arch-arm: Added TLBI_ALL EL2 instruction

This patch is adding TLBI_ALLE2(IS) operations to the arm ISA.

Change-Id: I8e35cff9a2cc414f4c5fbbc5aa0cfe5023a3f011
Signed-off-by: Giacomo Travaglini <>
Reviewed-by: Anouk Van Laer <>
Reviewed-by: Nikos Nikoleris <>
Reviewed-by: Andreas Sandberg <>
Maintainer: Andreas Sandberg <>
diff --git a/src/arch/arm/ b/src/arch/arm/
index d7d51b8..17c87ba 100644
--- a/src/arch/arm/
+++ b/src/arch/arm/
@@ -1338,9 +1338,17 @@
-          // @todo: uncomment this to enable Virtualization
-          // case MISCREG_TLBI_ALLE2IS:
-          // case MISCREG_TLBI_ALLE2:
+          // AArch64 TLB Invalidate All, EL2, Inner Shareable
+          case MISCREG_TLBI_ALLE2:
+          case MISCREG_TLBI_ALLE2IS:
+            {
+                assert64(tc);
+                scr = readMiscReg(MISCREG_SCR, tc);
+                TLBIALL tlbiOp(EL2, haveSecurity && !scr.ns);
+                tlbiOp(tc);
+                return;
+            }
           // AArch64 TLB Invalidate All, EL1
           case MISCREG_TLBI_ALLE1:
           case MISCREG_TLBI_VMALLE1: