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sc_report.h -- Run-time logging and reporting facilities
Interface design by SystemC Verification Working Group.
Implementation by Alex Riesen, Synopsys Inc.
Original implementation by Martin Janssen, Synopsys Inc.
Reference implementation by Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2002-09-23:
Norris Ip, Dean Shea, John Rose, Jasvinder Singh, William Paulsen,
John Pierce, Rachida Kebichi, Ted Elkind, David Bailey.
#ifndef SC_REPORT_H
#define SC_REPORT_H 1
#include <exception>
#include <string>
namespace sc_core {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ENUM : sc_severity
// Enumeration of possible exception severity levels
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum sc_severity {
SC_INFO = 0, // informative only
SC_WARNING, // indicates potentially incorrect condition
SC_ERROR, // indicates a definite problem
SC_FATAL, // indicates a problem from which we cannot recover
typedef unsigned sc_actions;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ENUM : sc_verbosity
// Enumeration of message verbosity.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum sc_verbosity {
SC_NONE = 0,
SC_LOW = 100,
SC_MEDIUM = 200,
SC_HIGH = 300,
SC_FULL = 400,
SC_DEBUG = 500
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ENUM :
// Enumeration of actions on an exception (implementation specific)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum {
SC_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0000, // look for lower-priority rule
SC_DO_NOTHING = 0x0001, // take no action (ignore if other bits set)
SC_THROW = 0x0002, // throw an exception
SC_LOG = 0x0004, // add report to report log
SC_DISPLAY = 0x0008, // display report to screen
SC_CACHE_REPORT = 0x0010, // save report to cache
SC_INTERRUPT = 0x0020, // call sc_interrupt_here(...)
SC_STOP = 0x0040, // call sc_stop()
SC_ABORT = 0x0080 // call abort()
class sc_object;
class sc_time;
struct sc_msg_def;
class sc_report;
class sc_report_handler;
const std::string sc_report_compose_message( const sc_report& );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS : sc_report
// Exception reporting
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class sc_report : public std::exception
friend class sc_report_handler;
friend sc_report* sc_handle_exception();
sc_report(); // used internally by sc_handle_exception
sc_report(const sc_report&);
sc_report & operator=(const sc_report&);
virtual ~sc_report() throw();
const char * get_msg_type() const;
const char * get_msg() const
{ return msg; }
sc_severity get_severity() const
{ return severity; }
const char * get_file_name() const
{ return file; }
int get_line_number() const
{ return line; }
const sc_time & get_time() const
{ return *timestamp; }
const char* get_process_name() const;
int get_verbosity() const { return m_verbosity_level; }
bool valid () const
return process != 0;
virtual const char* what() const throw()
return m_what;
void swap( sc_report& );
const sc_msg_def*,
const char* msg,
const char* file,
int line,
int verbosity_level=SC_MEDIUM);
sc_severity severity;
const sc_msg_def* md;
char* msg;
char* file;
int line;
sc_time* timestamp;
sc_object* process;
int m_verbosity_level;
char* m_what;
public: // backward compatibility with 2.0+
static const char* get_message(int id);
static bool is_suppressed(int id);
static void make_warnings_errors(bool);
static void register_id(int id, const char* msg);
static void suppress_id(int id, bool); // only for info or warning
static void suppress_infos(bool);
static void suppress_warnings(bool);
int get_id() const;
typedef std::exception sc_exception;
(::sc_core::SC_LOG | ::sc_core::SC_DISPLAY)
(::sc_core::SC_LOG | ::sc_core::SC_DISPLAY)
(::sc_core::SC_LOG | ::sc_core::SC_CACHE_REPORT | ::sc_core::SC_THROW)
(::sc_core::SC_LOG | ::sc_core::SC_DISPLAY | \
::sc_core::SC_CACHE_REPORT | ::sc_core::SC_ABORT)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Report macros.
// Use these macros to report an info, warning, error, or fatal.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define SC_REPORT_INFO( msg_type, msg ) \
::sc_core::sc_report_handler::report( \
::sc_core::SC_INFO, msg_type, msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define SC_REPORT_INFO_VERB( msg_type, msg, verbosity ) \
::sc_core::sc_report_handler::report( \
::sc_core::SC_INFO, msg_type, msg, verbosity, \
__FILE__ , __LINE__ )
#define SC_REPORT_WARNING( msg_type, msg ) \
::sc_core::sc_report_handler::report( \
::sc_core::SC_WARNING, msg_type, msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define SC_REPORT_ERROR( msg_type, msg ) \
::sc_core::sc_report_handler::report( \
::sc_core::SC_ERROR, msg_type, msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define SC_REPORT_FATAL( msg_type, msg ) \
::sc_core::sc_report_handler::report( \
::sc_core::SC_FATAL, msg_type, msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MACRO : sc_assert(expr)
// Like assert(), but additionally prints the current process name
// and simulation time, if the simulation is running.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define sc_assert(expr) \
((void) 0)
#define sc_assert(expr) \
((void)((expr) ? 0 : \
(SC_REPORT_FATAL( ::sc_core::SC_ID_ASSERTION_FAILED_, #expr ), 0)))
#endif // NDEBUG
extern const char SC_ID_UNKNOWN_ERROR_[];
extern const char SC_ID_WITHOUT_MESSAGE_[];
extern const char SC_ID_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_[];
extern const char SC_ID_INTERNAL_ERROR_[];
extern const char SC_ID_ASSERTION_FAILED_[];
extern const char SC_ID_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_[];
// backward compatibility with 2.0+
extern const char SC_ID_REGISTER_ID_FAILED_[];
} // namespace sc_core
#include "sysc/utils/sc_report_handler.h"
MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
changes you are making here.
Name, Affiliation, Date: Alex Riesen, Synopsys Inc., Jan 28, 2003
Description of Modification: Implementation for SytemC 2.1
// $Log: sc_report.h,v $
// Revision 1.8 2011/08/26 20:46:19 acg
// Andy Goodrich: moved the modification log to the end of the file to
// eliminate source line number skew when check-ins are done.
// Revision 1.7 2011/05/05 17:46:04 acg
// Philip A. Hartmann: changes in "swap" support.
// Revision 1.6 2011/04/19 02:39:44 acg
// Andy Goodrich: set proper name for get_verbosity().
// Revision 1.5 2011/03/23 16:16:48 acg
// Andy Goodrich: finish message verbosity support.
// Revision 1.4 2011/02/18 20:38:44 acg
// Andy Goodrich: Updated Copyright notice.
// Revision 1.3 2011/02/01 23:02:05 acg
// Andy Goodrich: IEEE 1666 2011 changes.
// Revision 1.2 2008/05/20 20:42:50 acg
// Andy Goodrich: added sc_core namespace prefix for ID value in sc_assert()
// macro.
// Revision 2006/12/15 20:20:06 acg
// SystemC 2.3
// Revision 1.3 2006/01/13 18:53:11 acg
// Andy Goodrich: Added $Log command so that CVS comments are reproduced in
// the source.
#endif // SC_REPORT_H