent();
EventWrapper<Rank, &Rank::processActivateEvent>
void processPrechargeEvent();
EventWrapper<Rank, &Rank::processPrechargeEvent>
void processRefreshEvent();
EventWrapper<Rank, &Rank::processRefreshEvent>
void processPowerEvent();
EventWrapper<Rank, &Rank::processPowerEvent>
* A burst helper helps organize and manage a packet that is larger than
* the DRAM burst size. A system packet that is larger than the burst size
* is split into multiple DRAM packets and all those DRAM packets point to
* a single burst helper such that we know when the whole packet is served.
class BurstHelper {
/** Number of DRAM bursts requred for a system packet **/
const unsigned int burstCount;
/** Number of DRAM bursts serviced so far for a system packet **/
unsigned int burstsServiced;
BurstHelper(unsigned int _burstCount)
: burstCount(_burstCount), burstsServiced(0)
{ }
* A DRAM packet stores packets along with the timestamp of when
* the packet entered the queue, and also the decoded address.
class DRAMPacket {
/** When did request enter the controller */
const Tick entryTime;
/** When will request leave the controller */
Tick readyTime;
/** This comes from the outside world */
const PacketPtr pkt;
const bool isRead;
/** Will be populated by address decoder */
const uint8_t rank;
const uint8_t bank;
const uint32_t row;
* Bank id is calculated considering banks in all the ranks
* eg: 2 ranks each with 8 banks, then bankId = 0 --> rank0, bank0 and
* bankId = 8 --> rank1, bank0
const uint16_t bankId;
* The starting address of the DRAM packet.
* This address could be unaligned to burst size boundaries. The
* reason is to keep the address offset so we can accurately check
* incoming read packets with packets in the write queue.
Addr addr;
* The size of this dram packet in bytes
* It is always equal or smaller than DRAM burst size
unsigned int size;
* A pointer to the BurstHelper if this DRAMPacket is a split packet
* If not a split packet (common case), this is set to NULL
BurstHelper* burstHelper;
Bank& bankRef;
Rank& rankRef;
DRAMPacket(PacketPtr _pkt, bool is_read, uint8_t _rank, uint8_t _bank,
uint32_t _row, uint16_t bank_id, Addr _addr,
unsigned int _size, Bank& bank_ref, Rank& rank_ref)
: entryTime(curTick()), readyTime(curTick()),
pkt(_pkt), isRead(is_read), rank(_rank), bank(_bank), row(_row),
bankId(bank_id), addr(_addr), size(_size), burstHelper(NULL),
bankRef(bank_ref), rankRef(rank_ref)
{ }
* Bunch of things requires to setup "events" in gem5
* When event "respondEvent" occurs for example, the method
* processRespondEvent is called; no parameters are allowed
* in these methods
void processNextReqEvent();
EventWrapper<DRAMCtrl,&DRAMCtrl::processNextReqEvent> nextReqEvent;
void processRespondEvent();
EventWrapper<DRAMCtrl, &DRAMCtrl::processRespondEvent> respondEvent;
* Check if the read queue has room for more entries
* @param pktCount The number of entries needed in the read queue
* @return true if read queue is full, false otherwise
bool readQueueFull(unsigned int pktCount) const;
* Check if the write queue has room for more entries
* @param pktCount The number of entries needed in the write queue
* @return true if write queue is full, false otherwise
bool writeQueueFull(unsigned int pktCount) const;
* When a new read comes in, first check if the write q has a
* pending request to the same address.\ If not, decode the
* address to populate rank/bank/row, create one or mutliple
* "dram_pkt", and push them to the back of the read queue.\
* If this is the only
* read request in the system, schedule an event to start
* servicing it.
* @param pkt The request packet from the outside world
* @param pktCount The number of DRAM bursts the pkt
* translate to. If pkt size is larger then one full burst,
* then pktCount is greater than one.
void addToReadQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount);
* Decode the incoming pkt, create a dram_pkt and push to the
* back of the write queue. \If the write q length is more than
* the threshold specified by the user, ie the queue is beginning
* to get full, stop reads, and start draining writes.
* @param pkt The request packet from the outside world
* @param pktCount The number of DRAM bursts the pkt
* translate to. If pkt size is larger then one full burst,
* then pktCount is greater than one.
void addToWriteQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount);
* Actually do the DRAM access - figure out the latency it
* will take to service the req based on bank state, channel state etc
* and then update those states to account for this request.\ Based
* on this, update the packet's "readyTime" and move it to the
* response q from where it will eventually go back to the outside
* world.
* @param pkt The DRAM packet created from the outside world pkt
void doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt);
* When a packet reaches its "readyTime" in the response Q,
* use the "access()" method in AbstractMemory to actually
* create the response packet, and send it back to the outside
* world requestor.
