blob: 3ba5fbacd32abcc866d989457bf028b2a72a8c98 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
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sc_fxval.cpp -
Original Author: Martin Janssen, Synopsys, Inc.
MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
changes you are making here.
Name, Affiliation, Date:
Description of Modification:
// $Log: sc_fxval.cpp,v $
// Revision 2006/12/15 20:20:04 acg
// SystemC 2.3
// Revision 1.3 2006/01/13 18:53:58 acg
// Andy Goodrich: added $Log command so that CVS comments are reproduced in
// the source.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "sysc/datatypes/fx/sc_fxval.h"
namespace sc_dt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS : sc_fxval
// Fixed-point value type; arbitrary precision.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// explicit conversion to character string
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_string() const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( SC_DEC, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_string( sc_numrep numrep ) const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( numrep, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_string( sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix ) const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( numrep, (w_prefix ? 1 : 0), SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_string( sc_fmt fmt ) const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( SC_DEC, -1, fmt ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_string( sc_numrep numrep, sc_fmt fmt ) const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( numrep, -1, fmt ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_string( sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix, sc_fmt fmt ) const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( numrep, (w_prefix ? 1 : 0), fmt ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_dec() const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( SC_DEC, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_bin() const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( SC_BIN, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_oct() const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( SC_OCT, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval::to_hex() const
return std::string( m_rep->to_string( SC_HEX, -1, SC_E ) );
// print or dump content
sc_fxval::print( ::std::ostream& os ) const
m_rep->print( os );
sc_fxval::scan( ::std::istream& is )
std::string s;
is >> s;
*this = s.c_str();
sc_fxval::dump( ::std::ostream& os ) const
os << "sc_fxval" << ::std::endl;
os << "(" << ::std::endl;
os << "rep = ";
m_rep->dump( os );
// os << "r_flag = " << m_r_flag << ::std::endl;
// os << "observer = ";
// if( m_observer != 0 )
// m_observer->dump( os );
// else
// os << "0" << ::std::endl;
os << ")" << ::std::endl;
// protected methods and friend functions
sc_fxval::lock_observer() const
SC_ASSERT_( m_observer != 0, "lock observer failed" );
sc_fxval_observer* tmp = m_observer;
m_observer = 0;
return tmp;
sc_fxval::unlock_observer( sc_fxval_observer* observer_ ) const
SC_ASSERT_( observer_ != 0, "unlock observer failed" );
m_observer = observer_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS : sc_fxval_fast
// Fixed-point value types; limited precision.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print_dec( scfx_string& s, scfx_ieee_double id, int w_prefix, sc_fmt fmt )
if( id.negative() != 0 )
id.negative( 0 );
s += '-';
if( w_prefix == 1 ) {
scfx_print_prefix( s, SC_DEC );
if( id.is_zero() )
s += '0';
// split 'id' into its integer and fractional part
double int_part;
double frac_part = modf( static_cast<double>( id ), &int_part );
int i;
// print integer part
int int_digits = 0;
int int_zeros = 0;
if( int_part != 0.0 )
int_digits = (int) ceil( log10( int_part + 1.0 ) );
int len = s.length();
s.append( int_digits );
bool zero_digits = ( frac_part == 0.0 && fmt != SC_F );
for( i = int_digits + len - 1; i >= len; i-- )
unsigned int remainder = (unsigned int) fmod( int_part, 10.0 );
s[i] = static_cast<char>( '0' + remainder );
if( zero_digits )
if( remainder == 0 )
int_zeros ++;
zero_digits = false;
int_part /= 10.0;
// discard trailing zeros from int_part
s.discard( int_zeros );
if( s[len] == '0' )
// int_digits was overestimated by one
s.remove( len );
-- int_digits;
// print fractional part
int frac_digits = 0;
int frac_zeros = 0;
if( frac_part != 0.0 )
s += '.';
bool zero_digits = ( int_digits == 0 && fmt != SC_F );
frac_zeros = (int) floor( - log10( frac_part + DBL_EPSILON ) );
frac_part *= pow( 10.0, frac_zeros );
frac_digits = frac_zeros;
