blob: e879d85dc611ad5ad2c8712a0ea809a9e1e5d427 [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
// / ___|____ _ _ ____ ____| |__ | |
// | | / ___| | | | _ \/ ___| _ \| |
// | |___| | | |_| | | | | |___| | | ||_|
// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// © 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : ImageMeasurements.h
// author : Scott Ettinger -
// Jean-Yves Bouguet -
// description : Image Measurements (silhouette and edges)
// modified :
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <FlexLib.h>
#include "BinaryImage.h"
#include "ImageProjection.h"
#define FlexImage8u FlexImage<Im8u,1>
#define FlexImage32f FlexImage<Im32f,1>
#include <vector>
//Default granularity of sampling of the projected cylinder edges:
#define STEP_DEFAULT 5.00f
//Default horizontal and vertical granularities of sampling of the inside of the projected cylinder:
#define H_STEP_DEFAULT 10.00f
#define V_STEP_DEFAULT 10.00f
class ImageMeasurements
std::vector<Point> mSamples; //pixel samples (for each body part, edge and inside)
float mStep; //Sampling resolution of the edges in pixels (default: STEP_DEFAULT)
float mHstep,mVstep; //Horizontal and vertical sampling resolutions of inside the limbs (defaults: H_STEP_DEFAULT,V_STEP_DEFAULT)
//compute error at the edges of a projected cylinder (body part)
void EdgeError(const ProjectedCylinder &ProjCyl, const FlexImage8u &EdgeMap, float &error, int &samplePoints);
//compute error inside of a projected cylinder (body part)
void InsideError(const ProjectedCylinder &ProjCyl, const BinaryImage &FGmap, int &error, int &samplePoints);
ImageMeasurements(){SetSamplingResolutions(STEP_DEFAULT, H_STEP_DEFAULT, V_STEP_DEFAULT); };
//Set sampling densities
void SetSamplingResolutions(float edge, float inside_h, float inside_v){mStep=edge; mHstep=inside_h; mVstep=inside_v;};
//Edge error of a complete body on all camera images
float ImageErrorEdge(std::vector<FlexImage8u> &ImageMaps, MultiCameraProjectedBody &ProjBodies);
//Silhouette error of a complete body on all camera images
float ImageErrorInside(std::vector<BinaryImage> &ImageMaps, MultiCameraProjectedBody &ProjBodies);