blob: 69520bea79bcf4f6c2217b165a702c8087d25ae1 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"
#include "hipLocks.h"
inline __host__ hipError_t hipSemaphoreCreateEBO(hipSemaphore_t * const handle,
const int semaphoreNumber,
const unsigned int count,
const int NUM_CU)
// Here we set the initial value to be count+1, this allows us to do an
// atomicExch(sem, 0) and basically use the semaphore value as both a
// lock and a semaphore.
unsigned int initialValue = (count + 1), zero = 0;
*handle = semaphoreNumber;
for (int id = 0; id < NUM_CU; ++id) { // need to set these values for all CUs
hipMemcpy(&(cpuLockData->semaphoreBuffers[((semaphoreNumber * 4 * NUM_CU) + (id * 4))]), &initialValue, sizeof(initialValue), hipMemcpyHostToDevice);
hipMemcpy(&(cpuLockData->semaphoreBuffers[((semaphoreNumber * 4 * NUM_CU) + (id * 4)) + 1]), &zero, sizeof(zero), hipMemcpyHostToDevice);
hipMemcpy(&(cpuLockData->semaphoreBuffers[((semaphoreNumber * 4 * NUM_CU) + (id * 4)) + 2]), &zero, sizeof(zero), hipMemcpyHostToDevice);
hipMemcpy(&(cpuLockData->semaphoreBuffers[((semaphoreNumber * 4 * NUM_CU) + (id * 4)) + 3]), &initialValue, sizeof(initialValue), hipMemcpyHostToDevice);
return hipSuccess;
inline __device__ bool hipSemaphoreEBOTryWait(const hipSemaphore_t sem,
const bool isWriter,
const unsigned int maxSemCount,
unsigned int * semaphoreBuffers,
const int NUM_CU)
const bool isMasterThread = (hipThreadIdx_x == 0 && hipThreadIdx_y == 0 &&
hipThreadIdx_z == 0);
Each sem has NUM_CU * 4 locations in the buffer. Of these locations, each
CU uses 4 of them (current count, head, tail, max count). For the global
semaphore all CUs use semaphoreBuffers[sem * 4 * NUM_CU].
unsigned int * const currCount = semaphoreBuffers + (sem * 4 * NUM_CU);
unsigned int * const lock = currCount + 1;
Reuse the tail for the "writers are waiting" flag since tail is unused.
For now just use to indicate that at least 1 writer is waiting instead of
a count to make sure that readers aren't totally starved out until all the
writers are done.
unsigned int * const writerWaiting = currCount + 2;
__shared__ bool acq1, acq2;
if (isMasterThread)
acq1 = false;
// try to acquire the sem head "lock"
if (atomicCAS(lock, 0, 1) == 0) {
// atomicCAS acts as a load acquire, need TF to enforce ordering
acq1 = true;
if (!acq1) { return false; } // return if we couldn't acquire the lock
if (isMasterThread)
acq2 = false;
NOTE: currCount is only accessed by 1 WG at a time and has a lock around
it, so we can safely access it as a regular data access instead of with
unsigned int currSemCount = currCount[0];
if (isWriter) {
// writer needs the count to be == maxSemCount to enter the critical
// section (otherwise there are readers in the critical section)
if (currSemCount == maxSemCount) { acq2 = true; }
} else {
// if there is a writer waiting, readers aren't allowed to enter the
// critical section
if (writerWaiting[0] == 0) {
// readers need count > 1 to enter critical section (otherwise semaphore
// is full)
if (currSemCount > 1) { acq2 = true; }
if (!acq2) // release the sem head "lock" since the semaphore was full
// writers set a flag to note that they are waiting so more readers don't
// join after the writer started waiting
if (isWriter) { writerWaiting[0] = 1; /* if already 1, just reset to 1 */ }
if (isMasterThread) {
// atomicExch acts as a store release, need TF to enforce ordering
atomicExch(lock, 0);
return false;
if (isMasterThread) {
NOTE: currCount is only accessed by 1 WG at a time and has a lock around
it, so we can safely access it as a regular data access instead of with
if (isWriter) {
writer decrements the current count of the semaphore by the max to
ensure that no one else can enter the critical section while it's
currCount[0] -= maxSemCount;
// writers also need to unset the "writer is waiting" flag
writerWaiting[0] = 0;
} else {
readers decrement the current count of the semaphore by 1 so other
readers can also read the data (but not the writers since they needs
the entire CS).
