blob: 7b44a32eee2399153856f464971af13623b07daf [file] [log] [blame]
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#ifndef __TLM_FIFO_H__
#define __TLM_FIFO_H__
// This implements put, get and peek
// It also implements 0 and infinite size fifos - but the size
// zero fifos aren't rendezvous like zero length fifos, they simply are both
// full and empty at the same time.
// The size can be dynamically changed using the resize interface
// To get an infinite fifo use a -ve size in the constructor.
// The absolute value of the size is taken as the starting size of the
// actual physical buffer.
//#include <systemc>
#include "tlm_core/tlm_1/tlm_req_rsp/tlm_1_interfaces/tlm_fifo_ifs.h"
#include "tlm_core/tlm_1/tlm_req_rsp/tlm_channels/tlm_fifo/circular_buffer.h"
namespace tlm {
template <typename T>
class tlm_fifo :
public virtual tlm_fifo_get_if<T>,
public virtual tlm_fifo_put_if<T>,
public sc_core::sc_prim_channel
// constructors
explicit tlm_fifo( int size_ = 1 )
: sc_core::sc_prim_channel( sc_core::sc_gen_unique_name( "fifo" ) ) {
init( size_ );
explicit tlm_fifo( const char* name_, int size_ = 1 )
: sc_core::sc_prim_channel( name_ ) {
init( size_ );
// destructor
virtual ~tlm_fifo() {}
// tlm get interface
T get( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 );
bool nb_get( T& );
bool nb_can_get( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 ) const;
const sc_core::sc_event &ok_to_get( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 ) const {
return m_data_written_event;
// tlm peek interface
T peek( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 ) const;
bool nb_peek( T& ) const;
bool nb_can_peek( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 ) const;
const sc_core::sc_event &ok_to_peek( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 ) const {
return m_data_written_event;
// tlm put interface
void put( const T& );
bool nb_put( const T& );
bool nb_can_put( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 ) const;
const sc_core::sc_event& ok_to_put( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 ) const {
return m_data_read_event;
// resize if
void nb_expand( unsigned int n = 1 );
void nb_unbound( unsigned int n = 16 );
bool nb_reduce( unsigned int n = 1 );
bool nb_bound( unsigned int n );
// debug interface
bool nb_peek( T & , int n ) const;
bool nb_poke( const T & , int n = 0 );
int used() const {
return m_num_readable - m_num_read;
int size() const {
return m_size;
void debug() const {
if( is_empty() ) std::cout << "empty" << std::endl;
if( is_full() ) std::cout << "full" << std::endl;
std::cout << "size " << size() << " - " << used() << " used "
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "readable " << m_num_readable
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "written/read " << m_num_written << "/" << m_num_read
<< std::endl;
// support functions
static const char* const kind_string;
const char* kind() const
{ return kind_string; }
sc_core::sc_event &read_event( tlm_tag<T> * = 0 ) {
return m_data_read_event;
void update();
// support methods
void init( int );
circular_buffer<T> buffer;
int m_size; // logical size of fifo
int m_num_readable; // #samples readable
int m_num_read; // #samples read during this delta cycle
int m_num_written; // #samples written during this delta cycle
bool m_expand; // has an expand occurred during this delta cycle ?
int m_num_read_no_notify; // #samples read without notify during this delta cycle
sc_core::sc_event m_data_read_event;
sc_core::sc_event m_data_written_event;
// disabled
tlm_fifo( const tlm_fifo<T>& );
tlm_fifo& operator = ( const tlm_fifo<T>& );
// use nb_can_get() and nb_can_put() rather than the following two
// private functions
bool is_empty() const {
return used() == 0;
bool is_full() const {
//return size() == m_num_readable + m_num_written; // Old buggy code
if( size() < 0 )
return false;
return size() <= m_num_readable + m_num_written;
template <typename T>
const char* const tlm_fifo<T>::kind_string = "tlm_fifo";
// init and update
template< typename T >
tlm_fifo<T>::init( int size_ ) {
if( size_ > 0 ) {
buffer.resize( size_ );
else if( size_ < 0 ) {
buffer.resize( -size_ );
else {
buffer.resize( 16 );
m_size = size_;
m_num_readable = 0;
m_num_read = 0;
m_num_written = 0;
m_expand = false;
m_num_read_no_notify = false;
template < typename T>
if( m_num_read > m_num_read_no_notify || m_expand ) {
m_data_read_event.notify( sc_core::SC_ZERO_TIME );
if( m_num_written > 0 ) {
m_data_written_event.notify( sc_core::SC_ZERO_TIME );
m_expand = false;
m_num_read = 0;
m_num_written = 0;
m_num_readable = buffer.used();
m_num_read_no_notify = 0;
} // namespace tlm
#include "tlm_core/tlm_1/tlm_req_rsp/tlm_channels/tlm_fifo/tlm_fifo_put_get.h"
#include "tlm_core/tlm_1/tlm_req_rsp/tlm_channels/tlm_fifo/tlm_fifo_peek.h"
#include "tlm_core/tlm_1/tlm_req_rsp/tlm_channels/tlm_fifo/tlm_fifo_resize.h"