blob: f74710349a3103b8f5e0f02169118a02160d0b43 [file] [log] [blame]
# Prints all menu nodes that reference a given symbol any of their properties
# or property conditions, along with their parent menu nodes.
# Usage:
# $ make [ARCH=<arch>] scriptconfig SCRIPT=Kconfiglib/examples/ SCRIPT_ARG=<name>
# Example output for SCRIPT_ARG=X86:
# Found 470 locations that reference X86:
# ========== Location 1 (init/Kconfig:1108) ==========
# bool
# prompt "sgetmask/ssetmask syscalls support" if EXPERT
# default PARISC || M68K || PPC || MIPS || X86 || SPARC || MICROBLAZE || SUPERH
# help
# sys_sgetmask and sys_ssetmask are obsolete system calls
# no longer supported in libc but still enabled by default in some
# architectures.
# If unsure, leave the default option here.
# ---------- Parent 1 (init/Kconfig:1077) ----------
# menuconfig EXPERT
# bool
# prompt "Configure standard kernel features (expert users)"
# help
# This option allows certain base kernel options and settings
# to be disabled or tweaked. This is for specialized
# environments which can tolerate a "non-standard" kernel.
# Only use this if you really know what you are doing.
# ---------- Parent 2 (init/Kconfig:39) ----------
# menu "General setup"
# ========== Location 2 (arch/Kconfig:29) ==========
# bool
# prompt "OProfile multiplexing support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
# default "n"
# depends on OPROFILE && X86
# help
# The number of hardware counters is limited. The multiplexing
# feature enables OProfile to gather more events than counters
# are provided by the hardware. This is realized by switching
# between events at a user specified time interval.
# If unsure, say N.
# ---------- Parent 1 (arch/Kconfig:16) ----------
# config OPROFILE
# tristate
# prompt "OProfile system profiling"
# select RING_BUFFER
# help
# OProfile is a profiling system capable of profiling the
# whole system, include the kernel, kernel modules, libraries,
# and applications.
# If unsure, say N.
# ---------- Parent 2 (init/Kconfig:39) ----------
# menu "General setup"
# ... (tons more)
import sys
import kconfiglib
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
sys.exit('Pass symbol name (without "CONFIG_" prefix) with SCRIPT_ARG=<name>')
kconf = kconfiglib.Kconfig(sys.argv[1])
sym_name = sys.argv[2]
if sym_name not in kconf.syms:
print("No symbol {} exists in the configuration".format(sym_name))
referencing = [node for node in kconf.node_iter()
if kconf.syms[sym_name] in node.referenced]
if not referencing:
print("No references to {} found".format(sym_name))
print("Found {} locations that reference {}:\n"
.format(len(referencing), sym_name))
for i, node in enumerate(referencing, 1):
print("========== Location {} ({}:{}) ==========\n\n{}"
.format(i, node.filename, node.linenr, node))
# Print the parents of the menu node too
node = node.parent
parent_i = 1
while node is not kconf.top_node:
print("---------- Parent {} ({}:{}) ----------\n\n{}"
.format(parent_i, node.filename, node.linenr, node))
node = node.parent
parent_i += 1