--currCount[0]; //atomicSub(currCount, 1);
// atomicExch acts as a store release, need TF to enforce ordering
// now that we've updated the semaphore count can release the lock
atomicExch(lock, 0);
return true;
inline __device__ void hipSemaphoreEBOWait(const hipSemaphore_t sem,
const bool isWriter,
const unsigned int maxSemCount,
unsigned int * semaphoreBuffers,
const int NUM_CU)
__shared__ int backoff;
const bool isMasterThread = (hipThreadIdx_x == 0 && hipThreadIdx_y == 0 &&
hipThreadIdx_z == 0);
if (isMasterThread)
backoff = 1;
while (!hipSemaphoreEBOTryWait(sem, isWriter, maxSemCount, semaphoreBuffers, NUM_CU))
if (isMasterThread)
// if we failed to enter the semaphore, wait for a little while before
// trying again
for writers increse backoff a lot because failing means readers are in
the CS currently -- most important for non-unique because all WGs on
all CUs are going for the same semaphore.
if (isWriter) {
// (capped) exponential backoff
backoff = (((backoff << 1) + 1) & (MAX_BACKOFF-1));
else { backoff += 5; /* small, linear backoff increase for readers */ }
inline __device__ void hipSemaphoreEBOPost(const hipSemaphore_t sem,
const bool isWriter,
const unsigned int maxSemCount,
unsigned int * semaphoreBuffers,
const int NUM_CU)
const bool isMasterThread = (hipThreadIdx_x == 0 && hipThreadIdx_y == 0 &&
hipThreadIdx_z == 0);
Each sem has NUM_CU * 4 locations in the buffer. Of these locations, each
CU uses 4 of them (current count, head, tail, max count). For the global
semaphore use semaphoreBuffers[sem * 4 * NUM_CU].
unsigned int * const currCount = semaphoreBuffers + (sem * 4 * NUM_CU);
unsigned int * const lock = currCount + 1;
__shared__ bool acquired;
if (isMasterThread) { acquired = false; }
while (!acquired)
if (isMasterThread)
// try to acquire sem head "lock"
if (atomicCAS(lock, 0, 1) == 0) {
// atomicCAS acts as a load acquire, need TF to enforce ordering
acquired = true;
} else {
acquired = false;
if (isMasterThread) {
NOTE: currCount is only accessed by 1 WG at a time and has a lock around
it, so we can safely access it as a regular data access instead of with
if (isWriter) {
// writers add the max value to the semaphore to allow the readers to
// start accessing the critical section.
currCount[0] += maxSemCount;
} else {
++currCount[0]; // readers add 1 to the semaphore
// atomicExch acts as a store release, need TF to enforce ordering
// now that we've updated the semaphore count can release the lock
atomicExch(lock, 0);
// same wait algorithm but with local scope and per-CU synchronization
inline __device__ bool hipSemaphoreEBOTryWaitLocal(const hipSemaphore_t sem,
const unsigned int cuID,
const bool isWriter,
const unsigned int maxSemCount,
unsigned int * semaphoreBuffers,
const int NUM_CU)
const bool isMasterThread = (hipThreadIdx_x == 0 && hipThreadIdx_y == 0 &&
hipThreadIdx_z == 0);
Each sem has NUM_CU * 4 locations in the buffer. Of these locations, each
CU gets 4 of them (current count, head, tail, max count). So CU 0 starts
at semaphoreBuffers[sem * 4 * NUM_CU].
unsigned int * const currCount = semaphoreBuffers + ((sem * 4 * NUM_CU) +
(cuID * 4));
unsigned int * const lock = currCount + 1;
Reuse the tail for the "writers are waiting" flag since tail is unused.
