blob: 69922e8cb23bb53f7a50a89933ccaf8c4950264c [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
// / ___|____ _ _ ____ ____| |__ | |
// | | / ___| | | | _ \/ ___| _ \| |
// | |___| | | |_| | | | | |___| | | ||_|
// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : TrackingModel.cpp
// author : Scott Ettinger -
// description : Observation model for kinematic tree body
// tracking.
// modified :
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "TrackingModel.h"
#include "CovarianceMatrix.h"
#include "FlexLib.h"
#include "system.h"
#ifndef uint
#define uint unsigned int
using namespace std;
//templated conversion to string with field width
template<class T>
inline string str(T n, int width = 0, char pad = '0')
{ stringstream ss;
ss << setw(width) << setfill(pad) << n;
return ss.str();
// -------------------------------- Initialization ----------------------------
//Constructor initializes for single thread code
//Allocate space for multi-threaded code
void TrackingModel::SetNumThreads(int n)
//Load camera calibration parameters from files
bool TrackingModel::InitCameras(vector<string> &fileNames)
{ mCameras.SetCameras((int)fileNames.size()); //set number of cameras
for(int i = 0; i < (int)fileNames.size(); i++)
if(!mCameras(i).LoadParams(fileNames[i].c_str())) //load each camera calibration
return false;
return true;
//Initialize the tracking model parameters
bool TrackingModel::Initialize(const string &path, int cameras, int layers)
mPath = path;
mNCameras = cameras;
vector<string> calibFiles(cameras); //set camera calibration file paths
for(int i = 0; i < cameras; i++)
calibFiles[i] = path + "CALIB" + DIR_SEPARATOR + "Camera" + str(i + 1) + ".cal";
if(!InitCameras(calibFiles)) return false; //initialize camera calibration parameters
if(!InitGeometry(path + "BodyShapeParameters.txt")) return false; //initialize geometry parameters
if(!LoadInitialState(path + "InitialPose.txt")) return false; //initialize body pose angles and translations
if(!LoadPoseParameters(path + "PoseParameters.txt")) return false; //initialize pose statistics
GenerateStDevMatrices(layers, mPoses[0].Params(), mStdDevs); //generate annealing rates for particle filter using pose parameters
return true;
// ------------------------- Likelihood computation ---------------------------
//Calculate the likelihood for the current observation
float TrackingModel::LogLikelihood(const vector<float> &v, bool &valid, int thread)
BodyPose &pose = mPoses[thread]; //get workspace
BodyGeometry &body = mBodies[thread];
MultiCameraProjectedBody &projections = mProjections[thread];
ImageMeasurements &measurements = mImageMeasurements[thread];
//BodyPose pose; //get workspace
//BodyGeometry body;
//MultiCameraProjectedBody projections;
//ImageMeasurements measurements;
pose.Set(v); //set pose angles and translation
valid = false;
if(!pose.Valid(mPoses[0].Params())) //test for a valid pose (reject impossible body angles)
return -1e10;
body.ComputeGeometry(pose, mBodies[0].Parameters()); //compute 3D model geometry from pose (generate conic cylinders and their transforms)
if(!body.Valid()) //test for valid geometry (reject poses with intersecting body parts)
return -1e10;
projections.ImageProjection(body, mCameras); //compute projected 2D points into each camera image for each body part
float err = measurements.ImageErrorEdge(mEdgeMaps, projections); //compute cylinder edge map term
err += measurements.ImageErrorInside(mFGMaps, projections); //compute silhouette term
valid = true;
return -err;
//------------------------ Observation processing -----------------------------
//Separable 7x7 gaussian filter
inline void GaussianBlur(FlexImage8u &src, FlexImage8u &dst)
float k[] = {0.12149085090552f, 0.14203719483447f, 0.15599734045770f, 0.16094922760463f, 0.15599734045770f, 0.14203719483447f, 0.12149085090552f};
FlexImage8u tmp;
FlexFilterRowV(src, tmp, k, 7); //separable gaussian convolution using kernel k
FlexFilterColumnV(tmp, dst, k, 7);
//Calculate gradient magnitude and threshold to binarize
inline FlexImage8u GradientMagThreshold(const FlexImage8u &src, float threshold)
