blob: 46ff6f6ada6189df43cb415a6cf3e6814a88630f [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
// / ___|____ _ _ ____ ____| |__ | |
// | | / ___| | | | _ \/ ___| _ \| |
// | |___| | | |_| | | | | |___| | | ||_|
// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// © 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file :
// authors : Scott Ettinger -
// Jean-Yves Bouguet -
// description : Body geometry description
// modified :
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "BodyGeometry.h"
#define DMatrixf DMatrix<float>
using namespace std;
//Multiplication by a diagonal matrix
inline void Scale(DMatrixf &m, float s1, float s2, float s3)
{ m(0,0) *= s1; m(1,0) *= s1; m(2,0) *= s1;
m(0,1) *= s2; m(1,1) *= s2; m(2,1) *= s2;
m(0,2) *= s3; m(1,2) *= s3; m(2,2) *= s3;
//Matrix pre-translation
inline void PreTranslate(DMatrixf &m, float t1, float t2, float t3)
m(0,3) = m(0,0) * t1 + m(0,1) * t2 + m(0,2) * t3 + m(0,3);
m(1,3) = m(1,0) * t1 + m(1,1) * t2 + m(1,2) * t3 + m(1,3);
m(2,3) = m(2,0) * t1 + m(2,1) * t2 + m(2,2) * t3 + m(2,3);
//Create the geometric representation of the kinematic tree model given a body pose (angles and translation)
void BodyGeometry::ComputeGeometry(BodyPose &angles, BodyParameters &params)
//create the torso conic cylinder and transform
DMatrixf globalTpelvis(angles(0), angles(1), angles(2), ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER); //create torso transform given euler angles and translation
globalTpelvis.SetTranslation(angles(3), angles(4), angles(5));
mCylinders[0].Set(params.limbs[0][0], params.limbs[0][1], params.lengths[0]); //set the torso conic cylinder values
mCylinders[0].pose = globalTpelvis;
Scale(mCylinders[0].pose, params.limbs[0][2], params.limbs[0][3], 1); //scale transform by limb parameters
//create left thigh using geometric transformations from the torso and model parameters
DMatrixf globalTlpelvis = (globalTpelvis * DMatrixf(YRot180));
PreTranslate(globalTlpelvis, 0, params.lengths[1], 0);
DMatrixf lthighTlpelvis(angles(6), angles(7), angles(8), ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTlthigh = globalTlpelvis * Inverse(lthighTlpelvis);
mCylinders[1].Set(params.limbs[1][0], params.limbs[1][1], params.lengths[2]);
mCylinders[1].pose = globalTlthigh;
Scale(mCylinders[1].pose, params.limbs[1][2], params.limbs[1][3], 1);
//create left lower leg cascading from the left thigh transform and model parameters
PreTranslate(globalTlthigh, 0, 0, params.lengths[2]);
DMatrixf ltibiaTlthigh(0, angles(9), 0, ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTltibia = globalTlthigh * Inverse(ltibiaTlthigh);
mCylinders[2].Set(params.limbs[2][0], params.limbs[2][1], params.lengths[3]);
mCylinders[2].pose = globalTltibia;
Scale(mCylinders[2].pose, params.limbs[2][2], params.limbs[2][3], 1);
//create right thigh
DMatrixf globalTrpelvis = (globalTpelvis * DMatrixf(YRot180));
PreTranslate(globalTrpelvis, 0, -params.lengths[5], 0);
DMatrixf rthighTrpelvis(angles(10),angles(11),angles(12),ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTrthigh = globalTrpelvis * Inverse(rthighTrpelvis);
mCylinders[3].Set(params.limbs[3][0], params.limbs[3][1], params.lengths[6]);
mCylinders[3].pose = globalTrthigh;
Scale(mCylinders[3].pose, params.limbs[3][2], params.limbs[3][3], 1);
//create left lower leg
PreTranslate(globalTrthigh, 0, 0, params.lengths[6]);
DMatrixf rtibiaTrthigh(0, angles(13), 0, ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTrtibia = globalTrthigh * Inverse(rtibiaTrthigh);