For now just use to indicate that at least 1 writer is waiting instead of
a count to make sure that readers aren't totally starved out until all the
writers are done.
unsigned int * const writerWaiting = currCount + 2;
__shared__ bool acq1, acq2;
if (isMasterThread)
acq1 = false;
// try to acquire the sem head "lock"
if (atomicCAS(lock, 0, 1) == 0) {
// atomicCAS acts as a load acquire, need TF to enforce ordering locally
acq1 = true;
if (!acq1) { return false; } // return if we couldn't acquire the lock
if (isMasterThread)
acq2 = false;
NOTE: currCount is only accessed by 1 WG at a time and has a lock around
it, so we can safely access it as a regular data access instead of with
unsigned int currSemCount = currCount[0];
if (isWriter) {
// writer needs the count to be == maxSemCount to enter the critical
// section (otherwise there are readers in the critical section)
if (currSemCount == maxSemCount) { acq2 = true; }
} else {
// if there is a writer waiting, readers aren't allowed to enter the
// critical section
if (writerWaiting[0] == 0) {
// readers need count > 1 to enter critical section (otherwise semaphore
// is full)
if (currSemCount > 1) { acq2 = true; }
if (!acq2) // release the sem head "lock" since the semaphore was full
// writers set a flag to note that they are waiting so more readers don't
// join after the writer started waiting
if (isWriter) { writerWaiting[0] = 1; /* if already 1, just reset to 1 */ }
if (isMasterThread) {
// atomicExch acts as a store release, need TF to enforce ordering locally
atomicExch(lock, 0);
return false;
if (isMasterThread) {
NOTE: currCount is only accessed by 1 WG at a time and has a lock around
it, so we can safely access it as a regular data access instead of with
if (isWriter) {
writer decrements the current count of the semaphore by the max to
ensure that no one else can enter the critical section while it's
currCount[0] -= maxSemCount;
// writers also need to unset the "writer is waiting" flag
writerWaiting[0] = 0;
} else {
readers decrement the current count of the semaphore by 1 so other
readers can also read the data (but not the writers since they needs
the entire CS).
// atomicExch acts as a store release, need TF to enforce ordering locally
// now that we've updated the semaphore count can release the lock
atomicExch(lock, 0);
return true;
// same algorithm but with local scope
inline __device__ void hipSemaphoreEBOWaitLocal(const hipSemaphore_t sem,
const unsigned int cuID,
const bool isWriter,
const unsigned int maxSemCount,
unsigned int * semaphoreBuffers,
const int NUM_CU)
__shared__ int backoff;
const bool isMasterThread = (hipThreadIdx_x == 0 && hipThreadIdx_y == 0 &&
hipThreadIdx_z == 0);
if (isMasterThread)
backoff = 1;
while (!hipSemaphoreEBOTryWaitLocal(sem, cuID, isWriter, maxSemCount, semaphoreBuffers, NUM_CU))
if (isMasterThread)
if we failed to enter the semaphore, wait for a little while before
trying again
// (capped) exponential backoff
backoff = (((backoff << 1) + 1) & (MAX_BACKOFF-1));
inline __device__ void hipSemaphoreEBOPostLocal(const hipSemaphore_t sem,
const unsigned int cuID,
const bool isWriter,
const unsigned int maxSemCount,
unsigned int * semaphoreBuffers,
const int NUM_CU)
const bool isMasterThread = (hipThreadIdx_x == 0 && hipThreadIdx_y == 0 &&
hipThreadIdx_z == 0);
// Each sem has NUM_CU * 4 locations in the buffer. Of these locations, each
// CU gets 4 of them. So CU 0 starts at semaphoreBuffers[sem * 4 * NUM_CU].
unsigned int * const currCount = semaphoreBuffers + ((sem * 4 * NUM_CU) +
(cuID * 4));
unsigned int * const lock = currCount + 1;
__shared__ bool acquired;
if (isMasterThread) { acquired = false; }
while (!acquired)
if (isMasterThread)
// try to acquire sem head "lock"
if (atomicCAS(lock, 0, 1) == 0) {
// atomicCAS acts as a load acquire, need TF to enforce ordering locally
acquired = true;
} else {
acquired = false;
if (isMasterThread) {
NOTE: currCount is only accessed by 1 WGs at a time and has a lock around
it, so we can safely access it as a regular data access instead of with
if (isWriter) {
// writers add the max value to the semaphore to allow the readers to
// start accessing the critical section.
currCount[0] += maxSemCount;
} else {
++currCount[0]; // readers add 1 to the semaphore
// atomicExch acts as a store release, need TF to enforce ordering locally
// now that we've updated the semaphore count can release the lock
atomicExch(lock, 0);
#endif // #ifndef __HIPSEMAPHOREEBO_H__