FlexImage8u r(src.Size());
for(int y = 1; y < src.Height() - 1; y++) //for each pixel
{ Im8u *p = &src(1,y), *ph = &src(1,y - 1), *pl = &src(1,y + 1), *pr = &r(1,y);
for(int x = 1; x < src.Width() - 1; x++)
{ float xg = -0.125f * ph[-1] + 0.125f * ph[1] - 0.250f * p[-1] + 0.250f * p[1] - 0.125f * pl[-1] + 0.125f * pl[1]; //calc x and y gradients
float yg = -0.125f * ph[-1] - 0.250f * ph[0] - 0.125f * ph[1] + 0.125f * pl[-1] + 0.250f * pl[0] + 0.125f * pl[1];
float mag = xg * xg + yg * yg; //calc magnitude and threshold
*pr = (mag < threshold) ? 0 : 255;
p++; ph++; pl++; pr++;
return r;
//Generate an edge map from the original camera image
void TrackingModel::CreateEdgeMap(const FlexImage8u &src, FlexImage8u &dst)
FlexImage8u gr = GradientMagThreshold(src, 16.0f); //calc gradient magnitude and threshold
GaussianBlur(gr, dst); //Blur to create distance error map
//load and process all images for new observation at a given time(frame)
bool TrackingModel::GetObservation(float timeval)
int frame = (int)timeval; //generate image filenames
int n = mCameras.GetCameraCount();
vector<string> FGfiles(n), ImageFiles(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
{ FGfiles[i] = mPath + "FG" + str(i + 1) + DIR_SEPARATOR + "image" + str(frame, 4) + ".bmp";
ImageFiles[i] = mPath + "CAM" + str(i + 1) + DIR_SEPARATOR + "image" + str(frame, 4) + ".bmp";
FlexImage8u im;
for(uint i = 0; i < FGfiles.size(); i++)
{ if(!FlexLoadBMP(FGfiles[i].c_str(), im)) //Load foreground maps and raw images
{ cout << "Unable to load image: " << FGfiles[i].c_str() << endl;
return false;
mFGMaps[i].ConvertToBinary(im); //binarize foreground maps to 0 and 1
if(!FlexLoadBMP(ImageFiles[i].c_str(), im))
{ cout << "Unable to load image: " << ImageFiles[i].c_str() << endl;
return false;
CreateEdgeMap(im, mEdgeMaps[i]); //Create edge maps
return true;
// ----------------------- Output results as a bitmap -------------------------
bool TrackingModel::OutputBMP(const std::vector<float> &pose, int frame)
vector<string> ImageFiles(mNCameras);
for(int i = 0; i < mNCameras; i++)
ImageFiles[i] = mPath + "CAM" + str(i + 1) + DIR_SEPARATOR + "image" + str(frame, 4) + ".bmp";
Im8u yellow[3] = {0, 255, 255}, cyan[3] = {255, 255, 0}, magenta[3] = {255, 0, 255};
mPoses[0].Set(pose); //set pose angles and translation
mBodies[0].ComputeGeometry(mPoses[0], mBodies[0].Parameters()); //compute 3D model geometry from pose (generate conic cylinders and their transforms)
mProjections[0].ImageProjection(mBodies[0], mCameras); //compute projected 2D points into each camera image for each body part
int levels = int(ImageFiles.size() - 1) / 2 + 1;
int w = mEdgeMaps[0].Width() / 2, h = mEdgeMaps[0].Height() / 2;
FlexImage<Im8u,3> result(w * 2, h * levels), dstImage; //create result image and sub-image object
for(int camera = 0; camera < (int)ImageFiles.size(); camera++) //create new image for each camera view
{ FlexImage<Im8u,1> srcImage, imds;
FlexLoadBMP(ImageFiles[camera].c_str(), srcImage); //load raw image from file
FlexDownSample2(srcImage, imds); //downsample image by factor of 2
dstImage = result((camera % 2) * w , int(camera / 2) * h, w, h); //create sub-image in result image
FlexGrayToRGB(imds, dstImage, false); //convert downsampled image to RGB into sub-image of result
ProjectedBody &pb = mProjections[0](camera);
for(int i = 0; i < pb.Size(); i++) //draw projected cylinders colored by body part
{ ProjectedCylinder &c = pb(i);
Im8u *color = cyan;
if(i == 7 || i == 8 || i == 3 || i == 4)
color = yellow;
else if(i == 9 || i == 0)
color = magenta;
FlexLine(dstImage, (int)c.mPts[0].x / 2, (int)c.mPts[0].y / 2, (int)c.mPts[1].x / 2, (int)c.mPts[1].y / 2, color);
FlexLine(dstImage, (int)c.mPts[1].x / 2, (int)c.mPts[1].y / 2, (int)c.mPts[2].x / 2, (int)c.mPts[2].y / 2, color);
FlexLine(dstImage, (int)c.mPts[2].x / 2, (int)c.mPts[2].y / 2, (int)c.mPts[3].x / 2, (int)c.mPts[3].y / 2, color);
FlexLine(dstImage, (int)c.mPts[3].x / 2, (int)c.mPts[3].y / 2, (int)c.mPts[0].x / 2, (int)c.mPts[0].y / 2, color);
string outFname = mPath + "Result" + str(frame, 4) + ".bmp";
return FlexSaveBMP(outFname.c_str(), result);