mCylinders[4].Set(params.limbs[4][0], params.limbs[4][1], params.lengths[7]);
mCylinders[4].pose = globalTrtibia;
Scale(mCylinders[4].pose, params.limbs[4][2], params.limbs[4][3], 1);
DMatrixf thoraxTpelvis(0, angles(26), angles(27), ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTthorax = (globalTpelvis * DMatrixf(XRot180)) * (Inverse(thoraxTpelvis));
PreTranslate(globalTthorax, 0, 0, -params.lengths[0]);
//create left upper arm
DMatrixf lclavicleTlthorax(angles(14), angles(15), 0.0, ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTlclavicle = (globalTthorax * DMatrixf(XRot90)) * Inverse(lclavicleTlthorax);
PreTranslate(globalTlclavicle, 0, 0, -params.lengths[9]);
DMatrixf lshoulderTlclavicle(angles(16), angles(17), angles(18), ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf r = DMatrixf(XRot90) * DMatrixf(ZRot180) * DMatrixf(YRot90);
DMatrixf globalTlshoulder = globalTlclavicle * r * Inverse(lshoulderTlclavicle);
mCylinders[5].Set(params.limbs[5][0], params.limbs[5][1], -params.lengths[10]);
mCylinders[5].pose = globalTlshoulder;
Scale(mCylinders[5].pose, params.limbs[5][2], params.limbs[5][3], 1);
//create left lower arm
PreTranslate(globalTlshoulder, 0, 0, -params.lengths[10]);
DMatrixf lelbowTlshoulder(0.0, angles(19), 0.0, ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTlelbow = globalTlshoulder * Inverse(lelbowTlshoulder);
mCylinders[6].Set(params.limbs[6][0], params.limbs[6][1], -params.lengths[11]);
mCylinders[6].pose = globalTlelbow;
Scale(mCylinders[6].pose, params.limbs[6][2], params.limbs[6][3], 1);
//create right upper arm
DMatrixf rclavicleTrthorax(angles(20), angles(21), 0.0, ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTrclavicle = globalTthorax * DMatrixf(XRot270) * Inverse(rclavicleTrthorax);
PreTranslate(globalTrclavicle, 0, 0, -params.lengths[13]);
DMatrixf rshoulderTrclavicle(angles(22),angles(23),angles(24),ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTrshoulder = (globalTrclavicle * r) * Inverse(rshoulderTrclavicle);
mCylinders[7].Set(params.limbs[7][0], params.limbs[7][1], -params.lengths[14]);
mCylinders[7].pose = globalTrshoulder;
Scale(mCylinders[7].pose, params.limbs[7][2], params.limbs[7][3], 1);
//create right lower arm
PreTranslate(globalTrshoulder, 0, 0, -params.lengths[14]);
DMatrixf relbowTrshoulder(0.0, angles(25), 0.0, ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalTrelbow = globalTrshoulder * Inverse(relbowTrshoulder);
mCylinders[8].Set(params.limbs[8][0], params.limbs[8][1], -params.lengths[15]);
mCylinders[8].pose = globalTrelbow;
Scale(mCylinders[8].pose, params.limbs[8][2], params.limbs[8][3], 1);
//create head
DMatrixf headTthorax(angles(28), angles(29), angles(30), ANGLE_DECOMPOSITION_ORDER);
DMatrixf globalThead = (globalTthorax * DMatrixf(XRot180)) * Inverse(headTthorax);
mCylinders[9].Set(params.limbs[9][0], params.limbs[9][1], params.lengths[17]);
mCylinders[9].pose = globalThead;
Scale(mCylinders[9].pose, params.limbs[9][2], params.limbs[9][3], 1);
// Load the body shape parameters from a file
bool BodyParameters::InitBodyParameters(const string fname)
ifstream f(fname.c_str());
{ cout << "Unable to open Body Parameter file : " << fname << endl;
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < N_PARTS; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
f >> limbs[i][j];
for(int i = 0; i < N_LENGTHS; i++)
f >> lengths[i];
return true;
// Checks if 2 cylinders intersect. Returns true if they do.
