blob: 5ee7387769bf86802d5fa8d47444e83d18b1575d [file] [log] [blame]
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
#include "matrix.h"
#include <math.h>
#define SWAP(x, y) {int tmp; tmp=x; x=y; y=tmp;}
double max_block_size;
extern int *node;
int *boundary, *next_in_segment, *next_segment, *sets_affected, n_affected;
int *partition;
int *segment_perm;
ComputeTargetBlockSize(M, P)
SMatrix M;
int max_ht;
double total_ops;
extern double *work_tree;
max_ht = 0;
FindMaxHeight(M, M.n, 0, &max_ht);
total_ops = work_tree[M.n];
max_block_size = sqrt(total_ops/(3*max_ht)/P);
printf("%d max height, %.0f ops, %.2f conc, %.2f bl for %d P\n",
max_ht, total_ops, total_ops/(3*max_ht), max_block_size, P);
FindMaxHeight(L, root, height, maxm)
SMatrix L;
int *maxm;
int i;
extern int *firstchild, *child;
if (height > *maxm)
*maxm = height;
for (i=firstchild[root]; i<firstchild[root+1]; i++)
FindMaxHeight(L, child[i], height+1, maxm);
SMatrix M;
int i;
partition = (int *) MyMalloc(M.n*sizeof(int), DISTRIBUTED);
for (i=0; i<M.n; i++)
partition[i] = node[i];
CreatePermutation(n, node, PERM, permutation_method)
int *node, *PERM;
int j, k;
int swap, tmp;
extern int *domain;
PERM[n] = n;
if (permutation_method == NO_PERM) {
for (j=0; j<n; j++)
PERM[j] = j;