blob: 51ba10824e7af8a8f1199e02181f63a50bc780cb [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _
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// |_| \___|\___)/_/\_\ Image Library
// 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : FlexImage.h
// author : Scott Ettinger -
// description: FlexImage definition. Templated image object. Typed
// functions are called through specializations.
// modified :
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <string>
#include "FlexDefs.h"
#include "FlexDataExchange.h"
#include "FlexImageStore.h"
template <class T, int C>
class FlexImage {
FlexImageStore<T,C> *mStore; //Pointer to FlexImageStore object owning pixel data
T *mData; //Pointer to image data
int mBpp; //Size in bytes of pixel (step x)
int mStepBytes; //Stride in bytes per line (step y)
FISize mSize; //Image dimensions
FlexImageStatus mStatus; //Error status for image object
///Allocate image store object according to width, height, and channel data members
void Allocate();
///Decrement reference and destroy image store if necessary
void DecReference();
//-------------------------- Constructors --------------------------------
///Default Constructor
///Constructor specifying width, height - allocates a new FlexImageStore
FlexImage(int width, int height);
///Constructor specifying FISize - allocates a new FlexImageStore
FlexImage(FISize size);
///Constructor specifying width, height, and initial value - allocates a new FlexImageStore
FlexImage(int width, int height, T InitVal);
///Constructor specifying FISize and initial value - allocates a new FlexImageStore
FlexImage(FISize size, T InitVal);
///Copy Constructor
FlexImage(const FlexImage<T,C> &src);
///Creates a sub-image from an FlexImage referencing the same memory
FlexImage(const FlexImage<T,C> &src, int x, int y, int width, int height);
///Sub image constructor specifying an IppRect
FlexImage(const FlexImage<T,C> &src, const FIRect &r);
///Destructor - frees image store if object has last reference to it
//-------------------------- Member Functions -----------------------------
///Reallocate to a given size - creates new image store
bool Reallocate(int width, int height);
bool Reallocate(FISize size);
///Get function for pixel data pointer
inline T *Data() { return(mData); };
inline const T *Data() const { return(mData); };
//various get functions
inline int StepBytes() const { return(mStepBytes); };
inline int BytesPerPixel() const { return(mBpp); };
inline FISize Size() const { return(mSize); };
inline int Width() const { return(mSize.width); };
inline int Height() const { return(mSize.height); };
inline bool Empty() const { return(mSize.width == 0 && mSize.height == 0); };
///Convenience function for image rect ( 0,0,w,h )
inline FIRect ImgRect() const;
///Equals operator - sets image to refer to same memory as source image
void operator=(const FlexImage<T,C> &src);
///Create Sub Image of a given image - points to same memory
void CreateSubImage(const FlexImage<T,C> &img, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void CreateSubImage(const FlexImage<T,C> &img, const FIRect &r);
///Convert image to another data type
template<class T2>
FIStatus ConvertFrom(const FlexImage<T2,C> &src, bool allocate = true);
template<class T2>
FIStatus ConvertTo(FlexImage<T2,C> &dst, bool allocate = true) const;
///Deep copy of a given image
FIStatus CopyTo(FlexImage<T,C> &dst, bool allocate = true) const;
FIStatus CopyFrom(const FlexImage<T,C> &src, bool allocate = true);
///Pixel access through () operator for given plane
inline T &operator ()(int x, int y, int c) {return( *(T *)((char *)mData + mStepBytes * y + mBpp * x + c*sizeof(T) )); };
inline T &operator ()(int x, int y, int c) const {return( *(T *)((char *)mData + mStepBytes * y + mBpp * x + c*sizeof(T) )); };
///Pixel access through () operator into plane 0
inline T &operator ()(int x, int y) { return (operator()(x, y, 0)); };
inline T &operator ()(int x, int y) const { return (operator()(x, y, 0)); };
///() operator returns a sub image with 4 parameters
FlexImage<T,C> operator ()(int x, int y, int width, int height);
///Fill ROI of image specifying a value for each channel
FIStatus Set(T value[C+1]);
///Fill ROI of image specifying a single value for all channels
FIStatus Set(T value)
{ T colors[C+1];
for(int i=0; i < C; i++)
colors[i] = value;
//set a pixel to a color given as an array sized to the number of channels
void SetPixel(int x, int y, T *color);
///reallocate to given dimensions if not already equal. If equal, do nothing. Returns true if resized.
bool ReallocateNE(int w, int h);
///reallocate to given dimensions if not already of equal or greater size in both dimensions
bool ReallocateGE(int w, int h);
///determine if another image is of equal size
bool EqualSize(const FlexImage<T,C> &img);
///Return Error/Warning status
FlexImageStatus Status() { return mStatus; };
///Print contents of image to standard out
void Print();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Advanced functions - most users will never need these
///Get function for Image store object
inline FlexImageStore<T,C> *ImageStore() { return(mStore); };
inline const FlexImageStore<T,C> *ImageStore() const { return(mStore); };
///Create Sub Image from a given image store
void CreateSubImage(FlexImageStore<T,C> &store, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void CreateSubImage(FlexImageStore<T,C> &store, FIRect &r);
///Creates a sub-image from an FlexImagestore
FlexImage(FlexImageStore<T,C> &store, int x, int y, int width, int height);
//------------------------Implementation required to be in header -------------------
template<class T, int C>
template<class T2>
FIStatus FlexImage<T,C>::ConvertFrom(const FlexImage<T2,C> &src, bool allocate)
{ return( FlexConvert<T2,T,C>(src, *this, allocate) );
template<class T, int C>
template<class T2>
FIStatus FlexImage<T,C>::ConvertTo(FlexImage<T2,C> &dst, bool allocate) const
{ return( FlexConvert<T,T2,C>(*this, dst, allocate) );