blob: bf873ca6c376cea11422cca976ef2931b55ab326 [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
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// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// © 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : BodyPose.h
// author : Jean-Yves Bouguet -
// Scott Ettinger -
// description : Body pose description.
// modified :
#ifndef BODYPOSE_H
#define BODYPOSE_H
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#define N_ANGLES 31
//Pose parameters
class PoseParams{
std::vector<float> stdAngle; //Standard deviations on the pose angles
std::vector<float> minAngles; //minimum values of the pose angles
std::vector<float> maxAngles; //maximum values of the pose angles
bool Initialize(std::string fname); //Initialize the pose parameters from a file
float &PoseStd(int i){return stdAngle[i];}; //ith entry of the standard deviation vector
float &PoseMin(int i){return minAngles[i];}; //ith entry of the minimum vector
float &PoseMax(int i){return maxAngles[i];}; //ith entry of the maximum vector
std::vector<float> &stdVec(){return stdAngle;}; //the standard deviation vector
std::vector<float> &minVec(){return minAngles;}; //the minimum vector
std::vector<float> &maxVec(){return maxAngles;}; //the maximum vector
//Body pose
class BodyPose{
PoseParams mParams; //Body Pose parameters
std::vector<float> mAngles; //Angles describing the body pose
bool Initialize(std::string fname); //Initialize the body pose from a file
bool InitParams(std::string fname)
{ return mParams.Initialize(fname);}; //Initialize the pose parameters from a file
float &operator()(int i){return mAngles[i];}; //Get or set the ith body pose angle entry
std::vector<float> Pose() {return mAngles;}; //Get or set the entire set of angles
PoseParams &Params() {return mParams; }; //Get the pose parameters
void Set(float *angle_values,int n); //Set the set of angles from a float* and the size
void Set(const std::vector<float> &v) {mAngles = v;};
int Size(){return (int) mAngles.size();}; //returns the number of body parts
PoseParams &PoseParameters(){return mParams;};
bool Valid(PoseParams &params); // returns true only if all body pose angles are between min and max values