* @param pkt The packet from the outside world
* @param static_latency Static latency to add before sending the packet
void accessAndRespond(PacketPtr pkt, Tick static_latency);
* Address decoder to figure out physical mapping onto ranks,
* banks, and rows. This function is called multiple times on the same
* system packet if the pakcet is larger than burst of the memory. The
* dramPktAddr is used for the offset within the packet.
* @param pkt The packet from the outside world
* @param dramPktAddr The starting address of the DRAM packet
* @param size The size of the DRAM packet in bytes
* @param isRead Is the request for a read or a write to DRAM
* @return A DRAMPacket pointer with the decoded information
DRAMPacket* decodeAddr(PacketPtr pkt, Addr dramPktAddr, unsigned int size,
bool isRead);
* The memory schduler/arbiter - picks which request needs to
* go next, based on the specified policy such as FCFS or FR-FCFS
* and moves it to the head of the queue.
* Prioritizes accesses to the same rank as previous burst unless
* controller is switching command type.
* @param queue Queued requests to consider
* @param switched_cmd_type Command type is changing
* @return true if a packet is scheduled to a rank which is available else
* false
bool chooseNext(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue, bool switched_cmd_type);
* For FR-FCFS policy reorder the read/write queue depending on row buffer
* hits and earliest banks available in DRAM
* Prioritizes accesses to the same rank as previous burst unless
* controller is switching command type.
* @param queue Queued requests to consider
* @param switched_cmd_type Command type is changing
* @return true if a packet is scheduled to a rank which is available else
* false
bool reorderQueue(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue, bool switched_cmd_type);
* Find which are the earliest banks ready to issue an activate
* for the enqueued requests. Assumes maximum of 64 banks per DIMM
* Also checks if the bank is already prepped.
* @param queue Queued requests to consider
* @param switched_cmd_type Command type is changing
* @return One-hot encoded mask of bank indices
uint64_t minBankPrep(const std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue,
bool switched_cmd_type) const;
* Keep track of when row activations happen, in order to enforce
* the maximum number of activations in the activation window. The
* method updates the time that the banks become available based
* on the current limits.
* @param rank_ref Reference to the rank
* @param bank_ref Reference to the bank
* @param act_tick Time when the activation takes place
* @param row Index of the row
void activateBank(Rank& rank_ref, Bank& bank_ref, Tick act_tick,
uint32_t row);
* Precharge a given bank and also update when the precharge is
* done. This will also deal with any stats related to the
* accesses to the open page.
* @param rank_ref The rank to precharge
* @param bank_ref The bank to precharge
* @param pre_at Time when the precharge takes place
* @param trace Is this an auto precharge then do not add to trace
void prechargeBank(Rank& rank_ref, Bank& bank_ref,
Tick pre_at, bool trace = true);
* Used for debugging to observe the contents of the queues.
void printQs() const;
* The controller's main read and write queues
std::deque<DRAMPacket*> readQueue;
std::deque<DRAMPacket*> writeQueue;
* Response queue where read packets wait after we're done working
* with them, but it's not time to send the response yet. The
* responses are stored seperately mostly to keep the code clean
* and help with events scheduling. For all logical purposes such
* as sizing the read queue, this and the main read queue need to
* be added together.
std::deque<DRAMPacket*> respQueue;
* If we need to drain, keep the drain manager around until we're
* done here.
DrainManager *drainManager;
* Vector of ranks
std::vector<Rank*> ranks;
* The following are basic design parameters of the memory
* controller, and are initialized based on parameter values.
* The rowsPerBank is determined based on the capacity, number of
* ranks and banks, the burst size, and the row buffer size.
const uint32_t deviceSize;
const uint32_t deviceBusWidth;
const uint32_t burstLength;
const uint32_t deviceRowBufferSize;
const uint32_t devicesPerRank;
const uint32_t burstSize;
const uint32_t rowBufferSize;
const uint32_t columnsPerRowBuffer;
const uint32_t columnsPerStripe;
const uint32_t ranksPerChannel;
const uint32_t bankGroupsPerRank;
const bool bankGroupArch;
const uint32_t banksPerRank;
const uint32_t channels;
uint32_t rowsPerBank;
const uint32_t readBufferSize;
const uint32_t writeBufferSize;
const uint32_t writeHighThreshold;
const uint32_t writeLowThreshold;
const uint32_t minWritesPerSwitch;
uint32_t writesThisTime;
uint32_t readsThisTime;
* Basic memory timing parameters initialized based on parameter
* values.
const Tick M5_CLASS_VAR_USED tCK;
const Tick tWTR;
const Tick tRTW;
const Tick tCS;
const Tick tBURST;
const Tick tCCD_L;
const Tick tRCD;
const Tick tCL;
const Tick tRP;
const Tick tRAS;
const Tick tWR;
const Tick tRTP;
const Tick tRFC;
const Tick tREFI;
const Tick tRRD;
const Tick tRRD_L;
const Tick tXAW;
const uint32_t activationLimit;
* Memory controller configuration initialized based on parameter
* values.
