blob: 741692fbd5753b811cc3952ec076f081fa480cc2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
#ifndef _Box_H
#define _Box_H 1
#include "defs.h"
#include "particle.h"
/* This definition sets the maximum number of particles allowed per box. */
/* This definition sets the number of subdivisions (offspring) of a box. */
#define MAX_U_LIST 20
#define MAX_V_LIST 27
#define MAX_W_LIST 30
typedef struct _Box box;
typedef struct _Box_Node box_node;
typedef void (*list_function)(long my_id, box *list_box, box *b);
typedef enum { CHILDLESS, PARENT } box_type;
#define ID_LIMIT 1000000
/* Every box has :
* 1. A unique ID number (made up of a unique ID number per processor plus
* the ID of the processor that created the box)
* 2.- 3. An x and y position for its center
* 4. The length of the box (measured as the length of one of its sides)
* 5. The level of ancestry of the box (how many parents do you have to
* visit before the first box is found?)
* 6. The number of particles in the box
* 7. A list of those particles
* 8. A pointer to its parent
* 9. The number of children
* 10. A list of its children
* 11. The number of siblings
* 12. A list of its siblings
* 13. A linked list of its colleagues
* 14. A linked list representing list 1 in RR #496
* 15. A linked list representing list 2 in RR #496
* 16. A linked list representing list 3 in RR #496
* 17. An array of its multipole expansion terms.
* 18. An array of its local expansion terms.
* 19. The id of the processor that is working on the box.
* 20. The amount of computational work associated with the box.
struct _Box
double id;
real x_center;
real y_center;
real length;
long level;
box_type type;
particle *particles[MAX_PARTICLES_PER_BOX + 1];
long num_particles;
box *parent;
long child_num;
box *shadow[NUM_OFFSPRING];
box *children[NUM_OFFSPRING];
long num_children;
box *siblings[MAX_SIBLINGS];
long num_siblings;
box *colleagues[MAX_COLLEAGUES];
long num_colleagues;
box *u_list[MAX_U_LIST];
long num_u_list;
box *v_list[MAX_V_LIST];
long num_v_list;
box *w_list[MAX_W_LIST];
long num_w_list;
complex mp_expansion[MAX_EXPANSION_TERMS];
complex local_expansion[MAX_EXPANSION_TERMS];
complex x_expansion[MAX_EXPANSION_TERMS];
long exp_lock_index;
long particle_lock_index;
volatile long construct_synch;
volatile long interaction_synch;
long proc;
long cost;
long u_cost;
long v_cost;
long w_cost;
long p_cost;
long subtree_cost;
box *next;
box *prev;
box *link1;
box *link2;
/* This structure is used for a linked list of boxes */
struct _Box_Node
box *data;
struct _Box_Node *next;
extern box *Grid;
extern void CreateBoxes(long my_id, long num_boxes);
extern void FreeBoxes(long my_id);
extern box *InitBox(long my_id, real x_center, real y_center, real length, box *parent);
extern void PrintBox(box *b);
extern void PrintBoxArrayIds(box *b_array[], long array_length);
extern void PrintExpansionTerms(complex expansion[]);
extern void ListIterate(long my_id, box *b, box **list, long length, list_function function);
extern long AdjacentBoxes(box *b1, box *b2);
extern long WellSeparatedBoxes(box *b1, box *b2);
#endif /* _Box_H */