bool BodyGeometry::IntersectingCylinders(KTCylinder &cylA, KTCylinder &cylB)
float numPA2 = ((cylA.length / std::max(cylA.bottom,;
int numPA = (int) ((numPA2<0.0 ? -numPA2 : numPA2) + 0.5f);
float numPB2 = (cylB.length / std::max(cylB.bottom,;
int numPB = (int) ((numPB2<0.0 ? -numPB2 : numPB2) + 0.5f);
numPB = std::min(numPB, 20);
numPA = std::min(numPA, 20);
Vector3f obA(0.00f,0.00f,0.00f);
Vector3f otA(0.00f,0.00f,cylA.length);
Vector3f oA[2];
oA[0] = cylA.pose * obA;
oA[1] = cylA.pose * otA;
Vector3f obB(0.00f,0.00f,0.00f);
Vector3f otB(0.00f,0.00f,cylB.length);
Vector3f oB[2];
oB[0] = cylB.pose * obB;
oB[1] = cylB.pose * otB;
//approximate first conic cylinder as a series of spheres
float deltaPA = 1.00f / (float) numPA;
Vector3f d12 = oA[1] - oA[0];
float alpha;
float delta_r = - cylA.bottom;
double val = delta_r/cylA.length;
float scaling = (float)sqrt(1.00 + (val*val));
for(int i=0;i<=numPA;i++)
{ alpha = ((float) i)*deltaPA;
mCentersA[i].Set(oA[0].x + (alpha * d12.x) , oA[0].y + (alpha * d12.y) , oA[0].z + (alpha * d12.z) ); // = oA[0] + (alpha * d12);
mRadiiA[i] = (cylA.bottom + alpha * delta_r)/scaling;
//approximate second conic cylinder as a series of spheres
float deltaPB = 1.00f / (float) numPB;
d12 = oB[1] - oB[0];
delta_r = - cylB.bottom;
val = delta_r/cylB.length;
scaling = (float)sqrt(1.00f + (val*val));
for(int i=0;i<=numPB;i++)
{ alpha = ((float) i)*deltaPB;
mCentersB[i].Set(oB[0].x + (alpha * d12.x) , oB[0].y + (alpha * d12.y) , oB[0].z + (alpha * d12.z) ); // = oB[0] + alpha * d12;
mRadiiB[i] = (cylB.bottom + alpha * delta_r)/scaling;
//check if any spheres intersect from one cylinder to the other
Vector3f difC;
float rAB;
float nrmsq;
for(int i=0;i<=numPA;i++)
for(int j=0;j<=numPB;j++)
difC.Set(mCentersA[i].x - mCentersB[j].x , mCentersA[i].y - mCentersB[j].y , mCentersA[i].z - mCentersB[j].z ); // = mCentersA[i] - mCentersB[j]
nrmsq = (difC.x * difC.x) + (difC.y * difC.y) + (difC.z * difC.z);
rAB = mRadiiA[i] + mRadiiB[j];
if (rAB*rAB> nrmsq)
return true;
return false;
//Check that the body is valid by checking that no pair of body part intersect
bool BodyGeometry::Valid()
if(IntersectingCylinders(mCylinders[6],mCylinders[0])) return false; //Check left lower arm and torso
if(IntersectingCylinders(mCylinders[8],mCylinders[0])) return false; //Check right lower arm and torso
if(IntersectingCylinders(mCylinders[2],mCylinders[4])) return false; //Check left lower leg and right lower leg
return true;