Enums::MemSched memSchedPolicy;
Enums::AddrMap addrMapping;
Enums::PageManage pageMgmt;
* Max column accesses (read and write) per row, before forefully
* closing it.
const uint32_t maxAccessesPerRow;
* Pipeline latency of the controller frontend. The frontend
* contribution is added to writes (that complete when they are in
* the write buffer) and reads that are serviced the write buffer.
const Tick frontendLatency;
* Pipeline latency of the backend and PHY. Along with the
* frontend contribution, this latency is added to reads serviced
* by the DRAM.
const Tick backendLatency;
* Till when has the main data bus been spoken for already?
Tick busBusyUntil;
Tick prevArrival;
* The soonest you have to start thinking about the next request
* is the longest access time that can occur before
* busBusyUntil. Assuming you need to precharge, open a new row,
* and access, it is tRP + tRCD + tCL.
Tick nextReqTime;
// All statistics that the model needs to capture
Stats::Scalar readReqs;
Stats::Scalar writeReqs;
Stats::Scalar readBursts;
Stats::Scalar writeBursts;
Stats::Scalar bytesReadDRAM;
Stats::Scalar bytesReadWrQ;
Stats::Scalar bytesWritten;
Stats::Scalar bytesReadSys;
Stats::Scalar bytesWrittenSys;
Stats::Scalar servicedByWrQ;
Stats::Scalar mergedWrBursts;
Stats::Scalar neitherReadNorWrite;
Stats::Vector perBankRdBursts;
Stats::Vector perBankWrBursts;
Stats::Scalar numRdRetry;
Stats::Scalar numWrRetry;
Stats::Scalar totGap;
Stats::Vector readPktSize;
Stats::Vector writePktSize;
Stats::Vector rdQLenPdf;
Stats::Vector wrQLenPdf;
Stats::Histogram bytesPerActivate;
Stats::Histogram rdPerTurnAround;
Stats::Histogram wrPerTurnAround;
// Latencies summed over all requests
Stats::Scalar totQLat;
Stats::Scalar totMemAccLat;
Stats::Scalar totBusLat;
// Average latencies per request
Stats::Formula avgQLat;
Stats::Formula avgBusLat;
Stats::Formula avgMemAccLat;
// Average bandwidth
Stats::Formula avgRdBW;
Stats::Formula avgWrBW;
Stats::Formula avgRdBWSys;
Stats::Formula avgWrBWSys;
Stats::Formula peakBW;
Stats::Formula busUtil;
Stats::Formula busUtilRead;
Stats::Formula busUtilWrite;
// Average queue lengths
Stats::Average avgRdQLen;
Stats::Average avgWrQLen;
// Row hit count and rate
Stats::Scalar readRowHits;
Stats::Scalar writeRowHits;
Stats::Formula readRowHitRate;
Stats::Formula writeRowHitRate;
Stats::Formula avgGap;
// DRAM Power Calculation
Stats::Formula pageHitRate;
// Holds the value of the rank of burst issued
uint8_t activeRank;
// timestamp offset
uint64_t timeStampOffset;
/** @todo this is a temporary workaround until the 4-phase code is
* committed. upstream caches needs this packet until true is returned, so
* hold onto it for deletion until a subsequent call
std::vector<PacketPtr> pendingDelete;
* This function increments the energy when called. If stats are
* dumped periodically, note accumulated energy values will
* appear in the stats (even if the stats are reset). This is a
* result of the energy values coming from DRAMPower, and there
* is currently no support for resetting the state.
* @param rank Currrent rank
void updatePowerStats(Rank& rank_ref);
* Function for sorting commands in the command list of DRAMPower.
* @param a Memory Command in command list of DRAMPower library
* @param next Memory Command in command list of DRAMPower
* @return true if timestamp of Command 1 < timestamp of Command 2
static bool sortTime(const Data::MemCommand& m1,
const Data::MemCommand& m2) {
return m1.getTime() < m2.getTime();
void regStats();
DRAMCtrl(const DRAMCtrlParams* p);
unsigned int drain(DrainManager* dm);
virtual BaseSlavePort& getSlavePort(const std::string& if_name,
PortID idx = InvalidPortID);
virtual void init() M5_ATTR_OVERRIDE;
virtual void startup() M5_ATTR_OVERRIDE;
virtual void drainResume() M5_ATTR_OVERRIDE;
Tick recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt);
void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt);
bool recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt);
#endif //__MEM_DRAM_CTRL_HH__