if( ! zero_digits )
for( i = 0; i < frac_zeros; i ++ )
s += '0';
frac_zeros = 0;
while( frac_part != 0.0 )
frac_part *= 10.0;
int n = static_cast<int>( frac_part );
if( zero_digits )
if( n == 0 )
frac_zeros ++;
zero_digits = false;
if( ! zero_digits )
s += static_cast<char>( '0' + n );
frac_part -= n;
frac_digits ++;
// print exponent
if( fmt != SC_F )
if( frac_digits == 0 )
scfx_print_exp( s, int_zeros );
else if( int_digits == 0 )
scfx_print_exp( s, - frac_zeros );
print_other( scfx_string& s, const scfx_ieee_double& id, sc_numrep numrep,
int w_prefix, sc_fmt fmt, const scfx_params* params )
scfx_ieee_double id2 = id;
sc_numrep numrep2 = numrep;
bool numrep_is_sm = ( numrep == SC_BIN_SM ||
numrep == SC_OCT_SM ||
numrep == SC_HEX_SM );
if( numrep_is_sm )
if( id2.negative() != 0 )
s += '-';
id2.negative( 0 );
switch( numrep )
case SC_BIN_SM:
numrep2 = SC_BIN_US;
case SC_OCT_SM:
numrep2 = SC_OCT_US;
case SC_HEX_SM:
numrep2 = SC_HEX_US;
if( w_prefix != 0 ) {
scfx_print_prefix( s, numrep );
numrep = numrep2;
sc_fxval_fast a( id2 );
int msb, lsb;
if( params != 0 )
msb = params->iwl() - 1;
lsb = params->iwl() - params->wl();
if( params->enc() == SC_TC_ &&
( numrep == SC_BIN_US ||
numrep == SC_OCT_US ||
numrep == SC_HEX_US ) &&
! numrep_is_sm &&
params->wl() > 1 )
-- msb;
else if( params->enc() == SC_US_ &&
( numrep == SC_BIN ||
numrep == SC_OCT ||
numrep == SC_HEX ||
numrep == SC_CSD ) )
++ msb;
if( a.is_zero() )
msb = 0;
lsb = 0;
msb = id2.exponent() + 1;
while( a.get_bit( msb ) == a.get_bit( msb - 1 ) )
-- msb;
if( numrep == SC_BIN_US ||
numrep == SC_OCT_US ||
numrep == SC_HEX_US )
-- msb;
lsb = id2.exponent() - 52;
while( ! a.get_bit( lsb ) )
++ lsb;
int step;
switch( numrep )
case SC_BIN:
case SC_BIN_US:
case SC_CSD:
step = 1;
case SC_OCT:
case SC_OCT_US:
step = 3;
case SC_HEX:
case SC_HEX_US:
step = 4;
step = 0;
msb = (int) ceil( double( msb + 1 ) / step ) * step - 1;
lsb = (int) floor( double( lsb ) / step ) * step;
if( msb < 0 )
s += '.';
if( fmt == SC_F )
int sign = ( id2.negative() != 0 ) ? ( 1 << step ) - 1 : 0;
for( int i = ( msb + 1 ) / step; i < 0; i ++ )
if( sign < 10 )
s += static_cast<char>( sign + '0' );
s += static_cast<char>( sign + 'a' - 10 );
int i = msb;
while( i >= lsb )
int value = 0;
for( int j = step - 1; j >= 0; -- j )
value += static_cast<int>( a.get_bit( i ) ) << j;
-- i;
if( value < 10 )
s += static_cast<char>( value + '0' );
s += static_cast<char>( value + 'a' - 10 );
if( i == -1 )
s += '.';
if( lsb > 0 && fmt == SC_F )
for( int i = lsb / step; i > 0; i -- )
s += '0';
if( s[s.length() - 1] == '.' )
s.discard( 1 );
if( fmt != SC_F )
if( msb < 0 )
scfx_print_exp( s, ( msb + 1 ) / step );
else if( lsb > 0 )
scfx_print_exp( s, lsb / step );
if( numrep == SC_CSD )
scfx_tc2csd( s, w_prefix );
const char*
to_string( const scfx_ieee_double& id, sc_numrep numrep, int w_prefix,
sc_fmt fmt, const scfx_params* params = 0 )
static scfx_string s;
if( id.is_nan() )
scfx_print_nan( s );
else if( id.is_inf() )
scfx_print_inf( s, static_cast<bool>( id.negative() ) );
else if( id.negative() && ! id.is_zero() &&
( numrep == SC_BIN_US ||
numrep == SC_OCT_US ||
numrep == SC_HEX_US ) )
s += "negative";
else if( numrep == SC_DEC )
sc_dt::print_dec( s, id, w_prefix, fmt );
sc_dt::print_other( s, id, numrep, w_prefix, fmt, params );
return s;
// explicit conversion to character string
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_string() const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, SC_DEC, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_string( sc_numrep numrep ) const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, numrep, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_string( sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix ) const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, numrep, (w_prefix ? 1 : 0),
SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_string( sc_fmt fmt ) const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, SC_DEC, -1, fmt ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_string( sc_numrep numrep, sc_fmt fmt ) const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, numrep, -1, fmt ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_string( sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix, sc_fmt fmt ) const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, numrep, (w_prefix ? 1 : 0),
fmt ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_dec() const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, SC_DEC, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_bin() const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, SC_BIN, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_oct() const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, SC_OCT, -1, SC_E ) );
