blob: af34c826ee00f6ebb785af77ac171a357e3be56d [file] [log] [blame]
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
#include "matrix.h"
#include <math.h>
struct Chunk {
int first, last, assign;
struct Chunk *next;
} *chunks_head = NULL, *chunks_tail = NULL;
int tolerance = 20;
double domain_ops;
double *divide_lo=NULL, *divide_hi;
extern double *work_tree;
extern int *firstchild, *child;
Partition(M, parts, T, assigned_ops, domain, domains, proc_domains, distribute)
SMatrix M;
int *T, *assigned_ops, *domain, *domains, *proc_domains;
int i, p, start, minm, maxm, ops, change;
int which=0;
int *depth;
double ave, maxo=0.0, maxd;
struct Chunk *t, *GetChunk(), *NewChunk();
start = 0;
for (i=0; i<M.n; i++)
if (T[i] == M.n) {
t = NewChunk();
t->first = start; t->last = i+1;
start = i+1;
NumberPartition(parts, assigned_ops, 0);
for (;;) {
minm = assigned_ops[MinBucket(assigned_ops, parts)];
maxm = assigned_ops[MaxBucket(assigned_ops, parts)];
if (maxm == 0 ||
(100.0*(maxm - minm)/(double) maxm < tolerance) ||
(1.0*parts*maxm/work_tree[M.n] < 0.05))
t = GetChunk();
change = Divide(t);
if (!change)
NumberPartition(parts, assigned_ops, 0);
NumberPartition(parts, assigned_ops, 1);
which = 0;
for (i=0; i<parts; i++) {
proc_domains[i] = which;
t = chunks_head;
while (t) {
if (t->assign == i) {
domains[which++] = t->last-1;
t = t->next;
proc_domains[parts] = which;
/* free chunk list */
while (chunks_head) {
t = chunks_head;
chunks_head = chunks_head->next;
depth = (int *) malloc(proc_domains[parts]*sizeof(int));
for (p=0; p<parts; p++)
for (i=proc_domains[p]; i<proc_domains[p+1]; i++)
depth[i] = 1000000*p-BlDepth(domains[i]);
SortByKey(proc_domains[p], domains, depth);
for (i=0; i<M.n; i++)
domain[i] = 0;
for (i=0; i<proc_domains[parts]; i++)
MarkSubtreeAsDomain(domain, domains[i]);
domain_ops = 0;
for (i=0; i<proc_domains[parts]; i++)
domain_ops += work_tree[domains[i]];
maxd = 0;
for (p=0; p<parts; p++) {
ops = 0;
for (i=proc_domains[p]; i<proc_domains[p+1]; i++)
ops += work_tree[domains[i]];
if (ops > maxd)
maxd = ops;
ave = domain_ops/(double) parts;
printf("Divide for %d P, %d domains, ", parts, proc_domains[parts]);
printf("%.2f of work static, ", domain_ops/work_tree[M.n]);
printf("%.2f eff, (%.2f overall)\n", ave/maxd, work_tree[M.n]/maxo/parts);
MarkSubtreeAsDomain(domain, root)
int *domain;
int i, first, root_super;
extern int *node;
first = root;
while (firstchild[first] != firstchild[first+1])
first = child[firstchild[first]];
/* all nodes not at root have domain[i] = 1 */
for (i=first; i<=root; i++)
domain[i] = 1;
/* root super has domain[i] = 2 */
root_super = root;
if (node[root_super] < 0)
root_super += node[root_super];
for (i=root_super; i<root_super+node[root_super]; i++)
domain[i] = 2;
NumberPartition(parts, assigned_ops, distribute)
int *assigned_ops;
int i, minm;
struct Chunk *t, *old_t;
for (i=0; i<parts; i++)
assigned_ops[i] = 0;
t = chunks_head;
while (t) {
minm = MinBucket(assigned_ops, parts);
assigned_ops[minm] += work_tree[t->last-1];
old_t = t;
t = t->next;
if (distribute) {
old_t->assign = minm;
struct Chunk *root;
int i, first, first_in_super;
int change = 1;
struct Chunk *t2, *NewChunk();
first_in_super = root->last-1;
while (firstchild[first_in_super]+1 ==
firstchild[first_in_super+1]) {
first = root->first;
for (i=firstchild[first_in_super];i<firstchild[first_in_super+1]; i++){
t2 = NewChunk();
t2->last = child[i]+1;
t2->first = first;
first = t2->last;
MaxBucket(assigned_ops, parts)
int *assigned_ops;
int i, maxm, ind;
maxm = assigned_ops[0]; ind = 0;
for (i=1; i<parts; i++)
if (assigned_ops[i] > maxm) {
ind = i; maxm = assigned_ops[i];
MinBucket(assigned_ops, parts)
int *assigned_ops;
int i, minm, ind;
minm = assigned_ops[0]; ind = 0;
for (i=1; i<parts; i++)
if (assigned_ops[i] < minm) {
ind = i; minm = assigned_ops[i];
struct Chunk *NewChunk()
struct Chunk *t;
t = (struct Chunk *) malloc(sizeof(struct Chunk));
struct Chunk *t;
struct Chunk *current;
int work;
work = work_tree[t->last-1];
current = chunks_head;
if (!current) {
t->next = NULL;
chunks_head = t;
else if (work >= work_tree[current->last-1]) {
t->next = chunks_head;
chunks_head = t;
else {
while (current->next && work<work_tree[current->next->last-1])
current = current->next;
t->next = current->next;
current->next = t;
if (t->next == NULL)
chunks_tail = t;
struct Chunk *GetChunk()
struct Chunk *t;
t = chunks_head;
if (t) {
chunks_head = t->next;
if (t == chunks_tail)
chunks_tail = NULL;