blob: f743ac78ca932986a5f9953dc8e1eb0e136d7637 [file] [log] [blame]
from distutils.core import setup
setup(name = "ply",
description="Python Lex & Yacc",
long_description = """
PLY is yet another implementation of lex and yacc for Python. Although several other
parsing tools are available for Python, there are several reasons why you might
want to take a look at PLY:
It's implemented entirely in Python.
It uses LR-parsing which is reasonably efficient and well suited for larger grammars.
PLY provides most of the standard lex/yacc features including support for empty
productions, precedence rules, error recovery, and support for ambiguous grammars.
PLY is extremely easy to use and provides very extensive error checking.
license="""Lesser GPL (LGPL)""",
version = "2.3",
author = "David Beazley",
author_email = "",
maintainer = "David Beazley",
maintainer_email = "",
url = "",
packages = ['ply'],