const std::string
sc_fxval_fast::to_hex() const
return std::string( sc_dt::to_string( m_val, SC_HEX, -1, SC_E ) );
// print or dump content
sc_fxval_fast::print( ::std::ostream& os ) const
os << sc_dt::to_string( m_val, SC_DEC, -1, SC_E );
sc_fxval_fast::scan( ::std::istream& is )
std::string s;
is >> s;
*this = s.c_str();
sc_fxval_fast::dump( ::std::ostream& os ) const
os << "sc_fxval_fast" << ::std::endl;
os << "(" << ::std::endl;
os << "val = " << m_val << ::std::endl;
// os << "r_flag = " << m_r_flag << ::std::endl;
// os << "observer = ";
// if( m_observer != 0 )
// m_observer->dump( os );
// else
// os << "0" << ::std::endl;
os << ")" << ::std::endl;
// internal use only;
sc_fxval_fast::get_bit( int i ) const
scfx_ieee_double id( m_val );
if( id.is_zero() || id.is_nan() || id.is_inf() )
return false;
// convert to two's complement
unsigned int m0 = id.mantissa0();
unsigned int m1 = id.mantissa1();
if( id.is_normal() )
m0 += 1U << 20;
if( id.negative() != 0 )
m0 = ~ m0;
m1 = ~ m1;
unsigned int tmp = m1;
m1 += 1U;
if( m1 <= tmp )
m0 += 1U;
// get the right bit
int j = i - id.exponent();
if( ( j += 20 ) >= 32 )
return ( ( m0 & 1U << 31 ) != 0 );
else if( j >= 0 )
return ( ( m0 & 1U << j ) != 0 );
else if( ( j += 32 ) >= 0 )
return ( ( m1 & 1U << j ) != 0 );
return false;
// protected methods and friend functions
sc_fxval_fast::lock_observer() const
SC_ASSERT_( m_observer != 0, "lock observer failed" );
sc_fxval_fast_observer* tmp = m_observer;
m_observer = 0;
return tmp;
sc_fxval_fast::unlock_observer( sc_fxval_fast_observer* observer_ ) const
SC_ASSERT_( observer_ != 0, "unlock observer failed" );
m_observer = observer_;
#define SCFX_FAIL_IF_(cnd) \
{ \
if( ( cnd ) ) \
return static_cast<double>( scfx_ieee_double::nan() ); \
sc_fxval_fast::from_string( const char* s )
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( s == 0 || *s == 0 );
scfx_string s2;
s2 += s;
s2 += '\0';
bool sign_char;
int sign = scfx_parse_sign( s, sign_char );
sc_numrep numrep = scfx_parse_prefix( s );
int base = 0;
switch( numrep )
case SC_DEC:
base = 10;
if( scfx_is_nan( s ) ) // special case: NaN
return static_cast<double>( scfx_ieee_double::nan() );
if( scfx_is_inf( s ) ) // special case: Infinity
return static_cast<double>( scfx_ieee_double::inf( sign ) );
case SC_BIN:
case SC_BIN_US:
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( sign_char );
base = 2;
case SC_BIN_SM:
base = 2;
case SC_OCT:
case SC_OCT_US:
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( sign_char );
base = 8;
case SC_OCT_SM:
base = 8;
case SC_HEX:
case SC_HEX_US:
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( sign_char );
base = 16;
case SC_HEX_SM:
base = 16;
case SC_CSD:
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( sign_char );
base = 2;
scfx_csd2tc( s2 );
s = (const char*) s2 + 4;
numrep = SC_BIN;
default:;// Martin, what is default???
// find end of mantissa and count the digits and points
const char *end = s;
bool based_point = false;
int int_digits = 0;
int frac_digits = 0;
while( *end )
if( scfx_exp_start( end ) )
if( *end == '.' )
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( based_point );
based_point = true;
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( ! scfx_is_digit( *end, numrep ) );
if( based_point )
frac_digits ++;
int_digits ++;
end ++;
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( int_digits == 0 && frac_digits == 0 );
// [ exponent ]
int exponent = 0;
if( *end )
for( const char *e = end + 2; *e; e ++ )
SCFX_FAIL_IF_( ! scfx_is_digit( *e, SC_DEC ) );
exponent = atoi( end + 1 );
// convert the mantissa
double integer = 0.0;
if( int_digits != 0 )
bool first_digit = true;
for( ; s < end; s ++ )
if( *s == '.' )
if( first_digit )
integer = scfx_to_digit( *s, numrep );
switch( numrep )
case SC_BIN:
case SC_OCT:
case SC_HEX:
if( integer >= ( base >> 1 ) )
integer -= base; // two's complement
first_digit = false;
integer *= base;
integer += scfx_to_digit( *s, numrep );
// [ . fraction ]
double fraction = 0.0;
if( frac_digits != 0 )
s ++; // skip '.'
bool first_digit = ( int_digits == 0 );
double scale = 1.0;
for( ; s < end; s ++ )
scale /= base;
if( first_digit )
fraction = scfx_to_digit( *s, numrep );
switch( numrep )
case SC_BIN:
case SC_OCT:
case SC_HEX:
if( fraction >= ( base >> 1 ) )
fraction -= base; // two's complement
fraction *= scale;
first_digit = false;
fraction += scfx_to_digit( *s, numrep ) * scale;
double exp = ( exponent != 0 ) ? pow( (double) base, (double) exponent )
: 1;
return ( sign * ( integer + fraction ) * exp );
#undef SCFX_FAIL_IF_
} // namespace sc_dt
// Taf!